
     1  // Copyright 2011 The Go Authors.  All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  package syntax
     7  import (
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"testing"
    11  	"unicode"
    12  )
    14  type parseTest struct {
    15  	Regexp string
    16  	Dump   string
    17  }
    19  var parseTests = []parseTest{
    20  	// Base cases
    21  	{`a`, `lit{a}`},
    22  	{`a.`, `cat{lit{a}dot{}}`},
    23  	{`a.b`, `cat{lit{a}dot{}lit{b}}`},
    24  	{`ab`, `str{ab}`},
    25  	{`a.b.c`, `cat{lit{a}dot{}lit{b}dot{}lit{c}}`},
    26  	{`abc`, `str{abc}`},
    27  	{`a|^`, `alt{lit{a}bol{}}`},
    28  	{`a|b`, `cc{0x61-0x62}`},
    29  	{`(a)`, `cap{lit{a}}`},
    30  	{`(a)|b`, `alt{cap{lit{a}}lit{b}}`},
    31  	{`a*`, `star{lit{a}}`},
    32  	{`a+`, `plus{lit{a}}`},
    33  	{`a?`, `que{lit{a}}`},
    34  	{`a{2}`, `rep{2,2 lit{a}}`},
    35  	{`a{2,3}`, `rep{2,3 lit{a}}`},
    36  	{`a{2,}`, `rep{2,-1 lit{a}}`},
    37  	{`a*?`, `nstar{lit{a}}`},
    38  	{`a+?`, `nplus{lit{a}}`},
    39  	{`a??`, `nque{lit{a}}`},
    40  	{`a{2}?`, `nrep{2,2 lit{a}}`},
    41  	{`a{2,3}?`, `nrep{2,3 lit{a}}`},
    42  	{`a{2,}?`, `nrep{2,-1 lit{a}}`},
    43  	// Malformed { } are treated as literals.
    44  	{`x{1001`, `str{x{1001}`},
    45  	{`x{9876543210`, `str{x{9876543210}`},
    46  	{`x{9876543210,`, `str{x{9876543210,}`},
    47  	{`x{2,1`, `str{x{2,1}`},
    48  	{`x{1,9876543210`, `str{x{1,9876543210}`},
    49  	{``, `emp{}`},
    50  	{`|`, `emp{}`}, // alt{emp{}emp{}} but got factored
    51  	{`|x|`, `alt{emp{}lit{x}emp{}}`},
    52  	{`.`, `dot{}`},
    53  	{`^`, `bol{}`},
    54  	{`$`, `eol{}`},
    55  	{`\|`, `lit{|}`},
    56  	{`\(`, `lit{(}`},
    57  	{`\)`, `lit{)}`},
    58  	{`\*`, `lit{*}`},
    59  	{`\+`, `lit{+}`},
    60  	{`\?`, `lit{?}`},
    61  	{`{`, `lit{{}`},
    62  	{`}`, `lit{}}`},
    63  	{`\.`, `lit{.}`},
    64  	{`\^`, `lit{^}`},
    65  	{`\$`, `lit{$}`},
    66  	{`\\`, `lit{\}`},
    67  	{`[ace]`, `cc{0x61 0x63 0x65}`},
    68  	{`[abc]`, `cc{0x61-0x63}`},
    69  	{`[a-z]`, `cc{0x61-0x7a}`},
    70  	{`[a]`, `lit{a}`},
    71  	{`\-`, `lit{-}`},
    72  	{`-`, `lit{-}`},
    73  	{`\_`, `lit{_}`},
    74  	{`abc`, `str{abc}`},
    75  	{`abc|def`, `alt{str{abc}str{def}}`},
    76  	{`abc|def|ghi`, `alt{str{abc}str{def}str{ghi}}`},
    78  	// Posix and Perl extensions
    79  	{`[[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x61-0x7a}`},
    80  	{`[a-z]`, `cc{0x61-0x7a}`},
    81  	{`[^[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x0-0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}`},
    82  	{`[[:^lower:]]`, `cc{0x0-0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}`},
    83  	{`(?i)[[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
    84  	{`(?i)[a-z]`, `cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
    85  	{`(?i)[^[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x0-0x40 0x5b-0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}`},
    86  	{`(?i)[[:^lower:]]`, `cc{0x0-0x40 0x5b-0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}`},
    87  	{`\d`, `cc{0x30-0x39}`},
    88  	{`\D`, `cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x10ffff}`},
    89  	{`\s`, `cc{0x9-0xa 0xc-0xd 0x20}`},
    90  	{`\S`, `cc{0x0-0x8 0xb 0xe-0x1f 0x21-0x10ffff}`},
    91  	{`\w`, `cc{0x30-0x39 0x41-0x5a 0x5f 0x61-0x7a}`},
    92  	{`\W`, `cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x40 0x5b-0x5e 0x60 0x7b-0x10ffff}`},
    93  	{`(?i)\w`, `cc{0x30-0x39 0x41-0x5a 0x5f 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
    94  	{`(?i)\W`, `cc{0x0-0x2f 0x3a-0x40 0x5b-0x5e 0x60 0x7b-0x17e 0x180-0x2129 0x212b-0x10ffff}`},
    95  	{`[^\\]`, `cc{0x0-0x5b 0x5d-0x10ffff}`},
    96  	//	{ `\C`, `byte{}` },  // probably never
    98  	// Unicode, negatives, and a double negative.
    99  	{`\p{Braille}`, `cc{0x2800-0x28ff}`},
   100  	{`\P{Braille}`, `cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}`},
   101  	{`\p{^Braille}`, `cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}`},
   102  	{`\P{^Braille}`, `cc{0x2800-0x28ff}`},
   103  	{`\pZ`, `cc{0x20 0xa0 0x1680 0x2000-0x200a 0x2028-0x2029 0x202f 0x205f 0x3000}`},
   104  	{`[\p{Braille}]`, `cc{0x2800-0x28ff}`},
   105  	{`[\P{Braille}]`, `cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}`},
   106  	{`[\p{^Braille}]`, `cc{0x0-0x27ff 0x2900-0x10ffff}`},
   107  	{`[\P{^Braille}]`, `cc{0x2800-0x28ff}`},
   108  	{`[\pZ]`, `cc{0x20 0xa0 0x1680 0x2000-0x200a 0x2028-0x2029 0x202f 0x205f 0x3000}`},
   109  	{`\p{Lu}`, mkCharClass(unicode.IsUpper)},
   110  	{`[\p{Lu}]`, mkCharClass(unicode.IsUpper)},
   111  	{`(?i)[\p{Lu}]`, mkCharClass(isUpperFold)},
   112  	{`\p{Any}`, `dot{}`},
   113  	{`\p{^Any}`, `cc{}`},
   115  	// Hex, octal.
   116  	{`[\012-\234]\141`, `cat{cc{0xa-0x9c}lit{a}}`},
   117  	{`[\x{41}-\x7a]\x61`, `cat{cc{0x41-0x7a}lit{a}}`},
   119  	// More interesting regular expressions.
   120  	{`a{,2}`, `str{a{,2}}`},
   121  	{`\.\^\$\\`, `str{.^$\}`},
   122  	{`[a-zABC]`, `cc{0x41-0x43 0x61-0x7a}`},
   123  	{`[^a]`, `cc{0x0-0x60 0x62-0x10ffff}`},
   124  	{`[α-ε☺]`, `cc{0x3b1-0x3b5 0x263a}`}, // utf-8
   125  	{`a*{`, `cat{star{lit{a}}lit{{}}`},
   127  	// Test precedences
   128  	{`(?:ab)*`, `star{str{ab}}`},
   129  	{`(ab)*`, `star{cap{str{ab}}}`},
   130  	{`ab|cd`, `alt{str{ab}str{cd}}`},
   131  	{`a(b|c)d`, `cat{lit{a}cap{cc{0x62-0x63}}lit{d}}`},
   133  	// Test flattening.
   134  	{`(?:a)`, `lit{a}`},
   135  	{`(?:ab)(?:cd)`, `str{abcd}`},
   136  	{`(?:a+b+)(?:c+d+)`, `cat{plus{lit{a}}plus{lit{b}}plus{lit{c}}plus{lit{d}}}`},
   137  	{`(?:a+|b+)|(?:c+|d+)`, `alt{plus{lit{a}}plus{lit{b}}plus{lit{c}}plus{lit{d}}}`},
   138  	{`(?:a|b)|(?:c|d)`, `cc{0x61-0x64}`},
   139  	{`a|.`, `dot{}`},
   140  	{`.|a`, `dot{}`},
   141  	{`(?:[abc]|A|Z|hello|world)`, `alt{cc{0x41 0x5a 0x61-0x63}str{hello}str{world}}`},
   142  	{`(?:[abc]|A|Z)`, `cc{0x41 0x5a 0x61-0x63}`},
   144  	// Test Perl quoted literals
   145  	{`\Q+|*?{[\E`, `str{+|*?{[}`},
   146  	{`\Q+\E+`, `plus{lit{+}}`},
   147  	{`\Q\\E`, `lit{\}`},
   148  	{`\Q\\\E`, `str{\\}`},
   150  	// Test Perl \A and \z
   151  	{`(?m)^`, `bol{}`},
   152  	{`(?m)$`, `eol{}`},
   153  	{`(?-m)^`, `bot{}`},
   154  	{`(?-m)$`, `eot{}`},
   155  	{`(?m)\A`, `bot{}`},
   156  	{`(?m)\z`, `eot{\z}`},
   157  	{`(?-m)\A`, `bot{}`},
   158  	{`(?-m)\z`, `eot{\z}`},
   160  	// Test named captures
   161  	{`(?P<name>a)`, `cap{name:lit{a}}`},
   163  	// Case-folded literals
   164  	{`[Aa]`, `litfold{A}`},
   165  	{`[\x{100}\x{101}]`, `litfold{Ā}`},
   166  	{`[Δδ]`, `litfold{Δ}`},
   168  	// Strings
   169  	{`abcde`, `str{abcde}`},
   170  	{`[Aa][Bb]cd`, `cat{strfold{AB}str{cd}}`},
   172  	// Factoring.
   173  	{`abc|abd|aef|bcx|bcy`, `alt{cat{lit{a}alt{cat{lit{b}cc{0x63-0x64}}str{ef}}}cat{str{bc}cc{0x78-0x79}}}`},
   174  	{`ax+y|ax+z|ay+w`, `cat{lit{a}alt{cat{plus{lit{x}}cc{0x79-0x7a}}cat{plus{lit{y}}lit{w}}}}`},
   176  	// Bug fixes.
   177  	{`(?:.)`, `dot{}`},
   178  	{`(?:x|(?:xa))`, `cat{lit{x}alt{emp{}lit{a}}}`},
   179  	{`(?:.|(?:.a))`, `cat{dot{}alt{emp{}lit{a}}}`},
   180  	{`(?:A(?:A|a))`, `cat{lit{A}litfold{A}}`},
   181  	{`(?:A|a)`, `litfold{A}`},
   182  	{`A|(?:A|a)`, `litfold{A}`},
   183  	{`(?s).`, `dot{}`},
   184  	{`(?-s).`, `dnl{}`},
   185  	{`(?:(?:^).)`, `cat{bol{}dot{}}`},
   186  	{`(?-s)(?:(?:^).)`, `cat{bol{}dnl{}}`},
   188  	// RE2 prefix_tests
   189  	{`abc|abd`, `cat{str{ab}cc{0x63-0x64}}`},
   190  	{`a(?:b)c|abd`, `cat{str{ab}cc{0x63-0x64}}`},
   191  	{`abc|abd|aef|bcx|bcy`,
   192  		`alt{cat{lit{a}alt{cat{lit{b}cc{0x63-0x64}}str{ef}}}` +
   193  			`cat{str{bc}cc{0x78-0x79}}}`},
   194  	{`abc|x|abd`, `alt{str{abc}lit{x}str{abd}}`},
   195  	{`(?i)abc|ABD`, `cat{strfold{AB}cc{0x43-0x44 0x63-0x64}}`},
   196  	{`[ab]c|[ab]d`, `cat{cc{0x61-0x62}cc{0x63-0x64}}`},
   197  	{`(?:xx|yy)c|(?:xx|yy)d`,
   198  		`cat{alt{str{xx}str{yy}}cc{0x63-0x64}}`},
   199  	{`x{2}|x{2}[0-9]`,
   200  		`cat{rep{2,2 lit{x}}alt{emp{}cc{0x30-0x39}}}`},
   201  	{`x{2}y|x{2}[0-9]y`,
   202  		`cat{rep{2,2 lit{x}}alt{lit{y}cat{cc{0x30-0x39}lit{y}}}}`},
   204  	// Valid repetitions.
   205  	{`((((((((((x{2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}))`, ``},
   206  	{`((((((((((x{1}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2})`, ``},
   207  }
   209  const testFlags = MatchNL | PerlX | UnicodeGroups
   211  func TestParseSimple(t *testing.T) {
   212  	testParseDump(t, parseTests, testFlags)
   213  }
   215  var foldcaseTests = []parseTest{
   216  	{`AbCdE`, `strfold{ABCDE}`},
   217  	{`[Aa]`, `litfold{A}`},
   218  	{`a`, `litfold{A}`},
   220  	// 0x17F is an old English long s (looks like an f) and folds to s.
   221  	// 0x212A is the Kelvin symbol and folds to k.
   222  	{`A[F-g]`, `cat{litfold{A}cc{0x41-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}}`}, // [Aa][A-z...]
   223  	{`[[:upper:]]`, `cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
   224  	{`[[:lower:]]`, `cc{0x41-0x5a 0x61-0x7a 0x17f 0x212a}`},
   225  }
   227  func TestParseFoldCase(t *testing.T) {
   228  	testParseDump(t, foldcaseTests, FoldCase)
   229  }
   231  var literalTests = []parseTest{
   232  	{"(|)^$.[*+?]{5,10},\\", "str{(|)^$.[*+?]{5,10},\\}"},
   233  }
   235  func TestParseLiteral(t *testing.T) {
   236  	testParseDump(t, literalTests, Literal)
   237  }
   239  var matchnlTests = []parseTest{
   240  	{`.`, `dot{}`},
   241  	{"\n", "lit{\n}"},
   242  	{`[^a]`, `cc{0x0-0x60 0x62-0x10ffff}`},
   243  	{`[a\n]`, `cc{0xa 0x61}`},
   244  }
   246  func TestParseMatchNL(t *testing.T) {
   247  	testParseDump(t, matchnlTests, MatchNL)
   248  }
   250  var nomatchnlTests = []parseTest{
   251  	{`.`, `dnl{}`},
   252  	{"\n", "lit{\n}"},
   253  	{`[^a]`, `cc{0x0-0x9 0xb-0x60 0x62-0x10ffff}`},
   254  	{`[a\n]`, `cc{0xa 0x61}`},
   255  }
   257  func TestParseNoMatchNL(t *testing.T) {
   258  	testParseDump(t, nomatchnlTests, 0)
   259  }
   261  // Test Parse -> Dump.
   262  func testParseDump(t *testing.T, tests []parseTest, flags Flags) {
   263  	for _, tt := range tests {
   264  		re, err := Parse(tt.Regexp, flags)
   265  		if err != nil {
   266  			t.Errorf("Parse(%#q): %v", tt.Regexp, err)
   267  			continue
   268  		}
   269  		if tt.Dump == "" {
   270  			// It parsed. That's all we care about.
   271  			continue
   272  		}
   273  		d := dump(re)
   274  		if d != tt.Dump {
   275  			t.Errorf("Parse(%#q).Dump() = %#q want %#q", tt.Regexp, d, tt.Dump)
   276  		}
   277  	}
   278  }
   280  // dump prints a string representation of the regexp showing
   281  // the structure explicitly.
   282  func dump(re *Regexp) string {
   283  	var b bytes.Buffer
   284  	dumpRegexp(&b, re)
   285  	return b.String()
   286  }
   288  var opNames = []string{
   289  	OpNoMatch:        "no",
   290  	OpEmptyMatch:     "emp",
   291  	OpLiteral:        "lit",
   292  	OpCharClass:      "cc",
   293  	OpAnyCharNotNL:   "dnl",
   294  	OpAnyChar:        "dot",
   295  	OpBeginLine:      "bol",
   296  	OpEndLine:        "eol",
   297  	OpBeginText:      "bot",
   298  	OpEndText:        "eot",
   299  	OpWordBoundary:   "wb",
   300  	OpNoWordBoundary: "nwb",
   301  	OpCapture:        "cap",
   302  	OpStar:           "star",
   303  	OpPlus:           "plus",
   304  	OpQuest:          "que",
   305  	OpRepeat:         "rep",
   306  	OpConcat:         "cat",
   307  	OpAlternate:      "alt",
   308  }
   310  // dumpRegexp writes an encoding of the syntax tree for the regexp re to b.
   311  // It is used during testing to distinguish between parses that might print
   312  // the same using re's String method.
   313  func dumpRegexp(b *bytes.Buffer, re *Regexp) {
   314  	if int(re.Op) >= len(opNames) || opNames[re.Op] == "" {
   315  		fmt.Fprintf(b, "op%d", re.Op)
   316  	} else {
   317  		switch re.Op {
   318  		default:
   319  			b.WriteString(opNames[re.Op])
   320  		case OpStar, OpPlus, OpQuest, OpRepeat:
   321  			if re.Flags&NonGreedy != 0 {
   322  				b.WriteByte('n')
   323  			}
   324  			b.WriteString(opNames[re.Op])
   325  		case OpLiteral:
   326  			if len(re.Rune) > 1 {
   327  				b.WriteString("str")
   328  			} else {
   329  				b.WriteString("lit")
   330  			}
   331  			if re.Flags&FoldCase != 0 {
   332  				for _, r := range re.Rune {
   333  					if unicode.SimpleFold(r) != r {
   334  						b.WriteString("fold")
   335  						break
   336  					}
   337  				}
   338  			}
   339  		}
   340  	}
   341  	b.WriteByte('{')
   342  	switch re.Op {
   343  	case OpEndText:
   344  		if re.Flags&WasDollar == 0 {
   345  			b.WriteString(`\z`)
   346  		}
   347  	case OpLiteral:
   348  		for _, r := range re.Rune {
   349  			b.WriteRune(r)
   350  		}
   351  	case OpConcat, OpAlternate:
   352  		for _, sub := range re.Sub {
   353  			dumpRegexp(b, sub)
   354  		}
   355  	case OpStar, OpPlus, OpQuest:
   356  		dumpRegexp(b, re.Sub[0])
   357  	case OpRepeat:
   358  		fmt.Fprintf(b, "%d,%d ", re.Min, re.Max)
   359  		dumpRegexp(b, re.Sub[0])
   360  	case OpCapture:
   361  		if re.Name != "" {
   362  			b.WriteString(re.Name)
   363  			b.WriteByte(':')
   364  		}
   365  		dumpRegexp(b, re.Sub[0])
   366  	case OpCharClass:
   367  		sep := ""
   368  		for i := 0; i < len(re.Rune); i += 2 {
   369  			b.WriteString(sep)
   370  			sep = " "
   371  			lo, hi := re.Rune[i], re.Rune[i+1]
   372  			if lo == hi {
   373  				fmt.Fprintf(b, "%#x", lo)
   374  			} else {
   375  				fmt.Fprintf(b, "%#x-%#x", lo, hi)
   376  			}
   377  		}
   378  	}
   379  	b.WriteByte('}')
   380  }
   382  func mkCharClass(f func(rune) bool) string {
   383  	re := &Regexp{Op: OpCharClass}
   384  	lo := rune(-1)
   385  	for i := rune(0); i <= unicode.MaxRune; i++ {
   386  		if f(i) {
   387  			if lo < 0 {
   388  				lo = i
   389  			}
   390  		} else {
   391  			if lo >= 0 {
   392  				re.Rune = append(re.Rune, lo, i-1)
   393  				lo = -1
   394  			}
   395  		}
   396  	}
   397  	if lo >= 0 {
   398  		re.Rune = append(re.Rune, lo, unicode.MaxRune)
   399  	}
   400  	return dump(re)
   401  }
   403  func isUpperFold(r rune) bool {
   404  	if unicode.IsUpper(r) {
   405  		return true
   406  	}
   407  	c := unicode.SimpleFold(r)
   408  	for c != r {
   409  		if unicode.IsUpper(c) {
   410  			return true
   411  		}
   412  		c = unicode.SimpleFold(c)
   413  	}
   414  	return false
   415  }
   417  func TestFoldConstants(t *testing.T) {
   418  	last := rune(-1)
   419  	for i := rune(0); i <= unicode.MaxRune; i++ {
   420  		if unicode.SimpleFold(i) == i {
   421  			continue
   422  		}
   423  		if last == -1 && minFold != i {
   424  			t.Errorf("minFold=%#U should be %#U", minFold, i)
   425  		}
   426  		last = i
   427  	}
   428  	if maxFold != last {
   429  		t.Errorf("maxFold=%#U should be %#U", maxFold, last)
   430  	}
   431  }
   433  func TestAppendRangeCollapse(t *testing.T) {
   434  	// AppendRange should collapse each of the new ranges
   435  	// into the earlier ones (it looks back two ranges), so that
   436  	// the slice never grows very large.
   437  	// Note that we are not calling cleanClass.
   438  	var r []rune
   439  	for i := rune('A'); i <= 'Z'; i++ {
   440  		r = appendRange(r, i, i)
   441  		r = appendRange(r, i+'a'-'A', i+'a'-'A')
   442  	}
   443  	if string(r) != "AZaz" {
   444  		t.Errorf("appendRange interlaced A-Z a-z = %s, want AZaz", string(r))
   445  	}
   446  }
   448  var invalidRegexps = []string{
   449  	`(`,
   450  	`)`,
   451  	`(a`,
   452  	`a)`,
   453  	`(a))`,
   454  	`(a|b|`,
   455  	`a|b|)`,
   456  	`(a|b|))`,
   457  	`(a|b`,
   458  	`a|b)`,
   459  	`(a|b))`,
   460  	`[a-z`,
   461  	`([a-z)`,
   462  	`[a-z)`,
   463  	`([a-z]))`,
   464  	`x{1001}`,
   465  	`x{9876543210}`,
   466  	`x{2,1}`,
   467  	`x{1,9876543210}`,
   468  	"\xff", // Invalid UTF-8
   469  	"[\xff]",
   470  	"[\\\xff]",
   471  	"\\\xff",
   472  	`(?P<name>a`,
   473  	`(?P<name>`,
   474  	`(?P<name`,
   475  	`(?P<x y>a)`,
   476  	`(?P<>a)`,
   477  	`[a-Z]`,
   478  	`(?i)[a-Z]`,
   479  	`a{100000}`,
   480  	`a{100000,}`,
   481  	"((((((((((x{2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2}){2})",
   482  }
   484  var onlyPerl = []string{
   485  	`[a-b-c]`,
   486  	`\Qabc\E`,
   487  	`\Q*+?{[\E`,
   488  	`\Q\\E`,
   489  	`\Q\\\E`,
   490  	`\Q\\\\E`,
   491  	`\Q\\\\\E`,
   492  	`(?:a)`,
   493  	`(?P<name>a)`,
   494  }
   496  var onlyPOSIX = []string{
   497  	"a++",
   498  	"a**",
   499  	"a?*",
   500  	"a+*",
   501  	"a{1}*",
   502  	".{1}{2}.{3}",
   503  }
   505  func TestParseInvalidRegexps(t *testing.T) {
   506  	for _, regexp := range invalidRegexps {
   507  		if re, err := Parse(regexp, Perl); err == nil {
   508  			t.Errorf("Parse(%#q, Perl) = %s, should have failed", regexp, dump(re))
   509  		}
   510  		if re, err := Parse(regexp, POSIX); err == nil {
   511  			t.Errorf("Parse(%#q, POSIX) = %s, should have failed", regexp, dump(re))
   512  		}
   513  	}
   514  	for _, regexp := range onlyPerl {
   515  		if _, err := Parse(regexp, Perl); err != nil {
   516  			t.Errorf("Parse(%#q, Perl): %v", regexp, err)
   517  		}
   518  		if re, err := Parse(regexp, POSIX); err == nil {
   519  			t.Errorf("Parse(%#q, POSIX) = %s, should have failed", regexp, dump(re))
   520  		}
   521  	}
   522  	for _, regexp := range onlyPOSIX {
   523  		if re, err := Parse(regexp, Perl); err == nil {
   524  			t.Errorf("Parse(%#q, Perl) = %s, should have failed", regexp, dump(re))
   525  		}
   526  		if _, err := Parse(regexp, POSIX); err != nil {
   527  			t.Errorf("Parse(%#q, POSIX): %v", regexp, err)
   528  		}
   529  	}
   530  }
   532  func TestToStringEquivalentParse(t *testing.T) {
   533  	for _, tt := range parseTests {
   534  		re, err := Parse(tt.Regexp, testFlags)
   535  		if err != nil {
   536  			t.Errorf("Parse(%#q): %v", tt.Regexp, err)
   537  			continue
   538  		}
   539  		if tt.Dump == "" {
   540  			// It parsed. That's all we care about.
   541  			continue
   542  		}
   543  		d := dump(re)
   544  		if d != tt.Dump {
   545  			t.Errorf("Parse(%#q).Dump() = %#q want %#q", tt.Regexp, d, tt.Dump)
   546  			continue
   547  		}
   549  		s := re.String()
   550  		if s != tt.Regexp {
   551  			// If ToString didn't return the original regexp,
   552  			// it must have found one with fewer parens.
   553  			// Unfortunately we can't check the length here, because
   554  			// ToString produces "\\{" for a literal brace,
   555  			// but "{" is a shorter equivalent in some contexts.
   556  			nre, err := Parse(s, testFlags)
   557  			if err != nil {
   558  				t.Errorf("Parse(%#q.String() = %#q): %v", tt.Regexp, s, err)
   559  				continue
   560  			}
   561  			nd := dump(nre)
   562  			if d != nd {
   563  				t.Errorf("Parse(%#q) -> %#q; %#q vs %#q", tt.Regexp, s, d, nd)
   564  			}
   566  			ns := nre.String()
   567  			if s != ns {
   568  				t.Errorf("Parse(%#q) -> %#q -> %#q", tt.Regexp, s, ns)
   569  			}
   570  		}
   571  	}
   572  }