
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Hubble
     4  syntax = "proto3";
     6  import "google/protobuf/any.proto";
     7  import "google/protobuf/wrappers.proto";
     8  import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
     9  import "google/protobuf/field_mask.proto";
    10  import public "flow/flow.proto";
    11  import "relay/relay.proto";
    13  package observer;
    15  option go_package = "";
    17  // Observer returns a stream of Flows depending on which filter the user want
    18  // to observe.
    19  service Observer {
    20      // GetFlows returning structured data, meant to eventually obsolete GetLastNFlows.
    21      rpc GetFlows(GetFlowsRequest) returns (stream GetFlowsResponse) {}
    23      // GetAgentEvents returns Cilium agent events.
    24      rpc GetAgentEvents(GetAgentEventsRequest) returns (stream GetAgentEventsResponse) {}
    26      // GetDebugEvents returns Cilium datapath debug events.
    27      rpc GetDebugEvents(GetDebugEventsRequest) returns (stream GetDebugEventsResponse) {}
    29      // GetNodes returns information about nodes in a cluster.
    30      rpc GetNodes(GetNodesRequest) returns (GetNodesResponse) {}
    32      // GetNamespaces returns information about namespaces in a cluster.
    33      // The namespaces returned are namespaces which have had network flows in
    34      // the last hour. The namespaces are returned sorted by cluster name and
    35      // namespace in ascending order.
    36      rpc GetNamespaces(GetNamespacesRequest) returns (GetNamespacesResponse) {}
    38      // ServerStatus returns some details about the running hubble server.
    39      rpc ServerStatus(ServerStatusRequest) returns (ServerStatusResponse) {}
    40  }
    42  message ServerStatusRequest {}
    44  message ServerStatusResponse {
    45      // number of currently captured flows
    46      // In a multi-node context, this is the cumulative count of all captured
    47      // flows.
    48      uint64 num_flows = 1;
    50      // maximum capacity of the ring buffer
    51      // In a multi-node context, this is the aggregation of all ring buffers
    52      // capacities.
    53      uint64 max_flows = 2;
    55      // total amount of flows observed since the observer was started
    56      // In a multi-node context, this is the aggregation of all flows that have
    57      // been seen.
    58      uint64 seen_flows = 3;
    60      // uptime of this observer instance in nanoseconds
    61      // In a multi-node context, this field corresponds to the uptime of the
    62      // longest living instance.
    63      uint64 uptime_ns = 4;
    65      // number of nodes for which a connection is established
    66      google.protobuf.UInt32Value num_connected_nodes = 5;
    68      // number of nodes for which a connection cannot be established
    69      google.protobuf.UInt32Value num_unavailable_nodes = 6;
    71      // list of nodes that are unavailable
    72      // This list may not be exhaustive.
    73      repeated string unavailable_nodes = 7;
    75      // Version is the version of Cilium/Hubble.
    76      string version = 8;
    78      // Approximate rate of flows seen by Hubble per second over the last minute.
    79      // In a multi-node context, this is the sum of all flows rates.
    80      double flows_rate = 9;
    81  }
    83  message GetFlowsRequest {
    84      // Number of flows that should be returned. Incompatible with `since/until`.
    85      // Defaults to the most recent (last) `number` flows, unless `first` is
    86      // true, then it will return the earliest `number` flows.
    87      uint64 number = 1;
    89      // first specifies if we should look at the first `number` flows or the
    90      // last `number` of flows. Incompatible with `follow`.
    91      bool first = 9;
    93      reserved 2; // removed, do not use
    95      // follow sets when the server should continue to stream flows after
    96      // printing the last N flows.
    97      bool follow = 3;
    99      // blacklist defines a list of filters which have to match for a flow to be
   100      // excluded from the result.
   101      // If multiple blacklist filters are specified, only one of them has to
   102      // match for a flow to be excluded.
   103      repeated flow.FlowFilter blacklist = 5;
   105      // whitelist defines a list of filters which have to match for a flow to be
   106      // included in the result.
   107      // If multiple whitelist filters are specified, only one of them has to
   108      // match for a flow to be included.
   109      // The whitelist and blacklist can both be specified. In such cases, the
   110      // set of the returned flows is the set difference `whitelist - blacklist`.
   111      // In other words, the result will contain all flows matched by the
   112      // whitelist that are not also simultaneously matched by the blacklist.
   113      repeated flow.FlowFilter whitelist = 6;
   115      // Since this time for returned flows. Incompatible with `number`.
   116      google.protobuf.Timestamp since = 7;
   118      // Until this time for returned flows. Incompatible with `number`.
   119      google.protobuf.Timestamp until = 8;
   121      // FieldMask allows clients to limit flow's fields that will be returned.
   122      // For example, {paths: ["", ""]} will return flows
   123      // with only these two fields set.
   124      google.protobuf.FieldMask field_mask = 10;
   126      // Experimental contains fields that are not stable yet. Support for
   127      // experimental features is always optional and subject to change.
   128      message Experimental {
   129          // FieldMask allows clients to limit flow's fields that will be returned.
   130          // For example, {paths: ["", ""]} will return flows
   131          // with only these two fields set.
   132          // Deprecated in favor of top-level field_mask. This field will be
   133          // removed in v1.17.
   134          google.protobuf.FieldMask field_mask = 1 [deprecated=true];
   135      }
   136      Experimental experimental = 999;
   138      // extensions can be used to add arbitrary additional metadata to GetFlowsRequest.
   139      // This can be used to extend functionality for other Hubble compatible
   140      // APIs, or experiment with new functionality without needing to change the public API.
   141      google.protobuf.Any extensions = 150000;
   142  }
   144  // GetFlowsResponse contains either a flow or a protocol message.
   145  message GetFlowsResponse {
   146      oneof response_types{
   147          flow.Flow flow = 1;
   148          // node_status informs clients about the state of the nodes
   149          // participating in this particular GetFlows request.
   150          relay.NodeStatusEvent node_status = 2;
   151          // lost_events informs clients about events which got dropped due to
   152          // a Hubble component being unavailable
   153          flow.LostEvent lost_events = 3;
   154      }
   155      // Name of the node where this event was observed.
   156      string node_name = 1000;
   157      // Timestamp at which this event was observed.
   158      google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1001;
   159  }
   161  message GetAgentEventsRequest {
   162      // Number of flows that should be returned. Incompatible with `since/until`.
   163      // Defaults to the most recent (last) `number` events, unless `first` is
   164      // true, then it will return the earliest `number` events.
   165      uint64 number = 1;
   167      // first specifies if we should look at the first `number` events or the
   168      // last `number` of events. Incompatible with `follow`.
   169      bool first = 9;
   171      // follow sets when the server should continue to stream agent events after
   172      // printing the last N agent events.
   173      bool follow = 2;
   175      // TODO: do we want to be able to specify blocklist/allowlist (previously
   176      // known as blacklist/whitelist)?
   178      // Since this time for returned agent events. Incompatible with `number`.
   179      google.protobuf.Timestamp since = 7;
   181      // Until this time for returned agent events. Incompatible with `number`.
   182      google.protobuf.Timestamp until = 8;
   183  }
   185  // GetAgentEventsResponse contains an event received from the Cilium agent.
   186  message GetAgentEventsResponse {
   187      flow.AgentEvent agent_event = 1;
   188      // Name of the node where this event was observed.
   189      string node_name = 1000;
   190      // Timestamp at which this event was observed.
   191      google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1001;
   192  }
   194  message GetDebugEventsRequest {
   195      // Number of events that should be returned. Incompatible with `since/until`.
   196      // Defaults to the most recent (last) `number` events, unless `first` is
   197      // true, then it will return the earliest `number` events.
   198      uint64 number = 1;
   200      // first specifies if we should look at the first `number` events or the
   201      // last `number` of events. Incompatible with `follow`.
   202      bool first = 9;
   204      // follow sets when the server should continue to stream debug events after
   205      // printing the last N debug events.
   206      bool follow = 2;
   208      // TODO: do we want to be able to specify blocklist/allowlist (previously
   209      // known as blacklist/whitelist)?
   211      // Since this time for returned debug events. Incompatible with `number`.
   212      google.protobuf.Timestamp since = 7;
   214      // Until this time for returned debug events. Incompatible with `number`.
   215      google.protobuf.Timestamp until = 8;
   216  }
   218  // GetDebugEventsResponse contains a Cilium datapath debug events.
   219  message GetDebugEventsResponse {
   220      flow.DebugEvent debug_event = 1;
   221      // Name of the node where this event was observed.
   222      string node_name = 1000;
   223      // Timestamp at which this event was observed.
   224      google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1001;
   225  }
   227  message GetNodesRequest {}
   229  // GetNodesResponse contains the list of nodes.
   230  message GetNodesResponse {
   231      // Nodes is an exhaustive list of nodes.
   232      repeated Node nodes = 1;
   233  }
   235  // Node represents a cluster node.
   236  message Node {
   237      // Name is the name of the node.
   238      string name = 1;
   239      // Version is the version of Cilium/Hubble as reported by the node.
   240      string version = 2;
   242      // Address is the network address of the API endpoint.
   243      string address = 3;
   245      // State represents the known state of the node.
   246      relay.NodeState state = 4;
   248      // TLS reports TLS related information.
   249      TLS tls = 5;
   251      // UptimeNS is the uptime of this instance in nanoseconds
   252      uint64 uptime_ns = 6;
   254      // number of currently captured flows
   255      uint64 num_flows = 7;
   257      // maximum capacity of the ring buffer
   258      uint64 max_flows = 8;
   260      // total amount of flows observed since the observer was started
   261      uint64 seen_flows = 9;
   262  }
   264  // TLS represents TLS information.
   265  message TLS {
   266      // Enabled reports whether TLS is enabled or not.
   267      bool enabled = 1;
   268      // ServerName is the TLS server name that can be used as part of the TLS
   269      // cert validation process.
   270      string server_name = 2;
   271  }
   273  message GetNamespacesRequest {}
   275  // GetNamespacesResponse contains the list of namespaces.
   276  message GetNamespacesResponse {
   277      // Namespaces is a list of namespaces with flows
   278      repeated Namespace namespaces = 1;
   279  }
   281  message Namespace {
   282    string cluster = 1;
   283    string namespace = 2;
   284  }
   286  // ExportEvent contains an event to be exported. Not to be used outside of the
   287  // exporter feature.
   288  message ExportEvent {
   289      oneof response_types{
   290          flow.Flow flow = 1;
   291          // node_status informs clients about the state of the nodes
   292          // participating in this particular GetFlows request.
   293          relay.NodeStatusEvent node_status = 2;
   294          // lost_events informs clients about events which got dropped due to
   295          // a Hubble component being unavailable
   296          flow.LostEvent lost_events = 3;
   297          // agent_event informs clients about an event received from the Cilium
   298          // agent.
   299          flow.AgentEvent agent_event = 4;
   300          // debug_event contains Cilium datapath debug events
   301          flow.DebugEvent debug_event = 5;
   302      }
   303      // Name of the node where this event was observed.
   304      string node_name = 1000;
   305      // Timestamp at which this event was observed.
   306      google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 1001;
   307  }