
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Hubble
     4  syntax = "proto3";
     6  import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
     7  import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
     8  import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
    10  package flow;
    12  option go_package = "";
    14  message Flow {
    15      google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1;
    17      // uuid is a universally unique identifier for this flow.
    18      string uuid = 34;
    20      Verdict verdict = 2;
    21      // only applicable to Verdict = DROPPED.
    22      // deprecated in favor of drop_reason_desc.
    23      uint32 drop_reason = 3 [deprecated=true];
    25      // auth_type is the authentication type specified for the flow in Cilium Network Policy.
    26      // Only set on policy verdict events.
    27      AuthType auth_type = 35;
    29      // l2
    30      Ethernet ethernet = 4;
    31      // l3
    32      IP IP = 5;
    33      // l4
    34      Layer4 l4 = 6;
    36      reserved 7; // removed, do not use
    38      Endpoint source = 8;
    39      Endpoint destination = 9;
    41      FlowType Type = 10;
    43      // NodeName is the name of the node from which this Flow was captured.
    44      string node_name = 11;
    45      // node labels in `foo=bar` format.
    46      repeated string node_labels = 37;
    48      reserved 12; // removed, do not use
    50      // all names the source IP can have.
    51      repeated string source_names = 13;
    52      // all names the destination IP can have.
    53      repeated string destination_names = 14;
    55      // L7 information. This field is set if and only if FlowType is L7.
    56      Layer7 l7 = 15;
    58      // Deprecated. This suffers from false negatives due to protobuf not being
    59      // able to distinguish between the value being false or it being absent.
    60      // Please use is_reply instead.
    61      bool reply = 16 [deprecated=true];
    63      reserved 17, 18; // removed, do not use
    65      // EventType of the originating Cilium event
    66      CiliumEventType event_type = 19;
    68      // source_service contains the service name of the source
    69      Service source_service = 20;
    70      // destination_service contains the service name of the destination
    71      Service destination_service = 21;
    73      // traffic_direction of the connection, e.g. ingress or egress
    74      TrafficDirection traffic_direction = 22;
    76      // policy_match_type is only applicable to the cilium event type PolicyVerdict
    77      //
    78      uint32 policy_match_type = 23;
    80      // Only applicable to cilium trace notifications, blank for other types.
    81      TraceObservationPoint trace_observation_point = 24;
    82      // Cilium datapath trace reason info.
    83      TraceReason trace_reason = 36;
    85      // only applicable to Verdict = DROPPED.
    86      DropReason drop_reason_desc = 25;
    88      // is_reply indicates that this was a packet (L4) or message (L7) in the
    89      // reply direction. May be absent (in which case it is unknown whether it
    90      // is a reply or not).
    91      google.protobuf.BoolValue is_reply = 26;
    93      // Only applicable to cilium debug capture events, blank for other types
    94      DebugCapturePoint debug_capture_point = 27;
    96      // interface is the network interface on which this flow was observed
    97      NetworkInterface interface = 28;
    99      // proxy_port indicates the port of the proxy to which the flow was forwarded
   100      uint32 proxy_port = 29;
   102      // trace_context contains information about a trace related to the flow, if
   103      // any.
   104      TraceContext trace_context = 30;
   106      // sock_xlate_point is the socket translation point.
   107      // Only applicable to TraceSock notifications, blank for other types
   108      SocketTranslationPoint sock_xlate_point = 31;
   110      // socket_cookie is the Linux kernel socket cookie for this flow.
   111      // Only applicable to TraceSock notifications, zero for other types
   112      uint64 socket_cookie = 32;
   114      // cgroup_id of the process which emitted this event.
   115      // Only applicable to TraceSock notifications, zero for other types
   116      uint64 cgroup_id = 33;
   118      // This is a temporary workaround to support summary field for pb.Flow without
   119      // duplicating logic from the old parser. This field will be removed once we
   120      // fully migrate to the new parser.
   121      string Summary = 100000 [deprecated=true];
   123      // extensions can be used to add arbitrary additional metadata to flows.
   124      // This can be used to extend functionality for other Hubble compatible
   125      // APIs, or experiment with new functionality without needing to change the public API.
   126      google.protobuf.Any extensions = 150000;
   128      // The CiliumNetworkPolicies allowing the egress of the flow.
   129      repeated Policy egress_allowed_by = 21001;
   130      // The CiliumNetworkPolicies allowing the ingress of the flow.
   131      repeated Policy ingress_allowed_by = 21002;
   133      // The CiliumNetworkPolicies denying the egress of the flow.
   134      repeated Policy egress_denied_by = 21004;
   135      // The CiliumNetworkPolicies denying the ingress of the flow.
   136      repeated Policy ingress_denied_by = 21005;
   137  }
   139  enum FlowType {
   140      UNKNOWN_TYPE = 0;
   141      L3_L4 = 1; // not sure about the underscore here, but `L34` also reads strange
   142      L7 = 2;
   143      SOCK = 3;
   144  }
   146  // These types correspond to definitions in pkg/policy/l4.go.
   147  enum AuthType {
   148      DISABLED = 0;
   149      SPIRE = 1;
   150      TEST_ALWAYS_FAIL = 2;
   151  }
   153  enum TraceObservationPoint {
   154      // Cilium treats 0 as TO_LXC, but its's something we should work to remove.
   155      // This is intentionally set as unknown, so proto API can guarantee the
   156      // observation point is always going to be present on trace events.
   157      UNKNOWN_POINT = 0;
   159      // TO_PROXY indicates network packets are transmitted towards the l7 proxy.
   160      TO_PROXY = 1;
   161      // TO_HOST indicates network packets are transmitted towards the host
   162      // namespace.
   163      TO_HOST = 2;
   164      // TO_STACK indicates network packets are transmitted towards the Linux
   165      // kernel network stack on host machine.
   166      TO_STACK = 3;
   167      // TO_OVERLAY indicates network packets are transmitted towards the tunnel
   168      // device.
   169      TO_OVERLAY = 4;
   170      // TO_ENDPOINT indicates network packets are transmitted towards endpoints
   171      // (containers).
   172      TO_ENDPOINT = 101;
   173      // FROM_ENDPOINT indicates network packets were received from endpoints
   174      // (containers).
   175      FROM_ENDPOINT = 5;
   176      // FROM_PROXY indicates network packets were received from the l7 proxy.
   177      FROM_PROXY = 6;
   178      // FROM_HOST indicates network packets were received from the host
   179      // namespace.
   180      FROM_HOST = 7;
   181      // FROM_STACK indicates network packets were received from the Linux kernel
   182      // network stack on host machine.
   183      FROM_STACK = 8;
   184      // FROM_OVERLAY indicates network packets were received from the tunnel
   185      // device.
   186      FROM_OVERLAY = 9;
   187      // FROM_NETWORK indicates network packets were received from native
   188      // devices.
   189      FROM_NETWORK = 10;
   190      // TO_NETWORK indicates network packets are transmitted towards native
   191      // devices.
   192      TO_NETWORK = 11;
   193  }
   195  enum TraceReason {
   196      TRACE_REASON_UNKNOWN = 0;
   197      NEW = 1;
   198      ESTABLISHED = 2;
   199      REPLY = 3;
   200      RELATED = 4;
   201      REOPENED = 5 [deprecated=true];
   202      SRV6_ENCAP = 6;
   203      SRV6_DECAP = 7;
   204      ENCRYPT_OVERLAY = 8;
   205  }
   207  message Layer4 {
   208      oneof protocol {
   209          TCP TCP = 1;
   210          UDP UDP = 2;
   211          // ICMP is technically not L4, but mutually exclusive with the above
   212          ICMPv4 ICMPv4 = 3;
   213          ICMPv6 ICMPv6 = 4;
   214          SCTP SCTP = 5;
   215      }
   216  }
   218  // This enum corresponds to Cilium's L7 accesslog [FlowType](
   219  enum L7FlowType {
   220      UNKNOWN_L7_TYPE = 0;
   221      REQUEST = 1;
   222      RESPONSE = 2;
   223      SAMPLE = 3;
   224  }
   226  // Message for L7 flow, which roughly corresponds to Cilium's accesslog [LogRecord](
   227  message Layer7 {
   228      L7FlowType type = 1;
   229      // Latency of the response
   230      uint64 latency_ns = 2;
   231      // L7 field. This field is set if and only if FlowType is L7.
   232      oneof record {
   233          DNS dns = 100;
   234          HTTP http = 101;
   235          Kafka kafka = 102;
   236      }
   237  }
   239  // TraceContext contains trace context propagation data, i.e. information about a
   240  // distributed trace.
   241  // For more information about trace context, check the [W3C Trace Context specification](
   242  message TraceContext {
   243      // parent identifies the incoming request in a tracing system.
   244      TraceParent parent = 1;
   245  }
   247  // TraceParent identifies the incoming request in a tracing system.
   248  message TraceParent {
   249      // trace_id is a unique value that identifies a trace. It is a byte array
   250      // represented as a hex string.
   251      string trace_id = 1;
   252  }
   254  message Endpoint {
   255      uint32 ID = 1;
   256      uint32 identity = 2;
   257      string cluster_name = 7;
   258      string namespace = 3;
   259      // labels in `foo=bar` format.
   260      repeated string labels = 4;
   261      string pod_name = 5;
   262      repeated Workload workloads = 6;
   263  }
   265  message Workload {
   266      string name = 1;
   267      string kind = 2;
   268  }
   270  message TCP {
   271      uint32 source_port = 1;
   272      uint32 destination_port = 2;
   273      TCPFlags flags = 3;
   274  }
   276  message IP {
   277      string source = 1;
   278      // source_xlated is the post translation source IP when the flow was SNATed
   279      // (and in that case source is the the original source IP).
   280      string source_xlated = 5;
   281      string destination = 2;
   282      IPVersion ipVersion = 3;
   283      // This field indicates whether the TraceReasonEncryptMask is set or not.
   284      //
   285      bool encrypted = 4;
   286  }
   288  message Ethernet {
   289      string source = 1;
   290      string destination = 2;
   291  }
   293  message TCPFlags {
   294      bool FIN = 1;
   295      bool SYN = 2;
   296      bool RST = 3;
   297      bool PSH = 4;
   298      bool ACK = 5;
   299      bool URG = 6;
   300      bool ECE = 7;
   301      bool CWR = 8;
   302      bool NS = 9;
   303  }
   305  message UDP {
   306      uint32 source_port = 1;
   307      uint32 destination_port = 2;
   308  }
   310  message SCTP {
   311      uint32 source_port = 1;
   312      uint32 destination_port = 2;
   313  }
   315  message ICMPv4 {
   316      uint32 type = 1;
   317      uint32 code = 2;
   318  }
   320  message ICMPv6 {
   321      uint32 type = 1;
   322      uint32 code = 2;
   323  }
   325  enum IPVersion {
   326      IP_NOT_USED = 0;
   327      IPv4 = 1;
   328      IPv6 = 2;
   329  }
   331  enum Verdict {
   332      // UNKNOWN is used if there is no verdict for this flow event
   333      VERDICT_UNKNOWN = 0;
   334      // FORWARDED is used for flow events where the trace point has forwarded
   335      // this packet or connection to the next processing entity.
   336      FORWARDED = 1;
   337      // DROPPED is used for flow events where the connection or packet has
   338      // been dropped (e.g. due to a malformed packet, it being rejected by a
   339      // network policy etc). The exact drop reason may be found in drop_reason_desc.
   340      DROPPED = 2;
   341      // ERROR is used for flow events where an error occurred during processing
   342      ERROR = 3;
   343      // AUDIT is used on policy verdict events in policy audit mode, to
   344      // denominate flows that would have been dropped by policy if audit mode
   345      // was turned off
   346      AUDIT = 4;
   347      // REDIRECTED is used for flow events which have been redirected to the proxy
   348      REDIRECTED = 5;
   349      // TRACED is used for flow events which have been observed at a trace point,
   350      // but no particular verdict has been reached yet
   351      TRACED = 6;
   352      // TRANSLATED is used for flow events where an address has been translated
   353      TRANSLATED = 7;
   354  }
   356  // These values are shared with pkg/monitor/api/drop.go and bpf/lib/common.h.
   357  // Note that non-drop reasons (i.e. values less than api.DropMin) are not used
   358  // here.
   359  enum DropReason {
   360      // non-drop reasons
   361      DROP_REASON_UNKNOWN = 0;
   362      // drop reasons
   363      INVALID_SOURCE_MAC = 130 [deprecated = true];
   364      INVALID_DESTINATION_MAC = 131 [deprecated = true];
   365      INVALID_SOURCE_IP = 132;
   366      POLICY_DENIED = 133;
   367      INVALID_PACKET_DROPPED = 134;
   369      CT_MISSING_TCP_ACK_FLAG = 136;
   370      CT_UNKNOWN_L4_PROTOCOL = 137;
   371      CT_CANNOT_CREATE_ENTRY_FROM_PACKET = 138 [deprecated = true];
   372      UNSUPPORTED_L3_PROTOCOL = 139;
   373      MISSED_TAIL_CALL = 140;
   374      ERROR_WRITING_TO_PACKET = 141;
   375      UNKNOWN_L4_PROTOCOL = 142;
   376      UNKNOWN_ICMPV4_CODE = 143;
   377      UNKNOWN_ICMPV4_TYPE = 144;
   378      UNKNOWN_ICMPV6_CODE = 145;
   379      UNKNOWN_ICMPV6_TYPE = 146;
   381      ERROR_RETRIEVING_TUNNEL_OPTIONS = 148 [deprecated = true];
   382      INVALID_GENEVE_OPTION = 149 [deprecated = true];
   383      UNKNOWN_L3_TARGET_ADDRESS = 150;
   384      STALE_OR_UNROUTABLE_IP = 151;
   385      NO_MATCHING_LOCAL_CONTAINER_FOUND = 152 [deprecated = true];
   388      CT_MAP_INSERTION_FAILED = 155;
   391      SERVICE_BACKEND_NOT_FOUND = 158;
   396      LOCAL_HOST_IS_UNREACHABLE = 164;
   398      UNSUPPORTED_L2_PROTOCOL = 166;
   401      FIB_LOOKUP_FAILED = 169;
   403      INVALID_IDENTITY = 171;
   404      UNKNOWN_SENDER = 172;
   405      NAT_NOT_NEEDED = 173;
   406      IS_A_CLUSTERIP = 174;
   408      FORBIDDEN_ICMPV6_MESSAGE = 176;
   409      DENIED_BY_LB_SRC_RANGE_CHECK = 177;
   410      SOCKET_LOOKUP_FAILED = 178;
   411      SOCKET_ASSIGN_FAILED = 179;
   413      POLICY_DENY = 181;
   414      VLAN_FILTERED = 182;
   415      INVALID_VNI = 183;
   416      INVALID_TC_BUFFER = 184;
   417      NO_SID = 185;
   418      MISSING_SRV6_STATE = 186 [deprecated = true];
   419      NAT46 = 187;
   420      NAT64 = 188;
   421      AUTH_REQUIRED = 189;
   422      CT_NO_MAP_FOUND = 190;
   423      SNAT_NO_MAP_FOUND = 191;
   424      INVALID_CLUSTER_ID = 192;
   426      NO_EGRESS_GATEWAY = 194;
   427      UNENCRYPTED_TRAFFIC = 195;
   428      TTL_EXCEEDED = 196;
   429      NO_NODE_ID = 197;
   430      DROP_RATE_LIMITED = 198;
   431      IGMP_HANDLED = 199;
   432      IGMP_SUBSCRIBED = 200;
   433      MULTICAST_HANDLED = 201;
   434      // A BPF program wants to tail call into bpf_host, but the host datapath
   435      // hasn't been loaded yet.
   436      DROP_HOST_NOT_READY = 202;
   437      // A BPF program wants to tail call some endpoint's policy program in the
   438      // POLICY_CALL_MAP, but the program is not available.
   439      DROP_EP_NOT_READY = 203;
   440      // An Egress Gateway node matched a packet against an Egress Gateway policy
   441      // that didn't select a valid Egress IP.
   442      DROP_NO_EGRESS_IP = 204;
   443  }
   445  enum TrafficDirection {
   447      INGRESS = 1;
   448      EGRESS = 2;
   449  }
   451  // These values are shared with pkg/monitor/api/datapath_debug.go and bpf/lib/dbg.h.
   452  enum DebugCapturePoint {
   454      reserved 1 to 3;
   455      DBG_CAPTURE_DELIVERY = 4;
   456      DBG_CAPTURE_FROM_LB = 5;
   457      DBG_CAPTURE_AFTER_V46 = 6;
   458      DBG_CAPTURE_AFTER_V64 = 7;
   459      DBG_CAPTURE_PROXY_PRE = 8;
   460      DBG_CAPTURE_PROXY_POST = 9;
   461      DBG_CAPTURE_SNAT_PRE = 10;
   462      DBG_CAPTURE_SNAT_POST = 11;
   463  }
   465  message Policy {
   466  	string name = 1;
   467  	string namespace = 2;
   468  	repeated string labels = 3;
   469  	uint64 revision = 4;
   470  }
   472  // EventTypeFilter is a filter describing a particular event type.
   473  message EventTypeFilter {
   474  	// type is the primary flow type as defined by:
   475  	//*
   476  	int32 type = 1;
   478  	// match_sub_type is set to true when matching on the sub_type should
   479  	// be done. This flag is required as 0 is a valid sub_type.
   480  	bool match_sub_type = 2;
   482  	// sub_type is the secondary type, e.g.
   483  	// -*
   484  	int32 sub_type = 3;
   485  }
   487  // CiliumEventType from which the flow originated.
   488  message CiliumEventType {
   489      // type of event the flow originated from, i.e.
   490      //*
   491      int32 type = 1;
   492      // sub_type may indicate more details depending on type, e.g.
   493  	// -*
   494      // -*
   495      // -*
   496      int32 sub_type = 2;
   497  }
   499  // FlowFilter represent an individual flow filter. All fields are optional. If
   500  // multiple fields are set, then all fields must match for the filter to match.
   501  message FlowFilter {
   502      // uuid filters by a list of flow uuids.
   503      repeated string uuid = 29;
   504      // source_ip filters by a list of source ips. Each of the source ips can be
   505      // specified as an exact match (e.g. "") or as a CIDR range (e.g.
   506      // "").
   507      repeated string source_ip = 1;
   508      // source_ip_xlated filters by a list IPs. Each of the IPs can be specified
   509      // as an exact match (e.g. "") or as a CIDR range (e.g.
   510      // "").
   511      repeated string source_ip_xlated = 34;
   512      // source_pod filters by a list of source pod name prefixes, optionally
   513      // within a given namespace (e.g. "xwing", "kube-system/coredns-").
   514      // The pod name can be omitted to only filter by namespace
   515      // (e.g. "kube-system/") or the namespace can be omitted to filter for
   516      // pods in any namespace (e.g. "/xwing")
   517      repeated string source_pod = 2;
   518      // source_fqdn filters by a list of source fully qualified domain names
   519      repeated string source_fqdn = 7;
   520      // source_labels filters on a list of source label selectors. Selectors
   521      // support the full Kubernetes label selector syntax.
   522      repeated string source_label = 10;
   523      // source_service filters on a list of source service names. This field
   524      // supports the same syntax as the source_pod field.
   525      repeated string source_service = 16;
   526      // source_workload filters by a list of source workload.
   527      repeated Workload source_workload = 26;
   529      // destination_ip filters by a list of destination ips. Each of the
   530      // destination ips can be specified as an exact match (e.g. "") or
   531      // as a CIDR range (e.g. "").
   532      repeated string destination_ip = 3;
   533      // destination_pod filters by a list of destination pod names
   534      repeated string destination_pod = 4;
   535      // destination_fqdn filters by a list of destination fully qualified domain names
   536      repeated string destination_fqdn = 8;
   537      // destination_label filters on a list of destination label selectors
   538      repeated string destination_label = 11;
   539      // destination_service filters on a list of destination service names
   540      repeated string destination_service = 17;
   541      // destination_workload filters by a list of destination workload.
   542      repeated Workload destination_workload = 27;
   544      // traffic_direction filters flow by direction of the connection, e.g.
   545      // ingress or egress.
   546      repeated TrafficDirection traffic_direction = 30;
   547      // only return Flows that were classified with a particular verdict.
   548      repeated Verdict verdict = 5;
   549      // only applicable to Verdict = DROPPED (e.g. "POLICY_DENIED", "UNSUPPORTED_L3_PROTOCOL")
   550      repeated DropReason drop_reason_desc = 33;
   551      // interface is the network interface on which this flow was observed.
   552      repeated NetworkInterface interface = 35;
   553      // event_type is the list of event types to filter on
   554      repeated EventTypeFilter event_type = 6;
   555      // http_status_code is a list of string prefixes (e.g. "4+", "404", "5+")
   556      // to filter on the HTTP status code
   557      repeated string http_status_code = 9;
   559      // protocol filters flows by L4 or L7 protocol, e.g. (e.g. "tcp", "http")
   560      repeated string protocol = 12;
   562      // source_port filters flows by L4 source port
   563      repeated string source_port = 13;
   564      // destination_port filters flows by L4 destination port
   565      repeated string destination_port = 14;
   566      // reply filters flows based on the direction of the flow.
   567      repeated bool reply = 15;
   568      // dns_query filters L7 DNS flows by query patterns (RE2 regex), e.g. 'kube.*local'.
   569      repeated string dns_query = 18;
   570      // source_identity filters by the security identity of the source endpoint.
   571      repeated uint32 source_identity = 19;
   572      // destination_identity filters by the security identity of the destination endpoint.
   573      repeated uint32 destination_identity = 20;
   575      // GET, POST, PUT, etc. methods. This type of field is well suited for an
   576      // enum but every single existing place is using a string already.
   577      repeated string http_method = 21;
   578      // http_path is a list of regular expressions to filter on the HTTP path.
   579      repeated string http_path = 22;
   580      // http_url is a list of regular expressions to filter on the HTTP URL.
   581      repeated string http_url = 31;
   582      // http_header is a list of key:value pairs to filter on the HTTP headers.
   583      repeated HTTPHeader http_header = 32;
   585      // tcp_flags filters flows based on TCP header flags
   586      repeated TCPFlags tcp_flags = 23;
   588      // node_name is a list of patterns to filter on the node name, e.g. "k8s*",
   589      // "test-cluster/*", "cluster-name/" etc.
   590      repeated string node_name = 24;
   591      // node_labels filters on a list of node label selectors. Selectors support
   592      // the full Kubernetes label selector syntax.
   593      repeated string node_labels = 36;
   595      // filter based on IP version (ipv4 or ipv6)
   596      repeated IPVersion ip_version = 25;
   598      // trace_id filters flows by trace ID
   599      repeated string trace_id = 28;
   601      // Experimental contains filters that are not stable yet. Support for
   602      // experimental features is always optional and subject to change.
   603      message Experimental {
   604        // cel_expression takes a common expression language (CEL) expression
   605        // returning a boolean to determine if the filter matched or not.
   606        // You can use the `_flow` variable to access fields on the flow using
   607        // the flow.Flow protobuf field names.
   608        // See
   609        // for more details on CEL and accessing the protobuf fields in CEL.
   610        // Using CEL has performance cost compared to other filters, so prefer
   611        // using non-CEL filters when possible, and try to specify CEL filters
   612        // last in the list of FlowFilters.
   613        repeated string cel_expression = 1;
   614      }
   615      // experimental contains filters that are not stable yet. Support for
   616      // experimental features is always optional and subject to change.
   617      Experimental experimental = 999;
   618  }
   620  // EventType are constants are based on the ones from <linux/perf_event.h>.
   621  enum EventType {
   622      UNKNOWN = 0;
   623      // EventSample is equivalent to PERF_RECORD_SAMPLE.
   624      EventSample = 9;
   625      // RecordLost is equivalent to PERF_RECORD_LOST.
   626      RecordLost = 2;
   627  }
   629  // DNS flow. This is basically directly mapped from Cilium's [LogRecordDNS](
   630  message DNS {
   631      // DNS name that's being looked up: e.g. ""
   632      string query = 1;
   633      // List of IP addresses in the DNS response.
   634      repeated string ips = 2;
   635      // TTL in the DNS response.
   636      uint32 ttl = 3;
   637      // List of CNames in the DNS response.
   638      repeated string cnames = 4;
   639      // Corresponds to DNSDataSource defined in:
   640      //
   641      string observation_source = 5;
   642      // Return code of the DNS request defined in:
   643      //
   644      uint32 rcode = 6;
   645      // String representation of qtypes defined in:
   646      //
   647      repeated string qtypes = 7;
   648      // String representation of rrtypes defined in:
   649      //
   650      repeated string rrtypes = 8;
   651  }
   653  message HTTPHeader {
   654      string key = 1;
   655      string value = 2;
   656  }
   658  // L7 information for HTTP flows. It corresponds to Cilium's [accesslog.LogRecordHTTP]( type.
   659  message HTTP {
   660      uint32 code = 1;
   661      string method = 2;
   662      string url = 3;
   663      string protocol = 4;
   664      repeated HTTPHeader headers = 5;
   665  }
   667  // L7 information for Kafka flows. It corresponds to Cilium's [accesslog.LogRecordKafka]( type.
   668  message Kafka {
   669      int32 error_code = 1;
   670      int32 api_version = 2;
   671      string api_key = 3;
   672      int32 correlation_id = 4;
   673      string topic = 5;
   674  }
   676  message Service {
   677      string name = 1;
   678      string namespace = 2;
   679  }
   681  enum LostEventSource {
   683      // PERF_EVENT_RING_BUFFER indicates that events were dropped in the BPF
   684      // perf event ring buffer, indicating that userspace agent did not keep up
   685      // with the events produced by the datapath.
   686      PERF_EVENT_RING_BUFFER = 1;
   687      // OBSERVER_EVENTS_QUEUE indicates that events were dropped because the
   688      // Hubble events queue was full, indicating that the Hubble observer did
   689      // not keep up.
   690      OBSERVER_EVENTS_QUEUE = 2;
   692      // HUBBLE_RING_BUFFER indicates that the event was dropped because it could
   693      // not be read from Hubble's ring buffer in time before being overwritten.
   694      HUBBLE_RING_BUFFER = 3;
   695  }
   697  // LostEvent is a message which notifies consumers about a loss of events
   698  // that happened before the events were captured by Hubble.
   699  message LostEvent {
   700      // source is the location where events got lost.
   701      LostEventSource source = 1;
   702      // num_events_lost is the number of events that haven been lost at source.
   703      uint64 num_events_lost = 2;
   704      // cpu on which the event was lost if the source of lost events is
   705      // PERF_EVENT_RING_BUFFER.
   706      google.protobuf.Int32Value cpu = 3;
   707  }
   709  // AgentEventType is the type of agent event. These values are shared with type
   710  // AgentNotification in pkg/monitor/api/types.go.
   711  enum AgentEventType {
   712      AGENT_EVENT_UNKNOWN = 0;
   713      // used for AGENT_EVENT_GENERIC in monitor API, but there are currently no
   714      // such events;
   715      reserved 1;
   716      AGENT_STARTED = 2;
   717      POLICY_UPDATED = 3;
   718      POLICY_DELETED = 4;
   721      ENDPOINT_CREATED = 7;
   722      ENDPOINT_DELETED = 8;
   723      IPCACHE_UPSERTED = 9;
   724      IPCACHE_DELETED = 10;
   725      SERVICE_UPSERTED = 11;
   726      SERVICE_DELETED = 12;
   727  }
   729  message AgentEvent {
   730      AgentEventType type = 1;
   731      oneof notification {
   732          AgentEventUnknown unknown = 100;
   733          TimeNotification agent_start = 101;
   734          // used for POLICY_UPDATED and POLICY_DELETED
   735          PolicyUpdateNotification policy_update = 102;
   737          EndpointRegenNotification endpoint_regenerate = 103;
   738          // used for ENDPOINT_CREATED and ENDPOINT_DELETED
   739          EndpointUpdateNotification endpoint_update = 104;
   740          // used for IPCACHE_UPSERTED and IPCACHE_DELETED
   741          IPCacheNotification ipcache_update = 105;
   742          ServiceUpsertNotification service_upsert = 106;
   743          ServiceDeleteNotification service_delete = 107;
   744      }
   745  }
   747  message AgentEventUnknown {
   748      string type = 1;
   749      string notification = 2;
   750  }
   752  message TimeNotification {
   753      google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1;
   754  }
   756  message PolicyUpdateNotification {
   757      repeated string labels = 1;
   758      uint64 revision = 2;
   759      int64 rule_count = 3;
   760  }
   762  message EndpointRegenNotification {
   763      uint64 id = 1;
   764      repeated string labels = 2;
   765      string error = 3;
   766  }
   768  message EndpointUpdateNotification {
   769      uint64 id = 1;
   770      repeated string labels = 2;
   771      string error = 3;
   772      string pod_name = 4;
   773      string namespace = 5;
   774  }
   776  message IPCacheNotification {
   777      string cidr = 1;
   778      uint32 identity = 2;
   779      google.protobuf.UInt32Value old_identity = 3;
   780      string host_ip = 4;
   781      string old_host_ip = 5;
   782      uint32 encrypt_key = 6;
   783      string namespace = 7;
   784      string pod_name = 8;
   785  }
   787  message ServiceUpsertNotificationAddr {
   788      string ip = 1;
   789      uint32 port = 2;
   790  }
   792  message ServiceUpsertNotification {
   793      uint32 id = 1;
   794      ServiceUpsertNotificationAddr frontend_address = 2;
   795      repeated ServiceUpsertNotificationAddr backend_addresses = 3;
   796      string type = 4;
   797      string traffic_policy = 5 [deprecated = true];
   798      string name = 6;
   799      string namespace = 7;
   800      string ext_traffic_policy = 8;
   801      string int_traffic_policy = 9;
   802  }
   804  message ServiceDeleteNotification {
   805      uint32 id = 1;
   806  }
   808  message NetworkInterface {
   809      uint32 index = 1;
   810      string name = 2;
   811  }
   813  // This mirrors enum xlate_point in bpf/lib/trace_sock.h
   814  enum SocketTranslationPoint {
   816      SOCK_XLATE_POINT_PRE_DIRECTION_FWD = 1; // Pre service translation
   817      SOCK_XLATE_POINT_POST_DIRECTION_FWD = 2; // Post service translation
   818      SOCK_XLATE_POINT_PRE_DIRECTION_REV = 3;   // Pre reverse service translation
   819      SOCK_XLATE_POINT_POST_DIRECTION_REV = 4; // Post reverse service translation
   820  }
   822  message DebugEvent {
   823      DebugEventType type = 1;
   824      Endpoint source = 2;
   825      google.protobuf.UInt32Value hash = 3;
   826      google.protobuf.UInt32Value arg1 = 4;
   827      google.protobuf.UInt32Value arg2 = 5;
   828      google.protobuf.UInt32Value arg3 = 6;
   829      string message = 7;
   830      google.protobuf.Int32Value cpu = 8;
   831  }
   833  // These values are shared with pkg/monitor/api/datapath_debug.go and bpf/lib/dbg.h.
   834  enum DebugEventType {
   835      DBG_EVENT_UNKNOWN = 0;
   836      DBG_GENERIC = 1;
   837      DBG_LOCAL_DELIVERY = 2;
   838      DBG_ENCAP = 3;
   839      DBG_LXC_FOUND = 4;
   840      DBG_POLICY_DENIED = 5;
   841      DBG_CT_LOOKUP = 6;
   842      DBG_CT_LOOKUP_REV = 7;
   843      DBG_CT_MATCH = 8;
   844      DBG_CT_CREATED = 9;
   845      DBG_CT_CREATED2 = 10;
   846      DBG_ICMP6_HANDLE = 11;
   847      DBG_ICMP6_REQUEST = 12;
   848      DBG_ICMP6_NS = 13;
   849      DBG_ICMP6_TIME_EXCEEDED = 14;
   850      DBG_CT_VERDICT = 15;
   851      DBG_DECAP = 16;
   852      DBG_PORT_MAP = 17;
   853      DBG_ERROR_RET = 18;
   854      DBG_TO_HOST = 19;
   855      DBG_TO_STACK = 20;
   856      DBG_PKT_HASH = 21;
   857      DBG_LB6_LOOKUP_FRONTEND = 22;
   858      DBG_LB6_LOOKUP_FRONTEND_FAIL = 23;
   859      DBG_LB6_LOOKUP_BACKEND_SLOT = 24;
   862      DBG_LB6_LOOKUP_BACKEND_FAIL = 27;
   863      DBG_LB6_REVERSE_NAT_LOOKUP = 28;
   864      DBG_LB6_REVERSE_NAT = 29;
   865      DBG_LB4_LOOKUP_FRONTEND = 30;
   866      DBG_LB4_LOOKUP_FRONTEND_FAIL = 31;
   867      DBG_LB4_LOOKUP_BACKEND_SLOT = 32;
   870      DBG_LB4_LOOKUP_BACKEND_FAIL = 35;
   871      DBG_LB4_REVERSE_NAT_LOOKUP = 36;
   872      DBG_LB4_REVERSE_NAT = 37;
   873      DBG_LB4_LOOPBACK_SNAT = 38;
   874      DBG_LB4_LOOPBACK_SNAT_REV = 39;
   875      DBG_CT_LOOKUP4 = 40;
   876      DBG_RR_BACKEND_SLOT_SEL = 41;
   877      DBG_REV_PROXY_LOOKUP = 42;
   878      DBG_REV_PROXY_FOUND = 43;
   879      DBG_REV_PROXY_UPDATE = 44;
   880      DBG_L4_POLICY = 45;
   881      DBG_NETDEV_IN_CLUSTER = 46;
   882      DBG_NETDEV_ENCAP4 = 47;
   883      DBG_CT_LOOKUP4_1 = 48;
   884      DBG_CT_LOOKUP4_2 = 49;
   885      DBG_CT_CREATED4 = 50;
   886      DBG_CT_LOOKUP6_1 = 51;
   887      DBG_CT_LOOKUP6_2 = 52;
   888      DBG_CT_CREATED6 = 53;
   889      DBG_SKIP_PROXY = 54;
   890      DBG_L4_CREATE = 55;
   891      DBG_IP_ID_MAP_FAILED4 = 56;
   892      DBG_IP_ID_MAP_FAILED6 = 57;
   893      DBG_IP_ID_MAP_SUCCEED4 = 58;
   894      DBG_IP_ID_MAP_SUCCEED6 = 59;
   895      DBG_LB_STALE_CT = 60;
   896      DBG_INHERIT_IDENTITY = 61;
   897      DBG_SK_LOOKUP4 = 62;
   898      DBG_SK_LOOKUP6 = 63;
   899      DBG_SK_ASSIGN = 64;
   900      DBG_L7_LB = 65;
   901      DBG_SKIP_POLICY = 66;
   902  }