
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package endpoint
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"errors"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"strconv"
    12  	""
    14  	""
    15  	datapath ""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  )
    22  // EndpointRegenerationEvent contains all fields necessary to regenerate an endpoint.
    23  type EndpointRegenerationEvent struct {
    24  	regenContext *regenerationContext
    25  	ep           *Endpoint
    26  }
    28  // Handle handles the regeneration event for the endpoint.
    29  func (ev *EndpointRegenerationEvent) Handle(res chan interface{}) {
    30  	e := ev.ep
    31  	regenContext := ev.regenContext
    33  	err := e.rlockAlive()
    34  	if err != nil {
    35  		e.logDisconnectedMutexAction(err, "before regeneration")
    36  		res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
    37  			err: err,
    38  		}
    40  		return
    41  	}
    42  	e.runlock()
    44  	// We should only queue the request after we use all the endpoint's
    45  	// lock/unlock. Otherwise this can get a deadlock if the endpoint is
    46  	// being deleted at the same time. More info PR-1777.
    47  	doneFunc, err := e.owner.QueueEndpointBuild(regenContext.parentContext, uint64(e.ID))
    48  	if err != nil {
    49  		if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
    50  			e.getLogger().WithError(err).Warning("unable to queue endpoint build")
    51  		}
    52  	} else if doneFunc != nil {
    53  		e.getLogger().Debug("Dequeued endpoint from build queue")
    55  		regenContext.DoneFunc = doneFunc
    57  		err = ev.ep.regenerate(ev.regenContext)
    59  		doneFunc()
    60  		e.notifyEndpointRegeneration(err)
    61  	} else {
    62  		// If another build has been queued for the endpoint, that means that
    63  		// that build will be able to take care of all of the work needed to
    64  		// regenerate the endpoint at this current point in time; queueing
    65  		// another build is a waste of resources.
    66  		e.getLogger().Debug("build not queued for endpoint because another build has already been queued")
    67  	}
    69  	res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
    70  		err: err,
    71  	}
    72  }
    74  // EndpointRegenerationResult contains the results of an endpoint regeneration.
    75  type EndpointRegenerationResult struct {
    76  	err error
    77  }
    79  // EndpointRevisionBumpEvent contains all fields necessary to bump the policy
    80  // revision of a given endpoint.
    81  type EndpointRevisionBumpEvent struct {
    82  	Rev uint64
    83  	ep  *Endpoint
    84  }
    86  // Handle handles the revision bump event for the Endpoint.
    87  func (ev *EndpointRevisionBumpEvent) Handle(res chan interface{}) {
    88  	// TODO: if the endpoint is not in a 'ready' state that means that
    89  	// we cannot set the policy revision, as something else has
    90  	// changed endpoint state which necessitates regeneration,
    91  	// *or* the endpoint is in a not-ready state (i.e., a prior
    92  	// regeneration failed, so there is no way that we can
    93  	// realize the policy revision yet. Should this be signaled
    94  	// to the routine waiting for the result of this event?
    95  	ev.ep.SetPolicyRevision(ev.Rev)
    96  	res <- struct{}{}
    97  }
    99  // PolicyRevisionBumpEvent queues an event for the given endpoint to set its
   100  // realized policy revision to rev. This may block depending on if events have
   101  // been queued up for the given endpoint. It blocks until the event has
   102  // succeeded, or if the event has been cancelled.
   103  func (e *Endpoint) PolicyRevisionBumpEvent(rev uint64) {
   104  	epBumpEvent := eventqueue.NewEvent(&EndpointRevisionBumpEvent{Rev: rev, ep: e})
   105  	// Don't check policy revision event results - it is best effort.
   106  	_, err := e.eventQueue.Enqueue(epBumpEvent)
   107  	if err != nil {
   108  		log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   109  			logfields.PolicyRevision: rev,
   110  			logfields.EndpointID:     e.ID,
   111  		}).Errorf("enqueue of EndpointRevisionBumpEvent failed: %s", err)
   112  	}
   113  }
   115  // EndpointNoTrackEvent contains all fields necessary to update the NOTRACK rules.
   116  type EndpointNoTrackEvent struct {
   117  	ep     *Endpoint
   118  	annoCB AnnotationsResolverCB
   119  }
   121  // Handle handles the NOTRACK rule update.
   122  func (ev *EndpointNoTrackEvent) Handle(res chan interface{}) {
   123  	var port uint16
   125  	e := ev.ep
   127  	// If this endpoint is going away, nothing to do.
   128  	if err := e.lockAlive(); err != nil {
   129  		res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   130  			err: nil,
   131  		}
   132  		return
   133  	}
   135  	defer e.unlock()
   137  	portStr, err := ev.annoCB(e.K8sNamespace, e.K8sPodName)
   138  	if err != nil {
   139  		res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   140  			err: err,
   141  		}
   142  		return
   143  	}
   145  	if portStr == "" {
   146  		port = 0
   147  	} else {
   148  		// Validate annotation before we do any actual alteration to the endpoint.
   149  		p64, err := strconv.ParseUint(portStr, 10, 16)
   150  		// Port should be within [1-65535].
   151  		if err != nil || p64 == 0 {
   152  			res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   153  				err: err,
   154  			}
   155  			return
   156  		}
   157  		port = uint16(p64)
   158  	}
   160  	if port != e.noTrackPort {
   161  		log.Debug("Updating NOTRACK rules")
   162  		if e.IPv4.IsValid() {
   163  			if port > 0 {
   164  				e.owner.Datapath().InstallNoTrackRules(e.IPv4, port)
   165  			}
   166  			if e.noTrackPort > 0 {
   167  				e.owner.Datapath().RemoveNoTrackRules(e.IPv4, e.noTrackPort)
   168  			}
   169  		}
   170  		if e.IPv6.IsValid() {
   171  			if port > 0 {
   172  				e.owner.Datapath().InstallNoTrackRules(e.IPv6, port)
   173  			}
   174  			if e.noTrackPort > 0 {
   175  				e.owner.Datapath().RemoveNoTrackRules(e.IPv6, e.noTrackPort)
   176  			}
   177  		}
   178  		e.noTrackPort = port
   179  	}
   181  	res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   182  		err: nil,
   183  	}
   184  }
   186  // EndpointPolicyVisibilityEvent contains all fields necessary to update the
   187  // visibility policy.
   188  type EndpointPolicyVisibilityEvent struct {
   189  	ep     *Endpoint
   190  	annoCB AnnotationsResolverCB
   191  }
   193  // Handle handles the policy visibility update.
   194  func (ev *EndpointPolicyVisibilityEvent) Handle(res chan interface{}) {
   195  	e := ev.ep
   197  	if err := e.lockAlive(); err != nil {
   198  		// If the endpoint is being deleted, we don't need to update its
   199  		// visibility policy.
   200  		res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   201  			err: nil,
   202  		}
   203  		return
   204  	}
   206  	defer func() {
   207  		// Ensure that policy computation is performed so that endpoint
   208  		// desiredPolicy and realizedPolicy pointers are different. This state
   209  		// is needed to update endpoint policy maps with the policy map state
   210  		// generated from the visibility policy. This can, and should be more
   211  		// elegant in the future.
   212  		e.forcePolicyComputation()
   213  		e.unlock()
   214  	}()
   216  	var (
   217  		nvp *policy.VisibilityPolicy
   218  		err error
   219  	)
   221  	proxyVisibility, err := ev.annoCB(e.K8sNamespace, e.K8sPodName)
   222  	if err != nil {
   223  		res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   224  			err: err,
   225  		}
   226  		return
   227  	}
   228  	if proxyVisibility != "" {
   229  		if e.IsProxyDisabled() {
   230  			e.getLogger().
   231  				WithField(logfields.EndpointID, e.GetID()).
   232  				Warn("ignoring L7 proxy visibility policy as L7 proxy is disabled")
   233  			res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   234  				err: nil,
   235  			}
   236  			return
   237  		}
   238  		e.getLogger().Debug("creating visibility policy")
   239  		nvp, err = policy.NewVisibilityPolicy(proxyVisibility, e.K8sNamespace, e.K8sPodName)
   240  		if err != nil {
   241  			e.getLogger().WithError(err).Warning("unable to parse annotations into visibility policy; disabling visibility policy for endpoint")
   242  			e.visibilityPolicy = &policy.VisibilityPolicy{
   243  				Ingress: make(policy.DirectionalVisibilityPolicy),
   244  				Egress:  make(policy.DirectionalVisibilityPolicy),
   245  				Error:   err,
   246  			}
   247  			res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   248  				err: nil,
   249  			}
   250  			return
   251  		}
   252  	}
   254  	e.visibilityPolicy = nvp
   255  	res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   256  		err: nil,
   257  	}
   258  }
   260  // EndpointPolicyBandwidthEvent contains all fields necessary to update
   261  // the Pod's bandwidth policy.
   262  type EndpointPolicyBandwidthEvent struct {
   263  	bwm    datapath.BandwidthManager
   264  	ep     *Endpoint
   265  	annoCB AnnotationsResolverCB
   266  }
   268  // Handle handles the policy bandwidth update.
   269  func (ev *EndpointPolicyBandwidthEvent) Handle(res chan interface{}) {
   270  	var bps uint64
   272  	if !ev.bwm.Enabled() {
   273  		res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   274  			err: nil,
   275  		}
   276  		return
   277  	}
   279  	e := ev.ep
   280  	if err := e.lockAlive(); err != nil {
   281  		// If the endpoint is being deleted, we don't need to
   282  		// update its bandwidth policy.
   283  		res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   284  			err: nil,
   285  		}
   286  		return
   287  	}
   288  	defer func() {
   289  		e.unlock()
   290  	}()
   292  	bandwidthEgress, err := ev.annoCB(e.K8sNamespace, e.K8sPodName)
   293  	if err != nil {
   294  		res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   295  			err: err,
   296  		}
   297  		return
   298  	}
   299  	if bandwidthEgress != "" {
   300  		bps, err = bandwidth.GetBytesPerSec(bandwidthEgress)
   301  		if err == nil {
   302  			ev.bwm.UpdateBandwidthLimit(e.ID, bps)
   303  		} else {
   304  			e.getLogger().WithError(err).Debugf("failed to parse bandwidth limit %q", bandwidthEgress)
   305  		}
   306  	} else {
   307  		ev.bwm.DeleteBandwidthLimit(e.ID)
   308  	}
   309  	if err != nil {
   310  		res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   311  			err: err,
   312  		}
   313  		return
   314  	}
   316  	bpsOld := "inf"
   317  	bpsNew := "inf"
   318  	if e.bps != 0 {
   319  		bpsOld = strconv.FormatUint(e.bps, 10)
   320  	}
   321  	if bps != 0 {
   322  		bpsNew = strconv.FormatUint(bps, 10)
   323  	}
   324  	e.getLogger().Debugf("Updating %s from %s to %s bytes/sec", bandwidth.EgressBandwidth,
   325  		bpsOld, bpsNew)
   326  	e.bps = bps
   327  	res <- &EndpointRegenerationResult{
   328  		err: nil,
   329  	}
   330  }
   332  // InitEventQueue initializes the endpoint's event queue. Note that this
   333  // function does not begin processing events off the queue, as that's left up
   334  // to the caller to call Expose in order to allow other subsystems to access
   335  // the endpoint. This function assumes that the endpoint ID has already been
   336  // allocated!
   337  //
   338  // Having this be a separate function allows us to prepare
   339  // the event queue while the endpoint is being validated (during restoration)
   340  // so that when its metadata is resolved, events can be enqueued (such as
   341  // visibility policy and bandwidth policy).
   342  func (e *Endpoint) InitEventQueue() {
   343  	e.eventQueue = eventqueue.NewEventQueueBuffered(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint-%d", e.ID), option.Config.EndpointQueueSize)
   344  }
   346  // Start assigns a Cilium Endpoint ID to the endpoint and prepares it to
   347  // receive events from other subsystems.
   348  //
   349  // The endpoint must not already be exposed via the endpointmanager prior to
   350  // calling Start(), as it assumes unconditional access over the Endpoint
   351  // object.
   352  func (e *Endpoint) Start(id uint16) {
   353  	// No need to check liveness as an endpoint can only be deleted via the
   354  	// API after it has been inserted into the manager.
   355  	// 'e.ID' written below, read lock is not enough.
   356  	e.unconditionalLock()
   357  	defer e.unlock()
   359  	e.ID = id
   360  	e.UpdateLogger(map[string]interface{}{
   361  		logfields.EndpointID: e.ID,
   362  	})
   364  	// Start goroutines that are responsible for handling events.
   365  	e.startRegenerationFailureHandler()
   366  	if e.eventQueue == nil {
   367  		e.InitEventQueue()
   368  	}
   369  	e.eventQueue.Run()
   370  	e.getLogger().Info("New endpoint")
   371  }
   373  // Stop cleans up all goroutines managed by this endpoint (EventQueue,
   374  // Controllers).
   375  // This function should be used directly in cleanup functions which aim to stop
   376  // goroutines managed by this endpoint, but without removing BPF maps and
   377  // datapath state (for instance, because the daemon is shutting down but the
   378  // endpoint should remain operational while the daemon is not running).
   379  func (e *Endpoint) Stop() {
   380  	// Since the endpoint is being deleted, we no longer need to run events
   381  	// in its event queue. This is a no-op if the queue has already been
   382  	// closed elsewhere.
   383  	e.eventQueue.Stop()
   385  	// Cancel active controllers for the endpoint tied to e.aliveCtx.
   386  	// Needs to be performed before draining the event queue to allow
   387  	// in-flight functions to act before the Endpoint's underlying resources
   388  	// are removed by the container runtime.
   389  	e.aliveCancel()
   391  	// Wait for the queue to be drained in case an event which is currently
   392  	// running for the endpoint tries to acquire the lock - we cannot be sure
   393  	// what types of events will be pushed onto the EventQueue for an endpoint
   394  	// and when they will happen. After this point, no events for the endpoint
   395  	// will be processed on its EventQueue, specifically regenerations.
   396  	e.eventQueue.WaitToBeDrained()
   398  	// Given that we are deleting the endpoint and that no more builds are
   399  	// going to occur for this endpoint, close the channel which signals whether
   400  	// the endpoint has its BPF program compiled or not to avoid it persisting
   401  	// if anything is blocking on it. If a delete request has already been
   402  	// enqueued for this endpoint, this is a no-op.
   403  	e.closeBPFProgramChannel()
   404  }