(about) 1 # -*- mode: ruby -*- 2 # vi: set ft=ruby : 3 4 # The source of truth for vagrant box versions. 5 # Sets SERVER_BOX, SERVER_VERSION, NETNEXT_SERVER_BOX and NETNEXT_SERVER_VERSION 6 # Accepts overrides from env variables 7 require_relative 'vagrant_box_defaults.rb' 8 $SERVER_BOX = (ENV['SERVER_BOX'] || $SERVER_BOX) 9 $SERVER_VERSION= (ENV['SERVER_VERSION'] || $SERVER_VERSION) 10 $NETNEXT_SERVER_BOX = (ENV['NETNEXT_SERVER_BOX'] || $NETNEXT_SERVER_BOX) 11 $NETNEXT_SERVER_VERSION= (ENV['NETNEXT_SERVER_VERSION'] || $NETNEXT_SERVER_VERSION) 12 $NO_BUILD = (ENV['NO_BUILD'] || "0") 13 14 if ENV['NETNEXT'] == "true" || ENV['NETNEXT'] == "1" then 15 $SERVER_BOX = $NETNEXT_SERVER_BOX 16 $SERVER_VERSION = $NETNEXT_SERVER_VERSION 17 $vm_kernel = '+' 18 end 19 20 Vagrant.require_version ">= 2.0.0" 21 22 if ARGV.first == "up" && ENV['CILIUM_SCRIPT'] != 'true' 23 raise, <<END 24 Calling 'vagrant up' directly is not supported. Instead, please run the 25 following to deploy a single-node cluster: 26 $ ./contrib/vagrant/ 27 28 See the development guide for available configuration options: 29 30 END 31 end 32 33 if ENV['IPV4'] == '0' 34 raise, <<END 35 Disabling IPv4 is currently not allowed until k8s 1.9 is released 36 END 37 end 38 39 # Workaround issue as described here: 40 # 41 class VagrantPlugins::ProviderVirtualBox::Action::Network 42 def dhcp_server_matches_config?(dhcp_server, config) 43 true 44 end 45 end 46 47 $cleanup = <<SCRIPT 48 i=1 49 while [ "$i" -le "$((num_workers+1))" ]; do 50 VBoxManage natnetwork add --netname natnet$i --network --ipv6 on --enable 51 i=$((i+1)) 52 done 2>/dev/null 53 54 res=0 55 while [ "$res" == "0" ]; do 56 VBoxManage natnetwork remove --netname natnet$i 57 res=$? 58 i=$((i+1)) 59 done 2>/dev/null 60 SCRIPT 61 62 $bootstrap = <<SCRIPT 63 set -o errexit 64 set -o nounset 65 set -o pipefail 66 67 if [ -x /home/vagrant/go/src/ ] ; then 68 echo "----------------------------------------------------------------" 69 echo "Executing .devvmrc" 70 /home/vagrant/go/src/ || true 71 fi 72 73 echo "----------------------------------------------------------------" 74 export PATH=/home/vagrant/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games 75 76 echo "editing journald configuration" 77 bash -c "echo RateLimitIntervalSec=1s >> /etc/systemd/journald.conf" 78 bash -c "echo RateLimitBurst=10000 >> /etc/systemd/journald.conf" 79 echo "restarting systemd-journald" 80 systemctl restart systemd-journald 81 echo "getting status of systemd-journald" 82 service systemd-journald status 83 echo "done configuring journald" 84 85 service docker restart 86 echo 'cd ~/go/src/' >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc 87 echo 'export GOPATH=$(go env GOPATH)' >> /home/vagrant/.bashrc 88 chown -R vagrant:vagrant /home/vagrant 2>/dev/null || true 89 curl -SsL -o bpf-map 90 chmod +x bpf-map 91 mv bpf-map /usr/bin 92 SCRIPT 93 94 $makeclean = ENV['MAKECLEAN'] ? "export MAKECLEAN=1" : "" 95 $build = <<SCRIPT 96 set -o errexit 97 set -o nounset 98 set -o pipefail 99 100 export PATH=/home/vagrant/go/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games:/usr/local/games 101 #{$makeclean} 102 ~/go/src/ 103 rm -fr ~/go/bin/cilium* 104 SCRIPT 105 106 $install = <<SCRIPT 107 set -o errexit 108 set -o nounset 109 set -o pipefail 110 111 # Add an exception for the cilium repo for the root user to fix the 112 # "fatal: unsafe repository ('/home/vagrant/go/src/' is owned by someone else)" 113 # error condition when running `sudo make install` 114 git config --global --add /home/vagrant/go/src/ 115 116 sudo -E make -C /home/vagrant/go/src/ install 117 118 sudo mkdir -p /etc/sysconfig 119 sudo cp /home/vagrant/go/src/ /lib/systemd/system 120 sudo cp /home/vagrant/go/src/ /lib/systemd/system 121 sudo cp /home/vagrant/go/src/ /lib/systemd/system 122 sudo cp /home/vagrant/go/src/ /lib/systemd/system 123 sudo cp /home/vagrant/go/src/ /lib/systemd/system 124 sudo cp /home/vagrant/go/src/ /etc/sysconfig 125 126 getent group cilium >/dev/null || sudo groupadd -r cilium 127 sudo usermod -a -G cilium vagrant 128 SCRIPT 129 130 $node_ip_base = ENV['IPV4_BASE_ADDR'] || "" 131 $node_nfs_base_ip = ENV['IPV4_BASE_ADDR_NFS'] || "" 132 $num_workers = (ENV['NWORKERS'] || 0).to_i 133 $workers_ipv4_addrs = $num_workers.times.collect { |n| $node_ip_base + "#{n+(ENV['FIRST_IP_SUFFIX']).to_i+1}" } 134 $workers_ipv4_addrs_nfs = $num_workers.times.collect { |n| $node_nfs_base_ip + "#{n+(ENV['FIRST_IP_SUFFIX_NFS']).to_i+1}" } 135 $master_ip = ENV['MASTER_IPV4'] 136 $master_ipv6 = ENV['MASTER_IPV6_PUBLIC'] 137 $workers_ipv6_addrs_str = ENV['IPV6_PUBLIC_WORKERS_ADDRS'] || "" 138 $workers_ipv6_addrs = $workers_ipv6_addrs_str.split(' ') 139 140 # Create unique ID for use in vboxnet name so Jenkins pipeline can have concurrent builds. 141 $job_name = ENV['JOB_BASE_NAME'] || "local" 142 143 $build_number = ENV['BUILD_NUMBER'] || "0" 144 $build_id = "#{$job_name}-#{$build_number}" 145 146 # Only create the build_id_name for Jenkins environment so that 147 # we can run VMs locally without having any the `build_id` in the name. 148 if ENV['BUILD_NUMBER'] then 149 $build_id_name = "-build-#{$build_id}" 150 end 151 152 if ENV['K8S'] then 153 $vm_base_name = "k8s" 154 else 155 $vm_base_name = "runtime" 156 end 157 158 # Set locate to en_US.UTF-8 159 ENV["LC_ALL"] = "en_US.UTF-8" 160 ENV["LC_CTYPE"] = "en_US.UTF-8" 161 162 if ENV['CILIUM_SCRIPT'] != 'true' then 163 Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| 164 config.vm.define "runtime1" 165 config.vm.define "k8s1" 166 config.vm.define "k8s2" 167 config.vm.define "k8s1+" 168 config.vm.define "k8s2+" 169 end 170 end 171 172 Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| 173 config.trigger.before :up, :provision, :reload do |trigger| 174 = {inline: "bash -c '#{$cleanup}'"} 175 end 176 177 config.vm.provision "bootstrap", type: "shell", inline: $bootstrap 178 if $NO_BUILD == "0" then 179 config.vm.provision "build", type: "shell", run: "always", privileged: false, inline: $build 180 end 181 config.vm.provision "install", type: "shell", run: "always", privileged: false, inline: $install 182 config.vm.box_check_update = false 183 184 config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| 185 # Do not inherit DNS server from host, use proxy 186 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnshostresolver1", "on"] 187 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--natdnsproxy1", "on"] 188 189 # Prevent VirtualBox from interfering with host audio stack 190 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--audio", "none"] 191 192 # Enable HPET, the Go scheduler heavily relies on accurate timers. 193 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--hpet", "on"] 194 195 = $SERVER_BOX 196 config.vm.box_version = $SERVER_VERSION 197 vb.memory = ENV['VM_MEMORY'].to_i 198 vb.cpus = ENV['VM_CPUS'].to_i 199 end 200 201 master_vm_name = "#{$vm_base_name}1#{$build_id_name}#{$vm_kernel}" 202 config.vm.define master_vm_name, primary: true do |cm| 203 node_ip = "#{$master_ip}" 204 node_ipv6 = "#{$master_ipv6}" 205 "forwarded_port", guest: 6443, host: 7443, auto_correct: true 206 "forwarded_port", guest: 9081, host: 9081, auto_correct: true 207 # 2345 is the default delv server port 208 "forwarded_port", guest: 2345, host: 2345, auto_correct: true 209 "private_network", ip: "#{$master_ip}", 210 virtualbox__intnet: "cilium-test-#{$build_id}" 211 if ENV['FIRST_IP_SUFFIX_NFS'] then 212 $nfs_ipv4_master_addr = $node_nfs_base_ip + "#{ENV['FIRST_IP_SUFFIX_NFS']}" 213 end 214 "private_network", ip: "#{$nfs_ipv4_master_addr}", bridge: "enp0s9" 215 # Add IPv6 address this way or we get hit by a virtualbox bug 216 cm.vm.provision "ipv6-config", 217 type: "shell", 218 run: "always", 219 inline: "ip -6 a a #{$master_ipv6}/16 dev enp0s9" 220 if ENV["IPV6_EXT"] then 221 node_ip = "#{$master_ipv6}" 222 end 223 224 # Interface for the IPv6 NAT Service. The IP address doesn't matter as 225 # it won't be used. We use an IPv4 address as newer versions of VBox 226 # reject all IPv6 addresses. 227 "private_network", 228 ip: "" 229 cm.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| 230 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nic4", "natnetwork"] 231 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nat-network4", "natnet1"] 232 end 233 cm.vm.provision "ipv6-nat-config", 234 type: "shell", 235 run: "always", 236 inline: "ip -6 r a default via fd17:625c:f037:2::1 dev enp0s10 || true" 237 238 cm.vm.hostname = "#{$vm_base_name}1" 239 if ENV['CILIUM_TEMP'] then 240 if ENV["K8S"] then 241 k8sinstall = "#{ENV['CILIUM_TEMP']}/" 242 cm.vm.provision "k8s-install-master-part-1", 243 type: "shell", 244 run: "always", 245 env: {"node_ip" => node_ip, "node_ipv6" => node_ipv6}, 246 privileged: true, 247 path: k8sinstall 248 end 249 script = "#{ENV['CILIUM_TEMP']}/" 250 cm.vm.provision "config-install", type: "shell", privileged: true, run: "always", path: script 251 # In k8s mode cilium needs etcd in order to run which was started in 252 # the first part of the script. The 2nd part will install the 253 # policies into kubernetes and cilium. 254 if ENV["K8S"] then 255 k8sinstall = "#{ENV['CILIUM_TEMP']}/" 256 cm.vm.provision "k8s-install-master-part-2", 257 type: "shell", 258 run: "always", 259 env: {"node_ip" => node_ip, "node_ipv6" => node_ipv6}, 260 privileged: true, 261 path: k8sinstall 262 end 263 end 264 end 265 266 $num_workers.times do |n| 267 # n starts with 0 268 node_vm_name = "#{$vm_base_name}#{n+2}#{$build_id_name}#{$vm_kernel}" 269 node_hostname = "#{$vm_base_name}#{n+2}" 270 config.vm.define node_vm_name do |node| 271 node_ip = $workers_ipv4_addrs[n] 272 node_ipv6 = $workers_ipv6_addrs[n] 273 "private_network", ip: "#{node_ip}", 274 virtualbox__intnet: "cilium-test-#{$build_id}" 275 nfs_ipv4_addr = $workers_ipv4_addrs_nfs[n] 276 "private_network", ip: "#{nfs_ipv4_addr}", bridge: "enp0s9" 277 # Add IPv6 address this way or we get hit by a virtualbox bug 278 node.vm.provision "ipv6-config", 279 type: "shell", 280 run: "always", 281 inline: "ip -6 a a #{node_ipv6}/16 dev enp0s9" 282 283 # Interface for the IPv6 NAT Service. The IP address doesn't matter 284 # as it won't be used. We use an IPv4 address as newer versions of 285 # VBox reject all IPv6 addresses. 286 "private_network", 287 ip: "" 288 node.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| 289 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nic4", "natnetwork"] 290 vb.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--nat-network4", "natnet#{n+2}"] 291 end 292 node.vm.provision "ipv6-nat-config", 293 type: "shell", 294 run: "always", 295 inline: "ip -6 r a default via fd17:625c:f037:2::1 dev enp0s10 || true" 296 297 if ENV["IPV6_EXT"] then 298 node_ip = "#{node_ipv6}" 299 end 300 node.vm.hostname = "#{node_hostname}" 301 if ENV['CILIUM_TEMP'] then 302 if ENV["K8S"] then 303 k8sinstall = "#{ENV['CILIUM_TEMP']}/" 304 node.vm.provision "k8s-install-node-part-1", 305 type: "shell", 306 run: "always", 307 env: {"node_ip" => node_ip, "node_ipv6" => node_ipv6}, 308 privileged: true, 309 path: k8sinstall 310 end 311 script = "#{ENV['CILIUM_TEMP']}/node-#{n+2}.sh" 312 node.vm.provision "config-install", type: "shell", privileged: true, run: "always", path: script 313 if ENV["K8S"] then 314 k8sinstall = "#{ENV['CILIUM_TEMP']}/" 315 node.vm.provision "k8s-install-node-part-2", 316 type: "shell", 317 run: "always", 318 env: {"node_ip" => node_ip, "node_ipv6" => node_ipv6}, 319 privileged: true, 320 path: k8sinstall 321 end 322 end 323 end 324 end 325 cilium_dir = '.' 326 cilium_path = '/home/vagrant/go/src/' 327 if ENV["SHARE_PARENT"] == "2" then 328 cilium_dir = '../..' 329 cilium_path = '/home/vagrant/go/src/' 330 elsif ENV["SHARE_PARENT"] then 331 cilium_dir = '..' 332 cilium_path = '/home/vagrant/go/src/' 333 end 334 config.vm.synced_folder cilium_dir, cilium_path, type: "nfs", nfs_udp: false 335 # Don't forget to enable this ports on your host before starting the VM 336 # in order to have nfs working 337 # iptables -I INPUT -s -j ACCEPT" 338 # if using nftables, in Fedora (with firewalld), use: 339 # nft -f ./contrib/vagrant/nftables.rules 340 341 if ENV['USER_MOUNTS'] then 342 # Allow multiple mounts divided by commas 343 ENV['USER_MOUNTS'].split(",").each do |mnt| 344 # Split "<to>=<from>" 345 user_mount = mnt.split("=", 2) 346 # Only one element, assume a path relative to home directories in both ends 347 if user_mount.length == 1 then 348 user_mount_to = "/home/vagrant/" + user_mount[0] 349 user_mount_from = "~/" + user_mount[0] 350 else 351 user_mount_to = user_mount[0] 352 # Remove "~/" prefix if any. 353 if user_mount_to.start_with?('~/') then 354 user_mount_to[0..1] = '' 355 end 356 # Add home directory prefix for non-absolute paths 357 if !user_mount_to.start_with?('/') then 358 user_mount_to = "/home/vagrant/" + user_mount_to 359 end 360 user_mount_from = user_mount[1] 361 # Add home prefix for host for any path in the project directory 362 # as it is already mounted. 363 if !user_mount_from.start_with?('/', '.', '~') then 364 user_mount_from = "~/" + user_mount_from 365 end 366 end 367 config.vm.synced_folder "#{user_mount_from}", "#{user_mount_to}", type: "nfs", nfs_udp: false 368 end 369 end 370 end