
     1  .. only:: not (epub or latex or html)
     3      WARNING: You are looking at unreleased Cilium documentation.
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     7  .. _gs_ingress:
     9  **************************
    10  Kubernetes Ingress Support
    11  **************************
    13  Cilium uses the standard `Kubernetes Ingress`_ resource definition, with
    14  an ``ingressClassName`` of ``cilium``. This can be used for path-based
    15  routing and for TLS termination. For backwards compatibility, the
    16  ```` annotation with value of ``cilium``
    17  is also supported.
    19  .. Note::
    21      The ingress controller creates a Service of LoadBalancer type, so
    22      your environment will need to support this.
    24  Cilium allows you to specify load balancer mode for the Ingress resource:
    26  - ``dedicated``: The Ingress controller will create a dedicated loadbalancer
    27    for the Ingress.
    28  - ``shared``: The Ingress controller will use a shared loadbalancer for all
    29    Ingress resources.
    31  Each load balancer mode has its own benefits and drawbacks. The shared mode saves
    32  resources by sharing a single LoadBalancer config across all Ingress resources in
    33  the cluster, while the dedicated mode can help to avoid potential conflicts (e.g.
    34  path prefix) between resources.
    36  .. Note::
    38      It is possible to change the load balancer mode for an Ingress resource.
    39      When the mode is changed, active connections to backends of the Ingress
    40      may be terminated during the reconfiguration due to a new load balancer
    41      IP address being assigned to the Ingress resource.
    43  This is a step-by-step guide on how to enable the Ingress Controller in
    44  an existing K8s cluster with Cilium installed.
    46  .. _Kubernetes Ingress:
    48  Prerequisites
    49  #############
    51  * Cilium must be configured with NodePort enabled, using
    52    ``nodePort.enabled=true`` or by enabling the kube-proxy replacement with
    53    ``kubeProxyReplacement=true``. For more information, see :ref:`kube-proxy
    54    replacement <kubeproxy-free>`.
    55  * Cilium must be configured with the L7 proxy enabled using ``l7Proxy=true``
    56    (enabled by default).
    57  * By default, the Ingress controller creates a Service of LoadBalancer type,
    58    so your environment will need to support this. Alternatively, you can change
    59    this to NodePort or, since Cilium 1.16+, directly expose the Cilium L7 proxy
    60    on the :ref:`host network<gs_ingress_host_network_mode>`.
    62  .. include:: installation.rst
    64  .. include:: ingress-reference.rst
    67  Ingress Path Types and Precedence
    68  *********************************
    70  The Ingress specification supports three types of paths:
    72  * **Exact** - match the given path exactly.
    73  * **Prefix** - match the URL path prefix split by ``/``. The last path segment must
    74    match the whole segment - if you configure a Prefix path of ``/foo/bar``,
    75    ``/foo/bar/baz`` will match, but ``/foo/barbaz`` will not.
    76  * **ImplementationSpecific** - Interpretation of the Path is up to the IngressClass.
    77    **In Cilium's case, we define ImplementationSpecific to be "Regex"**, so Cilium will
    78    interpret any given path as a regular expression and program Envoy accordingly.
    79    Notably, some other implementations have ImplementationSpecific mean "Prefix",
    80    and in those cases, Cilium will treat the paths differently. (Since a path like
    81    ``/foo/bar`` contains no regex characters, when it is configured in Envoy as a
    82    regex, it will function as an ``Exact`` match instead).
    84  When multiple path types are configured on an Ingress object, Cilium will configure
    85  Envoy with the matches in the following order:
    87  #. Exact
    88  #. ImplementationSpecific (that is, regular expression)
    89  #. Prefix
    90  #. The ``/`` Prefix match has special handling and always goes last.
    92  Within each of these path types, the paths are sorted in decreasing order of string
    93  length.
    95  If you do use ImplementationSpecific regex support, be careful with using the
    96  ``*`` operator, since it will increase the length of the regex, but may match
    97  another, shorter option.
    99  For example, if you have two ImplementationSpecific paths, ``/impl``, and ``/impl.*``,
   100  the second will be sorted ahead of the first in the generated config. But because
   101  ``*`` is in use, the ``/impl`` match will never be hit, as any request to that
   102  path will match the ``/impl.*`` path first.
   104  See the :ref:`Ingress Path Types <gs_ingress_path_types>` for more information.
   106  Supported Ingress Annotations
   107  *****************************
   109  .. list-table::
   110     :header-rows: 1
   112     * - Name
   113       - Description
   114       - Default Value
   115     * - ````
   116       - | The loadbalancer mode for the ingress.
   117         | Allows a per ingress override
   118         | of the default set in the Helm value
   119         | ``ingressController.loadbalancerMode``.
   120         | Applicable values are ``dedicated`` and
   121         | ``shared``.
   122       - | ``dedicated``
   123         | (from Helm chart)
   124     * - ````
   125       - | The loadbalancer class for the ingress.
   126         | Only applicable when ``loadbalancer-mode`` is set to ``dedicated``.
   127       - unspecified
   128     * - ````
   129       - | The Service type for dedicated Ingress.
   130         | Applicable values are ``LoadBalancer``
   131         | and ``NodePort``.
   132       - ``LoadBalancer``
   133     * - ````
   134       - | The Service externalTrafficPolicy for dedicated
   135         | Ingress. Applicable values are ``Cluster``
   136         | and ``Local``.
   137       - ``Cluster``
   138     * - ````
   139       - | The NodePort to use for the HTTP Ingress.
   140         | Applicable only if ````
   141         | is ``NodePort``. If unspecified, a random
   142         | NodePort will be allocated by kubernetes.
   143       - unspecified
   144     * - ````
   145       - | The NodePort to use for the HTTPS Ingress.
   146         | Applicable only if ````
   147         | is ``NodePort``. If unspecified, a random
   148         | NodePort will be allocated by kubernetes.
   149       - unspecified
   150     * - ````
   151       - | The port to use for the Envoy listener on the host
   152         | network. Applicable and mandatory only for
   153         | dedicated Ingress and if :ref:`host network mode<gs_ingress_host_network_mode>` is
   154         | enabled.
   155       - ``8080``
   156     * - ````
   157       - | Enable TLS Passthrough mode for this Ingress.
   158         | Applicable values are ``enabled`` and ``disabled``,
   159         | although boolean-style values will also be
   160         | accepted.
   161         |
   162         | Note that some conditions apply to TLS
   163         | Passthrough Ingresses, due to how
   164         | TLS Passthrough works:
   165         | * A ``host`` field must be set in the Ingress
   166         | * Default backends are ignored
   167         | * Rules with paths other than ``/`` are ignored
   168         | If all the rules in an Ingress are ignored for
   169         | these reasons, no Envoy config will be generated
   170         | and the Ingress will have no effect.
   171         |
   172         | Note that this annotation is analogous to
   173         | the ``ssl-passthrough`` on other Ingress
   174         | controllers.
   175       - ``disabled``
   176     * - ````
   177       - | Enable enforced HTTPS redirects for this Ingress.
   178         | Applicable values are ``enabled`` and ``disabled``,
   179         | although boolean-style values will also be
   180         | accepted.
   181         |
   182         | Note that if the annotation is not present, this
   183         | behavior will be controlled by the
   184         | ``enforce-ingress-https`` configuration
   185         | file setting (or ``ingressController.enforceHttps``
   186         | in Helm).
   187         | 
   188         | Any host with TLS config will have redirects to
   189         | HTTPS configured for each match specified in the
   190         | Ingress.
   191       - unspecified
   193  Additionally, cloud-provider specific annotations for the LoadBalancer Service
   194  are supported.
   196  By default, annotations with values beginning with:
   198  * ````
   199  * ````
   200  * ````
   201  * ````
   202  * ````
   204  will be copied from an Ingress object to the generated LoadBalancer Service objects.
   206  This setting is controlled by the Cilium Operator's ``ingress-lb-annotation-prefixes``
   207  config flag, and can be configured in Cilium's Helm ``values.yaml``
   208  using the ``ingressController.ingressLBAnnotationPrefixes`` setting.
   210  Please refer to the `Kubernetes documentation <>`_
   211  for more details.
   213  .. _gs_ingress_host_network_mode:
   215  Host network mode
   216  #################
   217  .. note::
   218    Supported since Cilium 1.16+
   220  Host network mode allows you to expose the Cilium ingress controller (Envoy
   221  listener) directly on the host network.
   222  This is useful in cases where a LoadBalancer Service is unavailable, such
   223  as in development environments or environments with cluster-external
   224  loadbalancers.
   226  .. note::
   227      * Enabling the Cilium ingress controller host network mode automatically disables the LoadBalancer/NodePort type Service mode. They are mutually exclusive.
   228      * The listener is exposed on all interfaces (```` for IPv4 and/or ``::`` for IPv6).
   230  Host network mode can be enabled via Helm:
   232  .. code-block:: yaml
   234      ingressController:
   235        enabled: true
   236        hostNetwork:
   237          enabled: true
   239  Once enabled, host network ports can be specified with the following methods:
   241  * Shared Ingress: Globally via Helm flags
   242      * ``ingressController.hostNetwork.sharedListenerPort``: Host network port to expose the Cilium ingress controller Envoy listener. The default port is ``8080``. If you change it, you should choose a port number higher than ``1023`` (see `Bind to privileged port`_).
   243  * Dedicated Ingress: Per ``Ingress`` resource via annotations
   244      * ````:  Host network port to expose the Cilium ingress controller Envoy listener. The default port is ``8080`` but it can only be used for a single ``Ingress`` resource as it needs to be unique per ``Ingress`` resource. You should choose a port higher than ``1023`` (see `Bind to privileged port`_). This annotation is mandatory if the global Cilium ingress controller mode is configured to ``dedicated`` (``ingressController.loadbalancerMode``) or the ingress resource sets the ```` annotation to ``dedicated`` and multiple ``Ingress`` resources are deployed.
   246  The default behavior regarding shared or dedicated ingress can be configured via
   247  ``ingressController.loadbalancerMode``.
   249  .. warning::
   250      Be aware that misconfiguration might result in port clashes. Configure unique ports that are still available on all Cilium Nodes where Cilium ingress controller Envoy listeners are exposed.
   252  Bind to privileged port
   253  ***********************
   254  By default, the Cilium L7 Envoy process does not have any Linux capabilities
   255  out-of-the-box and is therefore not allowed to listen on privileged ports.
   257  If you choose a port equal to or lower than ``1023``, ensure that the Helm value
   258  ``envoy.securityContext.capabilities.keepCapNetBindService=true`` is configured
   259  and to add the capability ``NET_BIND_SERVICE`` to the respective
   260  :ref:`Cilium Envoy container via Helm values<envoy>`:
   262  * Standalone DaemonSet mode: ``envoy.securityContext.capabilities.envoy``
   263  * Embedded mode: ``securityContext.capabilities.ciliumAgent``
   265  Configure the following Helm values to allow privileged port bindings in host
   266  network mode:
   268  .. tabs::
   270      .. group-tab:: Standalone DaemonSet mode
   272        .. code-block:: yaml
   274            ingressController:
   275              enabled: true
   276              hostNetwork:
   277                enabled: true
   278            envoy:
   279              enabled: true
   280              securityContext:
   281                capabilities:
   282                  keepCapNetBindService: true
   283                  envoy:
   284                  # Add NET_BIND_SERVICE to the list (keep the others!)
   285                  - NET_BIND_SERVICE
   287      .. group-tab:: Embedded mode
   289        .. code-block:: yaml
   291            ingressController:
   292              enabled: true
   293              hostNetwork:
   294                enabled: true
   295            envoy:
   296              securityContext:
   297                capabilities:
   298                  keepCapNetBindService: true
   299            securityContext:
   300              capabilities:
   301                ciliumAgent:
   302                # Add NET_BIND_SERVICE to the list (keep the others!)
   303                - NET_BIND_SERVICE
   305  Deploy Gateway API listeners on subset of nodes
   306  ***********************************************
   307  The Cilium ingress controller Envoy listener can be exposed on a specific subset
   308  of nodes. This only works in combination with the host network mode and can be
   309  configured via a node label selector in the Helm values:
   311  .. code-block:: yaml
   313      ingressController:
   314        enabled: true
   315        hostNetwork:
   316          enabled: true
   317          nodes:
   318            matchLabels:
   319              role: infra
   320              component: ingress
   322  This will deploy the Ingress Controller Envoy listener only on the Cilium Nodes
   323  matching the configured labels. An empty selector selects all nodes and
   324  continues to expose the functionality on all Cilium nodes.
   326  Examples
   327  ########
   329  Please refer to one of the below examples on how to use and leverage
   330  Cilium's Ingress features:
   332  .. toctree::
   333     :maxdepth: 1
   334     :glob:
   336     http
   337     ingress-and-network-policy
   338     path-types   
   339     grpc
   340     tls-termination
   341     tls-default-certificate