(about) 1 # Copyright Authors of Cilium 2 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 3 4 SHELL := /usr/bin/env bash 5 .SHELLFLAGS := -eu -o pipefail -c 6 7 # define a function replacing spaces with commas in a list 8 empty := 9 space := $(empty) $(empty) 10 comma := , 11 join-with-comma = $(subst $(space),$(comma),$(strip $1)) 12 13 define newline 14 15 16 endef 17 18 ROOT_DIR := $(shell dirname $(realpath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))) 19 RELATIVE_DIR := $(shell echo $(realpath .) | sed "s;$(ROOT_DIR)[/]*;;") 20 include $(ROOT_DIR)/Makefile.quiet 21 22 PREFIX?=/usr 23 BINDIR?=$(PREFIX)/bin 24 CNIBINDIR?=/opt/cni/bin 25 CNICONFDIR?=/etc/cni/net.d 26 LIBDIR?=$(PREFIX)/lib 27 LOCALSTATEDIR?=/var 28 RUNDIR?=/var/run 29 CONFDIR?=/etc 30 31 export GO ?= go 32 NATIVE_ARCH = $(shell GOARCH= $(GO) env GOARCH) 33 export GOARCH ?= $(NATIVE_ARCH) 34 35 INSTALL = install 36 37 CONTAINER_ENGINE?=docker 38 DOCKER_FLAGS?= 39 DOCKER_BUILD_FLAGS?= 40 41 # use gsed if available, otherwise use sed. 42 # gsed is needed for MacOS to make in-place replacement work correctly. 43 SED ?= $(if $(shell command -v gsed),gsed,sed) 44 45 # Set DOCKER_DEV_ACCOUNT with "cilium" by default 46 ifeq ($(DOCKER_DEV_ACCOUNT),) 47 DOCKER_DEV_ACCOUNT=cilium 48 endif 49 50 ifneq ($(CI_BUILD),) 51 DOCKER_IMAGE_SUFFIX=-ci 52 DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=$(shell git rev-parse HEAD) 53 endif 54 55 # Set DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG with "latest" by default 56 ifeq ($(DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG),) 57 DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG=latest 58 endif 59 60 # renovate: datasource=docker 61 ETCD_IMAGE_VERSION = v3.5.16 62 ETCD_IMAGE_SHA = sha256:0d0a9fe2d8344722acfb6f456beb0c64328b58f51dc6dee6291976e62a7b5a3f 63$(ETCD_IMAGE_VERSION)@$(ETCD_IMAGE_SHA) 64 65 CONSUL_IMAGE=consul:1.7.2 66 67 CILIUM_BUILDER_IMAGE=$(shell cat $(ROOT_DIR)/images/cilium/Dockerfile | grep "ARG CILIUM_BUILDER_IMAGE=" | cut -d"=" -f2) 68 69 export CILIUM_CLI ?= cilium 70 export KUBECTL ?= kubectl 71 72 # Till the self-hosted renovate PR #30185 is merged, we might need to run the below 73 # command locally for any version update. 74 # make generate-api generate-health-api generate-hubble-api generate-operator-api generate-kvstoremesh-api 75 # renovate: datasource=docker 76 SWAGGER_VERSION := v0.30.5 77 SWAGGER := $(CONTAINER_ENGINE) run -u $(shell id -u):$(shell id -g) --rm -v $(ROOT_DIR):$(ROOT_DIR) -w $(ROOT_DIR) --entrypoint swagger$(SWAGGER_VERSION) 78 79 # go build/test/clean flags 80 # these are declared here so they are treated explicitly 81 # as non-immediate variables 82 GO_BUILD_FLAGS ?= 83 GO_TEST_FLAGS ?= 84 GO_CLEAN_FLAGS ?= 85 GO_BUILD_LDFLAGS ?= 86 # go build/test -tags values 87 GO_TAGS_FLAGS += osusergo 88 89 # This is declared here as it is needed to change the covermode depending on if 90 # RACE is specified. 91 GOTEST_COVER_OPTS = 92 93 # By default, just print go test output immediately to the terminal. If tparse 94 # is installed, use it to format the output. Use -progress instead of -follow, 95 # as the latter is too verbose for most of the test suite. 96 GOTEST_FORMATTER ?= cat 97 ifneq ($(shell command -v tparse),) 98 GOTEST_COVER_OPTS += -json 99 GOTEST_FORMATTER = tparse 100 ifneq ($(V),0) 101 GOTEST_FORMATTER += -progress 102 endif 103 endif 104 105 # renovate: datasource=docker depName=golangci/golangci-lint 106 GOLANGCILINT_WANT_VERSION = v1.59.1 107 GOLANGCILINT_IMAGE_SHA = sha256:b5f8712114561f1e2fbe74d04ed07ddfd992768705033a6251f3c7b848eac38e 108 GOLANGCILINT_VERSION = $(shell golangci-lint version --format short 2>/dev/null) 109 110 VERSION = $(shell cat $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))/VERSION) 111 VERSION_MAJOR = $(shell cat $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))/VERSION | cut -d. -f1) 112 # Use git only if in a Git repo 113 ifneq ($(wildcard $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))/.git/HEAD),) 114 GIT_VERSION = $(shell git show -s --format='format:%h %aI') 115 else 116 GIT_VERSION = $(shell cat 2>/dev/null $(ROOT_DIR)/GIT_VERSION) 117 endif 118 FULL_BUILD_VERSION = $(VERSION) $(GIT_VERSION) 119 GO_BUILD_LDFLAGS += -X "$(FULL_BUILD_VERSION)" 120 121 ifeq ($(NOSTRIP),) 122 # Note: these options will not remove annotations needed for stack 123 # traces, so panic backtraces will still be readable. 124 # 125 # -w: Omit the DWARF symbol table. 126 # -s: Omit the symbol table and debug information. 127 GO_BUILD_LDFLAGS += -s -w 128 endif 129 130 ifneq ($(wildcard $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))/images/cilium/Dockerfile),) 131 CILIUM_ENVOY_REF=$(shell sed -E -e 's/^ARG CILIUM_ENVOY_IMAGE=([^ ]*)/\1/p;d' < $(ROOT_DIR)/images/cilium/Dockerfile) 132 CILIUM_ENVOY_SHA=$(shell echo $(CILIUM_ENVOY_REF) | sed -E -e 's/[^/]*\/[^:]*:(.*-)?([^:@]*).*/\2/p;d') 133 GO_BUILD_LDFLAGS += -X "$(CILIUM_ENVOY_SHA)" 134 endif 135 136 # Use git only if in a Git repo, otherwise find the files from the file system 137 BPF_SRCFILES_IGNORE = bpf/.gitignore 138 ifneq ($(wildcard $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))/.git/HEAD),) 139 BPF_SRCFILES := $(shell git ls-files $(ROOT_DIR)/bpf/ | LC_ALL=C sort | tr "\n" ' ') 140 else 141 # this line has to be in-sync with bpf/.gitignore, please note usage of make patterns like `%.i` 142 BPF_SRCFILES_IGNORE += bpf/%.i bpf/%.s bpf/.rebuild_all 143 BPF_SRCFILES := $(shell find $(ROOT_DIR)/bpf/ -type f | LC_ALL=C sort | tr "\n" ' ') 144 endif 145 146 # ROOT_DIR can be either `../` or absolute path, each of these need to be stripped 147 BPF_SRCFILES := $(filter-out $(BPF_SRCFILES_IGNORE),$(subst ../,,$(subst $(ROOT_DIR)/,,$(BPF_SRCFILES)))) 148 149 GO_BUILD_FLAGS += -mod=vendor 150 GO_TEST_FLAGS += -mod=vendor -vet=all 151 GO_CLEAN_FLAGS += -mod=vendor 152 153 GO_BUILD = CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GO) build 154 155 # Support CGO cross-compiling for amd64 and arm64 targets 156 CGO_CC = 157 CROSS_ARCH = 158 ifneq ($(GOARCH),$(NATIVE_ARCH)) 159 CROSS_ARCH = $(GOARCH) 160 endif 161 ifeq ($(CROSS_ARCH),arm64) 162 CGO_CC = CC=aarch64-linux-gnu-gcc 163 else ifeq ($(CROSS_ARCH),amd64) 164 CGO_CC = CC=x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc 165 endif 166 GO_BUILD_WITH_CGO = CGO_ENABLED=1 $(CGO_CC) $(GO) build 167 168 ifneq ($(RACE),) 169 GO_BUILD_FLAGS += -race 170 GO_TEST_FLAGS += -race 171 GOTEST_COVER_OPTS += -covermode=atomic 172 173 # GO_BUILD becomes GO_BUILD_WITH_CGO as `-race` requires CGO 174 GO_BUILD = $(GO_BUILD_WITH_CGO) 175 ifeq ($(LOCKDEBUG),) 176 LOCKDEBUG=1 177 endif 178 else 179 GOTEST_COVER_OPTS += -covermode=count 180 endif 181 182 ifneq ($(LOCKDEBUG),) 183 GO_TAGS_FLAGS += lockdebug 184 endif 185 186 GO_BUILD_FLAGS += -ldflags '$(GO_BUILD_LDFLAGS) $(EXTRA_GO_BUILD_LDFLAGS)' -tags=$(call join-with-comma,$(GO_TAGS_FLAGS)) $(EXTRA_GO_BUILD_FLAGS) 187 GO_TEST_FLAGS += -tags=$(call join-with-comma,$(GO_TAGS_FLAGS)) 188 189 ifeq ($(NOOPT),1) 190 GO_BUILD_FLAGS += -gcflags="all=-N -l" 191 endif 192 193 GO_BUILD += $(GO_BUILD_FLAGS) 194 GO_BUILD_WITH_CGO += $(GO_BUILD_FLAGS) 195 196 GO_TEST = CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GO) test $(GO_TEST_FLAGS) 197 GO_CLEAN = $(GO) clean $(GO_CLEAN_FLAGS) 198 199 GO_VET = $(GO) vet 200 GO_LIST = $(GO) list 201 202 HELM_TOOLBOX_VERSION ?= "v1.1.0" 203 HELM_TOOLBOX_SHA ?= "961693f182b9b456ed90e5274ac5df81e4af4343104e252666959cdf9570ce9e" 204 HELM_TOOLBOX_IMAGE ?= "$(HELM_TOOLBOX_VERSION)@sha256:$(HELM_TOOLBOX_SHA)" 205 206 YQ_VERSION ?= "4.40.5" 207 YQ_SHA ?= "32be61dc94d0acc44f513ba69d0fc05f1f92c2e760491f2a27e11fc13cde6327" 208 YQ_IMAGE ?= "mikefarah/yq:$(YQ_VERSION)@sha256:$(YQ_SHA)" 209 210 define print_help_line 211 @printf " \033[36m%-29s\033[0m %s.\n" $(1) $(2) 212 endef 213 214 define print_help_from_makefile 215 @awk 'BEGIN {FS = ":.*##"; printf "\nUsage:\n make \033[36m<target>\033[0m\n"} /^[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9 _-]*:.*?##/ { split($$1, targets, " "); for (i in targets) { printf " \033[36m%-28s\033[0m %s\n", targets[i], $$2 } } /^##@/ { printf "\n\033[1m%s\033[0m\n", substr($$0, 5) } ' $(MAKEFILE_LIST) 216 endef 217 218 # Use to ensure the CWD, or any child of it, belongs to Cilium's go module. 219 CILIUM_GO_MODULE = 220 CURRENT_GO_MODULE = $(shell go list -m) 221 define ASSERT_CILIUM_MODULE 222 $(if $(filter $(CILIUM_GO_MODULE), $(CURRENT_GO_MODULE)) ,, $(error "Could not locate Cilium's go.mod file, are you in Cilium's repository?")) 223 endef