(about) 1 .. only:: not (epub or latex or html) 2 3 WARNING: You are looking at unreleased Cilium documentation. 4 Please use the official rendered version released here: 5 6 7 .. _gs_ingress_tls: 8 9 ************************************ 10 Ingress Example with TLS Termination 11 ************************************ 12 13 This example builds on the HTTP and gRPC ingress examples, adding TLS 14 termination. 15 16 .. literalinclude:: ../../../examples/kubernetes/servicemesh/tls-ingress.yaml 17 18 .. include:: tls-cert.rst 19 20 Deploy the Ingress 21 ================== 22 23 The Ingress configuration for this demo provides the same routing as those demos 24 but with the addition of TLS termination. 25 26 27 .. tabs:: 28 29 .. group-tab:: Self-signed Certificate 30 31 .. parsed-literal:: 32 33 $ kubectl apply -f \ |SCM_WEB|\/examples/kubernetes/servicemesh/tls-ingress.yaml 34 35 .. group-tab:: cert-manager 36 37 .. parsed-literal:: 38 39 $ kubectl apply -f \ |SCM_WEB|\/examples/kubernetes/servicemesh/tls-ingress.yaml 40 41 To tell cert-manager that this Ingress needs a certificate, annotate the 42 Ingress with the name of the CA issuer we previously created: 43 44 .. code-block:: shell-session 45 46 $ kubectl annotate ingress tls-ingress 47 48 This creates a Certificate object along with a Secret containing the TLS 49 certificate. 50 51 .. code-block:: shell-session 52 53 $ kubectl get certificate,secret demo-cert 54 NAME READY SECRET AGE 55 True demo-cert 33m 56 NAME TYPE DATA AGE 57 secret/demo-cert 3 33m 58 59 External IP address will be shown up in Ingress 60 61 .. code-block:: shell-session 62 63 $ kubectl get ingress 64 NAME CLASS HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE 65 tls-ingress cilium, 80, 443 6m5s 66 67 In this Ingress configuration, the host names ```` and 68 ```` are specified in the path routing rules. The client 69 needs to specify which host it wants to access. This can be achieved by 70 editing your local ``/etc/hosts``` file. (You will almost certainly need to be 71 superuser to edit this file.) Add entries using the IP address 72 assigned to the ingress service, so your file looks something like this: 73 74 .. code-block:: shell-session 75 76 $ sudo perl -ni -e 'print if !/\.cilium\.rocks$/d' /etc/hosts; sudo tee -a /etc/hosts \ 77 <<<"$(kubectl get ing tls-ingress -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')" 78 79 80 Make HTTPS Requests 81 =================== 82 83 84 .. tabs:: 85 86 .. group-tab:: Self-signed Certificate 87 88 By specifying the CA's certificate on a curl request, you can say that you trust certificates 89 signed by that CA. 90 91 .. code-block:: shell-session 92 93 $ curl --cacert minica.pem -v 94 95 If you prefer, instead of supplying the CA you can specify ``-k`` to tell the 96 curl client not to validate the server's certificate. Without either, you 97 will get an error that the certificate was signed by an unknown authority. 98 99 Specifying -v on the curl request, you can see that the TLS handshake took 100 place successfully. 101 102 Similarly you can specify the CA on a gRPC request like this: 103 104 .. code-block:: shell-session 105 106 # Download demo.proto file if you have not done before 107 $ curl -o demo.proto 108 $ grpcurl -proto ./demo.proto -cacert minica.pem hipstershop.ProductCatalogService/ListProducts 109 110 .. group-tab:: cert-manager 111 112 .. code-block:: shell-session 113 114 $ curl 115 116 Similarly you can specify the CA on a gRPC request like this: 117 118 .. code-block:: shell-session 119 120 grpcurl -proto ./demo.proto -cacert minica.pem hipstershop.ProductCatalogService/ListProducts 121 122 .. Note:: 123 124 See the gRPC Ingress example if you don't already have the ``demo.proto`` file downloaded. 125 126 You can also visit in your browser. The browser 127 might warn you that the certificate authority is unknown but if you proceed past 128 this, you should see the bookstore application home page. 129 130 Note that requests will time out if you don't specify ``https://``.