
     1  import { task } from "hardhat/config"
     2  import { SignerWithAddress } from "@nomiclabs/hardhat-ethers/signers"
     3  import { BigNumber } from "ethers"
     5  const BLACKHOLE_ADDRESS = "0x0100000000000000000000000000000000000000"
     6  const CONTRACT_ALLOW_LIST_ADDRESS = "0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000000"
     7  const MINT_ADDRESS = "0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000001"
     8  const TX_ALLOW_LIST_ADDRESS = "0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000002"
     9  const FEE_MANAGER_ADDRESS = "0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000003"
    10  const REWARD_MANAGER_ADDDRESS = "0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000004"
    13  const ROLES = {
    14    0: "None",
    15    1: "Enabled",
    16    2: "Admin",
    17  }
    19  const getRole = async (allowList, address) => {
    20    const role = await allowList.readAllowList(address)
    21    console.log(`${address} has role: ${ROLES[role.toNumber()]}`)
    22  }
    24  task("accounts", "Prints the list of accounts", async (args, hre): Promise<void> => {
    25    const accounts: SignerWithAddress[] = await hre.ethers.getSigners()
    26    accounts.forEach((account: SignerWithAddress): void => {
    27      console.log(account.address)
    28    })
    29  })
    31  task("balances", "Prints the list of account balances", async (args, hre): Promise<void> => {
    32    const accounts: SignerWithAddress[] = await hre.ethers.getSigners()
    33    for (const account of accounts) {
    34      const balance: BigNumber = await hre.ethers.provider.getBalance(
    35        account.address
    36      )
    37      console.log(`${account.address} has balance ${balance.toString()}`)
    38    }
    39  })
    42  task("balance", "get the balance")
    43    .addParam("address", "the address you want to know balance of")
    44    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
    45      const balance = await hre.ethers.provider.getBalance(args.address)
    46      const balanceInCoin = hre.ethers.utils.formatEther(balance)
    47      console.log(`balance: ${balanceInCoin} Coin`)
    48    })
    50  // npx hardhat allowList:readRole --network local --address [address]
    51  task("deployerAllowList:readRole", "Gets the network deployer allow list")
    52    .addParam("address", "the address you want to know the allowlist role for")
    53    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
    54      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IAllowList", CONTRACT_ALLOW_LIST_ADDRESS)
    55      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
    56    })
    58  // npx hardhat allowList:addDeployer --network local --address [address]
    59  task("deployerAllowList:addDeployer", "Adds the deployer on the allow list")
    60    .addParam("address", "the address you want to add as a deployer")
    61    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
    62      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IAllowList", CONTRACT_ALLOW_LIST_ADDRESS)
    63      // ADD CODE BELOW
    64      await allowList.setEnabled(args.address)
    65      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
    66    })
    68  // npx hardhat allowList:addAdmin --network local --address [address]
    69  task("deployerAllowList:addAdmin", "Adds an admin on the allowlist")
    70    .addParam("address", "the address you want to add as a admin")
    71    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
    72      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IAllowList", CONTRACT_ALLOW_LIST_ADDRESS)
    73      await allowList.setAdmin(args.address)
    74      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
    75    })
    77  // npx hardhat allowList:revoke --network local --address [address]
    78  task("deployerAllowList:revoke", "Removes the address from the list")
    79    .addParam("address", "the address you want to revoke all permission")
    80    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
    81      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IAllowList", CONTRACT_ALLOW_LIST_ADDRESS)
    82      await allowList.setNone(args.address)
    83      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
    84    })
    86  // npx hardhat allowList:readRole --network local --address [address]
    87  task("txAllowList:readRole", "Gets the network transaction allow list")
    88    .addParam("address", "the address you want to know the allowlist role for")
    89    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
    90      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IAllowList", TX_ALLOW_LIST_ADDRESS)
    91      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
    92    })
    94  // npx hardhat allowList:addDeployer --network local --address [address]
    95  task("txAllowList:addDeployer", "Adds an address to the transaction allow list")
    96    .addParam("address", "the address you want to add as a deployer")
    97    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
    98      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IAllowList", TX_ALLOW_LIST_ADDRESS)
    99      // ADD CODE BELOW
   100      await allowList.setEnabled(args.address)
   101      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
   102    })
   104  // npx hardhat allowList:addAdmin --network local --address [address]
   105  task("txAllowList:addAdmin", "Adds an admin on the transaction allow list")
   106    .addParam("address", "the address you want to add as a admin")
   107    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
   108      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IAllowList", TX_ALLOW_LIST_ADDRESS)
   109      await allowList.setAdmin(args.address)
   110      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
   111    })
   113  // npx hardhat allowList:revoke --network local --address [address]
   114  task("txAllowList:revoke", "Removes the address from the transaction allow list")
   115    .addParam("address", "the address you want to revoke all permission")
   116    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
   117      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IAllowList", TX_ALLOW_LIST_ADDRESS)
   118      await allowList.setNone(args.address)
   119      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
   120    })
   122  // npx hardhat minter:readRole --network local --address [address]
   123  task("minter:readRole", "Gets the network deployer minter list")
   124    .addParam("address", "the address you want to know the minter role for")
   125    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
   126      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("INativeMinter", MINT_ADDRESS)
   127      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
   128    })
   131  // npx hardhat minter:addMinter --network local --address [address]
   132  task("minter:addMinter", "Adds the address on the minter list")
   133    .addParam("address", "the address you want to add as a minter")
   134    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
   135      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("INativeMinter", MINT_ADDRESS)
   136      await allowList.setEnabled(args.address)
   137      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
   138    })
   140  // npx hardhat minter:addAdmin --network local --address [address]
   141  task("minter:addAdmin", "Adds an admin on the minter list")
   142    .addParam("address", "the address you want to add as a admin")
   143    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
   144      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("INativeMinter", MINT_ADDRESS)
   145      await allowList.setAdmin(args.address)
   146      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
   147    })
   149  // npx hardhat minter:revoke --network local --address [address]
   150  task("minter:revoke", "Removes the address from the list")
   151    .addParam("address", "the address you want to revoke all permission")
   152    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
   153      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("INativeMinter", MINT_ADDRESS)
   154      await allowList.setNone(args.address)
   155      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
   156    })
   158  // npx hardhat minter:mint --network local --address [address]
   159  task("minter:mint", "Mints native tokens")
   160    .addParam("address", "the address you want to mint for")
   161    .addParam("amount", "the amount you want to mint")
   162    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
   163      const minter = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("INativeMinter", MINT_ADDRESS)
   164      await minter.mintNativeCoin(args.address, args.amount)
   165    })
   167  // npx hardhat minter:burn --network local --address [address]
   168  task("minter:burn", "Burns native tokens")
   169    .addParam("amount", "the amount you want to burn (in AVAX unit)")
   170    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
   171      const [owner] = await hre.ethers.getSigners()
   172      const transactionHash = await owner.sendTransaction({
   173        to: BLACKHOLE_ADDRESS,
   174        value: hre.ethers.utils.parseEther(args.amount),
   175      })
   176      console.log(transactionHash)
   177    })
   179  // npx hardhat feeManager:set --network local --address [address]
   180  task("feeManager:set", "Sets the provided fee config")
   181    .addParam("gaslimit", "", undefined, undefined, false)
   182    .addParam("targetblockrate", "", undefined, undefined, false)
   183    .addParam("minbasefee", "", undefined, undefined, false)
   184    .addParam("targetgas", "", undefined, undefined, false)
   185    .addParam("basefeechangedenominator", "", undefined, undefined, false)
   186    .addParam("minblockgascost", "", undefined, undefined, false)
   187    .addParam("maxblockgascost", "", undefined, undefined, false)
   188    .addParam("blockgascoststep", "", undefined, undefined, false)
   190    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
   191      const feeManager = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IFeeManager", FEE_MANAGER_ADDRESS)
   192      await feeManager.setFeeConfig(
   193        args.gaslimit,
   194        args.targetblockrate,
   195        args.minbasefee,
   196        args.targetgas,
   197        args.basefeechangedenominator,
   198        args.minblockgascost,
   199        args.maxblockgascost,
   200        args.blockgascoststep)
   201    })
   203  task("feeManager:get", "Gets the fee config")
   204    .setAction(async (_, hre) => {
   205      const feeManager = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IFeeManager", FEE_MANAGER_ADDRESS)
   206      const result = await feeManager.getFeeConfig()
   207      console.log(`Fee Manager Precompile Config is set to:
   208    gasLimit: ${result[0]}
   209    targetBlockRate: ${result[1]}
   210    minBaseFee: ${result[2]}
   211    targetGas: ${result[3]}
   212    baseFeeChangeDenominator: ${result[4]}
   213    minBlockGasCost: ${result[5]}
   214    maxBlockGasCost: ${result[6]}
   215    blockGasCostStep: ${result[7]}`)
   216    })
   219  // npx hardhat feeManager:readRole --network local --address [address]
   220  task("feeManager:readRole", "Gets the network deployer minter list")
   221    .addParam("address", "the address you want to know the minter role for")
   222    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
   223      const allowList = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IFeeManager", FEE_MANAGER_ADDRESS)
   224      await getRole(allowList, args.address)
   225    })
   228  // npx hardhat rewardManager:currentRewardAddress --network local
   229  task("rewardManager:currentRewardAddress", "Gets the current configured rewarding address")
   230    .setAction(async (_, hre) => {
   231      const rewardManager = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IRewardManager", REWARD_MANAGER_ADDDRESS)
   232      const areFeeRecipientsAllowed = await rewardManager.areFeeRecipientsAllowed()
   233      const result = await rewardManager.currentRewardAddress()
   234      if (areFeeRecipientsAllowed) {
   235        console.log("Custom Fee Recipients are allowed. (%s)", result)
   236      } else {
   237        console.log(`Current reward address is ${result}`)
   238      }
   239    })
   241  // npx hardhat rewardManager:areFeeRecipientsAllowed --network local
   242  task("rewardManager:areFeeRecipientsAllowed", "Gets whether the fee recipients are allowed to receive rewards")
   243    .setAction(async (_, hre) => {
   244      const rewardManager = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IRewardManager", REWARD_MANAGER_ADDDRESS)
   245      const result = await rewardManager.areFeeRecipientsAllowed()
   246      console.log(result)
   247    })
   249  // npx hardhat rewardManager:setRewardAddress --network local --address [address]
   250  task("rewardManager:setRewardAddress", "Sets a new reward address")
   251    .addParam("address", "the address that will receive rewards")
   252    .setAction(async (args, hre) => {
   253      const rewardManager = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IRewardManager", REWARD_MANAGER_ADDDRESS)
   254      const result = await rewardManager.setRewardAddress(args.address)
   255      console.log(result)
   256    })
   258  // npx hardhat rewardManager:allowFeeRecipients --network local
   259  task("rewardManager:allowFeeRecipients", "Allows custom fee recipients to receive rewards")
   260    .setAction(async (_, hre) => {
   261      const rewardManager = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IRewardManager", REWARD_MANAGER_ADDDRESS)
   262      const result = await rewardManager.allowFeeRecipients()
   263      console.log(result)
   264    })
   266  // npx hardhat rewardManager:disableRewards --network local
   267  task("rewardManager:disableRewards", "Disables all rewards, and starts burning fees.")
   268    .setAction(async (_, hre) => {
   269      const rewardManager = await hre.ethers.getContractAt("IRewardManager", REWARD_MANAGER_ADDDRESS)
   270      const result = await rewardManager.disableRewards()
   271      console.log(result)
   272    })