
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Hubble
     4  syntax = "proto3";
     6  package peer;
     8  option go_package = "";
    10  // Peer lists  hubble peers and notifies of changes.
    11  service Peer {
    12      // Notify sends information about hubble peers in the cluster.
    13      // When Notify is called, it sends information about all the peers that are
    14      // already part of the cluster (with the type as PEER_ADDED). It
    15      // subsequently notifies of any change.
    16      rpc Notify(NotifyRequest) returns (stream ChangeNotification) {}
    17  }
    19  message NotifyRequest {}
    21  // ChangeNotification indicates a change regarding a hubble peer.
    22  message ChangeNotification {
    23      // Name is the name of the peer, typically the hostname. The name includes
    24      // the cluster name if a value other than default has been specified.
    25      // This value can be used to uniquely identify the host.
    26      // When the cluster name is not the default, the cluster name is prepended
    27      // to the peer name and a forward slash is added.
    28      //
    29      // Examples:
    30      //  - runtime1
    31      //  - testcluster/runtime1
    32      string name = 1;
    34      // Address is the address of the peer's gRPC service.
    35      string address = 2;
    37      // ChangeNotificationType indicates the type of change, ie whether the peer
    38      // was added, deleted or updated.
    39      ChangeNotificationType type = 3;
    41      // TLS provides information to connect to the Address with TLS enabled.
    42      // If not set, TLS shall be assumed to be disabled.
    43      TLS tls = 4;
    44  }
    46  // ChangeNotificationType defines the peer change notification type.
    47  enum ChangeNotificationType {
    48      UNKNOWN = 0;
    49      PEER_ADDED = 1;
    50      PEER_DELETED = 2;
    51      PEER_UPDATED = 3;
    52  }
    54  // TLS provides information to establish a TLS connection to the peer.
    55  message TLS {
    56      // ServerName is used to verify the hostname on the returned certificate.
    57      string server_name = 1;
    58  }