(about) 1 # Copyright Authors of Cilium 2 # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 3 4 # distroless images are signed by cosign and can be verified using: 5 # cosign verify $IMAGE_NAME --certificate-oidc-issuer --certificate-identity 6 ARG 7 # These SHA256 digests are important for two reasons: 8 # 1. They 'pin' the container image to a specific version. Unlike a tag that can be changed at any future point, a 9 # SHA265 hash cannot be modified. This increases the security of the build by protecting against a class of supply 10 # chain attacks where an attacker has write access to our 3rd party dependnecy image registries. 11 # 2. These digests must be to the *overall* digest, not the digest for a specific image. This is because the images will 12 # be architecture specific, but the overall digest will contiain all of the architectures. 13 ARG 14 # We don't use ETCD_IMAGE because that's used in Makefile.defs to select a ETCD image approrpate for the *host platform* 15 # to run tests with. 16 ARG 17 18 # BUILDPLATFORM is an automatic platform ARG enabled by Docker BuildKit. 19 # Represents the plataform where the build is happening, do not mix with 20 # TARGETARCH 21 FROM --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM} ${GOLANG_IMAGE} AS builder 22 23 # TARGETOS is an automatic platform ARG enabled by Docker BuildKit. 24 ARG TARGETOS 25 # TARGETARCH is an automatic platform ARG enabled by Docker BuildKit. 26 ARG TARGETARCH 27 # MODIFIERS are extra arguments to be passed to make at build time. 28 ARG MODIFIERS 29 30 WORKDIR /go/src/ 31 RUN --mount=type=bind,readwrite,target=/go/src/ --mount=target=/root/.cache,type=cache --mount=target=/go/pkg,type=cache \ 32 mkdir -p /out/${TARGETOS}/${TARGETARCH} && cp etcd-config.yaml /out/${TARGETOS}/${TARGETARCH}/etcd-config.yaml 33 RUN --mount=type=bind,readwrite,target=/go/src/ --mount=target=/root/.cache,type=cache --mount=target=/go/pkg,type=cache \ 34 make GOARCH=${TARGETARCH} ${MODIFIERS} \ 35 && mkdir -p /out/${TARGETOS}/${TARGETARCH}/usr/bin && mv clustermesh-apiserver /out/${TARGETOS}/${TARGETARCH}/usr/bin 36 37 WORKDIR /go/src/ 38 # licenses-all is a "script" that executes "go run" so its ARCH should be set 39 # to the same ARCH specified in the base image of this Docker stage (BUILDARCH) 40 RUN --mount=type=bind,readwrite,target=/go/src/ --mount=target=/root/.cache,type=cache --mount=target=/go/pkg,type=cache \ 41 make GOARCH=${BUILDARCH} licenses-all && mv LICENSE.all /out/${TARGETOS}/${TARGETARCH} 42 43 # BUILDPLATFORM is an automatic platform ARG enabled by Docker BuildKit. 44 # Represents the plataform where the build is happening, do not mix with 45 # TARGETARCH 46 FROM --platform=${BUILDPLATFORM} ${GOLANG_IMAGE} AS gops 47 48 # will build both archs at the same time 49 WORKDIR /go/src/ 50 RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y binutils-aarch64-linux-gnu binutils-x86-64-linux-gnu 51 RUN --mount=type=bind,readwrite,target=/go/src/ --mount=target=/root/.cache,type=cache --mount=target=/go/pkg,type=cache \ 52 ./ 53 54 FROM --platform=${TARGETARCH} ${ETCD_SERVER_IMAGE} AS etcd 55 56 FROM ${BASE_IMAGE} AS release 57 # TARGETOS is an automatic platform ARG enabled by Docker BuildKit. 58 ARG TARGETOS 59 # TARGETARCH is an automatic platform ARG enabled by Docker BuildKit. 60 ARG TARGETARCH 61 LABEL maintainer="" 62 COPY --from=gops /out/${TARGETOS}/${TARGETARCH}/bin/gops /bin/gops 63 # While the etcd image uses /usr/local/bin, we're moving it to /usr/bin to keep consistency with the rest of our images. 64 # We also don't grab the etcdctl or etcdutl binaries, as we don't need them for our application. 65 COPY --from=etcd /usr/local/bin/etcd /usr/bin/etcd 66 COPY --from=builder /out/${TARGETOS}/${TARGETARCH}/etcd-config.yaml /var/lib/cilium/etcd-config.yaml 67 COPY --from=builder /out/${TARGETOS}/${TARGETARCH}/usr/bin/clustermesh-apiserver /usr/bin/clustermesh-apiserver 68 COPY --from=builder /out/${TARGETOS}/${TARGETARCH}/LICENSE.all /LICENSE.all 69 70 # Configure gops to use a temporary directory, to prevent permission 71 # issues depending on the UID configured to run the entrypoint. 72 ENV GOPS_CONFIG_DIR=/tmp/gops 73 74 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/clustermesh-apiserver"]