(about) 1 .. <!-- This file was autogenerated via api-flaggen, do not edit manually--> 2 3 Cilium Agent API 4 ================ 5 6 The following API flags are compatible with the ``cilium-agent`` flag 7 ``enable-cilium-api-server-access``. 8 9 ===================== ==================== 10 Flag Name Description 11 ===================== ==================== 12 DeleteEndpoint Deletes a list of endpoints that have endpoints matching the 13 provided properties 14 DeleteEndpointID Deletes the endpoint specified by the ID. Deletion is 15 imminent and atomic, if the deletion request is valid and 16 the endpoint exists, deletion will occur even if errors are 17 encountered in the process. If errors have been encountered, 18 the code 202 will be returned, otherwise 200 on success. All 19 resources associated with the endpoint will be freed and the 20 workload represented by the endpoint will be disconnected.It 21 will no longer be able to initiate or receive communications 22 of any sort. 23 DeleteFqdnCache Deletes matching DNS lookups from the cache, optionally 24 restricted by DNS name. The removed IP data will no longer 25 be used in generated policies. 26 DeleteIPAMIP - 27 DeletePolicy - 28 DeletePrefilter - 29 DeleteRecorderID - 30 DeleteServiceID - 31 GetBGPPeers Retrieves current operational state of BGP peers created by 32 Cilium BGP virtual router. This includes session state, 33 uptime, information per address family, etc. 34 GetBGPRoutePolicies Retrieves route policies from BGP Control Plane. 35 GetBGPRoutes Retrieves routes from BGP Control Plane RIB filtered by 36 parameters you specify 37 GetCgroupDumpMetadata - 38 GetClusterNodes - 39 GetConfig Returns the configuration of the Cilium daemon. 40 GetDebuginfo - 41 GetEndpoint Retrieves a list of endpoints that have metadata matching 42 the provided parameters, or all endpoints if no parameters 43 provided. 44 GetEndpointID Returns endpoint information 45 GetEndpointIDConfig Retrieves the configuration of the specified endpoint. 46 GetEndpointIDHealthz - 47 GetEndpointIDLabels - 48 GetEndpointIDLog - 49 GetFqdnCache Retrieves the list of DNS lookups intercepted from 50 endpoints, optionally filtered by DNS name, CIDR IP range or 51 source. 52 GetFqdnCacheID Retrieves the list of DNS lookups intercepted from the 53 specific endpoint, optionally filtered by endpoint id, DNS 54 name, CIDR IP range or source. 55 GetFqdnNames Retrieves the list of DNS-related fields (names to poll, 56 selectors and their corresponding regexes). 57 GetHealthz Returns health and status information of the Cilium daemon 58 and related components such as the local container runtime, 59 connected datastore, Kubernetes integration and Hubble. 60 GetIP Retrieves a list of IPs with known associated information 61 such as their identities, host addresses, Kubernetes pod 62 names, etc. The list can optionally filtered by a CIDR IP 63 range. 64 GetIdentity Retrieves a list of identities that have metadata matching 65 the provided parameters, or all identities if no parameters 66 are provided. 67 GetIdentityEndpoints - 68 GetIdentityID - 69 GetLRP - 70 GetMap - 71 GetMapName - 72 GetMapNameEvents - 73 GetMetrics - 74 GetNodeIds Retrieves a list of node IDs allocated by the agent and 75 their associated node IP addresses. 76 GetPolicy Returns the entire policy tree with all children. 77 GetPolicySelectors - 78 GetPrefilter - 79 GetRecorder - 80 GetRecorderID - 81 GetRecorderMasks - 82 GetService - 83 GetServiceID - 84 PatchConfig Updates the daemon configuration by applying the provided 85 ConfigurationMap and regenerates & recompiles all required 86 datapath components. 87 PatchEndpointID Applies the endpoint change request to an existing endpoint 88 PatchEndpointIDConfig Update the configuration of an existing endpoint and 89 regenerates & recompiles the corresponding programs 90 automatically. 91 PatchEndpointIDLabels Sets labels associated with an endpoint. These can be user 92 provided or derived from the orchestration system. 93 PatchPrefilter - 94 PostIPAM - 95 PostIPAMIP - 96 PutEndpointID Creates a new endpoint 97 PutPolicy - 98 PutRecorderID - 99 PutServiceID - 100 ===================== ==================== 101 102 Cilium Agent Clusterwide Health API 103 =================================== 104 105 The following API flags are compatible with the ``cilium-agent`` flag 106 ``enable-cilium-health-api-server-access``. 107 108 ===================== ==================== 109 Flag Name Description 110 ===================== ==================== 111 GetHealthz Returns health and status information of the local node 112 including load and uptime, as well as the status of related 113 components including the Cilium daemon. 114 GetStatus Returns the connectivity status to all other cilium-health 115 instances using interval-based probing. 116 PutStatusProbe Runs a synchronous probe to all other cilium-health 117 instances and returns the connectivity status. 118 ===================== ==================== 119 120 Cilium Operator API 121 =================== 122 123 The following API flags are compatible with the ``cilium-operator`` flag 124 ``enable-cilium-operator-server-access``. 125 126 ===================== ==================== 127 Flag Name Description 128 ===================== ==================== 129 GetCluster Returns the list of remote clusters and their status. 130 GetHealthz Returns the status of cilium operator instance. 131 GetMetrics Returns the metrics exposed by the Cilium operator. 132 ===================== ====================