
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package endpointmanager
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"net/netip"
     9  	"sync"
    10  	"testing"
    11  	"time"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    17  	apiv1 ""
    18  	datapath ""
    19  	""
    20  	endpointid ""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	monitorAPI ""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  	""
    29  	testidentity ""
    30  	testipcache ""
    31  )
    33  func (mgr *endpointManager) waitEndpointRemoved(ep *endpoint.Endpoint, conf endpoint.DeleteConfig) []error {
    34  	mgr.unexpose(ep)
    35  	ep.Stop()
    36  	return nil
    37  }
    39  // RemoveAll removes all endpoints from the global maps.
    40  func (mgr *endpointManager) RemoveAll(t testing.TB) {
    41  	mgr.mutex.Lock()
    42  	defer mgr.mutex.Unlock()
    43  	mgr.epIDAllocator.reallocatePool(t)
    44  	mgr.endpoints = map[uint16]*endpoint.Endpoint{}
    45  	mgr.endpointsAux = map[string]*endpoint.Endpoint{}
    46  }
    48  // WaitEndpointRemoved waits until all operations associated with Remove of
    49  // the endpoint have been completed.
    50  // Note: only used for unit tests, to avoid ep.Delete()
    51  func (mgr *endpointManager) WaitEndpointRemoved(ep *endpoint.Endpoint) {
    52  	mgr.waitEndpointRemoved(ep, endpoint.DeleteConfig{})
    53  }
    55  type EndpointManagerSuite struct {
    56  	repo *policy.Repository
    57  }
    59  func setupEndpointManagerSuite(tb testing.TB) *EndpointManagerSuite {
    60  	s := &EndpointManagerSuite{}
    61  	s.repo = policy.NewPolicyRepository(nil, nil, nil)
    63  	return s
    64  }
    66  func (s *EndpointManagerSuite) GetPolicyRepository() *policy.Repository {
    67  	return s.repo
    68  }
    70  func (s *EndpointManagerSuite) QueueEndpointBuild(ctx context.Context, epID uint64) (func(), error) {
    71  	return nil, nil
    72  }
    74  func (s *EndpointManagerSuite) GetCompilationLock() datapath.CompilationLock {
    75  	return nil
    76  }
    78  func (s *EndpointManagerSuite) GetCIDRPrefixLengths() (s6, s4 []int) {
    79  	return nil, nil
    80  }
    82  func (s *EndpointManagerSuite) SendNotification(msg monitorAPI.AgentNotifyMessage) error {
    83  	return nil
    84  }
    86  func (s *EndpointManagerSuite) Datapath() datapath.Datapath {
    87  	return nil
    88  }
    90  func (s *EndpointManagerSuite) GetDNSRules(epID uint16) restore.DNSRules {
    91  	return nil
    92  }
    94  func (s *EndpointManagerSuite) RemoveRestoredDNSRules(epID uint16) {
    95  }
    97  type DummyRuleCacheOwner struct{}
    99  func (d *DummyRuleCacheOwner) ClearPolicyConsumers(id uint16) *sync.WaitGroup {
   100  	return &sync.WaitGroup{}
   101  }
   103  type dummyEpSyncher struct{}
   105  func (epSync *dummyEpSyncher) RunK8sCiliumEndpointSync(e *endpoint.Endpoint, hr cell.Health) {
   106  }
   108  func (epSync *dummyEpSyncher) DeleteK8sCiliumEndpointSync(e *endpoint.Endpoint) {
   109  }
   111  func TestLookup(t *testing.T) {
   112  	s := setupEndpointManagerSuite(t)
   114  	type args struct {
   115  		id string
   116  	}
   117  	type want struct {
   118  		ep       bool
   119  		err      error
   120  		errCheck assert.ComparisonAssertionFunc
   121  	}
   122  	tests := []struct {
   123  		name      string
   124  		setupArgs func() args
   125  		setupWant func() want
   126  		cm        *apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest
   127  	}{
   128  		{
   129  			name: "endpoint does not exist",
   130  			setupArgs: func() args {
   131  				return args{
   132  					"1234",
   133  				}
   134  			},
   135  			setupWant: func() want {
   136  				return want{
   137  					ep:       false,
   138  					err:      nil,
   139  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   140  				}
   141  			},
   142  		},
   143  		{
   144  			name: "endpoint by cilium local ID",
   145  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   146  				ID: 1234,
   147  			},
   148  			setupArgs: func() args {
   149  				return args{
   150  					endpointid.NewCiliumID(1234),
   151  				}
   152  			},
   153  			setupWant: func() want {
   154  				return want{
   155  					ep:       true,
   156  					err:      nil,
   157  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   158  				}
   159  			},
   160  		},
   161  		{
   162  			name: "endpoint by cilium global ID",
   163  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   164  				ID: 1234,
   165  			},
   166  			setupArgs: func() args {
   167  				return args{
   168  					endpointid.NewID(endpointid.CiliumGlobalIdPrefix, "1234"),
   169  				}
   170  			},
   171  			setupWant: func() want {
   172  				return want{
   173  					err:      ErrUnsupportedID,
   174  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   175  				}
   176  			},
   177  		},
   178  		{
   179  			name: "endpoint by CNI attachment ID",
   180  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   181  				ContainerID:            "1234",
   182  				ContainerInterfaceName: "eth0",
   183  			},
   184  			setupArgs: func() args {
   185  				return args{
   186  					endpointid.NewCNIAttachmentID("1234", "eth0"),
   187  				}
   188  			},
   189  			setupWant: func() want {
   190  				return want{
   191  					ep:       true,
   192  					err:      nil,
   193  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   194  				}
   195  			},
   196  		},
   197  		{
   198  			name: "endpoint by CNI attachment ID without interface",
   199  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   200  				ContainerID: "1234",
   201  			},
   202  			setupArgs: func() args {
   203  				return args{
   204  					endpointid.NewCNIAttachmentID("1234", ""),
   205  				}
   206  			},
   207  			setupWant: func() want {
   208  				return want{
   209  					ep:       true,
   210  					err:      nil,
   211  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   212  				}
   213  			},
   214  		},
   215  		{
   216  			name: "endpoint by container ID (deprecated)",
   217  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   218  				ContainerID: "1234",
   219  			},
   220  			setupArgs: func() args {
   221  				return args{
   222  					endpointid.NewID(endpointid.ContainerIdPrefix, "1234"),
   223  				}
   224  			},
   225  			setupWant: func() want {
   226  				return want{
   227  					ep:       true,
   228  					err:      nil,
   229  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   230  				}
   231  			},
   232  		},
   233  		{
   234  			name: "endpoint by docker endpoint ID",
   235  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   236  				DockerEndpointID: "1234",
   237  			},
   238  			setupArgs: func() args {
   239  				return args{
   240  					endpointid.NewID(endpointid.DockerEndpointPrefix, "1234"),
   241  				}
   242  			},
   243  			setupWant: func() want {
   244  				return want{
   245  					ep:       true,
   246  					err:      nil,
   247  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   248  				}
   249  			},
   250  		},
   251  		{
   252  			name: "endpoint by container name (deprecated)",
   253  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   254  				ContainerName: "foo",
   255  			},
   256  			setupArgs: func() args {
   257  				return args{
   258  					endpointid.NewID(endpointid.ContainerNamePrefix, "foo"),
   259  				}
   260  			},
   261  			setupWant: func() want {
   262  				return want{
   263  					ep:       true,
   264  					err:      nil,
   265  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   266  				}
   267  			},
   268  		},
   269  		{
   270  			name: "endpoint by pod name",
   271  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   272  				K8sNamespace: "default",
   273  				K8sPodName:   "foo",
   274  			},
   275  			setupArgs: func() args {
   276  				return args{
   277  					endpointid.NewID(endpointid.PodNamePrefix, "default/foo"),
   278  				}
   279  			},
   280  			setupWant: func() want {
   281  				return want{
   282  					ep:       true,
   283  					err:      nil,
   284  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   285  				}
   286  			},
   287  		},
   288  		{
   289  			name: "endpoint by cep name",
   290  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   291  				K8sNamespace: "default",
   292  				K8sPodName:   "foo",
   293  			},
   294  			setupArgs: func() args {
   295  				return args{
   296  					endpointid.NewID(endpointid.CEPNamePrefix, "default/foo"),
   297  				}
   298  			},
   299  			setupWant: func() want {
   300  				return want{
   301  					ep:       true,
   302  					err:      nil,
   303  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   304  				}
   305  			},
   306  		},
   307  		{
   308  			name: "endpoint by cep name with interface",
   309  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   310  				K8sNamespace:           "default",
   311  				K8sPodName:             "foo",
   312  				ContainerInterfaceName: "net1",
   313  			},
   314  			setupArgs: func() args {
   315  				return args{
   316  					endpointid.NewID(endpointid.CEPNamePrefix, "default/foo"),
   317  				}
   318  			},
   319  			setupWant: func() want {
   320  				return want{
   321  					ep:       true,
   322  					err:      nil,
   323  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues}
   324  			},
   325  		},
   326  		{
   327  			name: "endpoint by cep name with interface and disabled legacy identifers",
   328  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   329  				K8sNamespace:             "default",
   330  				K8sPodName:               "foo",
   331  				ContainerInterfaceName:   "net1",
   332  				DisableLegacyIdentifiers: true,
   333  			},
   334  			setupArgs: func() args {
   335  				return args{
   336  					endpointid.NewID(endpointid.CEPNamePrefix, "default/foo-net1"),
   337  				}
   338  			},
   339  			setupWant: func() want {
   340  				return want{
   341  					ep:       true,
   342  					err:      nil,
   343  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   344  				}
   345  			},
   346  		},
   347  		{
   348  			name: "endpoint by ipv4",
   349  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   350  				Addressing: &apiv1.AddressPair{
   351  					IPV4: "",
   352  				},
   353  			},
   354  			setupArgs: func() args {
   355  				return args{
   356  					endpointid.NewID(endpointid.IPv4Prefix, ""),
   357  				}
   358  			},
   359  			setupWant: func() want {
   360  				return want{
   361  					ep:       true,
   362  					err:      nil,
   363  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   364  				}
   365  			},
   366  		},
   367  		{
   368  			name: "invalid ID",
   369  			setupArgs: func() args {
   370  				return args{
   371  					endpointid.NewID("foo", "bar"),
   372  				}
   373  			},
   374  			setupWant: func() want {
   375  				return want{
   376  					err:      nil,
   377  					errCheck: assert.NotEqualValues,
   378  				}
   379  			},
   380  		},
   381  		{
   382  			name: "invalid cilium ID",
   383  			setupArgs: func() args {
   384  				return args{
   385  					endpointid.NewID(endpointid.CiliumLocalIdPrefix, "bar"),
   386  				}
   387  			},
   388  			setupWant: func() want {
   389  				return want{
   390  					err:      nil,
   391  					errCheck: assert.NotEqualValues,
   392  				}
   393  			},
   394  		},
   395  		{
   396  			name: "invalid lookup with container id with disabled legacy identifiers",
   397  			cm: &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   398  				ContainerID:              "1234",
   399  				DisableLegacyIdentifiers: true,
   400  			},
   401  			setupArgs: func() args {
   402  				return args{
   403  					endpointid.NewID(endpointid.ContainerIdPrefix, "1234"),
   404  				}
   405  			},
   406  			setupWant: func() want {
   407  				return want{
   408  					ep:       false,
   409  					err:      nil,
   410  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   411  				}
   412  			},
   413  		},
   414  	}
   415  	for _, tt := range tests {
   416  		t.Run(, func(t *testing.T) {
   417  			var ep *endpoint.Endpoint
   418  			var err error
   419  			mgr := New(&dummyEpSyncher{}, nil, nil)
   420  			if != nil {
   421  				ep, err = endpoint.NewEndpointFromChangeModel(context.Background(), s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil),
   422  				require.NoErrorf(t, err, "Test Name: %s",
   423  				err = mgr.expose(ep)
   424  				require.NoErrorf(t, err, "Test Name: %s",
   425  			}
   427  			args := tt.setupArgs()
   428  			want := tt.setupWant()
   429  			got, err := mgr.Lookup(
   430  			want.errCheck(t, want.err, err, "Test Name: %s",
   431  			if want.ep {
   432  				require.EqualValuesf(t, ep, got, "Test Name: %s",
   433  			} else {
   434  				require.Nilf(t, got, "Test Name: %s",
   435  			}
   436  		})
   437  	}
   438  }
   440  func TestLookupCiliumID(t *testing.T) {
   441  	s := setupEndpointManagerSuite(t)
   443  	mgr := New(&dummyEpSyncher{}, nil, nil)
   444  	ep := endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 2, endpoint.StateReady)
   445  	type args struct {
   446  		id uint16
   447  	}
   448  	type want struct {
   449  		ep *endpoint.Endpoint
   450  	}
   451  	tests := []struct {
   452  		name        string
   453  		setupArgs   func() args
   454  		setupWant   func() want
   455  		preTestRun  func()
   456  		postTestRun func()
   457  	}{
   458  		{
   459  			name: "existing cilium ID",
   460  			preTestRun: func() {
   461  				ep.ID = 1
   462  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
   463  			},
   464  			setupArgs: func() args {
   465  				return args{
   466  					1,
   467  				}
   468  			},
   469  			setupWant: func() want {
   470  				return want{
   471  					ep: ep,
   472  				}
   473  			},
   474  			postTestRun: func() {
   475  				mgr.WaitEndpointRemoved(ep)
   476  				ep.ID = 0
   477  			},
   478  		},
   479  		{
   480  			name: "non-existing cilium ID",
   481  			preTestRun: func() {
   482  			},
   483  			setupArgs: func() args {
   484  				return args{
   485  					1,
   486  				}
   487  			},
   488  			setupWant: func() want {
   489  				return want{
   490  					ep: nil,
   491  				}
   492  			},
   493  			postTestRun: func() {
   494  			},
   495  		},
   496  	}
   497  	for _, tt := range tests {
   498  		tt.preTestRun()
   499  		args := tt.setupArgs()
   500  		want := tt.setupWant()
   501  		got := mgr.LookupCiliumID(
   502  		exists := mgr.EndpointExists(
   503  		require.EqualValuesf(t, want.ep, got, "Test Name: %s",
   504  		require.Equal(t, want.ep != nil, exists, "Test Name: %s",
   505  		tt.postTestRun()
   506  	}
   507  }
   509  func TestLookupCNIAttachmentID(t *testing.T) {
   510  	s := setupEndpointManagerSuite(t)
   512  	mgr := New(&dummyEpSyncher{}, nil, nil)
   513  	ep, err := endpoint.NewEndpointFromChangeModel(context.Background(), s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), &apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   514  		ContainerID:            "foo",
   515  		ContainerInterfaceName: "bar",
   516  	})
   517  	require.Nil(t, err)
   518  	require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
   520  	good := mgr.LookupCNIAttachmentID("foo:bar")
   521  	require.EqualValues(t, ep, good)
   523  	bad := mgr.LookupCNIAttachmentID("foo")
   524  	require.Nil(t, bad)
   526  	bad = mgr.LookupCNIAttachmentID("asdf")
   527  	require.Nil(t, bad)
   528  }
   530  func TestLookupIPv4(t *testing.T) {
   531  	s := setupEndpointManagerSuite(t)
   533  	mgr := New(&dummyEpSyncher{}, nil, nil)
   534  	ep := endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 4, endpoint.StateReady)
   535  	type args struct {
   536  		ip string
   537  	}
   538  	type want struct {
   539  		ep *endpoint.Endpoint
   540  	}
   541  	tests := []struct {
   542  		name        string
   543  		setupArgs   func() args
   544  		setupWant   func() want
   545  		preTestRun  func()
   546  		postTestRun func()
   547  	}{
   548  		{
   549  			name: "existing LookupIPv4",
   550  			preTestRun: func() {
   551  				ep.IPv4 = netip.MustParseAddr("")
   552  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
   553  			},
   554  			setupArgs: func() args {
   555  				return args{
   556  					"",
   557  				}
   558  			},
   559  			setupWant: func() want {
   560  				return want{
   561  					ep: ep,
   562  				}
   563  			},
   564  			postTestRun: func() {
   565  				mgr.WaitEndpointRemoved(ep)
   566  				ep.IPv4 = netip.Addr{}
   567  			},
   568  		},
   569  		{
   570  			name: "non-existing LookupIPv4",
   571  			preTestRun: func() {
   572  			},
   573  			setupArgs: func() args {
   574  				return args{
   575  					"",
   576  				}
   577  			},
   578  			setupWant: func() want {
   579  				return want{
   580  					ep: nil,
   581  				}
   582  			},
   583  			postTestRun: func() {
   584  			},
   585  		},
   586  	}
   587  	for _, tt := range tests {
   588  		tt.preTestRun()
   589  		args := tt.setupArgs()
   590  		want := tt.setupWant()
   591  		got := mgr.LookupIPv4(args.ip)
   592  		require.EqualValuesf(t, want.ep, got, "Test Name: %s",
   593  		tt.postTestRun()
   594  	}
   595  }
   597  func TestLookupCEPName(t *testing.T) {
   598  	s := setupEndpointManagerSuite(t)
   599  	mgr := New(&dummyEpSyncher{}, nil, nil)
   600  	type args struct {
   601  		podName string
   602  	}
   603  	type want struct {
   604  		ep *endpoint.Endpoint
   605  	}
   606  	tests := []struct {
   607  		name        string
   608  		cm          apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest
   609  		setupArgs   func() args
   610  		setupWant   func(*endpoint.Endpoint) want
   611  		preTestRun  func(*endpoint.Endpoint)
   612  		postTestRun func(*endpoint.Endpoint)
   613  	}{
   614  		{
   615  			name: "existing pod name",
   616  			cm: apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   617  				K8sNamespace: "default",
   618  				K8sPodName:   "foo",
   619  			},
   620  			preTestRun: func(ep *endpoint.Endpoint) {
   621  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
   622  			},
   623  			setupArgs: func() args {
   624  				return args{
   625  					"default/foo",
   626  				}
   627  			},
   628  			setupWant: func(ep *endpoint.Endpoint) want {
   629  				return want{
   630  					ep: ep,
   631  				}
   632  			},
   633  			postTestRun: func(ep *endpoint.Endpoint) {
   634  				mgr.WaitEndpointRemoved(ep)
   635  			},
   636  		},
   637  		{
   638  			name: "existing pod name with container interface name",
   639  			cm: apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   640  				K8sNamespace:             "default",
   641  				K8sPodName:               "bar",
   642  				ContainerInterfaceName:   "eth1",
   643  				DisableLegacyIdentifiers: true,
   644  			},
   645  			preTestRun: func(ep *endpoint.Endpoint) {
   646  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
   647  			},
   648  			setupArgs: func() args {
   649  				return args{
   650  					"default/bar-eth1",
   651  				}
   652  			},
   653  			setupWant: func(ep *endpoint.Endpoint) want {
   654  				return want{
   655  					ep: ep,
   656  				}
   657  			},
   658  			postTestRun: func(ep *endpoint.Endpoint) {
   659  				mgr.WaitEndpointRemoved(ep)
   660  			},
   661  		},
   662  		{
   663  			name: "non-existing PodName",
   664  			preTestRun: func(ep *endpoint.Endpoint) {
   665  			},
   666  			setupArgs: func() args {
   667  				return args{
   668  					"default/foo",
   669  				}
   670  			},
   671  			setupWant: func(ep *endpoint.Endpoint) want {
   672  				return want{
   673  					ep: nil,
   674  				}
   675  			},
   676  			postTestRun: func(ep *endpoint.Endpoint) {
   677  			},
   678  		},
   679  	}
   680  	for _, tt := range tests {
   681  		ep, err := endpoint.NewEndpointFromChangeModel(context.Background(), s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), &
   682  		require.NoErrorf(t, err, "Test Name: %s",
   683  		tt.preTestRun(ep)
   684  		args := tt.setupArgs()
   685  		want := tt.setupWant(ep)
   686  		got := mgr.LookupCEPName(args.podName)
   687  		require.EqualValues(t, want.ep, got, "Test Name: %s",
   688  		tt.postTestRun(ep)
   689  	}
   690  }
   692  func TestUpdateReferences(t *testing.T) {
   693  	s := setupEndpointManagerSuite(t)
   694  	var ep *endpoint.Endpoint
   695  	type want struct {
   696  		ep *endpoint.Endpoint
   697  	}
   698  	tests := []struct {
   699  		name      string
   700  		cm        apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest
   701  		setupWant func() want
   702  	}{
   703  		{
   704  			name: "Updating all references",
   705  			cm: apiv1.EndpointChangeRequest{
   706  				K8sNamespace:     "default",
   707  				K8sPodName:       "foo",
   708  				ContainerID:      "container",
   709  				DockerEndpointID: "dockerendpointID",
   710  				Addressing: &apiv1.AddressPair{
   711  					IPV4: "",
   712  				},
   713  				ContainerName: "containername",
   714  			},
   715  			setupWant: func() want {
   716  				return want{
   717  					ep: ep,
   718  				}
   719  			},
   720  		},
   721  	}
   722  	for _, tt := range tests {
   723  		var err error
   724  		ep, err = endpoint.NewEndpointFromChangeModel(context.Background(), s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), &
   725  		require.NoErrorf(t, err, "Test Name: %s",
   726  		mgr := New(&dummyEpSyncher{}, nil, nil)
   728  		err = mgr.expose(ep)
   729  		require.NoErrorf(t, err, "Test Name: %s",
   730  		want := tt.setupWant()
   731  		mgr.updateReferencesLocked(ep, ep.Identifiers())
   733  		ep = mgr.LookupCNIAttachmentID(want.ep.GetCNIAttachmentID())
   734  		require.EqualValues(t, want.ep, ep, "Test Name: %s",
   736  		ep = mgr.lookupDockerEndpoint(want.ep.GetDockerEndpointID())
   737  		require.EqualValues(t, want.ep, ep, "Test Name: %s",
   739  		ep = mgr.LookupIPv4(want.ep.IPv4.String())
   740  		require.EqualValues(t, want.ep, ep, "Test Name: %s",
   742  		ep = mgr.lookupDockerContainerName(want.ep.GetContainerName())
   743  		require.EqualValues(t, want.ep, ep, "Test Name: %s",
   745  		ep = mgr.LookupCEPName(want.ep.GetK8sNamespaceAndCEPName())
   746  		require.EqualValues(t, want.ep, ep, "Test Name: %s",
   748  		eps := mgr.GetEndpointsByPodName(want.ep.GetK8sNamespaceAndPodName())
   749  		require.Len(t, eps, 1)
   750  		require.EqualValues(t, want.ep, eps[0], "Test Name: %s",
   751  	}
   752  }
   754  func TestRemove(t *testing.T) {
   755  	s := setupEndpointManagerSuite(t)
   756  	mgr := New(&dummyEpSyncher{}, nil, nil)
   757  	ep := endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 7, endpoint.StateReady)
   758  	type args struct{}
   759  	type want struct{}
   760  	tests := []struct {
   761  		name        string
   762  		setupArgs   func() args
   763  		setupWant   func() want
   764  		preTestRun  func()
   765  		postTestRun func()
   766  	}{
   767  		{
   768  			name: "Updating all references",
   769  			preTestRun: func() {
   770  				ep.ID = 1
   771  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
   772  			},
   773  			setupArgs: func() args {
   774  				return args{}
   775  			},
   776  			setupWant: func() want {
   777  				return want{}
   778  			},
   779  			postTestRun: func() {
   780  			},
   781  		},
   782  	}
   783  	for _, tt := range tests {
   784  		tt.preTestRun()
   786  		mgr.RemoveAll(t)
   787  		require.Equal(t, 0, len(mgr.endpoints), "Test Name: %s",
   788  		require.Equal(t, 0, len(mgr.endpointsAux), "Test Name: %s",
   789  		tt.postTestRun()
   790  	}
   791  }
   793  func TestHasGlobalCT(t *testing.T) {
   794  	s := setupEndpointManagerSuite(t)
   796  	mgr := New(&dummyEpSyncher{}, nil, nil)
   797  	ep := endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 1, endpoint.StateReady)
   798  	type want struct {
   799  		result bool
   800  	}
   801  	tests := []struct {
   802  		name        string
   803  		setupWant   func() want
   804  		preTestRun  func()
   805  		postTestRun func()
   806  	}{
   807  		{
   808  			name: "Endpoint with Conntrack global",
   809  			preTestRun: func() {
   810  				ep.ID = 1
   811  				ep.Options = option.NewIntOptions(&endpoint.EndpointMutableOptionLibrary)
   812  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
   813  			},
   814  			setupWant: func() want {
   815  				return want{
   816  					result: true,
   817  				}
   818  			},
   819  			postTestRun: func() {
   820  				mgr.WaitEndpointRemoved(ep)
   821  				ep = endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 1, endpoint.StateReady)
   822  				ep.ID = 0
   823  				ep.Options = nil
   824  			},
   825  		},
   826  		{
   827  			name: "Endpoint with Conntrack local",
   828  			preTestRun: func() {
   829  				ep.ID = 1
   830  				ep.Options = option.NewIntOptions(&endpoint.EndpointMutableOptionLibrary)
   831  				ep.Options.SetIfUnset(option.ConntrackLocal, option.OptionEnabled)
   832  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
   833  			},
   834  			setupWant: func() want {
   835  				return want{
   836  					result: false,
   837  				}
   838  			},
   839  			postTestRun: func() {
   840  				mgr.WaitEndpointRemoved(ep)
   841  				ep = endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 1, endpoint.StateReady)
   842  				ep.ID = 0
   843  				ep.Options = nil
   844  			},
   845  		},
   846  	}
   847  	for _, tt := range tests {
   848  		tt.preTestRun()
   849  		want := tt.setupWant()
   850  		got := mgr.HasGlobalCT()
   851  		require.EqualValues(t, want.result, got, "Test Name: %s",
   852  		tt.postTestRun()
   853  	}
   854  }
   856  func TestWaitForEndpointsAtPolicyRev(t *testing.T) {
   857  	s := setupEndpointManagerSuite(t)
   858  	mgr := New(&dummyEpSyncher{}, nil, nil)
   859  	ep := endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 1, endpoint.StateReady)
   860  	type args struct {
   861  		ctx    context.Context
   862  		rev    uint64
   863  		cancel context.CancelFunc
   864  	}
   865  	type want struct {
   866  		err      error
   867  		errCheck assert.ComparisonAssertionFunc
   868  	}
   869  	tests := []struct {
   870  		name        string
   871  		setupArgs   func() args
   872  		setupWant   func() want
   873  		preTestRun  func()
   874  		postTestRun func()
   875  	}{
   876  		{
   877  			name: "Endpoint with revision already set",
   878  			preTestRun: func() {
   879  				ep.ID = 1
   880  				ep.SetPolicyRevision(5)
   881  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
   882  			},
   883  			setupArgs: func() args {
   884  				return args{
   885  					ctx: context.Background(),
   886  					rev: 5,
   887  				}
   888  			},
   889  			setupWant: func() want {
   890  				return want{
   891  					err:      nil,
   892  					errCheck: assert.EqualValues,
   893  				}
   894  			},
   895  			postTestRun: func() {
   896  				mgr.WaitEndpointRemoved(ep)
   897  				ep = endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 1, endpoint.StateReady)
   898  			},
   899  		},
   900  		{
   901  			name: "Context already timed out",
   902  			preTestRun: func() {
   903  				ep.ID = 1
   904  				ep.SetPolicyRevision(5)
   905  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
   906  			},
   907  			setupArgs: func() args {
   908  				ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 0)
   909  				return args{
   910  					ctx:    ctx,
   911  					rev:    5,
   912  					cancel: cancel,
   913  				}
   914  			},
   915  			setupWant: func() want {
   916  				return want{
   917  					err:      nil,
   918  					errCheck: assert.NotEqualValues,
   919  				}
   920  			},
   921  			postTestRun: func() {
   922  				mgr.WaitEndpointRemoved(ep)
   923  				ep = endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 1, endpoint.StateReady)
   924  			},
   925  		},
   926  		{
   927  			name: "Revision is will never be set to the waiting revision",
   928  			preTestRun: func() {
   929  				ep.ID = 1
   930  				ep.SetPolicyRevision(4)
   931  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
   932  			},
   933  			setupArgs: func() args {
   934  				ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 100*time.Millisecond)
   935  				return args{
   936  					ctx:    ctx,
   937  					rev:    5,
   938  					cancel: cancel,
   939  				}
   940  			},
   941  			setupWant: func() want {
   942  				return want{
   943  					err:      nil,
   944  					errCheck: assert.NotEqualValues,
   945  				}
   946  			},
   947  			postTestRun: func() {
   948  				mgr.WaitEndpointRemoved(ep)
   949  				ep = endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 1, endpoint.StateReady)
   950  			},
   951  		},
   952  	}
   953  	for _, tt := range tests {
   954  		tt.preTestRun()
   955  		args := tt.setupArgs()
   956  		want := tt.setupWant()
   957  		got := mgr.WaitForEndpointsAtPolicyRev(args.ctx, args.rev)
   958  		want.errCheck(t, want.err, got, "Test Name: %s",
   959  		if args.cancel != nil {
   960  			args.cancel()
   961  		}
   962  		tt.postTestRun()
   963  	}
   964  }
   966  func TestMissingNodeLabelsUpdate(t *testing.T) {
   967  	// Initialize label filter config.
   968  	labelsfilter.ParseLabelPrefixCfg(nil, nil, "")
   969  	s := setupEndpointManagerSuite(t)
   970  	mgr := New(&dummyEpSyncher{}, nil, nil)
   971  	hostEPID := uint16(17)
   973  	// Initialize the local node watcher before the host endpoint is created.
   974  	// These labels are not propagated to the endpoint manager.
   975  	mgr.localNodeStore = node.NewTestLocalNodeStore(node.LocalNode{Node: types.Node{}})
   976  	mgr.startNodeLabelsObserver(nil)
   977  	mgr.localNodeStore.Update(func(ln *node.LocalNode) { ln.Labels = map[string]string{"k1": "v1"} })
   978  	_, ok := mgr.endpoints[hostEPID]
   979  	require.EqualValues(t, ok, false)
   981  	// Create host endpoint and expose it in the endpoint manager.
   982  	ep := endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 1, endpoint.StateReady)
   983  	ep.SetIsHost(true)
   984  	ep.ID = hostEPID
   985  	require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
   987  	// Update node labels and verify that the node labels are updated correctly even if the old
   988  	// labels {k1=v1} are not present in the endpoint manager's state.
   989  	mgr.localNodeStore.Update(func(ln *node.LocalNode) { ln.Labels = map[string]string{"k2": "v2"} })
   990  	hostEP, ok := mgr.endpoints[hostEPID]
   991  	require.EqualValues(t, ok, true)
   992  	got := hostEP.OpLabels.IdentityLabels().K8sStringMap()
   993  	require.EqualValues(t, map[string]string{"k2": "v2"}, got)
   994  }
   996  func TestUpdateHostEndpointLabels(t *testing.T) {
   997  	// Initialize label filter config.
   998  	labelsfilter.ParseLabelPrefixCfg([]string{"k8s:!ignore1", "k8s:!ignore2"}, nil, "")
   999  	s := setupEndpointManagerSuite(t)
  1000  	mgr := New(&dummyEpSyncher{}, nil, nil)
  1001  	hostEPID := uint16(17)
  1002  	type args struct {
  1003  		oldLabels, newLabels map[string]string
  1004  	}
  1005  	type want struct {
  1006  		labels      map[string]string
  1007  		labelsCheck assert.ComparisonAssertionFunc
  1008  	}
  1009  	tests := []struct {
  1010  		name        string
  1011  		setupArgs   func() args
  1012  		setupWant   func() want
  1013  		preTestRun  func()
  1014  		postTestRun func()
  1015  	}{
  1016  		{
  1017  			name: "Add labels",
  1018  			preTestRun: func() {
  1019  				ep := endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 1, endpoint.StateReady)
  1020  				ep.SetIsHost(true)
  1021  				ep.ID = hostEPID
  1022  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
  1023  			},
  1024  			setupArgs: func() args {
  1025  				return args{
  1026  					newLabels: map[string]string{"k1": "v1"},
  1027  				}
  1028  			},
  1029  			setupWant: func() want {
  1030  				return want{
  1031  					labels:      map[string]string{"k1": "v1"},
  1032  					labelsCheck: assert.EqualValues,
  1033  				}
  1034  			},
  1035  			postTestRun: func() {
  1036  				if hostEP, ok := mgr.endpoints[hostEPID]; ok {
  1037  					mgr.WaitEndpointRemoved(hostEP)
  1038  				}
  1039  			},
  1040  		},
  1041  		{
  1042  			name: "Update labels",
  1043  			preTestRun: func() {
  1044  				ep := endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 1, endpoint.StateReady)
  1045  				ep.SetIsHost(true)
  1046  				ep.ID = hostEPID
  1047  				ep.OpLabels.Custom = labels.Labels{"k1": labels.NewLabel("k1", "v1", labels.LabelSourceK8s)}
  1048  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
  1049  			},
  1050  			setupArgs: func() args {
  1051  				return args{
  1052  					oldLabels: map[string]string{"k1": "v1"},
  1053  					newLabels: map[string]string{"k2": "v2"},
  1054  				}
  1055  			},
  1056  			setupWant: func() want {
  1057  				return want{
  1058  					labels:      map[string]string{"k2": "v2"},
  1059  					labelsCheck: assert.EqualValues,
  1060  				}
  1061  			},
  1062  			postTestRun: func() {
  1063  				if hostEP, ok := mgr.endpoints[hostEPID]; ok {
  1064  					mgr.WaitEndpointRemoved(hostEP)
  1065  				}
  1066  			},
  1067  		},
  1068  		{
  1069  			name: "Ignore labels",
  1070  			preTestRun: func() {
  1071  				ep := endpoint.NewTestEndpointWithState(t, s, s, testipcache.NewMockIPCache(), &endpoint.FakeEndpointProxy{}, testidentity.NewMockIdentityAllocator(nil), 1, endpoint.StateReady)
  1072  				ep.SetIsHost(true)
  1073  				ep.ID = hostEPID
  1074  				ep.OpLabels.Custom = labels.Labels{"k1": labels.NewLabel("k1", "v1", labels.LabelSourceK8s)}
  1075  				require.Nil(t, mgr.expose(ep))
  1076  			},
  1077  			setupArgs: func() args {
  1078  				return args{
  1079  					oldLabels: map[string]string{"k1": "v1"},
  1080  					newLabels: map[string]string{"k1": "v1", "ignore1": "v2", "ignore2": "v2"},
  1081  				}
  1082  			},
  1083  			setupWant: func() want {
  1084  				return want{
  1085  					labels:      map[string]string{"k1": "v1"},
  1086  					labelsCheck: assert.EqualValues,
  1087  				}
  1088  			},
  1089  			postTestRun: func() {
  1090  				if hostEP, ok := mgr.endpoints[hostEPID]; ok {
  1091  					mgr.WaitEndpointRemoved(hostEP)
  1092  				}
  1093  			},
  1094  		},
  1095  	}
  1096  	for _, tt := range tests {
  1097  		tt.preTestRun()
  1098  		args := tt.setupArgs()
  1099  		want := tt.setupWant()
  1100  		mgr.localNodeStore = node.NewTestLocalNodeStore(node.LocalNode{Node: types.Node{
  1101  			Labels: args.oldLabels,
  1102  		}})
  1103  		mgr.startNodeLabelsObserver(args.oldLabels)
  1104  		mgr.localNodeStore.Update(func(ln *node.LocalNode) { ln.Labels = args.newLabels })
  1106  		hostEP, ok := mgr.endpoints[hostEPID]
  1107  		require.EqualValues(t, ok, true)
  1108  		got := hostEP.OpLabels.IdentityLabels().K8sStringMap()
  1109  		want.labelsCheck(t, want.labels, got, "Test Name: %s",
  1110  		tt.postTestRun()
  1111  	}
  1112  }