
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package endpointslicesync
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"testing"
     9  	"time"
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	corev1 ""
    17  	discovery ""
    18  	metav1 ""
    19  	cache ""
    20  	mcsapiv1alpha1 ""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	k8sClient ""
    27  	""
    28  	slim_corev1 ""
    29  	slim_metav1 ""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  )
    36  const (
    37  	remoteClusterName string = "cluster-1"
    38  	globalSvcIP       string = ""
    39  )
    41  func createService(name string) *slim_corev1.Service {
    42  	return &slim_corev1.Service{
    43  		ObjectMeta: slim_metav1.ObjectMeta{
    44  			Name:      name,
    45  			Namespace: name,
    46  			Annotations: map[string]string{
    47  				annotation.GlobalService:                   "true",
    48  				annotation.GlobalServiceSyncEndpointSlices: "true",
    49  			},
    50  		},
    51  		Spec: slim_corev1.ServiceSpec{
    52  			Selector:   map[string]string{"test": "test"},
    53  			IPFamilies: []slim_corev1.IPFamily{slim_corev1.IPv4Protocol},
    54  		},
    55  	}
    56  }
    58  func createGlobalService(
    59  	globalService *common.GlobalServiceCache,
    60  	podInformer *meshPodInformer,
    61  	svcName string,
    62  	updateClusterSvc func(*store.ClusterService)) *store.ClusterService {
    63  	clusterSvc := &store.ClusterService{
    64  		Cluster:   remoteClusterName,
    65  		Namespace: svcName,
    66  		Name:      svcName,
    67  		Backends: map[string]store.PortConfiguration{
    68  			globalSvcIP: {"port-name": &loadbalancer.L4Addr{Protocol: loadbalancer.TCP, Port: 42}},
    69  		},
    70  		Shared:    true,
    71  		ClusterID: 1,
    72  	}
    73  	if updateClusterSvc != nil {
    74  		updateClusterSvc(clusterSvc)
    75  	}
    76  	globalService.OnUpdate(clusterSvc)
    77  	// We manually call the rest of the informer for convenience
    78  	podInformer.onClusterServiceUpdate(clusterSvc)
    79  	return clusterSvc
    80  }
    82  func getEndpointSlice(clientset k8sClient.Clientset, svcName string) (*discovery.EndpointSliceList, error) {
    83  	labelSelector := metav1.LabelSelector{MatchLabels: map[string]string{
    84  		discovery.LabelServiceName: svcName,
    85  		discovery.LabelManagedBy:   utils.EndpointSliceMeshControllerName,
    86  	}}
    87  	return clientset.DiscoveryV1().EndpointSlices(svcName).
    88  		List(context.Background(), metav1.ListOptions{LabelSelector: metav1.FormatLabelSelector(&labelSelector)})
    89  }
    91  func Test_meshEndpointSlice_Reconcile(t *testing.T) {
    92  	var fakeClient k8sClient.FakeClientset
    93  	var services resource.Resource[*slim_corev1.Service]
    94  	logger := logrus.New()
    95  	hive := hive.New(
    96  		k8sClient.FakeClientCell,
    97  		k8s.ResourcesCell,
    98  		cell.Invoke(func(
    99  			c *k8sClient.FakeClientset,
   100  			svc resource.Resource[*slim_corev1.Service],
   101  		) error {
   102  			fakeClient = *c
   103  			services = svc
   104  			return nil
   105  		}),
   106  	)
   107  	tlog := hivetest.Logger(t)
   108  	err := hive.Start(tlog, context.Background())
   109  	if err != nil {
   110  		t.Fatal(err)
   111  	}
   112  	defer hive.Stop(tlog, context.Background())
   114  	globalService := common.NewGlobalServiceCache(metric.NewGauge(metric.GaugeOpts{}))
   115  	podInformer := newMeshPodInformer(logger, globalService)
   116  	nodeInformer := newMeshNodeInformer(logger)
   117  	controller, serviceInformer, endpointsliceInformer := newEndpointSliceMeshController(
   118  		context.Background(), logger,
   119  		EndpointSliceSyncConfig{ClusterMeshMaxEndpointsPerSlice: 100},
   120  		podInformer, nodeInformer, &fakeClient, services, globalService,
   121  	)
   122  	endpointsliceInformer.Start(context.Background().Done())
   123  	go serviceInformer.Start(context.Background())
   124  	cache.WaitForCacheSync(context.Background().Done(), serviceInformer.HasSynced)
   126  	go controller.Run(context.Background(), 1)
   127  	nodeInformer.onClusterAdd(remoteClusterName)
   129  	svcStore, _ := services.Store(context.Background())
   131  	tick := 10 * time.Millisecond
   132  	timeout := 200 * time.Millisecond
   134  	t.Run("Create service then global service", func(t *testing.T) {
   135  		svcName := "local-svc-global-svc"
   136  		hostname := svcName + "-0"
   137  		svc1 := createService(svcName)
   138  		svcStore.CacheStore().Add(svc1)
   139  		serviceInformer.refreshAllCluster(svc1)
   140  		createGlobalService(globalService, podInformer, svcName, func(clusterSvc *store.ClusterService) {
   141  			clusterSvc.Hostnames = map[string]string{globalSvcIP: hostname}
   142  		})
   144  		var epList *discovery.EndpointSliceList
   145  		require.EventuallyWithT(t, func(c *assert.CollectT) {
   146  			epList, err = getEndpointSlice(&fakeClient, svcName)
   147  			assert.NoError(c, err)
   148  			assert.Len(c, epList.Items, 1)
   149  		}, timeout, tick, "endpointslice is not reconciled correctly")
   151  		require.Equal(t, map[string]string{
   152  			discovery.LabelServiceName:        svcName,
   153  			discovery.LabelManagedBy:          utils.EndpointSliceMeshControllerName,
   154  			mcsapiv1alpha1.LabelSourceCluster: remoteClusterName,
   155  			corev1.IsHeadlessService:          "",
   156  		}, epList.Items[0].Labels)
   157  		require.Len(t, epList.Items[0].Endpoints, 1)
   159  		require.NotNil(t, epList.Items[0].Endpoints[0].Hostname)
   160  		require.Equal(t, hostname, *epList.Items[0].Endpoints[0].Hostname)
   162  		require.Len(t, epList.Items[0].OwnerReferences, 1)
   163  		require.Equal(t, "v1", epList.Items[0].OwnerReferences[0].APIVersion)
   164  		require.Equal(t, "Service", epList.Items[0].OwnerReferences[0].Kind)
   165  		require.Equal(t, "local-svc-global-svc", epList.Items[0].OwnerReferences[0].Name)
   166  	})
   168  	t.Run("Create global service then service", func(t *testing.T) {
   169  		svcName := "global-svc-local-svc"
   170  		createGlobalService(globalService, podInformer, svcName, nil)
   171  		svc1 := createService(svcName)
   172  		svcStore.CacheStore().Add(svc1)
   173  		serviceInformer.refreshAllCluster(svc1)
   175  		var epList *discovery.EndpointSliceList
   176  		require.EventuallyWithT(t, func(c *assert.CollectT) {
   177  			epList, err = getEndpointSlice(&fakeClient, svcName)
   178  			assert.NoError(c, err)
   179  			assert.Len(c, epList.Items, 1)
   180  		}, timeout, tick, "endpointslice is not reconciled correctly")
   182  		require.Equal(t, map[string]string{
   183  			discovery.LabelServiceName:        svcName,
   184  			discovery.LabelManagedBy:          utils.EndpointSliceMeshControllerName,
   185  			mcsapiv1alpha1.LabelSourceCluster: remoteClusterName,
   186  			corev1.IsHeadlessService:          "",
   187  		}, epList.Items[0].Labels)
   188  	})
   190  	t.Run("Create headless service and global service", func(t *testing.T) {
   191  		svcName := "local-svc-headless-global-svc"
   192  		svc1 := createService(svcName)
   193  		svc1.Spec.ClusterIP = corev1.ClusterIPNone
   195  		svcStore.CacheStore().Add(svc1)
   196  		serviceInformer.refreshAllCluster(svc1)
   197  		createGlobalService(globalService, podInformer, svcName, nil)
   199  		require.EventuallyWithT(t, func(c *assert.CollectT) {
   200  			epList, err := getEndpointSlice(&fakeClient, svcName)
   201  			assert.NoError(c, err)
   202  			assert.Len(c, epList.Items, 1)
   203  		}, timeout, tick, "endpointslice is not reconciled correctly")
   204  	})
   206  	t.Run("Create service with global annotation and remove it", func(t *testing.T) {
   207  		svcName := "svc-remove-annotation"
   208  		createGlobalService(globalService, podInformer, svcName, nil)
   209  		svc1 := createService(svcName)
   210  		svcStore.CacheStore().Add(svc1)
   211  		serviceInformer.refreshAllCluster(svc1)
   213  		var epList *discovery.EndpointSliceList
   214  		require.EventuallyWithT(t, func(c *assert.CollectT) {
   215  			// Make sure that we have 1 endpointslice
   216  			epList, err = getEndpointSlice(&fakeClient, svcName)
   217  			assert.NoError(c, err)
   218  			assert.Len(c, epList.Items, 1)
   219  		}, timeout, tick, "endpointslice is not reconciled correctly")
   221  		svc1.Annotations[annotation.GlobalServiceSyncEndpointSlices] = "false"
   222  		svcStore.CacheStore().Update(svc1)
   223  		serviceInformer.refreshAllCluster(svc1)
   225  		require.EventuallyWithT(t, func(c *assert.CollectT) {
   226  			epList, err := getEndpointSlice(&fakeClient, svcName)
   227  			assert.NoError(c, err)
   228  			assert.Len(c, epList.Items, 0)
   229  		}, timeout, tick, "endpointslice is not reconciled correctly")
   230  	})
   232  	t.Run("Create service and global service and then delete global svc", func(t *testing.T) {
   233  		svcName := "local-svc-no-global-svc"
   234  		clusterSvc := createGlobalService(globalService, podInformer, svcName, nil)
   235  		svc1 := createService(svcName)
   236  		svcStore.CacheStore().Add(svc1)
   237  		serviceInformer.refreshAllCluster(svc1)
   239  		var epList *discovery.EndpointSliceList
   240  		require.EventuallyWithT(t, func(c *assert.CollectT) {
   241  			// Make sure that we have 1 endpointslice
   242  			epList, err = getEndpointSlice(&fakeClient, svcName)
   243  			assert.NoError(c, err)
   244  			assert.Len(c, epList.Items, 1)
   245  		}, timeout, tick, "endpointslice is not reconciled correctly")
   247  		globalService.OnDelete(clusterSvc)
   248  		// We manually call the rest of the informer for convenience
   249  		podInformer.onClusterServiceDelete(clusterSvc)
   251  		require.EventuallyWithT(t, func(c *assert.CollectT) {
   252  			epList, err := getEndpointSlice(&fakeClient, svcName)
   253  			assert.NoError(c, err)
   254  			assert.Len(c, epList.Items, 0)
   255  		}, timeout, tick, "endpointslice is not reconciled correctly")
   256  	})
   257  }