(about) 1 <!--[metadata]> 2 +++ 3 title = "Dockerizing MongoDB" 4 description = "Creating a Docker image with MongoDB pre-installed using a Dockerfile and sharing the image on Docker Hub" 5 keywords = ["docker, dockerize, dockerizing, article, example,, platform, package, installation, networking, mongodb, containers, images, image, sharing, dockerfile, build, auto-building, virtualization, framework"] 6 [menu.main] 7 parent = "smn_applied" 8 +++ 9 <![end-metadata]--> 10 11 # Dockerizing MongoDB 12 13 ## Introduction 14 15 In this example, we are going to learn how to build a Docker image with 16 MongoDB pre-installed. We'll also see how to `push` that image to the 17 [Docker Hub registry]( and share it with others! 18 19 > **Note:** 20 > 21 > This guide will show the mechanics of building a MongoDB container, but 22 > you will probably want to use the official image on [Docker Hub]( 23 24 Using Docker and containers for deploying [MongoDB]( 25 instances will bring several benefits, such as: 26 27 - Easy to maintain, highly configurable MongoDB instances; 28 - Ready to run and start working within milliseconds; 29 - Based on globally accessible and shareable images. 30 31 > **Note:** 32 > 33 > If you do **_not_** like `sudo`, you might want to check out: 34 > [*Giving non-root access*](/installation/binaries/#giving-non-root-access). 35 36 ## Creating a Dockerfile for MongoDB 37 38 Let's create our `Dockerfile` and start building it: 39 40 $ nano Dockerfile 41 42 Although optional, it is handy to have comments at the beginning of a 43 `Dockerfile` explaining its purpose: 44 45 # Dockerizing MongoDB: Dockerfile for building MongoDB images 46 # Based on ubuntu:latest, installs MongoDB following the instructions from: 47 # 48 49 > **Tip:** `Dockerfile`s are flexible. However, they need to follow a certain 50 > format. The first item to be defined is the name of an image, which becomes 51 > the *parent* of your *Dockerized MongoDB* image. 52 53 We will build our image using the latest version of Ubuntu from the 54 [Docker Hub Ubuntu]( repository. 55 56 # Format: FROM repository[:version] 57 FROM ubuntu:latest 58 59 Continuing, we will declare the `MAINTAINER` of the `Dockerfile`: 60 61 # Format: MAINTAINER Name <email@addr.ess> 62 MAINTAINER M.Y. Name <myname@addr.ess> 63 64 > **Note:** Although Ubuntu systems have MongoDB packages, they are likely to 65 > be outdated. Therefore in this example, we will use the official MongoDB 66 > packages. 67 68 We will begin with importing the MongoDB public GPG key. We will also create 69 a MongoDB repository file for the package manager. 70 71 # Installation: 72 # Import MongoDB public GPG key AND create a MongoDB list file 73 RUN apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv 7F0CEB10 74 RUN echo "deb "$(lsb_release -sc)"/mongodb-org/3.0 multiverse" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mongodb-org-3.0.list 75 76 After this initial preparation we can update our packages and install MongoDB. 77 78 # Update apt-get sources AND install MongoDB 79 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y mongodb-org 80 81 > **Tip:** You can install a specific version of MongoDB by using a list 82 > of required packages with versions, e.g.: 83 > 84 > RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y mongodb-org=3.0.1 mongodb-org-server=3.0.1 mongodb-org-shell=3.0.1 mongodb-org-mongos=3.0.1 mongodb-org-tools=3.0.1 85 86 MongoDB requires a data directory. Let's create it as the final step of our 87 installation instructions. 88 89 # Create the MongoDB data directory 90 RUN mkdir -p /data/db 91 92 Lastly we set the `ENTRYPOINT` which will tell Docker to run `mongod` inside 93 the containers launched from our MongoDB image. And for ports, we will use 94 the `EXPOSE` instruction. 95 96 # Expose port 27017 from the container to the host 97 EXPOSE 27017 98 99 # Set usr/bin/mongod as the dockerized entry-point application 100 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/mongod"] 101 102 Now save the file and let's build our image. 103 104 > **Note:** 105 > 106 > The full version of this `Dockerfile` can be found [here](/examples/mongodb/Dockerfile). 107 108 ## Building the MongoDB Docker image 109 110 With our `Dockerfile`, we can now build the MongoDB image using Docker. Unless 111 experimenting, it is always a good practice to tag Docker images by passing the 112 `--tag` option to `docker build` command. 113 114 # Format: docker build --tag/-t <user-name>/<repository> . 115 # Example: 116 $ docker build --tag my/repo . 117 118 Once this command is issued, Docker will go through the `Dockerfile` and build 119 the image. The final image will be tagged `my/repo`. 120 121 ## Pushing the MongoDB image to Docker Hub 122 123 All Docker image repositories can be hosted and shared on 124 [Docker Hub]( with the `docker push` command. For this, 125 you need to be logged-in. 126 127 # Log-in 128 $ docker login 129 Username: 130 .. 131 132 # Push the image 133 # Format: docker push <user-name>/<repository> 134 $ docker push my/repo 135 The push refers to a repository [my/repo] (len: 1) 136 Sending image list 137 Pushing repository my/repo (1 tags) 138 .. 139 140 ## Using the MongoDB image 141 142 Using the MongoDB image we created, we can run one or more MongoDB instances 143 as daemon process(es). 144 145 # Basic way 146 # Usage: docker run --name <name for container> -d <user-name>/<repository> 147 $ docker run -p 27017:27017 --name mongo_instance_001 -d my/repo 148 149 # Dockerized MongoDB, lean and mean! 150 # Usage: docker run --name <name for container> -d <user-name>/<repository> --noprealloc --smallfiles 151 $ docker run -p 27017:27017 --name mongo_instance_001 -d my/repo --noprealloc --smallfiles 152 153 # Checking out the logs of a MongoDB container 154 # Usage: docker logs <name for container> 155 $ docker logs mongo_instance_001 156 157 # Playing with MongoDB 158 # Usage: mongo --port <port you get from `docker ps`> 159 $ mongo --port 27017 160 161 # If using boot2docker 162 # Usage: mongo --port <port you get from `docker ps`> --host <ip address from `boot2docker ip`> 163 $ mongo --port 27017 --host 164 165 > **Tip:** 166 If you want to run two containers on the same engine, then you will need to map 167 the exposed port to two different ports on the host 168 169 # Start two containers and map the ports 170 $ docker run -p 28001:27017 --name mongo_instance_001 -d my/repo 171 $ docker run -p 28002:27017 --name mongo_instance_002 -d my/repo 172 173 # Now you can connect to each MongoDB instance on the two ports 174 $ mongo --port 28001 175 $ mongo --port 28002 176 177 - [Linking containers](/userguide/dockerlinks) 178 - [Cross-host linking containers](/articles/ambassador_pattern_linking/) 179 - [Creating an Automated Build](/docker-io/builds/#automated-builds)