
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  syntax = "proto3";
     6  package relay;
     8  option go_package = "";
    10  // NodeStatusEvent is a message sent by hubble-relay to inform clients about
    11  // the state of a particular node.
    12  message NodeStatusEvent {
    13      // state_change contains the new node state
    14      NodeState state_change = 1;
    15      // node_names is the list of nodes for which the above state changes applies
    16      repeated string node_names = 2;
    17      // message is an optional message attached to the state change (e.g. an
    18      // error message). The message applies to all nodes in node_names.
    19      string message = 3;
    20  }
    22  enum NodeState {
    23      // UNKNOWN_NODE_STATE indicates that the state of this node is unknown.
    24      UNKNOWN_NODE_STATE = 0;
    25      // NODE_CONNECTED indicates that we have established a connection
    26      // to this node. The client can expect to observe flows from this node.
    27      NODE_CONNECTED = 1;
    28      // NODE_UNAVAILABLE indicates that the connection to this
    29      // node is currently unavailable. The client can expect to not see any
    30      // flows from this node until either the connection is re-established or
    31      // the node is gone.
    32      NODE_UNAVAILABLE = 2;
    33      // NODE_GONE indicates that a node has been removed from the
    34      // cluster. No reconnection attempts will be made.
    35      NODE_GONE = 3;
    36      // NODE_ERROR indicates that a node has reported an error while processing
    37      // the request. No reconnection attempts will be made.
    38      NODE_ERROR = 4;
    39  }