
     1  project: ubuntu-image
     3  environment:
     4    # On some distros the default GOPROXY setting is 'direct' (eg. Fedora).
     5    # Some of the external go packages may get removed or could be temporary
     6    # offline (as happened with, and then the sources are
     7    # only available through the proxy cache. Play it safe and enable the
     8    # proxy to allow for least CI interruptions.
     9    GOPROXY:,direct
    10    LANG: "C.UTF-8"
    11    LANGUAGE: "en"
    12    # build the snap with lxd
    16  backends:
    17    google:
    18      key: '$(HOST: echo "$SPREAD_GOOGLE_KEY")'
    19      location: snapd-spread/us-east1-b
    20      plan: n2-standard-2
    21      halt-timeout: 2h
    22      systems:
    23        # - ubuntu-16.04-64:
    24        #       workers: 1
    25        #       storage: 45G
    26        - ubuntu-18.04-64:
    27            storage: 45G
    28            workers: 1
    29        - ubuntu-20.04-64:
    30            storage: 45G
    31            workers: 1
    32        - ubuntu-22.04-64:
    33            storage: 45G
    34            workers: 1
    35        - ubuntu-23.04-64:
    36            storage: 45G
    37            workers: 1
    38        - ubuntu-23.10-64:
    39            storage: 45G
    40            workers: 1
    41    google-arm:
    42      type: google
    43      key: '$(HOST: echo "$SPREAD_GOOGLE_KEY")'
    44      location: snapd-spread/us-central1-a
    45      plan: t2a-standard-1
    46      halt-timeout: 2h
    47      systems:
    48        - ubuntu-20.04-arm-64:
    49            image: ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2004-lts-arm64
    50            workers: 1
    51            storage: 45G
    52        - ubuntu-22.04-arm-64:
    53            image: ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-2204-lts-arm64
    54            workers: 1
    55            storage: 45G
    56    qemu:
    57      memory: 4G
    58      systems:
    59        # - ubuntu-16.04-64:
    60        #       username: ubuntu
    61        #       password: ubuntu
    62        - ubuntu-18.04-64:
    63              username: ubuntu
    64              password: ubuntu
    65        - ubuntu-20.04-64:
    66              username: ubuntu
    67              password: ubuntu
    68        - ubuntu-22.04-64:
    69              username: ubuntu
    70              password: ubuntu
    71        - ubuntu-23.04-64:
    72              username: ubuntu
    73              password: ubuntu
    74        - ubuntu-23.10-64:
    75              username: ubuntu
    76              password: ubuntu
    78  path: /home/ubuntu-image
    80  prepare: |
    81    # NOTE: This part of the code needs to be in spread.yaml as it runs before
    82    # the rest of the source code (including the tests/lib directory) is
    83    # around. The purpose of this code is to fix some connectivity issues and
    84    # then apply the delta of the git repository.
    86    # apt update is hanging on with IPv6, prefer IPv4 over IPv6
    87    cat <<EOF > gai.conf
    88    precedence  ::1/128       50
    89    precedence  ::/0          40
    90    precedence  2002::/16     30
    91    precedence ::/96          20
    92    precedence ::ffff:0:0/96 100
    93    EOF
    94    if ! mv gai.conf /etc/gai.conf; then
    95        echo "/etc/gai.conf is not writable, ubuntu-core system? apt update won't be affected in that case"
    96        rm -f gai.conf
    97    fi
    98    if command -v restorecon ; then
    99        # restore proper context otherwise SELinux may complain
   100        restorecon -v /etc/gai.conf
   101    fi
   103    if systemctl is-enabled unattended-upgrades.service; then
   104      systemctl stop unattended-upgrades.service
   105      systemctl mask unattended-upgrades.service
   106    fi
   108    # Make sure ssh service is restarted after it is killed by spread (pkill -o -HUP sshd)
   109    # during the machine setup in google systems. For more details see lp:2011458
   110    if [ "$SPREAD_BACKEND" = "google" ] && [[ "$SPREAD_SYSTEM" == ubuntu-2* ]] && ! systemctl is-active ssh; then
   111        systemctl restart ssh
   112    fi
   114    apt update
   115    apt install -y snapd libc6-dev git
   116    if [[ ! "$SPREAD_BACKEND" == *-arm ]]; then
   117        apt install -y gcc-multilib binfmt-support qemu-user-static
   118    fi
   120    snap install core22 --channel=latest/edge
   121    snap install yq
   122    snap install snapcraft --classic
   124    # Setup lxd
   125    # Make sure we use the snap version 
   126    apt remove -y lxd
   127    snap install lxd
   128    lxd init --auto
   130    # Build and install the snap
   131    snapcraft
   132    snap install --classic --dangerous ubuntu-image_*.snap
   134    unset SHELL
   135    git clone -b noble
   136    git clone
   138  debug: |
   139    cat /root/.local/state/snapcraft/log/snapcraft-*.log
   141  suites:
   142    tests/commons/:
   143      summary: Common integration tests for ubuntu-image
   144    tests/amd64/:
   145      summary: Integration tests for ubuntu-image on amd64
   146      backends: [google]
   147      environment:
   148        IMG/ubuntu_server_pc_amd64: ubuntu-server-pc-amd64
   149        IMG/ubuntu_server_pi_arm64: ubuntu-server-pi-arm64
   151    tests/arm64/:
   152      summary: Integration tests for ubuntu-image on arm64
   153      backends: [google-arm]
   154      environment:
   155        IMG/ubuntu_server_pi_arm64: ubuntu-server-pi-arm64
   156        IMG/ubuntu_server_pc_arm64: ubuntu-server-pc-arm64
   157        IMG/ubuntu_pi_arm64: ubuntu-pi-arm64
   159  kill-timeout: 30m