
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Hubble
     4  syntax = "proto3";
     6  import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
     7  import "google/protobuf/duration.proto";
     9  package recorder;
    11  option go_package = "";
    13  // Recorder implements the Hubble module for capturing network packets
    14  service Recorder {
    15      // Record can start and stop a single recording. The recording is
    16      // automatically stopped if the client aborts this rpc call.
    17      rpc Record (stream RecordRequest) returns (stream RecordResponse);
    18  }
    20  message RecordRequest {
    21      oneof request_type {
    22          // start starts a new recording with the given parameters.
    23          StartRecording start = 1;
    24          // stop stops the running recording.
    25          StopRecording stop = 2;
    26      }
    27  }
    29  message StartRecording {
    30      // filesink configures the outfile of this recording
    31      // Future alternative sink configurations may be added as a
    32      // backwards-compatible change by moving this field into a oneof.
    33      FileSinkConfiguration filesink = 1;
    35      // include list for this recording. Packets matching any of the provided
    36      // filters will be recorded.
    37      repeated Filter include = 2;
    39      // max_capture_length specifies the maximum packet length.
    40      // Full packet length will be captured if absent/zero.
    41      uint32 max_capture_length = 3;
    43      // stop_condition defines conditions which will cause the recording to
    44      // stop early after any of the stop conditions has been hit
    45      StopCondition stop_condition = 4;
    46  }
    48  // StopCondition defines one or more conditions which cause the recording to
    49  // stop after they have been hit. Stop conditions are ignored if they are
    50  // absent or zero-valued. If multiple conditions are defined, the recording
    51  // stops after the first one is hit.
    52  message StopCondition {
    53      // bytes_captured_count stops the recording after at least this many bytes
    54      // have been captured. Note: The resulting file might be slightly larger due
    55      // to added pcap headers.
    56      uint64 bytes_captured_count = 1;
    57      // packets_captured_count stops the recording after at least this many packets have
    58      // been captured.
    59      uint64 packets_captured_count = 2;
    60      // time_elapsed stops the recording after this duration has elapsed.
    61      google.protobuf.Duration time_elapsed = 3;
    62  }
    64  // FileSinkConfiguration configures the file output. Possible future additions
    65  // might be the selection of the output volume. The initial implementation will
    66  // only support a single volume which is configured as a cilium-agent CLI flag.
    67  message FileSinkConfiguration {
    68      // file_prefix is an optional prefix for the file name.
    69      // Defaults to `hubble` if empty. Must match the following regex if not
    70      // empty: ^[a-z][a-z0-9]{0,19}$
    71      // The generated filename will be of format
    72      //  <file_prefix>_<unixtime>_<unique_random>_<node_name>.pcap
    73      string file_prefix = 1;
    74  }
    76  message Filter {
    77      // source_cidr. Must not be empty.
    78      // Set to to match any IPv4 source address (::/0 for IPv6).
    79      string source_cidr = 1;
    80      // source_port. Matches any source port if empty.
    81      uint32 source_port = 2;
    82      // destination_cidr. Must not be empty.
    83      // Set to to match any IPv4 destination address (::/0 for IPv6).
    84      string destination_cidr = 3;
    85      // destination_port. Matches any destination port if empty.
    86      uint32 destination_port = 4;
    87      // protocol. Matches any protocol if empty.
    88      Protocol protocol = 5;
    89  }
    92  // Protocol is a one of the supported protocols for packet capture
    93  enum Protocol {
    94      PROTOCOL_ANY = 0;
    95      PROTOCOL_TCP = 6;
    96      PROTOCOL_UDP = 17;
    97      PROTOCOL_SCTP = 132;
    98  }
   100  message StopRecording {}
   102  message RecordResponse {
   103      // name of the node where this recording is happening
   104      string node_name = 1;
   105      // time at which this event was observed on the above node
   106      google.protobuf.Timestamp time = 2;
   108      // Note: In this initial design, any fatal error will be returned as
   109      // gRPC errors and are not part of the regular response type.
   110      // It is a forward-compatible change to introduce additional more
   111      // granular or structured error responses here.
   112      oneof response_type {
   113          // running means that the recording is capturing packets. This is
   114          // emitted in regular intervals
   115          RecordingRunningResponse running = 3;
   116          // stopped means the recording has stopped
   117          RecordingStoppedResponse stopped = 4;
   118      }
   119  }
   121  message RecordingStatistics {
   122      // bytes_captured is the total amount of bytes captured in the recording
   123      uint64 bytes_captured = 1;
   124      // packets_captured is the total amount of packets captured the recording
   125      uint64 packets_captured = 2;
   126      // packets_lost is the total amount of packets matching the filter during
   127      // the recording, but never written to the sink because it was overloaded.
   128      uint64 packets_lost = 3;
   129      // bytes_lost is the total amount of bytes matching the filter during
   130      // the recording, but never written to the sink because it was overloaded.
   131      uint64 bytes_lost = 4;
   132  }
   134  message RecordingRunningResponse {
   135      // stats for the running recording
   136      RecordingStatistics stats = 1;
   137  }
   139  message RecordingStoppedResponse {
   140      // stats for the recording
   141      RecordingStatistics stats = 1;
   142      // filesink contains the path to the captured file
   143      FileSinkResult filesink = 2;
   144  }
   146  message FileSinkResult {
   147      // file_path is the absolute path to the captured pcap file
   148      string file_path = 1;
   149  }