
     1  // Code generated by go-swagger; DO NOT EDIT.
     3  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     6  package server
     8  // This file was generated by the swagger tool.
     9  // Editing this file might prove futile when you re-run the swagger generate command
    11  import (
    12  	"encoding/json"
    13  )
    15  var (
    16  	// SwaggerJSON embedded version of the swagger document used at generation time
    17  	SwaggerJSON json.RawMessage
    18  	// FlatSwaggerJSON embedded flattened version of the swagger document used at generation time
    19  	FlatSwaggerJSON json.RawMessage
    20  )
    22  func init() {
    23  	SwaggerJSON = json.RawMessage([]byte(`{
    24    "consumes": [
    25      "application/json"
    26    ],
    27    "produces": [
    28      "application/json"
    29    ],
    30    "swagger": "2.0",
    31    "info": {
    32      "description": "Cilium KVStoreMesh",
    33      "title": "KvstoreMesh",
    34      "version": "v1beta1"
    35    },
    36    "basePath": "/v1",
    37    "paths": {
    38      "/cluster": {
    39        "get": {
    40          "tags": [
    41            "cluster"
    42          ],
    43          "summary": "Retrieve the list of remote clusters and their status",
    44          "responses": {
    45            "200": {
    46              "description": "Success",
    47              "schema": {
    48                "type": "array",
    49                "items": {
    50                  "$ref": "#/definitions/RemoteCluster"
    51                }
    52              }
    53            }
    54          }
    55        }
    56      }
    57    },
    58    "definitions": {
    59      "RemoteCluster": {
    60        "allOf": [
    61          {
    62            "$ref": "../openapi.yaml#/definitions/RemoteCluster"
    63          }
    64        ],
    65        "x-go-type": {
    66          "import": {
    67            "alias": "common",
    68            "package": ""
    69          },
    70          "type": "RemoteCluster"
    71        }
    72      }
    73    },
    74    "x-schemes": [
    75      "unix"
    76    ]
    77  }`))
    78  	FlatSwaggerJSON = json.RawMessage([]byte(`{
    79    "consumes": [
    80      "application/json"
    81    ],
    82    "produces": [
    83      "application/json"
    84    ],
    85    "swagger": "2.0",
    86    "info": {
    87      "description": "Cilium KVStoreMesh",
    88      "title": "KvstoreMesh",
    89      "version": "v1beta1"
    90    },
    91    "basePath": "/v1",
    92    "paths": {
    93      "/cluster": {
    94        "get": {
    95          "tags": [
    96            "cluster"
    97          ],
    98          "summary": "Retrieve the list of remote clusters and their status",
    99          "responses": {
   100            "200": {
   101              "description": "Success",
   102              "schema": {
   103                "type": "array",
   104                "items": {
   105                  "$ref": "#/definitions/RemoteCluster"
   106                }
   107              }
   108            }
   109          }
   110        }
   111      }
   112    },
   113    "definitions": {
   114      "RemoteCluster": {
   115        "allOf": [
   116          {
   117            "description": "Status of remote cluster\n\n+k8s:deepcopy-gen=true",
   118            "properties": {
   119              "config": {
   120                "$ref": "#/definitions/remoteClusterConfig"
   121              },
   122              "connected": {
   123                "description": "Indicates whether the connection to the remote kvstore is established",
   124                "type": "boolean"
   125              },
   126              "last-failure": {
   127                "description": "Time of last failure that occurred while attempting to reach the cluster",
   128                "type": "string",
   129                "format": "date-time"
   130              },
   131              "name": {
   132                "description": "Name of the cluster",
   133                "type": "string"
   134              },
   135              "num-endpoints": {
   136                "description": "Number of endpoints in the cluster",
   137                "type": "integer"
   138              },
   139              "num-failures": {
   140                "description": "Number of failures reaching the cluster",
   141                "type": "integer"
   142              },
   143              "num-identities": {
   144                "description": "Number of identities in the cluster",
   145                "type": "integer"
   146              },
   147              "num-nodes": {
   148                "description": "Number of nodes in the cluster",
   149                "type": "integer"
   150              },
   151              "num-shared-services": {
   152                "description": "Number of services in the cluster",
   153                "type": "integer"
   154              },
   155              "ready": {
   156                "description": "Indicates readiness of the remote cluster",
   157                "type": "boolean"
   158              },
   159              "status": {
   160                "description": "Status of the control plane",
   161                "type": "string"
   162              },
   163              "synced": {
   164                "$ref": "#/definitions/remoteClusterSynced"
   165              }
   166            }
   167          }
   168        ],
   169        "x-go-type": {
   170          "import": {
   171            "alias": "common",
   172            "package": ""
   173          },
   174          "type": "RemoteCluster"
   175        }
   176      },
   177      "remoteClusterConfig": {
   178        "description": "Cluster configuration exposed by the remote cluster\n\n+k8s:deepcopy-gen=true",
   179        "properties": {
   180          "cluster-id": {
   181            "description": "The Cluster ID advertised by the remote cluster",
   182            "type": "integer"
   183          },
   184          "kvstoremesh": {
   185            "description": "Whether the remote cluster information is locally cached by kvstoremesh",
   186            "type": "boolean"
   187          },
   188          "required": {
   189            "description": "Whether the configuration is required to be present",
   190            "type": "boolean"
   191          },
   192          "retrieved": {
   193            "description": "Whether the configuration has been correctly retrieved",
   194            "type": "boolean"
   195          },
   196          "sync-canaries": {
   197            "description": "Whether the remote cluster supports per-prefix \"synced\" canaries",
   198            "type": "boolean"
   199          }
   200        }
   201      },
   202      "remoteClusterSynced": {
   203        "description": "Status of the synchronization with the remote cluster, about each resource\ntype. A given resource is considered to be synchronized if the initial\nlist of entries has been completely received from the remote cluster, and\nnew events are currently being watched.\n\n+k8s:deepcopy-gen=true",
   204        "properties": {
   205          "endpoints": {
   206            "description": "Endpoints synchronization status",
   207            "type": "boolean"
   208          },
   209          "identities": {
   210            "description": "Identities synchronization status",
   211            "type": "boolean"
   212          },
   213          "nodes": {
   214            "description": "Nodes synchronization status",
   215            "type": "boolean"
   216          },
   217          "services": {
   218            "description": "Services synchronization status",
   219            "type": "boolean"
   220          }
   221        }
   222      }
   223    },
   224    "x-schemes": [
   225      "unix"
   226    ]
   227  }`))
   228  }