
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package fqdn
     6  import (
     7  	"encoding/json"
     8  	"net"
     9  	"net/netip"
    10  	"regexp"
    11  	"sort"
    12  	"unsafe"
    14  	""
    15  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  )
    25  // cacheEntry objects hold data passed in via DNSCache.Update, nominally
    26  // equating to a DNS lookup. They are internal to DNSCache and should not be
    27  // returned.
    28  // cacheEntry objects are immutable once created; the address of an instance is
    29  // a unique identifier.
    30  // Note: the JSON names are intended to correlate to field names from
    31  // api/v1/models.DNSLookup to allow dumping the json from
    32  // `cilium fqdn cache list` to a file that can be unmarshalled via
    33  // `--tofqdns-per-cache`
    34  type cacheEntry struct {
    35  	// Name is a DNS name, it my be not fully qualified (e.g. myservice.namespace)
    36  	Name string `json:"fqdn,omitempty"`
    38  	// LookupTime is when the data begins being valid
    39  	LookupTime time.Time `json:"lookup-time,omitempty"`
    41  	// ExpirationTime is a calcutated time when the DNS data stops being valid.
    42  	// It is simply LookupTime + TTL
    43  	ExpirationTime time.Time `json:"expiration-time,omitempty"`
    45  	// TTL represents the number of seconds past LookupTime that this data is
    46  	// valid.
    47  	TTL int `json:"ttl,omitempty"`
    49  	// IPs are the IPs associated with Name for this cacheEntry.
    50  	IPs []netip.Addr `json:"ips,omitempty"`
    51  }
    53  // isExpiredBy returns true if entry is no longer valid at pointInTime
    54  func (entry *cacheEntry) isExpiredBy(pointInTime time.Time) bool {
    55  	return pointInTime.After(entry.ExpirationTime)
    56  }
    58  // ipEntries maps a unique IP to the cacheEntry that provides it in .IPs.
    59  // Multiple IPs may point to the same cacheEntry, or they may all be different.
    60  // Crucially, an IP may be present in a cacheEntry but the IP in ipEntries
    61  // points to another cacheEntry. This is because the second cacheEntry has a
    62  // later expiration for this specific IP, and may not include the other IPs
    63  // provided by the first entry.
    64  // The DNS name in the entries is not checked, but is assumed to be the same
    65  // for all entries.
    66  // Note: They are guarded by the DNSCache mutex.
    67  type ipEntries map[netip.Addr]*cacheEntry
    69  // nameEntries maps a DNS name to the cache entry that inserted it into the
    70  // cache. It used in reverse DNS lookups. It is similar to ipEntries, above,
    71  // but the key is a DNS name.
    72  type nameEntries map[string]*cacheEntry
    74  // getIPs returns an unsorted list of non-expired unique IPs.
    75  // This needs a read-lock
    76  func (s ipEntries) getIPs(now time.Time) []netip.Addr {
    77  	ips := make([]netip.Addr, 0, len(s)) // worst case size
    78  	for ip, entry := range s {
    79  		if entry != nil && !entry.isExpiredBy(now) {
    80  			ips = append(ips, ip.Unmap())
    81  		}
    82  	}
    84  	return ips
    85  }
    87  // DNSCache manages DNS data that will expire after a certain TTL. Information
    88  // is tracked per-IP address, retaining the latest-expiring DNS data for each
    89  // address.
    90  // For most real-world DNS data, the entry per name remains small because newer
    91  // lookups replace older ones. Large TTLs may cause entries to grow if many
    92  // unique IPs are returned in separate lookups.
    93  // It is critical to run .GC periodically. This cleans up expired entries and
    94  // steps forward the time used to determine that entries are expired. This
    95  // means that the Lookup functions may return expired entries until GC is
    96  // called.
    97  // Redundant entries are removed on insert.
    98  type DNSCache struct {
    99  	lock.RWMutex
   101  	// forward DNS lookups name -> IPEntries
   102  	// IPEntries maps IP -> entry that provides it. An entry may provide multiple IPs.
   103  	forward map[string]ipEntries
   105  	// IP->dnsNames lookup
   106  	// This map is subordinate to forward, above. An IP inserted into forward, or
   107  	// expired in forward, should also be added/removed in reverse.
   108  	reverse map[netip.Addr]nameEntries
   110  	// LastCleanup is the latest time for which entries have been expired. It is
   111  	// used as "now" when doing lookups and advanced by calls to .GC
   112  	// When an entry is added with an expiration time before lastCleanup, it is
   113  	// set to that value.
   114  	lastCleanup time.Time
   116  	// cleanup maps the TTL expiration times (in seconds since the epoch) to
   117  	// DNS names that expire in that second. On every new insertion where the
   118  	// new data is actually inserted into the cache (i.e. it expires later than
   119  	// an existing entry) cleanup will be updated. CleanupExpiredEntries cleans
   120  	// up these entries on demand.
   121  	// Note: Lookup functions will not return expired entries, and this is used
   122  	// to proactively enforce expirations.
   123  	// Note: It is important to periodically call CleanupExpiredEntries
   124  	// otherwise this map will grow forever.
   125  	cleanup map[int64][]string
   127  	// overLimit is a set of DNS names that were over the per-host configured
   128  	// limit when they received an update. The excess IPs will be removed when
   129  	// cleanupOverLimitEntries is called, but will continue to be returned by
   130  	// Lookup until then.
   131  	// Note: It is important to periodically call GC otherwise this map will
   132  	// grow forever (it is very bounded, however).
   133  	overLimit map[string]bool
   135  	// perHostLimit is the number of maximum number of IP per host.
   136  	perHostLimit int
   138  	// minTTL is the minimun TTL value that a cache entry can have, if the TTL
   139  	// sent in the Update is lower, the TTL will be owerwritten to this value.
   140  	// Due is only read-only is not protected by the mutex.
   141  	minTTL int
   142  }
   144  // NewDNSCache returns an initialized DNSCache
   145  func NewDNSCache(minTTL int) *DNSCache {
   146  	c := &DNSCache{
   147  		forward: make(map[string]ipEntries),
   148  		reverse: make(map[netip.Addr]nameEntries),
   149  		// lastCleanup is populated on the first insert
   150  		cleanup:      map[int64][]string{},
   151  		overLimit:    map[string]bool{},
   152  		perHostLimit: 0,
   153  		minTTL:       minTTL,
   154  	}
   155  	return c
   156  }
   158  // NewDNSCache returns an initialized DNSCache and set the max host limit to
   159  // the given argument
   160  func NewDNSCacheWithLimit(minTTL int, limit int) *DNSCache {
   161  	c := NewDNSCache(minTTL)
   162  	c.perHostLimit = limit
   163  	return c
   164  }
   166  func (c *DNSCache) DisableCleanupTrack() {
   167  	c.Lock()
   168  	defer c.Unlock()
   169  	c.cleanup = nil
   170  }
   172  // Update inserts a new entry into the cache.
   173  // After insertion cache entries for name are expired and redundant entries
   174  // evicted. This is O(number of new IPs) for eviction, and O(number of IPs for
   175  // name) for expiration.
   176  // lookupTime is the time the DNS information began being valid. It should be
   177  // in the past.
   178  // name is used as is and may be an unqualified name (e.g. myservice.namespace).
   179  // ips may be an IPv4 or IPv6 IP. Duplicates will be removed.
   180  // ttl is the DNS TTL for ips and is a seconds value.
   181  func (c *DNSCache) Update(lookupTime time.Time, name string, ips []netip.Addr, ttl int) bool {
   182  	if c.minTTL > ttl {
   183  		ttl = c.minTTL
   184  	}
   186  	entry := &cacheEntry{
   187  		Name:           name,
   188  		LookupTime:     lookupTime,
   189  		ExpirationTime: lookupTime.Add(time.Duration(ttl) * time.Second),
   190  		TTL:            ttl,
   191  		IPs:            ips,
   192  	}
   194  	c.Lock()
   195  	defer c.Unlock()
   196  	return c.updateWithEntry(entry)
   197  }
   199  // updateWithEntry implements the insertion of a cacheEntry. It is used by
   200  // DNSCache.Update and DNSCache.UpdateWithEntry.
   201  // This needs a write lock
   202  func (c *DNSCache) updateWithEntry(entry *cacheEntry) bool {
   203  	changed := false
   204  	entries, exists := c.forward[entry.Name]
   205  	if !exists {
   206  		changed = true
   207  		entries = make(map[netip.Addr]*cacheEntry)
   208  		c.forward[entry.Name] = entries
   209  	}
   211  	if c.updateWithEntryIPs(entries, entry) {
   212  		changed = true
   213  	}
   215  	if c.perHostLimit > 0 && len(entries) > c.perHostLimit {
   216  		c.overLimit[entry.Name] = true
   217  	}
   218  	return changed
   219  }
   221  // AddNameToCleanup adds the IP with the given TTL to the cleanup map to
   222  // delete the entry from the policy when it expires.
   223  // Need to be called with a write lock
   224  func (c *DNSCache) addNameToCleanup(entry *cacheEntry) {
   225  	if c.cleanup == nil {
   226  		return
   227  	}
   228  	if c.lastCleanup.IsZero() || entry.ExpirationTime.Before(c.lastCleanup) {
   229  		c.lastCleanup = entry.ExpirationTime
   230  	}
   231  	expiration := entry.ExpirationTime.Unix()
   232  	expiredEntries, exists := c.cleanup[expiration]
   233  	if !exists {
   234  		expiredEntries = []string{}
   235  	}
   236  	c.cleanup[expiration] = append(expiredEntries, entry.Name)
   237  }
   239  // cleanupExpiredEntries cleans all the expired entries since lastCleanup up to
   240  // expires, but not including it. lastCleanup is set to expires and later
   241  // cleanups begin from that time.
   242  // It returns the list of names that have expired data and a map of removed DNS
   243  // cache entries, keyed by IP.
   244  func (c *DNSCache) cleanupExpiredEntries(expires time.Time) (affectedNames sets.Set[string], removed map[netip.Addr][]*cacheEntry) {
   245  	if c.lastCleanup.IsZero() {
   246  		return nil, nil
   247  	}
   249  	toCleanNames := sets.New[string]()
   250  	for c.lastCleanup.Before(expires) {
   251  		key := c.lastCleanup.Unix()
   252  		if entries, exists := c.cleanup[key]; exists {
   253  			toCleanNames.Insert(entries...)
   254  			delete(c.cleanup, key)
   255  		}
   256  		c.lastCleanup = c.lastCleanup.Add(time.Second).Truncate(time.Second)
   257  	}
   259  	affectedNames = sets.New[string]()
   260  	removed = make(map[netip.Addr][]*cacheEntry)
   261  	for name := range toCleanNames {
   262  		if entries, exists := c.forward[name]; exists {
   263  			affectedNames.Insert(name)
   264  			for ip, entry := range c.removeExpired(entries, c.lastCleanup, time.Time{}) {
   265  				removed[ip] = append(removed[ip], entry)
   266  			}
   267  		}
   268  	}
   270  	return affectedNames, removed
   271  }
   273  // cleanupOverLimitEntries returns the names that has reached the max number of
   274  // IP per host. Internally the function sort the entries by the expiration
   275  // time.
   276  func (c *DNSCache) cleanupOverLimitEntries() (affectedNames sets.Set[string], removed map[netip.Addr][]*cacheEntry) {
   277  	type IPEntry struct {
   278  		ip    netip.Addr
   279  		entry *cacheEntry
   280  	}
   282  	// For global cache the limit maybe is not used at all.
   283  	if c.perHostLimit == 0 {
   284  		return nil, nil
   285  	}
   287  	affectedNames = sets.New[string]()
   288  	removed = make(map[netip.Addr][]*cacheEntry)
   290  	for dnsName := range c.overLimit {
   291  		entries, ok := c.forward[dnsName]
   292  		if !ok {
   293  			continue
   294  		}
   295  		overlimit := len(entries) - c.perHostLimit
   296  		if overlimit <= 0 {
   297  			continue
   298  		}
   299  		sortedEntries := make([]IPEntry, 0, len(entries))
   300  		for ip, entry := range entries {
   301  			sortedEntries = append(sortedEntries, IPEntry{ip, entry})
   302  		}
   304  		sort.Slice(sortedEntries, func(i, j int) bool {
   305  			return sortedEntries[i].entry.ExpirationTime.Before(sortedEntries[j].entry.ExpirationTime)
   306  		})
   308  		for i := 0; i < overlimit; i++ {
   309  			key := sortedEntries[i]
   310  			delete(entries, key.ip)
   311  			c.remove(key.ip, key.entry)
   312  			removed[key.ip] = append(removed[key.ip], key.entry)
   313  		}
   314  		affectedNames.Insert(dnsName)
   315  	}
   316  	c.overLimit = map[string]bool{}
   317  	return affectedNames, removed
   318  }
   320  // GC cleans TTL expired entries up to now, and overlimit entries, returning
   321  // both sets.
   322  // If zombies is passed in, expired IPs are inserted into it. GC and
   323  // other management of zombies is left to the caller.
   324  // Note: zombies use the original lookup's ExpirationTime for DeletePendingAt,
   325  // not the now parameter. This allows better ordering in zombie GC.
   326  func (c *DNSCache) GC(now time.Time, zombies *DNSZombieMappings) (affectedNames sets.Set[string]) {
   327  	c.Lock()
   328  	expiredNames, expiredEntries := c.cleanupExpiredEntries(now)
   329  	overLimitNames, overLimitEntries := c.cleanupOverLimitEntries()
   330  	c.Unlock()
   332  	if zombies != nil {
   333  		// Iterate over 2 maps
   334  		for _, m := range []map[netip.Addr][]*cacheEntry{
   335  			expiredEntries,
   336  			overLimitEntries,
   337  		} {
   338  			for ip, entries := range m {
   339  				for _, entry := range entries {
   340  					// Set the expiration time to either the GC or the expiration time
   341  					// of the DNS lookup if it is in the future.
   342  					// This can be the case when entries are not expired, but they are
   343  					// over limit. We preserve this time so that, in the event that
   344  					// non-expired names are GC'd, they will be less preferentially reaped
   345  					// by zombies.
   346  					expireTime := now
   347  					if entry.ExpirationTime.After(expireTime) {
   348  						expireTime = entry.ExpirationTime
   349  					}
   350  					zombies.Upsert(expireTime, ip, entry.Name)
   351  				}
   352  			}
   353  		}
   354  	}
   356  	return expiredNames.Union(overLimitNames)
   357  }
   359  // UpdateFromCache is a utility function that allows updating a DNSCache
   360  // instance with all the internal entries of another. Latest-Expiration still
   361  // applies, thus the merged outcome is consistent with adding the entries
   362  // individually.
   363  // When namesToUpdate has non-zero length only those names are updated from
   364  // update, otherwise all DNS names in update are used.
   365  func (c *DNSCache) UpdateFromCache(update *DNSCache, namesToUpdate []string) {
   366  	if update == nil {
   367  		return
   368  	}
   370  	c.Lock()
   371  	defer c.Unlock()
   372  	c.updateFromCache(update, namesToUpdate)
   373  }
   375  func (c *DNSCache) updateFromCache(update *DNSCache, namesToUpdate []string) {
   376  	update.RLock()
   377  	defer update.RUnlock()
   379  	if len(namesToUpdate) == 0 {
   380  		for name := range update.forward {
   381  			namesToUpdate = append(namesToUpdate, name)
   382  		}
   383  	}
   384  	for _, name := range namesToUpdate {
   385  		newEntries, exists := update.forward[name]
   386  		if !exists {
   387  			continue
   388  		}
   389  		for _, newEntry := range newEntries {
   390  			c.updateWithEntry(newEntry)
   391  		}
   392  	}
   393  }
   395  // ReplaceFromCacheByNames operates as an atomic combination of ForceExpire and
   396  // multiple UpdateFromCache invocations. The result is to collect all entries
   397  // for DNS names in namesToUpdate from each DNSCache in updates, replacing the
   398  // current entries for each of those names.
   399  func (c *DNSCache) ReplaceFromCacheByNames(namesToUpdate []string, updates ...*DNSCache) {
   400  	c.Lock()
   401  	defer c.Unlock()
   403  	// Remove any DNS name in namesToUpdate with a lookup before "now". This
   404  	// effectively deletes all lookups because we're holding the lock.
   405  	c.forceExpireByNames(time.Now(), namesToUpdate)
   407  	for _, update := range updates {
   408  		c.updateFromCache(update, namesToUpdate)
   409  	}
   410  }
   412  // Lookup returns a set of unique IPs that are currently unexpired for name, if
   413  // any exist. An empty list indicates no valid records exist. The IPs are
   414  // returned unsorted.
   415  func (c *DNSCache) Lookup(name string) (ips []netip.Addr) {
   416  	c.RLock()
   417  	defer c.RUnlock()
   419  	return c.lookupByTime(c.lastCleanup, name)
   420  }
   422  // lookupByTime takes a timestamp for expiration comparisons, and is only
   423  // intended for testing.
   424  func (c *DNSCache) lookupByTime(now time.Time, name string) (ips []netip.Addr) {
   425  	entries, found := c.forward[name]
   426  	if !found {
   427  		return nil
   428  	}
   430  	return entries.getIPs(now)
   431  }
   433  // LookupByRegexp returns all non-expired cache entries that match re as a map
   434  // of name -> IPs
   435  func (c *DNSCache) LookupByRegexp(re *regexp.Regexp) (matches map[string][]netip.Addr) {
   436  	return c.lookupByRegexpByTime(c.lastCleanup, re)
   437  }
   439  // lookupByRegexpByTime takes a timestamp for expiration comparisons, and is
   440  // only intended for testing.
   441  func (c *DNSCache) lookupByRegexpByTime(now time.Time, re *regexp.Regexp) (matches map[string][]netip.Addr) {
   442  	matches = make(map[string][]netip.Addr)
   444  	c.RLock()
   445  	defer c.RUnlock()
   447  	for name, entry := range c.forward {
   448  		if re.MatchString(name) {
   449  			if ips := entry.getIPs(now); len(ips) > 0 {
   450  				matches[name] = ips
   451  			}
   452  		}
   453  	}
   455  	return matches
   456  }
   458  // LookupIP returns all DNS names in entries that include that IP. The cache
   459  // maintains the latest-expiring entry per-name per-IP. This means that multiple
   460  // names referrring to the same IP will expire from the cache at different times,
   461  // and only 1 entry for each name-IP pair is internally retained.
   462  func (c *DNSCache) LookupIP(ip netip.Addr) (names []string) {
   463  	c.RLock()
   464  	defer c.RUnlock()
   466  	return c.lookupIPByTime(c.lastCleanup, ip)
   467  }
   469  // lookupIPByTime takes a timestamp for expiration comparisons, and is
   470  // only intended for testing.
   471  func (c *DNSCache) lookupIPByTime(now time.Time, ip netip.Addr) (names []string) {
   472  	cacheEntries, found := c.reverse[ip]
   473  	if !found {
   474  		return nil
   475  	}
   477  	for name, entry := range cacheEntries {
   478  		if entry != nil && !entry.isExpiredBy(now) {
   479  			names = append(names, name)
   480  		}
   481  	}
   483  	sort.Strings(names)
   484  	return names
   485  }
   487  // entryExistsLocked returns true if this (name, IP) pair is known to the cache.
   488  func (c *DNSCache) entryExistsLocked(name string, ip netip.Addr) bool {
   489  	names, exists := c.reverse[ip]
   490  	if !exists {
   491  		return false
   492  	}
   494  	_, exists = names[name]
   495  	return exists
   496  }
   498  // updateWithEntryIPs adds a mapping for every IP found in `entry` to `ipEntries`
   499  // (which maps IP -> cacheEntry). It will replace existing IP->old mappings in
   500  // `entries` if the current entry expires sooner (or has already expired).
   501  // This needs a write lock
   502  func (c *DNSCache) updateWithEntryIPs(entries ipEntries, entry *cacheEntry) bool {
   503  	added := false
   504  	for _, ip := range entry.IPs {
   505  		old, exists := entries[ip]
   506  		if old == nil || !exists || old.isExpiredBy(entry.ExpirationTime) {
   507  			entries[ip] = entry
   508  			c.upsertReverse(ip, entry)
   509  			c.addNameToCleanup(entry)
   510  			added = true
   511  		}
   512  	}
   513  	return added
   515  }
   517  // removeExpired removes expired (or nil) cacheEntry pointers from entries, an
   518  // ipEntries instance for a specific name. It returns a boolean if any entry is
   519  // removed.
   520  // now is the "current time" and entries with ExpirationTime before then are
   521  // removed.
   522  // expireLookupsBefore is an optional parameter. It causes any entry with a
   523  // LookupTime before it to be expired. It is intended for use with cache
   524  // clearing functions like ForceExpire, and does not maintain the cache's
   525  // guarantees.
   526  // This needs a write lock
   527  func (c *DNSCache) removeExpired(entries ipEntries, now time.Time, expireLookupsBefore time.Time) (removed ipEntries) {
   528  	removed = make(ipEntries)
   529  	for ip, entry := range entries {
   530  		if entry == nil || entry.isExpiredBy(now) || entry.LookupTime.Before(expireLookupsBefore) {
   531  			delete(entries, ip)
   532  			c.remove(ip, entry)
   533  			removed[ip] = entry
   534  		}
   535  	}
   537  	return removed
   538  }
   540  // upsertReverse updates the reverse DNS cache for ip with entry, if it expires
   541  // later than the already-stored entry.
   542  // It is assumed that entry includes ip.
   543  // This needs a write lock
   544  func (c *DNSCache) upsertReverse(ip netip.Addr, entry *cacheEntry) {
   545  	entries, exists := c.reverse[ip]
   546  	if entries == nil || !exists {
   547  		entries = make(map[string]*cacheEntry)
   548  		c.reverse[ip] = entries
   549  	}
   550  	entries[entry.Name] = entry
   551  }
   553  // remove removes the reference between ip and the name stored in entry from
   554  // the DNS cache (both in forward and reverse maps). This assumes the write
   555  // lock is taken.
   556  func (c *DNSCache) remove(ip netip.Addr, entry *cacheEntry) {
   557  	c.removeForward(ip, entry)
   558  	c.removeReverse(ip, entry)
   559  }
   561  // removeForward removes the reference between ip and the name stored in entry.
   562  // When no more references from ip to any name exist, the map entry is deleted
   563  // outright.
   564  // It is assumed that entry includes ip.
   565  // This needs a write lock.
   566  func (c *DNSCache) removeForward(ip netip.Addr, entry *cacheEntry) {
   567  	entries, exists := c.forward[entry.Name]
   568  	if entries == nil || !exists {
   569  		return
   570  	}
   571  	delete(entries, ip)
   572  	if len(entries) == 0 {
   573  		delete(c.forward, entry.Name)
   574  	}
   575  }
   577  // removeReverse is the equivalent of removeForward() but for the reverse map.
   578  func (c *DNSCache) removeReverse(ip netip.Addr, entry *cacheEntry) {
   579  	entries, exists := c.reverse[ip]
   580  	if entries == nil || !exists {
   581  		return
   582  	}
   583  	delete(entries, entry.Name)
   584  	if len(entries) == 0 {
   585  		delete(c.reverse, ip)
   586  	}
   587  }
   589  // GetIPs takes a snapshot of all IPs in the reverse cache.
   590  func (c *DNSCache) GetIPs() map[netip.Addr][]string {
   591  	c.RWMutex.RLock()
   592  	defer c.RWMutex.RUnlock()
   594  	out := make(map[netip.Addr][]string, len(c.reverse))
   596  	for ip, names := range c.reverse {
   597  		out[ip] = maps.Keys(names)
   598  	}
   600  	return out
   601  }
   603  // ForceExpire is used to clear entries from the cache before their TTL is
   604  // over. This operation does not keep previous guarantees that, for each IP,
   605  // the most recent lookup to provide that IP is used.
   606  // Note that all parameters must match, if provided. `time.Time{}` is the
   607  // match-all time parameter.
   608  // For example:
   609  //
   610  //	ForceExpire(time.Time{}, '') expires all entries for
   611  //	ForceExpire(time.Now(), '') expires all entries for
   612  //	that expired before the current time.
   613  //
   614  // expireLookupsBefore requires a lookup to have a LookupTime before it in
   615  // order to remove it.
   616  // nameMatch will remove any DNS names that match.
   617  func (c *DNSCache) ForceExpire(expireLookupsBefore time.Time, nameMatch *regexp.Regexp) (namesAffected sets.Set[string]) {
   618  	c.Lock()
   619  	defer c.Unlock()
   621  	namesAffected = sets.New[string]()
   623  	for name, entries := range c.forward {
   624  		// If nameMatch was passed in, we must match it. Otherwise, "match all".
   625  		if nameMatch != nil && !nameMatch.MatchString(name) {
   626  			continue
   627  		}
   628  		// We pass expireLookupsBefore as the `now` parameter but it is redundant
   629  		// because LookupTime must be before ExpirationTime.
   630  		// The second expireLookupsBefore actually matches lookup times, and will
   631  		// delete the entries completely.
   632  		for _, entry := range c.removeExpired(entries, expireLookupsBefore, expireLookupsBefore) {
   633  			namesAffected.Insert(entry.Name)
   634  		}
   635  	}
   637  	return namesAffected
   638  }
   640  func (c *DNSCache) forceExpireByNames(expireLookupsBefore time.Time, names []string) {
   641  	for _, name := range names {
   642  		entries, exists := c.forward[name]
   643  		if !exists {
   644  			continue
   645  		}
   647  		// We pass expireLookupsBefore as the `now` parameter but it is redundant
   648  		// because LookupTime must be before ExpirationTime.
   649  		// The second expireLookupsBefore actually matches lookup times, and will
   650  		// delete the entries completely.
   651  		c.removeExpired(entries, expireLookupsBefore, expireLookupsBefore)
   652  	}
   653  }
   655  // Dump returns unexpired cache entries in the cache. They are deduplicated,
   656  // but not usefully sorted. These objects should not be modified.
   657  func (c *DNSCache) Dump() (lookups []*cacheEntry) {
   658  	c.RLock()
   659  	defer c.RUnlock()
   661  	// Collect all the still-valid entries
   662  	lookups = make([]*cacheEntry, 0, len(c.forward))
   663  	for _, entries := range c.forward {
   664  		for _, entry := range entries {
   665  			lookups = append(lookups, entry)
   666  		}
   667  	}
   669  	// Dedup the entries. They are created once and are immutable so the address
   670  	// is a unique identifier.
   671  	// We iterate through the list, keeping unique pointers. This is correct
   672  	// because the list is sorted and, if two consecutive entries are the same,
   673  	// it is safe to overwrite the second duplicate.
   674  	sort.Slice(lookups, func(i, j int) bool {
   675  		return uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lookups[i])) < uintptr(unsafe.Pointer(lookups[j]))
   676  	})
   678  	deduped := lookups[:0] // len==0 but cap==cap(lookups)
   679  	for readIdx, lookup := range lookups {
   680  		if readIdx == 0 || deduped[len(deduped)-1] != lookups[readIdx] {
   681  			deduped = append(deduped, lookup)
   682  		}
   683  	}
   685  	return deduped
   686  }
   688  // Count returns two values, the count of still-valid FQDNs inside the DNS
   689  // cache and the count of the still-valid entries (IPs) in the DNS cache.
   690  //
   691  // The FQDN count returns the length of the DNS cache size.
   692  //
   693  // The IP count is not deduplicated, see Dump(). In other words, this value
   694  // represents an accurate tally of IPs associated with an FQDN in the DNS
   695  // cache.
   696  func (c *DNSCache) Count() (uint64, uint64) {
   697  	c.RLock()
   698  	defer c.RUnlock()
   700  	var ips uint64
   701  	for _, entries := range c.forward {
   702  		ips += uint64(len(entries))
   703  	}
   704  	return uint64(len(c.forward)), ips
   705  }
   707  // MarshalJSON serialises the set of DNS lookup cacheEntries needed to
   708  // reconstruct this cache instance.
   709  // Note: Expiration times are honored and the reconstructed cache instance is
   710  // expected to return the same values as the original at that point in time.
   711  func (c *DNSCache) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
   712  	lookups := c.Dump()
   714  	// serialise into a JSON object array
   715  	return json.Marshal(lookups)
   716  }
   718  // UnmarshalJSON rebuilds a DNSCache from serialized JSON.
   719  // Note: This is destructive to any currect data. Use UpdateFromCache for bulk
   720  // updates.
   721  func (c *DNSCache) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error {
   722  	lookups := make([]*cacheEntry, 0)
   723  	if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &lookups); err != nil {
   724  		return err
   725  	}
   727  	c.Lock()
   728  	defer c.Unlock()
   730  	c.forward = make(map[string]ipEntries)
   731  	c.reverse = make(map[netip.Addr]nameEntries)
   733  	for _, newLookup := range lookups {
   734  		c.updateWithEntry(newLookup)
   735  	}
   737  	return nil
   738  }
   740  // DNSZombieMapping is an IP that has expired or been evicted from a DNS cache.
   741  // It records the DNS name and IP, along with other bookkeeping timestamps that
   742  // help determine when it can be finally deleted. Zombies are dead when
   743  // they are not marked alive by CT GC.
   744  // Special handling exists when the count of zombies is large. Overlimit
   745  // zombies are deleted in GC with the following preferences (this is cumulative
   746  // and in order of precedence):
   747  //   - Zombies with zero AliveAt are evicted before those with a non-zero value
   748  //     (i.e. known connections marked by CT GC are evicted last)
   749  //   - Zombies with an earlier DeletePendingAtTime are evicted first.
   750  //     Note: Upsert sets DeletePendingAt on every update, thus making GC prefer
   751  //     to evict IPs with less DNS churn on them.
   752  //   - Zombies with the lowest count of DNS names in them are evicted first
   753  type DNSZombieMapping struct {
   754  	// Names is the list of names that had DNS lookups with this IP. These may
   755  	// derive from unrelated DNS lookups. The list is maintained de-duplicated.
   756  	Names []string `json:"names,omitempty"`
   758  	// IP is an address that is pending for delete but may be in-use by a
   759  	// connection.
   760  	IP netip.Addr `json:"ip,omitempty"`
   762  	// AliveAt is the last time this IP was marked alive via
   763  	// DNSZombieMappings.MarkAlive.
   764  	// When AliveAt is later than DNSZombieMappings.lastCTGCUpdate the zombie is
   765  	// considered alive.
   766  	AliveAt time.Time `json:"alive-at,omitempty"`
   768  	// DeletePendingAt is the time at which this IP was most-recently scheduled
   769  	// for deletion. This can be updated if an IP expires from the DNS caches
   770  	// multiple times.
   771  	// When DNSZombieMappings.lastCTGCUpdate is earlier than DeletePendingAt a
   772  	// zombie is alive.
   773  	DeletePendingAt time.Time `json:"delete-pending-at,omitempty"`
   775  	// revisionAddedAt is the GCRevision at which this entry was added.
   776  	// garbage collection must run 2 times before the zombie is eligible for deletion
   777  	revisionAddedAt uint64 `json:"-"`
   778  }
   780  // DeepCopy returns a copy of zombie that does not share any internal pointers
   781  // or fields
   782  func (zombie *DNSZombieMapping) DeepCopy() *DNSZombieMapping {
   783  	return &DNSZombieMapping{
   784  		Names:           append([]string{}, zombie.Names...),
   785  		IP:              zombie.IP,
   786  		DeletePendingAt: zombie.DeletePendingAt,
   787  		AliveAt:         zombie.AliveAt,
   788  	}
   789  }
   791  // DNSZombieMappings collects DNS Name->IP mappings that may be inactive and
   792  // evicted, and so may be deleted. They are periodically marked alive by the CT
   793  // GC goroutine. When .GC is called, alive and dead zombies are returned,
   794  // allowing us to skip deleting an IP from the global DNS cache to avoid
   795  // breaking connections that outlast the DNS TTL.
   796  type DNSZombieMappings struct {
   797  	lock.Mutex
   798  	deletes        map[netip.Addr]*DNSZombieMapping
   799  	lastCTGCUpdate time.Time
   800  	nextCTGCUpdate time.Time // estimated
   801  	// ctGCRevision is a serial number tracking the number of conntrack
   802  	// garbage collection runs. It is used to ensure that entries
   803  	// are not reaped until CT GC has run at least twice.
   804  	ctGCRevision uint64
   805  	max          int // max allowed zombies
   807  	// perHostLimit is the number of maximum number of IP per host.
   808  	perHostLimit int
   809  }
   811  // NewDNSZombieMappings constructs a DNSZombieMappings that is read to use
   812  func NewDNSZombieMappings(max, perHostLimit int) *DNSZombieMappings {
   813  	return &DNSZombieMappings{
   814  		deletes:      make(map[netip.Addr]*DNSZombieMapping),
   815  		max:          max,
   816  		perHostLimit: perHostLimit,
   817  	}
   818  }
   820  // Upsert enqueues the ip -> qname as a possible deletion
   821  // updatedExisting is true when an earlier enqueue existed and was updated
   822  // If an existing entry is updated, the later expiryTime is applied to the existing entry.
   823  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) Upsert(expiryTime time.Time, addr netip.Addr, qname ...string) (updatedExisting bool) {
   824  	zombies.Lock()
   825  	defer zombies.Unlock()
   827  	zombie, updatedExisting := zombies.deletes[addr]
   828  	if !updatedExisting {
   829  		zombie = &DNSZombieMapping{
   830  			Names:           slices.Unique(qname),
   831  			IP:              addr,
   832  			DeletePendingAt: expiryTime,
   833  			revisionAddedAt: zombies.ctGCRevision,
   834  		}
   835  		zombies.deletes[addr] = zombie
   836  	} else {
   837  		zombie.Names = slices.Unique(append(zombie.Names, qname...))
   838  		// Keep the latest expiry time
   839  		if expiryTime.After(zombie.DeletePendingAt) {
   840  			zombie.DeletePendingAt = expiryTime
   841  		}
   842  	}
   843  	return updatedExisting
   844  }
   846  // isConnectionAlive returns true if 'zombie' is considered alive.
   847  // Zombie is considered dead if all of these conditions apply:
   848  // 1. CT GC has run after the DNS Expiry time and grace period (lastCTGCUpdate > DeletePendingAt + GracePeriod), and
   849  // 2. The CT GC run did not mark the Zombie alive (lastCTGCUpdate > AliveAt)
   850  // 3. CT GC has run at least 2 times since Zombie was entered
   851  // otherwise the Zombie is alive.
   852  //
   853  // We wait for 2 complete GC runs, because this entry may have been added in the middle of a GC run,
   854  // in which case it may not have been marked alive. We need to wait for GC to finish at least 2 times
   855  // before we can safely consider it dead.
   856  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) isConnectionAlive(zombie *DNSZombieMapping) bool {
   857  	if !zombies.lastCTGCUpdate.After(zombie.DeletePendingAt.Add(option.Config.ToFQDNsIdleConnectionGracePeriod)) {
   858  		return true
   859  	}
   860  	if !zombies.lastCTGCUpdate.After(zombie.AliveAt) {
   861  		return true
   862  	}
   863  	if zombies.ctGCRevision < (zombie.revisionAddedAt + 2) {
   864  		return true
   865  	}
   866  	return false
   868  }
   870  // getAliveNames returns all the names that are alive.
   871  // A name is alive if at least one of the IPs that resolve to it is alive.
   872  // The value of the map contains all IPs for the name (both alive and dead).
   873  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) getAliveNames() map[string][]*DNSZombieMapping {
   874  	aliveNames := make(map[string][]*DNSZombieMapping)
   876  	for _, z := range zombies.deletes {
   877  		if zombies.isConnectionAlive(z) {
   878  			for _, name := range z.Names {
   879  				if _, ok := aliveNames[name]; !ok {
   880  					aliveNames[name] = make([]*DNSZombieMapping, 0, 5)
   881  				}
   882  				aliveNames[name] = append(aliveNames[name], z)
   883  			}
   884  		}
   885  	}
   887  	// Add all of the "dead" IPs for live names into the result
   888  	for _, z := range zombies.deletes {
   889  		if !zombies.isConnectionAlive(z) {
   890  			for _, name := range z.Names {
   891  				if _, ok := aliveNames[name]; ok {
   892  					aliveNames[name] = append(aliveNames[name], z)
   893  				}
   894  			}
   895  		}
   896  	}
   898  	return aliveNames
   899  }
   901  // isZombieAlive returns true if zombie is alive
   902  //
   903  // A zombie is alive if its connection is alive or if one of its names is
   904  // alive. The function takes an argument that contains the aliveNames (can be
   905  // obtained via getAliveNames())
   906  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) isZombieAlive(zombie *DNSZombieMapping, aliveNames map[string][]*DNSZombieMapping) (alive, overLimit bool) {
   907  	if zombies.isConnectionAlive(zombie) {
   908  		alive = true
   909  		if zombies.perHostLimit == 0 {
   910  			return alive, overLimit
   911  		}
   912  	}
   914  	for _, name := range zombie.Names {
   915  		if z, ok := aliveNames[name]; ok {
   916  			alive = true
   917  			if zombies.perHostLimit == 0 {
   918  				return alive, overLimit
   919  			} else if len(z) > zombies.perHostLimit {
   920  				overLimit = true
   921  				return alive, overLimit
   922  			}
   923  		}
   924  	}
   926  	return alive, overLimit
   927  }
   929  // sortZombieMappingSlice sorts the provided slice so that less important
   930  // zombies shuffle to the front of the slice (from where they are eliminated).
   931  // To achieve this, it sorts by three criteria, in order of priority:
   932  //
   933  // 1. when the connection was last marked alive (earlier == less important)
   934  // 2. when this ip was last scheduled for deletion (earlier == less important)
   935  // 3. tie-break by number of DNS names for that IP
   936  func sortZombieMappingSlice(alive []*DNSZombieMapping) {
   937  	sort.Slice(alive, func(i, j int) bool {
   938  		switch {
   939  		case alive[i].AliveAt.Before(alive[j].AliveAt):
   940  			return true
   941  		case alive[i].AliveAt.After(alive[j].AliveAt):
   942  			return false
   943  		// We have AliveAt equality after this point.
   944  		case alive[i].DeletePendingAt.Before(alive[j].DeletePendingAt):
   945  			return true
   946  		case alive[i].DeletePendingAt.After(alive[j].DeletePendingAt):
   947  			return false
   948  		// DeletePendingAt is also equal. Tie-break by number of Names.
   949  		default:
   950  			return len(alive[i].Names) < len(alive[j].Names)
   951  		}
   952  	})
   953  }
   955  // GC returns alive and dead DNSZombieMapping entries. This removes dead
   956  // zombies interally, and repeated calls will return different data.
   957  // Zombies are alive if they have been marked alive (with MarkAlive). When
   958  // SetCTGCTime is called and an zombie not marked alive, it becomes dead.
   959  // Calling Upsert on a dead zombie will make it alive again.
   960  // Alive zombies are limited by zombies.max. 0 means no zombies are allowed,
   961  // disabling the behavior. It is expected to be a large value and is in place
   962  // to avoid runaway zombie growth when CT GC is at a large interval.
   963  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) GC() (alive, dead []*DNSZombieMapping) {
   964  	zombies.Lock()
   965  	defer zombies.Unlock()
   967  	aliveNames := zombies.getAliveNames()
   969  	// Collect zombies we can delete
   970  	for _, zombie := range zombies.deletes {
   971  		zombieAlive, overLimit := zombies.isZombieAlive(zombie, aliveNames)
   972  		if overLimit {
   973  			// No-op: This zombie is part of a name in 'aliveNames'
   974  			// that needs to impose a per-host IP limit. Decide
   975  			// whether to add to alive or dead in the next loop.
   976  		} else if zombieAlive {
   977  			alive = append(alive, zombie.DeepCopy())
   978  		} else {
   979  			// Emit the actual object here since we will no longer update it
   980  			dead = append(dead, zombie)
   981  		}
   982  	}
   984  	if zombies.perHostLimit > 0 {
   985  		warnActiveDNSEntries := false
   986  		deadIdx := len(dead)
   988  		// Find names which have too many IPs associated mark them dead.
   989  		//
   990  		// Multiple names can refer to the same IP, so if we expire the
   991  		// zombie by IP then we need to ensure that it doesn't get
   992  		// added to both 'alive' and 'dead'.
   993  		//
   994  		// 1) Assemble all of the 'dead', starting from 'deadIdx'.
   995  		//    Assemble alive candidates in 'possibleAlive'.
   996  		// 2) Ensure that 'possibleAlive' doesn't contain any of the
   997  		//    entries in 'dead[deadIdx:]'.
   998  		// 3) Add the remaining 'possibleAlive' to 'alive'.
   999  		possibleAlive := make(map[*DNSZombieMapping]struct{})
  1000  		for _, aliveIPsForName := range aliveNames {
  1001  			if len(aliveIPsForName) <= zombies.perHostLimit {
  1002  				// Already handled in the loop above.
  1003  				continue
  1004  			}
  1005  			overLimit := len(aliveIPsForName) - zombies.perHostLimit
  1006  			sortZombieMappingSlice(aliveIPsForName)
  1007  			dead = append(dead, aliveIPsForName[:overLimit]...)
  1008  			for _, z := range aliveIPsForName[overLimit:] {
  1009  				possibleAlive[z] = struct{}{}
  1010  			}
  1011  			if dead[len(dead)-1].AliveAt.IsZero() {
  1012  				warnActiveDNSEntries = true
  1013  			}
  1014  		}
  1015  		if warnActiveDNSEntries {
  1016  			log.Warningf("Evicting expired DNS cache entries that may be in-use due to per-host limits. This may cause recently created connections to be disconnected. Raise %s to mitigate this.", option.ToFQDNsMaxIPsPerHost)
  1017  		}
  1019  		for _, dead := range dead[deadIdx:] {
  1020  			delete(possibleAlive, dead)
  1021  		}
  1023  		for zombie := range possibleAlive {
  1024  			alive = append(alive, zombie.DeepCopy())
  1025  		}
  1026  	}
  1028  	// Limit alive zombies to max. This is messy, and will break some existing
  1029  	// connections. We sort by whether the connection is marked alive or not, the
  1030  	// oldest created connections, and tie-break by the number of DNS names for
  1031  	// that IP.
  1032  	overLimit := len(alive) - zombies.max
  1033  	if overLimit > 0 {
  1034  		sortZombieMappingSlice(alive)
  1035  		dead = append(dead, alive[:overLimit]...)
  1036  		alive = alive[overLimit:]
  1037  		if dead[len(dead)-1].AliveAt.IsZero() {
  1038  			log.Warning("Evicting expired DNS cache entries that may be in-use. This may cause recently created connections to be disconnected. Raise --tofqdns-max-deferred-connection-deletes to mitigate this.")
  1039  		}
  1040  	}
  1042  	// Delete the zombies we collected above from the internal map
  1043  	for _, zombie := range dead {
  1044  		delete(zombies.deletes, zombie.IP)
  1045  	}
  1047  	return alive, dead
  1048  }
  1050  // MarkAlive makes an zombie alive and not dead. When now is later than the
  1051  // time set with SetCTGCTime the zombie remains alive.
  1052  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) MarkAlive(now time.Time, ip netip.Addr) {
  1053  	zombies.Lock()
  1054  	defer zombies.Unlock()
  1056  	if zombie, exists := zombies.deletes[ip]; exists {
  1057  		zombie.AliveAt = now
  1058  	}
  1059  }
  1061  // SetCTGCTime marks the start of the most recent CT GC. This must be set after
  1062  // all MarkAlive calls complete to avoid a race between the DNS garbage
  1063  // collector and the CT GC. This would occur when a DNS zombie that has not
  1064  // been visited by the CT GC run is seen by a concurrent DNS garbage collector
  1065  // run, and then deleted.
  1066  // When 'ctGCStart' is later than an alive timestamp, set with MarkAlive, the zombie is
  1067  // no longer alive. Thus, this call acts as a gating function for what data is
  1068  // returned by GC.
  1069  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) SetCTGCTime(ctGCStart, estNext time.Time) {
  1070  	zombies.Lock()
  1071  	zombies.lastCTGCUpdate = ctGCStart
  1072  	zombies.nextCTGCUpdate = estNext
  1073  	zombies.ctGCRevision++
  1074  	zombies.Unlock()
  1075  }
  1077  // ForceExpire is used to clear zombies irrespective of their alive status.
  1078  // Only zombies with DeletePendingAt times before expireLookupBefore are
  1079  // considered for deletion. Each name in an zombie is matched against
  1080  // nameMatcher (nil is match all) and when an zombie no longer has any valid
  1081  // names will it be removed outright.
  1082  // Note that all parameters must match, if provided. `time.Time{}` is the
  1083  // match-all time parameter.
  1084  // expireLookupsBefore requires an zombie to have been enqueued before the
  1085  // specified time in order to remove it.
  1086  // For example:
  1087  //
  1088  //	ForceExpire(time.Time{}, '') expires all entries for
  1089  //	ForceExpire(time.Now(), '') expires all entries for
  1090  //	that expired before the current time.
  1091  //
  1092  // nameMatch will remove that specific DNS name from zombies that include it,
  1093  // deleting it when no DNS names remain.
  1094  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) ForceExpire(expireLookupsBefore time.Time, nameMatch *regexp.Regexp) (namesAffected []string) {
  1095  	zombies.Lock()
  1096  	defer zombies.Unlock()
  1097  	return zombies.forceExpireLocked(expireLookupsBefore, nameMatch, nil)
  1098  }
  1100  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) forceExpireLocked(expireLookupsBefore time.Time, nameMatch *regexp.Regexp, cidr *net.IPNet) (namesAffected []string) {
  1101  	var toDelete []*DNSZombieMapping
  1103  	for _, zombie := range zombies.deletes {
  1104  		// Do not expire zombies that were enqueued after expireLookupsBefore, but
  1105  		// only if the value is non-zero
  1106  		if !expireLookupsBefore.IsZero() && zombie.DeletePendingAt.After(expireLookupsBefore) {
  1107  			continue
  1108  		}
  1110  		// If cidr is provided, skip zombies with IPs outside the range
  1111  		if cidr != nil && !cidr.Contains(zombie.IP.AsSlice()) {
  1112  			continue
  1113  		}
  1115  		// A zombie has multiple names, collect the ones that should remain (i.e.
  1116  		// do not match nameMatch)
  1117  		var newNames []string
  1118  		for _, name := range zombie.Names {
  1119  			if nameMatch != nil && !nameMatch.MatchString(name) {
  1120  				newNames = append(newNames, name)
  1121  			} else {
  1122  				namesAffected = append(namesAffected, name)
  1123  			}
  1124  		}
  1125  		zombie.Names = newNames
  1127  		// Delete the zombie outright if no names remain
  1128  		if len(zombie.Names) == 0 {
  1129  			toDelete = append(toDelete, zombie)
  1130  		}
  1131  	}
  1133  	// Delete the zombies that are now empty
  1134  	for _, zombie := range toDelete {
  1135  		delete(zombies.deletes, zombie.IP)
  1136  	}
  1138  	return namesAffected
  1139  }
  1141  // ForceExpireByNameIP wraps ForceExpire to simplify clearing all IPs from a
  1142  // new DNS lookup.
  1143  // The error return is for errors compiling the internal regexp. This should
  1144  // never happen.
  1145  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) ForceExpireByNameIP(expireLookupsBefore time.Time, name string, ips error {
  1146  	reStr := matchpattern.ToAnchoredRegexp(name)
  1147  	re, err := re.CompileRegex(reStr)
  1148  	if err != nil {
  1149  		return err
  1150  	}
  1152  	zombies.Lock()
  1153  	defer zombies.Unlock()
  1154  	for _, ip := range ips {
  1155  		cidr := net.IPNet{Mask: net.CIDRMask(len(ip)*8, len(ip)*8)}
  1156  		cidr.IP = ip.Mask(cidr.Mask)
  1157  		zombies.forceExpireLocked(expireLookupsBefore, re, &cidr)
  1158  	}
  1159  	return nil
  1160  }
  1162  // PrefixMatcherFunc is a function passed to (*DNSZombieMappings).DumpAlive,
  1163  // called on each zombie to determine whether it should be returned.
  1164  type PrefixMatcherFunc func(ip netip.Addr) bool
  1165  type NameMatcherFunc func(name string) bool
  1167  // DumpAlive returns copies of still-alive zombies matching prefixMatcher.
  1168  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) DumpAlive(prefixMatcher PrefixMatcherFunc) (alive []*DNSZombieMapping) {
  1169  	zombies.Lock()
  1170  	defer zombies.Unlock()
  1172  	aliveNames := zombies.getAliveNames()
  1173  	for _, zombie := range zombies.deletes {
  1174  		if alive, _ := zombies.isZombieAlive(zombie, aliveNames); !alive {
  1175  			continue
  1176  		}
  1177  		// only proceed if zombie is alive and the IP matches the CIDR selector
  1178  		if prefixMatcher != nil && !prefixMatcher(zombie.IP) {
  1179  			continue
  1180  		}
  1182  		alive = append(alive, zombie.DeepCopy())
  1183  	}
  1185  	return alive
  1186  }
  1188  // MarshalJSON encodes DNSZombieMappings into JSON. Only the DNSZombieMapping
  1189  // entries are encoded.
  1190  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
  1191  	zombies.Lock()
  1192  	defer zombies.Unlock()
  1194  	// This hackery avoids exposing DNSZombieMappings.deletes as a public field.
  1195  	// The JSON package cannot serialize private fields so we have to make a
  1196  	// proxy type here.
  1197  	aux := struct {
  1198  		Deletes map[netip.Addr]*DNSZombieMapping `json:"deletes,omitempty"`
  1199  	}{
  1200  		Deletes: zombies.deletes,
  1201  	}
  1203  	return json.Marshal(aux)
  1204  }
  1206  // UnmarshalJSON rebuilds a DNSZombieMappings from serialized JSON. It resets
  1207  // the AliveAt timestamps, requiring a CT GC cycle to occur before any zombies
  1208  // are deleted (by not being marked alive).
  1209  // Note: This is destructive to any currect data
  1210  func (zombies *DNSZombieMappings) UnmarshalJSON(raw []byte) error {
  1211  	zombies.Lock()
  1212  	defer zombies.Unlock()
  1214  	// This hackery avoids exposing DNSZombieMappings.deletes as a public field.
  1215  	// The JSON package cannot deserialize private fields so we have to make a
  1216  	// proxy type here.
  1217  	aux := struct {
  1218  		Deletes map[netip.Addr]*DNSZombieMapping `json:"deletes,omitempty"`
  1219  	}{
  1220  		Deletes: zombies.deletes,
  1221  	}
  1222  	if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &aux); err != nil {
  1223  		return err
  1224  	}
  1225  	zombies.deletes = aux.Deletes
  1227  	// Reset the alive time & conntrack revision to ensure no deletes happen until we run CT GC again
  1228  	for _, zombie := range zombies.deletes {
  1229  		zombie.AliveAt = time.Time{}
  1230  		zombie.revisionAddedAt = zombies.ctGCRevision
  1231  	}
  1232  	return nil
  1233  }