
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package endpoint
     6  import (
     7  	"bufio"
     8  	"bytes"
     9  	"context"
    10  	"encoding/base64"
    11  	"encoding/json"
    12  	"errors"
    13  	"fmt"
    14  	"io"
    15  	"net/netip"
    16  	"os"
    17  	"path/filepath"
    18  	"strings"
    20  	""
    21  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	dptypes ""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	""
    30  	""
    31  	""
    32  	""
    33  	""
    34  	""
    35  	""
    36  	""
    37  	""
    38  	""
    39  )
    41  var (
    42  	restoreEndpointIdentityControllerGroup = controller.NewGroup("restore-endpoint-identity")
    43  	initialGlobalIdentitiesControllerGroup = controller.NewGroup("initial-global-identities")
    44  )
    46  // ReadEPsFromDirNames returns a mapping of endpoint ID to endpoint of endpoints
    47  // from a list of directory names that can possible contain an endpoint.
    48  func ReadEPsFromDirNames(ctx context.Context, owner regeneration.Owner, policyGetter policyRepoGetter,
    49  	namedPortsGetter namedPortsGetter, basePath string, eptsDirNames []string) map[uint16]*Endpoint {
    51  	completeEPDirNames, incompleteEPDirNames := partitionEPDirNamesByRestoreStatus(eptsDirNames)
    53  	if len(incompleteEPDirNames) > 0 {
    54  		for _, epDirName := range incompleteEPDirNames {
    55  			scopedLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
    56  				logfields.EndpointID: epDirName,
    57  			})
    58  			fullDirName := filepath.Join(basePath, epDirName)
    59  			scopedLog.Info(fmt.Sprintf("Found incomplete restore directory %s. Removing it...", fullDirName))
    60  			if err := os.RemoveAll(epDirName); err != nil {
    61  				scopedLog.WithError(err).Warn(fmt.Sprintf("Error while removing directory %s. Ignoring it...", fullDirName))
    62  			}
    63  		}
    64  	}
    66  	possibleEPs := map[uint16]*Endpoint{}
    67  	for _, epDirName := range completeEPDirNames {
    68  		epDir := filepath.Join(basePath, epDirName)
    70  		scopedLog := log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
    71  			logfields.EndpointID: epDirName,
    72  			logfields.Path:       epDir,
    73  		})
    75  		state, err := findEndpointState(epDir, scopedLog)
    76  		if err != nil {
    77  			scopedLog.WithError(err).Warn("Couldn't find state, ignoring endpoint")
    78  			continue
    79  		}
    81  		ep, err := parseEndpoint(ctx, owner, policyGetter, namedPortsGetter, state)
    82  		if err != nil {
    83  			scopedLog.WithError(err).Warn("Unable to parse the C header file")
    84  			continue
    85  		}
    86  		if _, ok := possibleEPs[ep.ID]; ok {
    87  			// If the endpoint already exists then give priority to the directory
    88  			// that contains an endpoint that didn't fail to be build.
    89  			if strings.HasSuffix(ep.DirectoryPath(), epDirName) {
    90  				possibleEPs[ep.ID] = ep
    91  			}
    92  		} else {
    93  			possibleEPs[ep.ID] = ep
    94  		}
    96  		// We need to save the host endpoint ID as we'll need it to regenerate
    97  		// other endpoints.
    98  		if ep.IsHost() {
    99  			node.SetEndpointID(ep.GetID())
   100  		}
   101  	}
   102  	return possibleEPs
   103  }
   105  // findEndpointState finds the JSON representation of an endpoint's state in
   106  // a directory.
   107  //
   108  // It prefers reading from the endpoint state JSON file and falls back to
   109  // reading from the header.
   110  func findEndpointState(dir string, log *logrus.Entry) ([]byte, error) {
   111  	state, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(dir, common.EndpointStateFileName))
   112  	if err == nil {
   113  		log.Debug("Restore from JSON file")
   114  		return state, nil
   115  	}
   116  	if !errors.Is(err, os.ErrNotExist) {
   117  		return nil, err
   118  	}
   120  	// Fall back to reading state from the C header.
   121  	// Remove this at some point in the far future.
   122  	f, err := os.Open(filepath.Join(dir, common.CHeaderFileName))
   123  	if err != nil {
   124  		return nil, err
   125  	}
   126  	defer f.Close()
   128  	log.Debug("Restore from C header file")
   130  	br := bufio.NewReader(f)
   131  	var line []byte
   132  	for {
   133  		b, err := br.ReadBytes('\n')
   134  		if errors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
   135  			return nil, os.ErrNotExist
   136  		}
   137  		if err != nil {
   138  			return nil, err
   139  		}
   140  		if bytes.Contains(b, []byte(ciliumCHeaderPrefix)) {
   141  			line = b
   142  			break
   143  		}
   144  	}
   146  	epSlice := bytes.Split(line, []byte{':'})
   147  	if len(epSlice) != 2 {
   148  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid format %q. Should contain a single ':'", line)
   149  	}
   151  	return base64.StdEncoding.AppendDecode(nil, epSlice[1])
   152  }
   154  // partitionEPDirNamesByRestoreStatus partitions the provided list of directory
   155  // names that can possibly contain an endpoint, into two lists, containing those
   156  // names that represent an incomplete endpoint restore and those that do not.
   157  func partitionEPDirNamesByRestoreStatus(eptsDirNames []string) (complete []string, incomplete []string) {
   158  	dirNames := make(map[string]struct{}, len(eptsDirNames))
   159  	for _, epDirName := range eptsDirNames {
   160  		dirNames[epDirName] = struct{}{}
   161  	}
   163  	incompleteSuffixes := []string{nextDirectorySuffix, nextFailedDirectorySuffix}
   164  	incompleteSet := make(map[string]struct{})
   166  	for _, epDirName := range eptsDirNames {
   167  		for _, suff := range incompleteSuffixes {
   168  			if strings.HasSuffix(epDirName, suff) {
   169  				if _, exists := dirNames[epDirName[:len(epDirName)-len(suff)]]; exists {
   170  					incompleteSet[epDirName] = struct{}{}
   171  				}
   172  			}
   173  		}
   174  	}
   176  	for epDirName := range dirNames {
   177  		if _, exists := incompleteSet[epDirName]; exists {
   178  			incomplete = append(incomplete, epDirName)
   179  		} else {
   180  			complete = append(complete, epDirName)
   181  		}
   182  	}
   184  	return
   185  }
   187  // RegenerateAfterRestore performs the following operations on the specified
   188  // Endpoint:
   189  // * allocates an identity for the Endpoint
   190  // * fetches the latest labels from the pod.
   191  // * regenerates the endpoint
   192  // Returns an error if any operation fails while trying to perform the above
   193  // operations.
   194  func (e *Endpoint) RegenerateAfterRestore(regenerator *Regenerator, bwm dptypes.BandwidthManager, resolveMetadata MetadataResolverCB) error {
   195  	if err := e.restoreIdentity(regenerator); err != nil {
   196  		return err
   197  	}
   199  	// Now that we have restored the endpoints' identity, run the metadata
   200  	// resolver so that we can fetch the latest labels from the pod for this
   201  	// endpoint.
   202  	e.RunRestoredMetadataResolver(bwm, resolveMetadata)
   204  	scopedLog := log.WithField(logfields.EndpointID, e.ID)
   206  	regenerationMetadata := &regeneration.ExternalRegenerationMetadata{
   207  		Reason:            "syncing state to host",
   208  		RegenerationLevel: regeneration.RegenerateWithDatapath,
   209  	}
   210  	if buildSuccess := <-e.Regenerate(regenerationMetadata); !buildSuccess {
   211  		return fmt.Errorf("failed while regenerating endpoint")
   212  	}
   214  	scopedLog.WithField(logfields.IPAddr, []string{e.GetIPv4Address(), e.GetIPv6Address()}).Info("Restored endpoint")
   215  	return nil
   216  }
   218  func (e *Endpoint) restoreIdentity(regenerator *Regenerator) error {
   219  	if err := e.rlockAlive(); err != nil {
   220  		e.logDisconnectedMutexAction(err, "before filtering labels during regenerating restored endpoint")
   221  		return err
   222  	}
   223  	scopedLog := log.WithField(logfields.EndpointID, e.ID)
   224  	// Filter the restored labels with the new daemon's filter
   225  	l, _ := labelsfilter.Filter(e.OpLabels.AllLabels())
   226  	e.runlock()
   228  	// Getting the ep's identity while we are restoring should block the
   229  	// restoring of the endpoint until we get its security identity ID.
   230  	// If the endpoint is removed, this controller will cancel the allocator
   231  	// requests.
   232  	controllerName := fmt.Sprintf("restoring-ep-identity (%v)", e.ID)
   233  	var (
   234  		id                *identity.Identity
   235  		allocatedIdentity = make(chan struct{})
   236  	)
   237  	e.UpdateController(controllerName,
   238  		controller.ControllerParams{
   239  			Group: restoreEndpointIdentityControllerGroup,
   240  			DoFunc: func(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
   241  				allocateCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, option.Config.KVstoreConnectivityTimeout)
   242  				defer cancel()
   243  				id, _, err = e.allocator.AllocateIdentity(allocateCtx, l, true, identity.InvalidIdentity)
   244  				if err != nil {
   245  					return err
   246  				}
   247  				close(allocatedIdentity)
   248  				return nil
   249  			},
   250  		})
   252  	// Wait until we either get an identity or the endpoint is removed or
   253  	// deleted from the node.
   254  	select {
   255  	case <-e.aliveCtx.Done():
   256  		return ErrNotAlive
   257  	case <-allocatedIdentity:
   258  	}
   260  	// Wait for initial identities and ipcache from the
   261  	// kvstore before doing any policy calculation for
   262  	// endpoints that don't have a fixed identity or are
   263  	// not well known.
   264  	if !id.IsFixed() && !id.IsWellKnown() {
   265  		// Getting the initial global identities while we are restoring should
   266  		// block the restoring of the endpoint.
   267  		// If the endpoint is removed, this controller will cancel the allocator
   268  		// WaitForInitialGlobalIdentities function.
   269  		controllerName := fmt.Sprintf("waiting-initial-global-identities-ep (%v)", e.ID)
   270  		var gotInitialGlobalIdentities = make(chan struct{})
   271  		e.UpdateController(controllerName,
   272  			controller.ControllerParams{
   273  				Group: initialGlobalIdentitiesControllerGroup,
   274  				DoFunc: func(ctx context.Context) (err error) {
   275  					identityCtx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, option.Config.KVstoreConnectivityTimeout)
   276  					defer cancel()
   278  					err = e.allocator.WaitForInitialGlobalIdentities(identityCtx)
   279  					if err != nil {
   280  						scopedLog.WithError(err).Warn("Failed while waiting for initial global identities")
   281  						return err
   282  					}
   283  					close(gotInitialGlobalIdentities)
   284  					return nil
   285  				},
   286  			})
   288  		// Wait until we either the initial global identities or the endpoint
   289  		// is deleted.
   290  		select {
   291  		case <-e.aliveCtx.Done():
   292  			return ErrNotAlive
   293  		case <-gotInitialGlobalIdentities:
   294  		}
   295  	}
   297  	// Wait for ipcache sync before regeneration for endpoints including
   298  	// the ones with fixed identity (e.g. host endpoint), this ensures that
   299  	// the regenerated datapath always lookups from a ready ipcache map.
   300  	if option.Config.KVStore != "" {
   301  		ipcache.WaitForKVStoreSync()
   302  	}
   304  	// Wait for ipcache and identities synchronization from all remote clusters,
   305  	// to prevent disrupting cross-cluster connections on endpoint regeneration.
   306  	if err := regenerator.WaitForClusterMeshIPIdentitiesSync(e.aliveCtx); err != nil {
   307  		return err
   308  	}
   310  	if err := e.lockAlive(); err != nil {
   311  		scopedLog.Warn("Endpoint to restore has been deleted")
   312  		return err
   313  	}
   315  	e.setState(StateRestoring, "Synchronizing endpoint labels with KVStore")
   317  	if e.SecurityIdentity != nil {
   318  		if oldSecID := e.SecurityIdentity.ID; id.ID != oldSecID {
   319  			log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   320  				logfields.EndpointID:              e.ID,
   321  				logfields.IdentityLabels + ".old": oldSecID,
   322  				logfields.IdentityLabels + ".new": id.ID,
   323  			}).Info("Security identity for endpoint is different from the security identity restored for the endpoint")
   325  			// The identity of the endpoint being
   326  			// restored has changed. This can be
   327  			// caused by two main reasons:
   328  			//
   329  			// 1) Cilium has been upgraded,
   330  			// downgraded or the configuration has
   331  			// changed and the new version or
   332  			// configuration causes different
   333  			// labels to be considered security
   334  			// relevant for this endpoint.
   335  			//
   336  			// Immediately using the identity may
   337  			// cause connectivity problems if this
   338  			// is the first endpoint in the cluster
   339  			// to use the new identity. All other
   340  			// nodes will not have had a chance to
   341  			// adjust the security policies for
   342  			// their endpoints. Hence, apply a
   343  			// grace period to allow for the
   344  			// update. It is not required to check
   345  			// any local endpoints for potential
   346  			// outdated security rules, the
   347  			// notification of the new security
   348  			// identity will have been received and
   349  			// will trigger the necessary
   350  			// recalculation of all local
   351  			// endpoints.
   352  			//
   353  			// 2) The identity is outdated as the
   354  			// state in the kvstore has changed.
   355  			// This reason would justify an
   356  			// immediate use of the new identity
   357  			// but given the current identity is
   358  			// already in place, it is also correct
   359  			// to continue using it for the
   360  			// duration of a grace period.
   361  			time.Sleep(option.Config.IdentityChangeGracePeriod)
   362  		}
   363  	}
   364  	// The identity of a freshly restored endpoint is incomplete due to some
   365  	// parts of the identity not being marshaled to JSON. Hence we must set
   366  	// the identity even if has not changed.
   367  	e.SetIdentity(id, true)
   368  	e.unlock()
   370  	return nil
   371  }
   373  // toSerializedEndpoint converts the Endpoint to its corresponding
   374  // serializableEndpoint, which contains all of the fields that are needed upon
   375  // restoring an Endpoint after cilium-agent restarts.
   376  func (e *Endpoint) toSerializedEndpoint() *serializableEndpoint {
   378  	return &serializableEndpoint{
   379  		ID:                       e.ID,
   380  		ContainerName:            e.GetContainerName(),
   381  		ContainerID:              e.GetContainerID(),
   382  		DockerNetworkID:          e.dockerNetworkID,
   383  		DockerEndpointID:         e.dockerEndpointID,
   384  		IfName:                   e.ifName,
   385  		IfIndex:                  e.ifIndex,
   386  		ContainerIfName:          e.containerIfName,
   387  		DisableLegacyIdentifiers: e.disableLegacyIdentifiers,
   388  		OpLabels:                 e.OpLabels,
   389  		LXCMAC:                   e.mac,
   390  		IPv6:                     e.IPv6,
   391  		IPv6IPAMPool:             e.IPv6IPAMPool,
   392  		IPv4:                     e.IPv4,
   393  		IPv4IPAMPool:             e.IPv4IPAMPool,
   394  		NodeMAC:                  e.nodeMAC,
   395  		SecurityIdentity:         e.SecurityIdentity,
   396  		Options:                  e.Options,
   397  		DNSRules:                 e.DNSRules,
   398  		DNSRulesV2:               e.DNSRulesV2,
   399  		DNSHistory:               e.DNSHistory,
   400  		DNSZombies:               e.DNSZombies,
   401  		K8sPodName:               e.K8sPodName,
   402  		K8sNamespace:             e.K8sNamespace,
   403  		K8sUID:                   e.K8sUID,
   404  		DatapathConfiguration:    e.DatapathConfiguration,
   405  		CiliumEndpointUID:        e.ciliumEndpointUID,
   406  		Properties:     ,
   407  		NetnsCookie:              e.NetNsCookie,
   408  	}
   409  }
   411  // serializableEndpoint contains the fields from an Endpoint which are needed to be
   412  // restored if cilium-agent restarts.
   413  //
   415  // This structure is written as JSON to StateDir/{ID}/ep_config.h to allow to
   416  // restore endpoints when the agent is being restarted. The restore operation
   417  // will read the file and re-create all endpoints with all fields which are not
   418  // marked as private to JSON marshal. Do NOT modify this structure in ways which
   419  // is not JSON forward compatible.
   420  type serializableEndpoint struct {
   421  	// ID of the endpoint, unique in the scope of the node
   422  	ID uint16
   424  	// containerName is the name given to the endpoint by the container runtime
   425  	ContainerName string
   427  	// containerID is the container ID that docker has assigned to the endpoint
   428  	// Note: The JSON tag was kept for backward compatibility.
   429  	ContainerID string `json:"dockerID,omitempty"`
   431  	// dockerNetworkID is the network ID of the libnetwork network if the
   432  	// endpoint is a docker managed container which uses libnetwork
   433  	DockerNetworkID string
   435  	// dockerEndpointID is the Docker network endpoint ID if managed by
   436  	// libnetwork
   437  	DockerEndpointID string
   439  	// ifName is the name of the host facing interface (veth pair) which
   440  	// connects into the endpoint
   441  	IfName string
   443  	// ifIndex is the interface index of the host face interface (veth pair)
   444  	IfIndex int
   446  	// ContainerIfName is the name of the container facing interface (veth pair).
   447  	ContainerIfName string
   449  	// DisableLegacyIdentifiers disables lookup using legacy endpoint identifiers
   450  	// (container name, container id, pod name) for this endpoint.
   451  	DisableLegacyIdentifiers bool
   453  	// OpLabels is the endpoint's label configuration
   454  	//
   455  	// FIXME: Rename this field to Labels
   456  	OpLabels labels.OpLabels
   458  	// mac is the MAC address of the endpoint
   459  	//
   460  	// FIXME: Rename this field to MAC
   461  	LXCMAC mac.MAC // Container MAC address.
   463  	// IPv6 is the IPv6 address of the endpoint
   464  	IPv6 netip.Addr
   466  	// IPv6IPAMPool is the IPAM address pool from which the IPv6 address was allocated
   467  	IPv6IPAMPool string
   469  	// IPv4 is the IPv4 address of the endpoint
   470  	IPv4 netip.Addr
   472  	// IPv4IPAMPool is the IPAM address pool from which the IPv4 address was allocated
   473  	IPv4IPAMPool string
   475  	// nodeMAC is the MAC of the node (agent). The MAC is different for every endpoint.
   476  	NodeMAC mac.MAC
   478  	// SecurityIdentity is the security identity of this endpoint. This is computed from
   479  	// the endpoint's labels.
   480  	SecurityIdentity *identity.Identity `json:"SecLabel"`
   482  	// Options determine the datapath configuration of the endpoint.
   483  	Options *option.IntOptions
   485  	// DNSRules is the collection of current DNS rules for this endpoint.
   486  	DNSRules restore.DNSRules
   488  	// DNSRulesV2 is the collection of current DNS rules for this endpoint,
   489  	// that conform to using V2 of the PortProto key.
   490  	DNSRulesV2 restore.DNSRules
   492  	// DNSHistory is the collection of still-valid DNS responses intercepted for
   493  	// this endpoint.
   494  	DNSHistory *fqdn.DNSCache
   496  	// DNSZombies is the collection of DNS entries that have been expired or
   497  	// evicted from DNSHistory.
   498  	DNSZombies *fqdn.DNSZombieMappings
   500  	// K8sPodName is the Kubernetes pod name of the endpoint
   501  	K8sPodName string
   503  	// K8sNamespace is the Kubernetes namespace of the endpoint
   504  	K8sNamespace string
   506  	// K8sUID is the Kubernetes pod UID of the endpoint
   507  	K8sUID string
   509  	// DatapathConfiguration is the endpoint's datapath configuration as
   510  	// passed in via the plugin that created the endpoint, e.g. the CNI
   511  	// plugin which performed the plumbing will enable certain datapath
   512  	// features according to the mode selected.
   513  	DatapathConfiguration models.EndpointDatapathConfiguration
   515  	// CiliumEndpointUID contains the unique identifier ref for the CiliumEndpoint
   516  	// that this Endpoint was managing.
   517  	// This is used to avoid overwriting/deleting ciliumendpoints that are managed
   518  	// by other endpoints.
   519  	CiliumEndpointUID types.UID
   521  	// Properties are used to store some internal property about this Endpoint.
   522  	Properties map[string]interface{}
   524  	// NetnsCookie is the network namespace cookie of the Endpoint.
   525  	NetnsCookie uint64
   526  }
   528  // UnmarshalJSON expects that the contents of `raw` are a serializableEndpoint,
   529  // which is then converted into an Endpoint.
   530  func (ep *Endpoint) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error {
   531  	// We may have to populate structures in the Endpoint manually to do the
   532  	// translation from serializableEndpoint --> Endpoint.
   533  	restoredEp := &serializableEndpoint{
   534  		OpLabels:   labels.NewOpLabels(),
   535  		DNSHistory: fqdn.NewDNSCacheWithLimit(option.Config.ToFQDNsMinTTL, option.Config.ToFQDNsMaxIPsPerHost),
   536  		DNSZombies: fqdn.NewDNSZombieMappings(option.Config.ToFQDNsMaxDeferredConnectionDeletes, option.Config.ToFQDNsMaxIPsPerHost),
   537  	}
   538  	if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, restoredEp); err != nil {
   539  		return fmt.Errorf("error unmarshaling serializableEndpoint from base64 representation: %w", err)
   540  	}
   542  	ep.fromSerializedEndpoint(restoredEp)
   543  	return nil
   544  }
   546  // MarshalJSON marshals the Endpoint as its serializableEndpoint representation.
   547  func (ep *Endpoint) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   548  	return json.Marshal(ep.toSerializedEndpoint())
   549  }
   551  func (ep *Endpoint) fromSerializedEndpoint(r *serializableEndpoint) {
   552  	ep.ID = r.ID
   553  	ep.createdAt = time.Now()
   554  	ep.containerName.Store(&r.ContainerName)
   555  	ep.containerID.Store(&r.ContainerID)
   556  	ep.dockerNetworkID = r.DockerNetworkID
   557  	ep.dockerEndpointID = r.DockerEndpointID
   558  	ep.ifName = r.IfName
   559  	ep.ifIndex = r.IfIndex
   560  	ep.containerIfName = r.ContainerIfName
   561  	ep.disableLegacyIdentifiers = r.DisableLegacyIdentifiers
   562  	ep.OpLabels = r.OpLabels
   563  	ep.mac = r.LXCMAC
   564  	ep.IPv6 = r.IPv6
   565  	ep.IPv6IPAMPool = r.IPv6IPAMPool
   566  	ep.IPv4 = r.IPv4
   567  	ep.IPv4IPAMPool = r.IPv4IPAMPool
   568  	ep.nodeMAC = r.NodeMAC
   569  	ep.SecurityIdentity = r.SecurityIdentity
   570  	ep.DNSRules = r.DNSRules
   571  	ep.DNSRulesV2 = r.DNSRulesV2
   572  	ep.DNSHistory = r.DNSHistory
   573  	ep.DNSZombies = r.DNSZombies
   574  	ep.K8sPodName = r.K8sPodName
   575  	ep.K8sNamespace = r.K8sNamespace
   576  	ep.K8sUID = r.K8sUID
   577  	ep.DatapathConfiguration = r.DatapathConfiguration
   578  	ep.Options = r.Options
   579  	ep.ciliumEndpointUID = r.CiliumEndpointUID
   580  	if r.Properties != nil {
   581 = r.Properties
   582  	} else {
   583 = map[string]interface{}{}
   584  	}
   585  	ep.NetNsCookie = r.NetnsCookie
   586  }