
     1  # ref.
     2  builds:
     3    - id: subnet-evm
     4      main: ./plugin
     5      binary: subnet-evm
     6      flags:
     7        - -v
     8      ldflags: -X{{.Version}}
     9      goos:
    10        - linux
    11        - darwin
    12      goarch:
    13        - amd64
    14        - arm64
    15      env:
    16        - CGO_ENABLED=1
    17        - CGO_CFLAGS=-O -D__BLST_PORTABLE__ # Set the CGO flags to use the portable version of BLST
    18      overrides:
    19        - goos: linux
    20          goarch: arm64
    21          env:
    22            - CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc
    23        - goos: darwin
    24          goarch: arm64
    25          env:
    26            - CC=oa64-clang
    27        - goos: darwin
    28          goarch: amd64
    29          goamd64: v1
    30          env:
    31            - CC=o64-clang
    32  release:
    33    # Repo in which the release will be created.
    34    # Default is extracted from the origin remote URL or empty if its private hosted.
    35    github:
    36      owner: ava-labs
    37      name: subnet-evm