
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package endpoint
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"errors"
     9  	"fmt"
    10  	"net/netip"
    11  	"os"
    12  	"path"
    13  	"strconv"
    14  	"strings"
    16  	""
    17  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	dptypes ""
    22  	endpointid ""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	identityPkg ""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	monitorAPI ""
    33  	""
    34  	nodeTypes ""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	policyTypes ""
    38  	""
    39  	""
    40  	""
    41  	""
    42  )
    44  var (
    45  	endpointRegenerationRecoveryControllerGroup = controller.NewGroup("endpoint-regeneration-recovery")
    46  	syncAddressIdentityMappingControllerGroup   = controller.NewGroup("sync-address-identity-mapping")
    47  )
    49  // HasBPFPolicyMap returns true if policy map changes should be collected
    50  // Deprecated: use (e *Endpoint).IsProperty(PropertySkipBPFPolicy)
    51  func (e *Endpoint) HasBPFPolicyMap() bool {
    52  	return !e.IsProperty(PropertySkipBPFPolicy)
    53  }
    55  // GetNamedPort returns the port for the given name.
    56  // Must be called with e.mutex NOT held
    57  func (e *Endpoint) GetNamedPort(ingress bool, name string, proto uint8) uint16 {
    58  	if ingress {
    59  		// Ingress only needs the ports of the POD itself
    60  		return e.getNamedPortIngress(e.GetK8sPorts(), name, proto)
    61  	}
    62  	// egress needs named ports of all the pods
    63  	return e.getNamedPortEgress(e.namedPortsGetter.GetNamedPorts(), name, proto)
    64  }
    66  func (e *Endpoint) getNamedPortIngress(npMap types.NamedPortMap, name string, proto uint8) uint16 {
    67  	port, err := npMap.GetNamedPort(name, proto)
    68  	if err != nil && e.logLimiter.Allow() {
    69  		e.getLogger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
    70  			logfields.PortName:         name,
    71  			logfields.Protocol:         u8proto.U8proto(proto).String(),
    72  			logfields.TrafficDirection: "ingress",
    73  		}).WithError(err).Warning("Skipping named port")
    74  	}
    75  	return port
    76  }
    78  func (e *Endpoint) getNamedPortEgress(npMap types.NamedPortMultiMap, name string, proto uint8) uint16 {
    79  	port, err := npMap.GetNamedPort(name, proto)
    80  	// Skip logging for ErrUnknownNamedPort on egress, as the destination POD with the port name
    81  	// is likely not scheduled yet.
    82  	if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, types.ErrUnknownNamedPort) && e.logLimiter.Allow() {
    83  		e.getLogger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
    84  			logfields.PortName:         name,
    85  			logfields.Protocol:         u8proto.U8proto(proto).String(),
    86  			logfields.TrafficDirection: "egress",
    87  		}).WithError(err).Warning("Skipping named port")
    88  	}
    89  	return port
    90  }
    92  // proxyID returns a unique string to identify a proxy mapping,
    93  // and the resolved destination port number, if any.
    94  // For port ranges the proxy is identified by the first port in
    95  // the range, as overlapping proxy port ranges are not supported.
    96  // Must be called with e.mutex held.
    97  func (e *Endpoint) proxyID(l4 *policy.L4Filter, listener string) (string, uint16, uint8) {
    98  	port := l4.Port
    99  	protocol := uint8(l4.U8Proto)
   100  	// Calculate protocol if it is 0 (default) and
   101  	// is not "ANY" (that is, it was not calculated).
   102  	if protocol == 0 && !l4.Protocol.IsAny() {
   103  		proto, _ := u8proto.ParseProtocol(string(l4.Protocol))
   104  		protocol = uint8(proto)
   105  	}
   106  	if port == 0 && l4.PortName != "" {
   107  		port = e.GetNamedPort(l4.Ingress, l4.PortName, protocol)
   108  		if port == 0 {
   109  			return "", 0, 0
   110  		}
   111  	}
   113  	return policy.ProxyID(e.ID, l4.Ingress, string(l4.Protocol), port, listener), port, protocol
   114  }
   116  var unrealizedRedirect = errors.New("Proxy port for redirect not found")
   118  // LookupRedirectPort returns the redirect L4 proxy port for the given input parameters.
   119  // Returns 0 if not found or the filter doesn't require a redirect.
   120  // Returns an error if the redirect port can not be found.
   121  func (e *Endpoint) LookupRedirectPort(ingress bool, protocol string, port uint16, listener string) (uint16, error) {
   122  	redirects := e.GetRealizedRedirects()
   123  	proxyPort, exists := redirects[policy.ProxyID(e.ID, ingress, protocol, port, listener)]
   124  	if !exists {
   125  		return 0, unrealizedRedirect
   126  	}
   127  	return proxyPort, nil
   128  }
   130  // Note that this function assumes that endpoint policy has already been generated!
   131  // must be called with endpoint.mutex held for reading
   132  func (e *Endpoint) updateNetworkPolicy(proxyWaitGroup *completion.WaitGroup) (reterr error, revertFunc revert.RevertFunc) {
   133  	// Skip updating the NetworkPolicy if no identity has been computed for this
   134  	// endpoint.
   135  	if e.SecurityIdentity == nil {
   136  		return nil, nil
   137  	}
   139  	// If desired policy is nil then no policy change is needed.
   140  	if e.desiredPolicy == nil {
   141  		return nil, nil
   142  	}
   144  	if e.IsProxyDisabled() {
   145  		return nil, nil
   146  	}
   148  	// Publish the updated policy to L7 proxies.
   149  	return e.proxy.UpdateNetworkPolicy(e, e.visibilityPolicy, &e.desiredPolicy.L4Policy, e.desiredPolicy.IngressPolicyEnabled, e.desiredPolicy.EgressPolicyEnabled, proxyWaitGroup)
   150  }
   152  // setNextPolicyRevision updates the desired policy revision field
   153  // Must be called with the endpoint lock held for at least reading
   154  func (e *Endpoint) setNextPolicyRevision(revision uint64) {
   155  	e.nextPolicyRevision = revision
   156  	e.UpdateLogger(map[string]interface{}{
   157  		logfields.DesiredPolicyRevision: e.nextPolicyRevision,
   158  	})
   159  }
   161  type policyGenerateResult struct {
   162  	policyRevision   uint64
   163  	selectorPolicy   policy.SelectorPolicy
   164  	endpointPolicy   *policy.EndpointPolicy
   165  	identityRevision int
   166  }
   168  // regeneratePolicy computes the policy for the given endpoint based off of the
   169  // rules in regeneration.Owner's policy repository.
   170  //
   171  // Policy generation may fail, and in that case we exit before actually changing
   172  // the policy in any way, so that the last policy remains fully in effect if the
   173  // new policy can not be implemented. This is done on a per endpoint-basis,
   174  // however, and it is possible that policy update succeeds for some endpoints,
   175  // while it fails for other endpoints.
   176  //
   177  // Failure may be due to any error in obtaining information for computing policy,
   178  // or if policy could not be generated given the current set of rules in the repository.
   179  //
   180  // endpoint lock must NOT be held. This is because the ipcache needs to be able to
   181  // make progress while generating policy, and *that* needs the endpoint unlocked to call
   182  // ep.ApplyPolicyMapChanges. Specifically, computing policy may cause identity allocation
   183  // which requires ipcache progress.
   184  //
   185  // buildMutex MUST be held, and not released until setDesiredPolicy and
   186  // updateRealizedState have been called
   187  //
   188  // There are a few fields that depend on this exact configuration of locking:
   189  //   - ep.desiredPolicy: ep.mutex must be locked between writing this and committing to
   190  //     the policy maps, or else policy drops may occur
   191  //   - ep.policyRevision: ep.mutex and ep.buildMutex must be held to write to this
   192  //   - ep.selectorPolicy: this may be nulled if the endpoints identity changes; we must
   193  //     check for this when committing. ep.mutex must be held
   194  //   - ep.realizedRedirects: this is read by external callers as part of policy generation,
   195  //     so ep.mutex must not be required to read this. Instead, both ep.mutex and ep.buildMutex
   196  //     must be held to write to this (i.e. we are deep in regeneration)
   197  //
   198  // Returns a result that should be passed to setDesiredPolicy after the endpoint's
   199  // write lock has been acquired, or err if recomputing policy failed.
   200  func (e *Endpoint) regeneratePolicy(stats *regenerationStatistics) (*policyGenerateResult, error) {
   201  	var err error
   203  	// lock the endpoint, read our values, then unlock
   204  	err = e.rlockAlive()
   205  	if err != nil {
   206  		return nil, err
   207  	}
   209  	// No point in calculating policy if endpoint does not have an identity yet.
   210  	if e.SecurityIdentity == nil {
   211  		e.getLogger().Warn("Endpoint lacks identity, skipping policy calculation")
   212  		e.runlock()
   213  		return nil, nil
   214  	}
   216  	// Copy out some values we care about, then unlock
   217  	forcePolicyCompute := e.forcePolicyCompute
   218  	securityIdentity := e.SecurityIdentity
   220  	// We are computing policy; set this to false.
   221  	// We do this now, not in setDesiredPolicy(), because if another caller
   222  	// comes in and forces computation, we should leave that for the *next*
   223  	// regeneration.
   224  	e.forcePolicyCompute = false
   226  	result := &policyGenerateResult{
   227  		selectorPolicy:   e.selectorPolicy,
   228  		endpointPolicy:   e.desiredPolicy,
   229  		identityRevision: e.identityRevision,
   230  	}
   231  	e.runlock()
   233  	e.getLogger().Debug("Starting policy recalculation...")
   235  	stats.waitingForPolicyRepository.Start()
   236  	repo := e.policyGetter.GetPolicyRepository()
   237  	repo.Mutex.RLock() // Be sure to release this lock!
   238  	stats.waitingForPolicyRepository.End(true)
   240  	result.policyRevision = repo.GetRevision()
   242  	// Recompute policy for this endpoint only if not already done for this revision
   243  	// and identity.
   244  	if e.nextPolicyRevision >= result.policyRevision &&
   245  		e.desiredPolicy != nil && result.selectorPolicy != nil {
   247  		if !forcePolicyCompute {
   248  			if logger := e.getLogger(); logging.CanLogAt(logger.Logger, logrus.DebugLevel) {
   249  				e.getLogger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   250  					"": e.nextPolicyRevision,
   251  					"policyRevision.repo": result.policyRevision,
   252  					"policyChanged":       e.nextPolicyRevision > e.policyRevision,
   253  				}).Debug("Skipping unnecessary endpoint policy recalculation")
   254  			}
   255  			repo.Mutex.RUnlock()
   256  			return result, nil
   257  		} else {
   258  			e.getLogger().Debug("Forced policy recalculation")
   259  		}
   260  	}
   262  	stats.policyCalculation.Start()
   263  	defer func() { stats.policyCalculation.End(err == nil) }()
   264  	if result.selectorPolicy == nil {
   265  		// Upon initial insertion or restore, there's currently no good
   266  		// trigger point to ensure that the security Identity is
   267  		// assigned after the endpoint is added to the endpointmanager
   268  		// (and hence also the identitymanager). In that case, detect
   269  		// that the selectorPolicy is not set and find it.
   270  		result.selectorPolicy = repo.GetPolicyCache().Lookup(securityIdentity)
   271  		if result.selectorPolicy == nil {
   272  			err := fmt.Errorf("no cached selectorPolicy found")
   273  			e.getLogger().WithError(err).Warning("Failed to regenerate from cached policy")
   274  			repo.Mutex.RUnlock()
   275  			return result, err
   276  		}
   277  	}
   279  	// UpdatePolicy ensures the SelectorPolicy is fully resolved.
   280  	// Endpoint lock must not be held!
   281  	// TODO: GH-7515: Consider ways to compute policy outside of the
   282  	// endpoint regeneration process, ideally as part of the policy change
   283  	// handler.
   284  	err = repo.GetPolicyCache().UpdatePolicy(securityIdentity)
   285  	if err != nil {
   286  		e.getLogger().WithError(err).Warning("Failed to update policy")
   287  		repo.Mutex.RUnlock()
   288  		return nil, err
   289  	}
   290  	repo.Mutex.RUnlock() // Done with policy repository; release this now as Consume() can be slow
   292  	// Consume converts a SelectorPolicy in to an EndpointPolicy
   293  	result.endpointPolicy = result.selectorPolicy.Consume(e)
   294  	return result, nil
   295  }
   297  // setDesiredPolicy updates the endpoint with the results of a policy calculation.
   298  //
   299  // The endpoint write lock must be held and not released until the desired policy has
   300  // been pushed in to the policymaps via `syncPolicyMap`. This is so that we block
   301  // ApplyPolicyMapChanges, which has the effect of blocking the ipcache from updating
   302  // the ipcache bpf map. It is required that any pending changes are pushed in to
   303  // the policymap before the ipcache map, otherwise endpoints could experience transient
   304  // policy drops.
   305  //
   306  // Specifically, since policy is calculated asynchronously from the ipcacache's apply loop,
   307  // it is probable that the new policy diverges from the bpf PolicyMap. So, we cannot safely
   308  // consume incremental changes (and thus allow the ipcache to continue) until we have
   309  // successfully performed a full sync with the endpoints PolicyMap. Otherwise,
   310  // the ipcache may remove an identity from the ipcache that the bpf PolicyMap is still
   311  // relying on.
   312  func (e *Endpoint) setDesiredPolicy(res *policyGenerateResult) error {
   313  	// nil result means endpoint had no identity while policy was calculated
   314  	if res == nil {
   315  		if e.SecurityIdentity != nil {
   316  			e.getLogger().Info("Endpoint SecurityIdentity changed during policy regeneration")
   317  			return fmt.Errorf("endpoint %d SecurityIdentity changed during policy regeneration", e.ID)
   318  		}
   320  		return nil
   321  	}
   322  	// if the security identity changed, reject the policy computation
   323  	if e.identityRevision != res.identityRevision {
   324  		e.getLogger().Info("Endpoint SecurityIdentity changed during policy regeneration")
   325  		return fmt.Errorf("endpoint %d SecurityIdentity changed during policy regeneration", e.ID)
   326  	}
   328  	// Set the revision of this endpoint to the current revision of the policy
   329  	// repository.
   330  	e.setNextPolicyRevision(res.policyRevision)
   331  	e.selectorPolicy = res.selectorPolicy
   332  	e.desiredPolicy = res.endpointPolicy
   334  	return nil
   335  }
   337  // updateAndOverrideEndpointOptions updates the boolean configuration options for the endpoint
   338  // based off of policy configuration, daemon policy enforcement mode, and any
   339  // configuration options provided in opts. Returns whether the options changed
   340  // from prior endpoint configuration. Note that the policy which applies
   341  // to the endpoint, as well as the daemon's policy enforcement, may override
   342  // configuration changes which were made via the API that were provided in opts.
   343  // Must be called with endpoint mutex held.
   344  func (e *Endpoint) updateAndOverrideEndpointOptions(opts option.OptionMap) (optsChanged bool) {
   345  	if opts == nil {
   346  		opts = make(option.OptionMap)
   347  	}
   349  	optsChanged = e.applyOptsLocked(opts)
   350  	return
   351  }
   353  // Called with e.mutex UNlocked
   354  func (e *Endpoint) regenerate(ctx *regenerationContext) (retErr error) {
   355  	var revision uint64
   356  	var err error
   358  	ctx.Stats = regenerationStatistics{}
   359  	stats := &ctx.Stats
   360  	stats.totalTime.Start()
   361  	debugLogsEnabled := logging.CanLogAt(e.getLogger().Logger, logrus.DebugLevel)
   363  	if debugLogsEnabled {
   364  		e.getLogger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   365  			logfields.StartTime: time.Now(),
   366  			logfields.Reason:    ctx.Reason,
   367  		}).Debug("Regenerating endpoint")
   368  	}
   370  	defer func() {
   371  		// This has to be within a func(), not deferred directly, so that the
   372  		// value of retErr is passed in from when regenerate returns.
   373  		e.updateRegenerationStatistics(ctx, retErr)
   374  	}()
   376  	e.buildMutex.Lock()
   377  	defer e.buildMutex.Unlock()
   379  	stats.waitingForLock.Start()
   380  	// Check if endpoints is still alive before doing any build
   381  	err = e.lockAlive()
   382  	stats.waitingForLock.End(err == nil)
   383  	if err != nil {
   384  		return err
   385  	}
   387  	// When building the initial drop policy in waiting-for-identity state
   388  	// the state remains unchanged
   389  	//
   390  	// GH-5350: Remove this special case to require checking for StateWaitingForIdentity
   391  	if e.getState() != StateWaitingForIdentity &&
   392  		!e.BuilderSetStateLocked(StateRegenerating, "Regenerating endpoint: "+ctx.Reason) {
   393  		if debugLogsEnabled {
   394  			e.getLogger().WithField(logfields.EndpointState, e.state).Debug("Skipping build due to invalid state")
   395  		}
   396  		e.unlock()
   398  		return fmt.Errorf("Skipping build due to invalid state: %s", e.state)
   399  	}
   401  	// Bump priority if higher priority event was skipped.
   402  	// This must be done in the same critical section as the state transition above.
   403  	if e.skippedRegenerationLevel > ctx.datapathRegenerationContext.regenerationLevel {
   404  		ctx.datapathRegenerationContext.regenerationLevel = e.skippedRegenerationLevel
   405  	}
   406  	// reset to the default lowest level
   407  	e.skippedRegenerationLevel = regeneration.Invalid
   409  	e.unlock()
   411  	stats.prepareBuild.Start()
   412  	origDir := e.StateDirectoryPath()
   413  	ctx.datapathRegenerationContext.currentDir = origDir
   415  	// This is the temporary directory to store the generated headers,
   416  	// the original existing directory is not overwritten until the
   417  	// entire generation process has succeeded.
   418  	tmpDir := e.NextDirectoryPath()
   419  	ctx.datapathRegenerationContext.nextDir = tmpDir
   421  	// Remove an eventual existing temporary directory that has been left
   422  	// over to make sure we can start the build from scratch
   423  	if err := e.removeDirectory(tmpDir); err != nil && !os.IsNotExist(err) {
   424  		stats.prepareBuild.End(false)
   425  		return fmt.Errorf("unable to remove old temporary directory: %w", err)
   426  	}
   428  	// Create temporary endpoint directory if it does not exist yet
   429  	if err := os.MkdirAll(tmpDir, 0777); err != nil {
   430  		stats.prepareBuild.End(false)
   431  		return fmt.Errorf("Failed to create endpoint directory: %w", err)
   432  	}
   434  	stats.prepareBuild.End(true)
   436  	defer func() {
   437  		if err := e.lockAlive(); err != nil {
   438  			if retErr == nil {
   439  				retErr = err
   440  			} else {
   441  				e.logDisconnectedMutexAction(err, "after regenerate")
   442  			}
   443  			return
   444  		}
   446  		// Guarntee removal of temporary directory regardless of outcome of
   447  		// build. If the build was successful, the temporary directory will
   448  		// have been moved to a new permanent location. If the build failed,
   449  		// the temporary directory will still exist and we will reomve it.
   450  		e.removeDirectory(tmpDir)
   452  		// Set to Ready, but only if no other changes are pending.
   453  		// State will remain as waiting-to-regenerate if further
   454  		// changes are needed. There should be an another regenerate
   455  		// queued for taking care of it.
   456  		e.BuilderSetStateLocked(StateReady, "Completed endpoint regeneration with no pending regeneration requests")
   457  		e.unlock()
   458  	}()
   460  	revision, err = e.regenerateBPF(ctx)
   462  	// Write full verifier log to the endpoint directory.
   463  	var ve *ebpf.VerifierError
   464  	if errors.As(err, &ve) {
   465  		p := path.Join(tmpDir, "verifier.log")
   466  		f, err := os.Create(p)
   467  		if err != nil {
   468  			return fmt.Errorf("creating endpoint verifier log file: %w", err)
   469  		}
   470  		defer f.Close()
   471  		if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(f, "%+v\n", ve); err != nil {
   472  			return fmt.Errorf("writing verifier log to endpoint directory: %w", err)
   473  		}
   474  		e.getLogger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{logfields.Path: p}).
   475  			Info("Wrote verifier log to endpoint directory")
   476  	}
   478  	if err != nil {
   479  		failDir := e.FailedDirectoryPath()
   480  		if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
   481  			e.getLogger().WithError(err).WithFields(logrus.Fields{logfields.Path: failDir}).
   482  				Info("generating BPF for endpoint failed, keeping stale directory")
   483  		}
   485  		// Remove an eventual existing previous failure directory
   486  		e.removeDirectory(failDir)
   487  		os.Rename(tmpDir, failDir)
   488  		return err
   489  	}
   491  	return e.updateRealizedState(stats, origDir, revision)
   492  }
   494  // updateRealizedState sets any realized state fields within the endpoint to
   495  // be the desired state of the endpoint. This is only called after a successful
   496  // regeneration of the endpoint.
   497  func (e *Endpoint) updateRealizedState(stats *regenerationStatistics, origDir string, revision uint64) error {
   498  	// Update desired policy for endpoint because policy has now been realized
   499  	// in the datapath. PolicyMap state is not updated here, because that is
   500  	// performed in endpoint.syncPolicyMap().
   501  	stats.waitingForLock.Start()
   502  	err := e.lockAlive()
   503  	stats.waitingForLock.End(err == nil)
   504  	if err != nil {
   505  		return err
   506  	}
   508  	defer e.unlock()
   510  	// Depending upon result of BPF regeneration (compilation executed),
   511  	// shift endpoint directories to match said BPF regeneration
   512  	// results.
   513  	err = e.synchronizeDirectories(origDir)
   514  	if err != nil {
   515  		return fmt.Errorf("error synchronizing endpoint BPF program directories: %w", err)
   516  	}
   518  	// Start periodic background full reconciliation of the policy map.
   519  	// Does nothing if it has already been started.
   520  	if !e.isProperty(PropertyFakeEndpoint) {
   521  		e.startSyncPolicyMapController()
   522  	}
   524  	if e.desiredPolicy != e.realizedPolicy {
   525  		// Remove references to the old policy
   526  		e.realizedPolicy.Detach()
   527  		// Set realized state to desired state.
   528  		e.realizedPolicy = e.desiredPolicy
   529  	}
   531  	// Mark the endpoint to be running the policy revision it was
   532  	// compiled for
   533  	e.setPolicyRevision(revision)
   535  	// Remove restored rules after successful regeneration
   536  	e.owner.RemoveRestoredDNSRules(e.ID)
   538  	return nil
   539  }
   541  func (e *Endpoint) updateRegenerationStatistics(ctx *regenerationContext, err error) {
   542  	success := err == nil
   543  	stats := &ctx.Stats
   545  	stats.totalTime.End(success)
   546  	stats.success = success
   548  	e.mutex.RLock()
   549  	stats.endpointID = e.ID
   550  	stats.policyStatus = e.policyStatus()
   551  	e.runlock()
   552  	stats.SendMetrics()
   554  	// Only add fields to the scoped logger if the criteria for logging a message is met, to avoid
   555  	// the expensive call to 'WithFields'.
   556  	scopedLog := e.getLogger()
   557  	if err != nil || logging.CanLogAt(scopedLog.Logger, logrus.DebugLevel) {
   558  		fields := logrus.Fields{
   559  			logfields.Reason: ctx.Reason,
   560  		}
   561  		for field, stat := range stats.GetMap() {
   562  			fields[field] = stat.Total()
   563  		}
   564  		for field, stat := range stats.datapathRealization.GetMap() {
   565  			fields[field] = stat.Total()
   566  		}
   567  		scopedLog = scopedLog.WithFields(fields)
   568  	}
   570  	if err != nil {
   571  		if !errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
   572  			scopedLog.WithError(err).Warn("Regeneration of endpoint failed")
   573  		}
   574  		e.LogStatus(BPF, Failure, "Error regenerating endpoint: "+err.Error())
   575  		return
   576  	}
   578  	scopedLog.Debug("Completed endpoint regeneration")
   579  	e.LogStatusOK(BPF, "Successfully regenerated endpoint program (Reason: "+ctx.Reason+")")
   580  }
   582  // SetRegenerateStateIfAlive tries to change the state of the endpoint for pending regeneration.
   583  // Returns 'true' if 'e.Regenerate()' should be called after releasing the endpoint lock.
   584  // Return 'false' if returned error is non-nil.
   585  func (e *Endpoint) SetRegenerateStateIfAlive(regenMetadata *regeneration.ExternalRegenerationMetadata) (bool, error) {
   586  	regen := false
   587  	err := e.lockAlive()
   588  	if err != nil {
   589  		e.LogStatus(Policy, Failure, "Error while handling policy updates for endpoint: "+err.Error())
   590  	} else {
   591  		regen = e.setRegenerateStateLocked(regenMetadata)
   592  		e.unlock()
   593  	}
   594  	return regen, err
   595  }
   597  // setRegenerateStateLocked tries to change the state of the endpoint for pending regeneration.
   598  // returns 'true' if 'e.Regenerate()' should be called after releasing the endpoint lock.
   599  func (e *Endpoint) setRegenerateStateLocked(regenMetadata *regeneration.ExternalRegenerationMetadata) bool {
   600  	var regen bool
   601  	state := e.getState()
   602  	switch state {
   603  	case StateRestoring, StateWaitingToRegenerate:
   604  		// Bump the skipped regeneration level if needed so that the existing/queued
   605  		// regeneration can regenerate on the required level.
   606  		if regenMetadata.RegenerationLevel > e.skippedRegenerationLevel {
   607  			e.skippedRegenerationLevel = regenMetadata.RegenerationLevel
   608  			e.logStatusLocked(Other, OK, fmt.Sprintf("Skipped duplicate endpoint regeneration level %s trigger due to %s", regenMetadata.RegenerationLevel.String(), regenMetadata.Reason))
   609  		} else {
   610  			e.logStatusLocked(Other, OK, fmt.Sprintf("Skipped duplicate endpoint regeneration trigger due to %s", regenMetadata.Reason))
   611  		}
   612  		regen = false
   613  	default:
   614  		regen = e.setState(StateWaitingToRegenerate, fmt.Sprintf("Triggering endpoint regeneration due to %s", regenMetadata.Reason))
   615  	}
   616  	return regen
   617  }
   619  // RegenerateIfAlive queue a regeneration of this endpoint into the build queue
   620  // of the endpoint and returns a channel that is closed when the regeneration of
   621  // the endpoint is complete. The channel returns:
   622  //   - false if the regeneration failed
   623  //   - true if the regeneration succeed
   624  //   - nothing and the channel is closed if the regeneration did not happen
   625  func (e *Endpoint) RegenerateIfAlive(regenMetadata *regeneration.ExternalRegenerationMetadata) <-chan bool {
   626  	regen, err := e.SetRegenerateStateIfAlive(regenMetadata)
   627  	if err != nil {
   628  		log.WithError(err).Debugf("Endpoint disappeared while queued to be regenerated: %s", regenMetadata.Reason)
   629  	}
   630  	if regen {
   631  		// Regenerate logs status according to the build success/failure
   632  		return e.Regenerate(regenMetadata)
   633  	}
   635  	ch := make(chan bool)
   636  	close(ch)
   637  	return ch
   638  }
   640  // Regenerate forces the regeneration of endpoint programs & policy
   641  // Should only be called with e.state at StateWaitingToRegenerate,
   642  // StateWaitingForIdentity, or StateRestoring
   643  func (e *Endpoint) Regenerate(regenMetadata *regeneration.ExternalRegenerationMetadata) <-chan bool {
   644  	hr := e.GetReporter("datapath-regenerate")
   645  	done := make(chan bool, 1)
   647  	var (
   648  		ctx   context.Context
   649  		cFunc context.CancelFunc
   650  	)
   652  	if regenMetadata.ParentContext != nil {
   653  		ctx, cFunc = context.WithCancel(regenMetadata.ParentContext)
   654  	} else {
   655  		ctx, cFunc = context.WithCancel(e.aliveCtx)
   656  	}
   658  	regenContext := ParseExternalRegenerationMetadata(ctx, cFunc, regenMetadata)
   660  	epEvent := eventqueue.NewEvent(&EndpointRegenerationEvent{
   661  		regenContext: regenContext,
   662  		ep:           e,
   663  	})
   665  	// This may block if the Endpoint's EventQueue is full. This has to be done
   666  	// synchronously as some callers depend on the fact that the event is
   667  	// synchronously enqueued.
   668  	resChan, err := e.eventQueue.Enqueue(epEvent)
   669  	if err != nil {
   670  		e.getLogger().WithError(err).Error("Enqueue of EndpointRegenerationEvent failed")
   671  		done <- false
   672  		close(done)
   673  		return done
   674  	}
   676  	go func() {
   677  		// Free up resources with context.
   678  		defer cFunc()
   680  		var (
   681  			buildSuccess bool
   682  			regenError   error
   683  			canceled     bool
   684  		)
   686  		result, ok := <-resChan
   687  		if ok {
   688  			regenResult := result.(*EndpointRegenerationResult)
   689  			regenError = regenResult.err
   690  			buildSuccess = regenError == nil
   692  			if regenError != nil && !errors.Is(regenError, context.Canceled) {
   693  				e.getLogger().WithError(regenError).Error("endpoint regeneration failed")
   694  				hr.Degraded("Endpoint regeneration failed", regenError)
   695  			} else {
   696  				hr.OK("Endpoint regeneration successful")
   697  			}
   698  		} else {
   699  			// This may be unnecessary(?) since 'closing' of the results
   700  			// channel means that event has been cancelled?
   701  			e.getLogger().Debug("regeneration was cancelled")
   702  			canceled = true
   703  		}
   705  		// If a build is canceled, that means that the Endpoint is being deleted
   706  		// not that the build failed.
   707  		if !buildSuccess && !canceled {
   708  			select {
   709  			case e.regenFailedChan <- struct{}{}:
   710  			default:
   711  				// If we can't write to the channel, that means that it is
   712  				// full / a regeneration will occur - we don't have to
   713  				// do anything.
   714  			}
   715  		}
   716  		done <- buildSuccess
   717  		close(done)
   718  	}()
   720  	return done
   721  }
   723  var reasonRegenRetry = "retrying regeneration"
   725  // startRegenerationFailureHandler waits for a build of the Endpoint to fail.
   726  // Terminates when the given Endpoint is deleted.
   727  // If a build fails, the controller tries to regenerate the
   728  // Endpoint until it succeeds. Once the controller succeeds, it will not be
   729  // ran again unless another build failure occurs. If the call to `Regenerate`
   730  // fails inside of the controller,
   731  func (e *Endpoint) startRegenerationFailureHandler() {
   732  	e.controllers.UpdateController(fmt.Sprintf("endpoint-%s-regeneration-recovery", e.StringID()), controller.ControllerParams{
   733  		Group: endpointRegenerationRecoveryControllerGroup,
   734  		DoFunc: func(ctx context.Context) error {
   735  			select {
   736  			case <-e.regenFailedChan:
   737  				e.getLogger().Debug("received signal that regeneration failed")
   738  			case <-ctx.Done():
   739  				e.getLogger().Debug("exiting retrying regeneration goroutine due to endpoint being deleted")
   740  				return nil
   741  			}
   743  			regenMetadata := &regeneration.ExternalRegenerationMetadata{
   744  				// TODO (ianvernon) - is there a way we can plumb a parent
   745  				// context to a controller (e.g., endpoint.aliveCtx)?
   746  				ParentContext: ctx,
   747  				Reason:        reasonRegenRetry,
   748  				// Completely rewrite the endpoint - we don't know the nature
   749  				// of the failure, simply that something failed.
   750  				RegenerationLevel: regeneration.RegenerateWithDatapath,
   751  			}
   752  			regen, _ := e.SetRegenerateStateIfAlive(regenMetadata)
   753  			if !regen {
   754  				// We don't need to regenerate because the endpoint is d
   755  				// disconnecting / is disconnected, or another regeneration has
   756  				// already been enqueued. Exit gracefully.
   757  				return nil
   758  			}
   760  			if success := <-e.Regenerate(regenMetadata); success {
   761  				return nil
   762  			}
   763  			return fmt.Errorf("regeneration recovery failed")
   764  		},
   765  		ErrorRetryBaseDuration: 2 * time.Second,
   766  		Context:                e.aliveCtx,
   767  	})
   768  }
   770  func (e *Endpoint) notifyEndpointRegeneration(err error) {
   771  	reprerr := e.owner.SendNotification(monitorAPI.EndpointRegenMessage(e, err))
   772  	if reprerr != nil {
   773  		e.getLogger().WithError(reprerr).Warn("Notifying monitor about endpoint regeneration failed")
   774  	}
   775  }
   777  // FormatGlobalEndpointID returns the global ID of endpoint in the format
   778  // / <global ID Prefix>:<cluster name>:<node name>:<endpoint ID> as a string.
   779  func (e *Endpoint) FormatGlobalEndpointID() string {
   780  	localNodeName := nodeTypes.GetName()
   781  	metadata := []string{endpointid.CiliumGlobalIdPrefix.String(), ipcache.AddressSpace, localNodeName, strconv.Itoa(int(e.ID))}
   782  	return strings.Join(metadata, ":")
   783  }
   785  // This synchronizes the key-value store with a mapping of the endpoint's IP
   786  // with the numerical ID representing its security identity.
   787  func (e *Endpoint) runIPIdentitySync(endpointIP netip.Addr) {
   788  	if option.Config.KVStore == "" || !endpointIP.IsValid() || option.Config.JoinCluster {
   789  		return
   790  	}
   792  	addressFamily := "IPv4"
   793  	if endpointIP.Is6() {
   794  		addressFamily = "IPv6"
   795  	}
   797  	e.controllers.UpdateController(
   798  		fmt.Sprintf("sync-%s-identity-mapping (%d)", addressFamily, e.ID),
   799  		controller.ControllerParams{
   800  			Group: syncAddressIdentityMappingControllerGroup,
   801  			DoFunc: func(ctx context.Context) error {
   802  				if err := e.rlockAlive(); err != nil {
   803  					return controller.NewExitReason("Endpoint disappeared")
   804  				}
   806  				if e.SecurityIdentity == nil {
   807  					e.runlock()
   808  					return nil
   809  				}
   811  				ID := e.SecurityIdentity.ID
   812  				hostIP, ok := ip.AddrFromIP(node.GetIPv4())
   813  				if !ok {
   814  					return controller.NewExitReason("Failed to convert node IPv4 address")
   815  				}
   816  				key := node.GetEndpointEncryptKeyIndex()
   817  				metadata := e.FormatGlobalEndpointID()
   818  				k8sNamespace := e.K8sNamespace
   819  				k8sPodName := e.K8sPodName
   821  				// Release lock as we do not want to have long-lasting key-value
   822  				// store operations resulting in lock being held for a long time.
   823  				e.runlock()
   825  				if err := ipcache.UpsertIPToKVStore(ctx, endpointIP, hostIP, ID, key, metadata, k8sNamespace, k8sPodName, e.GetK8sPorts()); err != nil {
   826  					return fmt.Errorf("unable to add endpoint IP mapping '%s'->'%d': %w", endpointIP.String(), ID, err)
   827  				}
   828  				return nil
   829  			},
   830  			StopFunc: func(ctx context.Context) error {
   831  				ip := endpointIP.String()
   832  				if err := ipcache.DeleteIPFromKVStore(ctx, ip); err != nil {
   833  					return fmt.Errorf("unable to delete endpoint IP '%s' from ipcache: %w", ip, err)
   834  				}
   835  				return nil
   836  			},
   837  			RunInterval: 5 * time.Minute,
   838  			Context:     e.aliveCtx,
   839  		},
   840  	)
   841  }
   843  // SetIdentity resets endpoint's policy identity to 'id'.
   844  // Caller triggers policy regeneration if needed.
   845  // Called with e.mutex Lock()ed
   846  func (e *Endpoint) SetIdentity(identity *identityPkg.Identity, newEndpoint bool) {
   847  	oldIdentity := "no identity"
   848  	if e.SecurityIdentity != nil {
   849  		oldIdentity = e.SecurityIdentity.StringID()
   850  	}
   852  	// Current security identity for endpoint is its old identity - delete its
   853  	// reference from global identity manager, add add a reference to the new
   854  	// identity for the endpoint.
   855  	if newEndpoint {
   856  		// TODO - GH-9354.
   857  		identitymanager.Add(identity)
   858  	} else {
   859  		identitymanager.RemoveOldAddNew(e.SecurityIdentity, identity)
   860  	}
   861  	e.SecurityIdentity = identity
   862  	e.replaceIdentityLabels(labels.LabelSourceAny, identity.Labels)
   864  	// Clear selectorPolicy. It will be determined at next regeneration.
   865  	e.selectorPolicy = nil
   867  	// Sets endpoint state to ready if was waiting for identity
   868  	if e.getState() == StateWaitingForIdentity {
   869  		e.setState(StateReady, "Set identity for this endpoint")
   870  	}
   872  	// Whenever the identity is updated, propagate change to key-value store
   873  	// of IP to identity mapping.
   874  	e.runIPIdentitySync(e.IPv4)
   875  	e.runIPIdentitySync(e.IPv6)
   877  	if oldIdentity != identity.StringID() {
   878  		e.getLogger().WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   879  			logfields.Identity:       identity.StringID(),
   880  			logfields.OldIdentity:    oldIdentity,
   881  			logfields.IdentityLabels: identity.Labels.String(),
   882  		}).Info("Identity of endpoint changed")
   883  	}
   884  	e.UpdateLogger(map[string]interface{}{
   885  		logfields.Identity: identity.StringID(),
   886  	})
   887  }
   889  // AnnotationsResolverCB provides an implementation for resolving the pod
   890  // annotations.
   891  type AnnotationsResolverCB func(ns, podName string) (proxyVisibility string, err error)
   893  // UpdateNoTrackRules updates the NOTRACK iptable rules for this endpoint. If anno
   894  // is empty, then any existing NOTRACK rules will be removed. If anno cannot be parsed,
   895  // we remove existing NOTRACK rules too if there's any.
   896  func (e *Endpoint) UpdateNoTrackRules(annoCB AnnotationsResolverCB) {
   897  	ch, err := e.eventQueue.Enqueue(eventqueue.NewEvent(&EndpointNoTrackEvent{
   898  		ep:     e,
   899  		annoCB: annoCB,
   900  	}))
   901  	if err != nil {
   902  		e.getLogger().WithError(err).Error("Unable to enqueue endpoint notrack event")
   903  		return
   904  	}
   906  	updateRes := <-ch
   907  	regenResult, ok := updateRes.(*EndpointRegenerationResult)
   908  	if ok && regenResult.err != nil {
   909  		e.getLogger().WithError(regenResult.err).Error("EndpointNoTrackEvent event failed")
   910  	}
   911  }
   913  // UpdateVisibilityPolicy updates the visibility policy of this endpoint to
   914  // reflect the state stored in the provided proxy visibility annotation. If anno
   915  // is empty, then the VisibilityPolicy for the Endpoint will be empty, and will
   916  // have no effect. If the proxy visibility annotation cannot be parsed, an empty
   917  // visibility policy is assigned to the Endpoint.
   918  func (e *Endpoint) UpdateVisibilityPolicy(annoCB AnnotationsResolverCB) {
   919  	ch, err := e.eventQueue.Enqueue(eventqueue.NewEvent(&EndpointPolicyVisibilityEvent{
   920  		ep:     e,
   921  		annoCB: annoCB,
   922  	}))
   923  	if err != nil {
   924  		e.getLogger().WithError(err).Error("Unable to enqueue endpoint policy visibility event")
   925  		return
   926  	}
   928  	updateRes := <-ch
   929  	regenResult, ok := updateRes.(*EndpointRegenerationResult)
   930  	if ok && regenResult.err != nil {
   931  		e.getLogger().WithError(regenResult.err).Error("EndpointPolicyVisibilityEvent event failed")
   932  	}
   933  }
   935  // UpdateBandwidthPolicy updates the egress bandwidth of this endpoint to
   936  // progagate the throttle rate to the BPF data path.
   937  func (e *Endpoint) UpdateBandwidthPolicy(bwm dptypes.BandwidthManager, annoCB AnnotationsResolverCB) {
   938  	ch, err := e.eventQueue.Enqueue(eventqueue.NewEvent(&EndpointPolicyBandwidthEvent{
   939  		bwm:    bwm,
   940  		ep:     e,
   941  		annoCB: annoCB,
   942  	}))
   943  	if err != nil {
   944  		e.getLogger().WithError(err).Error("Unable to enqueue endpoint policy bandwidth event")
   945  		return
   946  	}
   948  	updateRes := <-ch
   949  	regenResult, ok := updateRes.(*EndpointRegenerationResult)
   950  	if ok && regenResult.err != nil {
   951  		e.getLogger().WithError(regenResult.err).Error("EndpointPolicyBandwidthEvent event failed")
   952  	}
   953  }
   955  // GetRealizedPolicyRuleLabelsForKey returns the list of policy rule labels
   956  // which match a given flow key (in host byte-order). The returned
   957  // LabelArrayList is shallow-copied and therefore must not be mutated.
   958  // This function explicitly exported to be accessed by code outside of the
   959  // Cilium source code tree and for testing.
   960  func (e *Endpoint) GetRealizedPolicyRuleLabelsForKey(key policyTypes.Key) (
   961  	derivedFrom labels.LabelArrayList,
   962  	revision uint64,
   963  	ok bool,
   964  ) {
   965  	e.mutex.RLock()
   966  	defer e.mutex.RUnlock()
   968  	entry, ok := e.realizedPolicy.GetPolicyMap().Get(key)
   969  	if !ok {
   970  		return nil, 0, false
   971  	}
   973  	return entry.DerivedFromRules, e.policyRevision, true
   974  }