
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  syntax = "proto3";
     5  option go_package = ".;bpftests";
     7  // TRF (Test Result Format)
     8  message SuiteResult {
     9      message TestResult {
    10          enum TestStatus {
    11              // Unable to execute test, not indicative of the test itself, usually an unexpected error in the framework
    12              // like out of memory conditions.
    13              ERROR = 0;
    14              PASS = 1;
    15              FAIL = 2;
    16              // The test was skipped, for example because the feature under test is disabled or unavailable with the
    17              // current settings or on this platform.
    18              SKIP = 3;
    19          }
    21          string name = 1;
    22          TestStatus status = 2;
    23          repeated Log test_log = 3;
    24      }
    26      repeated TestResult results = 1;
    27      repeated Log suite_log = 2;
    28  }
    30  // bpf_trace_printk style logging
    31  message Log {
    32      string fmt = 1;
    33      repeated fixed64 args = 2;
    34  }