
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package server
     6  import (
     7  	"net"
     8  	"strconv"
     9  	"strings"
    10  	"time"
    12  	""
    13  	""
    15  	""
    16  	ciliumModels ""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  )
    23  // healthReport is a snapshot of the health of the cluster.
    24  type healthReport struct {
    25  	startTime time.Time
    26  	nodes     []*models.NodeStatus
    27  }
    29  type prober struct {
    30  	*fastping.Pinger
    31  	server *Server
    33  	// 'stop' is closed upon a call to prober.Stop(). When the stopping is
    34  	// finished, then prober.Done() will be notified.
    35  	stop         chan bool
    36  	proberExited chan bool
    38  	// The lock protects multiple requests attempting to update the status
    39  	// at the same time - ie, serialize updates between the periodic prober
    40  	// and probes initiated via "GET /status/probe". It is also used to
    41  	// co-ordinate updates of the ICMP responses and the HTTP responses.
    42  	lock.RWMutex
    44  	// start is the start time for the current probe cycle.
    45  	start   time.Time
    46  	results map[ipString]*models.PathStatus
    47  	nodes   nodeMap
    48  }
    50  // copyResultRLocked makes a copy of the path status for the specified IP.
    51  func (p *prober) copyResultRLocked(ip string) *models.PathStatus {
    52  	status := p.results[ipString(ip)]
    53  	if status == nil {
    54  		return nil
    55  	}
    57  	result := &models.PathStatus{
    58  		IP: ip,
    59  	}
    60  	paths := map[**models.ConnectivityStatus]*models.ConnectivityStatus{
    61  		&result.Icmp: status.Icmp,
    62  		&result.HTTP: status.HTTP,
    63  	}
    64  	for res, value := range paths {
    65  		if value != nil {
    66  			*res = value
    67  		}
    68  	}
    69  	return result
    70  }
    72  // getResults gathers a copy of all of the results for nodes currently in the
    73  // cluster.
    74  func (p *prober) getResults() *healthReport {
    75  	p.RLock()
    76  	defer p.RUnlock()
    78  	// De-duplicate IPs in 'p.nodes' by building a map based on node.Name.
    79  	resultMap := map[string]*models.NodeStatus{}
    80  	for _, node := range p.nodes {
    81  		if resultMap[node.Name] != nil {
    82  			continue
    83  		}
    84  		primaryIP := node.PrimaryIP()
    85  		primaryHealthIP := node.HealthIP()
    87  		secondaryAddresses := []*models.PathStatus{}
    88  		for _, ip := range node.SecondaryIPs() {
    89  			if addr := p.copyResultRLocked(ip); addr != nil {
    90  				secondaryAddresses = append(secondaryAddresses, addr)
    91  			}
    92  		}
    94  		status := &models.NodeStatus{
    95  			Name: node.Name,
    96  			Host: &models.HostStatus{
    97  				PrimaryAddress:     p.copyResultRLocked(primaryIP),
    98  				SecondaryAddresses: secondaryAddresses,
    99  			},
   100  		}
   102  		secondaryEndpointAddresses := []*models.PathStatus{}
   103  		for _, ip := range node.SecondaryHealthIPs() {
   104  			if addr := p.copyResultRLocked(ip); addr != nil {
   105  				secondaryEndpointAddresses = append(secondaryEndpointAddresses, addr)
   106  			}
   107  		}
   109  		if primaryHealthIP != "" {
   110  			primaryEndpointAddress := p.copyResultRLocked(primaryHealthIP)
   111  			status.Endpoint = primaryEndpointAddress
   112  			status.HealthEndpoint = &models.EndpointStatus{
   113  				PrimaryAddress:     primaryEndpointAddress,
   114  				SecondaryAddresses: secondaryEndpointAddresses,
   115  			}
   116  		}
   118  		resultMap[node.Name] = status
   119  	}
   121  	result := &healthReport{startTime: p.start}
   122  	for _, res := range resultMap {
   123  		result.nodes = append(result.nodes, res)
   124  	}
   125  	return result
   126  }
   128  func isIPv4(ip string) bool {
   129  	netIP := net.ParseIP(ip)
   130  	return netIP != nil && !strings.Contains(ip, ":")
   131  }
   133  func skipAddress(elem *ciliumModels.NodeAddressingElement) bool {
   134  	return elem == nil || !elem.Enabled || elem.IP == "<nil>"
   135  }
   137  // resolveIP attempts to sanitize 'node' and 'ip', and if successful, returns
   138  // the name of the node and the IP address specified in the addressing element.
   139  // If validation fails or this IP should not be pinged, 'ip' is returned as nil.
   140  func resolveIP(n *healthNode, addr *ciliumModels.NodeAddressingElement, primary bool) (string, *net.IPAddr) {
   141  	node := n.NodeElement
   142  	network := "ip6:icmp"
   143  	if isIPv4(addr.IP) {
   144  		network = "ip4:icmp"
   145  	}
   147  	// Only add fields to the scoped logger if debug is enabled, to save on resources.
   148  	// This can be done since all logs in this function are debug-level only.
   149  	scopedLog := log
   150  	if logging.CanLogAt(scopedLog.Logger, logrus.DebugLevel) {
   151  		scopedLog = log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   152  			logfields.NodeName: node.Name,
   153  			logfields.IPAddr:   addr.IP,
   154  			"primary":          primary,
   155  		})
   156  	}
   158  	if skipAddress(addr) {
   159  		scopedLog.Debug("Skipping probe for address")
   160  		return "", nil
   161  	}
   163  	ra, err := net.ResolveIPAddr(network, addr.IP)
   164  	if err != nil || ra.String() == "" {
   165  		scopedLog.Debug("Unable to resolve address")
   166  		return "", nil
   167  	}
   169  	scopedLog.Debug("Probing for connectivity to node")
   170  	return node.Name, ra
   171  }
   173  // RemoveIP removes all traces of the specified IP from the prober, including
   174  // clearing all cached results, mapping from this IP to a node, and entries in
   175  // the ICMP and TCP pingers.
   176  func (p *prober) RemoveIP(ip string) {
   177  	nodeIP := ipString(ip)
   178  	delete(p.results, nodeIP)
   179  	p.Pinger.RemoveIP(ip)   // ICMP pinger
   180  	delete(p.nodes, nodeIP) // TCP prober
   181  }
   183  // setNodes sets the list of nodes for the prober, and updates the pinger to
   184  // start sending pings to all nodes added.
   185  // 'removed' nodes will be removed from the pinger to stop sending pings to
   186  // those removed nodes.
   187  // setNodes will steal references to nodes referenced from 'added', so the
   188  // caller should not modify them after a call to setNodes.
   189  // If a node is updated, it will appear in both maps and will be removed then
   190  // added (potentially with different information). We want to do it only if relevant
   191  // health-information changes to preserve previous health-checking results.
   192  func (p *prober) setNodes(added nodeMap, removed nodeMap) {
   193  	p.Lock()
   194  	defer p.Unlock()
   196  	// Check what IPs will be readded
   197  	// so we don't remove results that we already have for them.
   198  	readdedIPs := map[string]struct{}{}
   199  	for _, n := range added {
   200  		for elem, primary := range n.Addresses() {
   201  			_, addr := resolveIP(&n, elem, primary)
   202  			if addr == nil {
   203  				continue
   204  			}
   205  			readdedIPs[elem.IP] = struct{}{}
   206  		}
   207  	}
   209  	for _, n := range removed {
   210  		for elem := range n.Addresses() {
   211  			if _, ok := readdedIPs[elem.IP]; !ok {
   212  				p.RemoveIP(elem.IP)
   213  			}
   214  		}
   215  	}
   217  	for _, n := range added {
   218  		for elem, primary := range n.Addresses() {
   219  			_, addr := resolveIP(&n, elem, primary)
   220  			if addr == nil {
   221  				continue
   222  			}
   224  			ip := ipString(elem.IP)
   225  			p.AddIPAddr(addr)
   226  			p.nodes[ip] = n
   228  			if p.results[ip] == nil {
   229  				p.results[ip] = &models.PathStatus{
   230  					IP: elem.IP,
   231  				}
   232  			}
   233  		}
   234  	}
   235  }
   237  func (p *prober) updateIcmpStatus() {
   238  	p.Lock()
   239  	defer p.Unlock()
   241  	for _, status := range p.results {
   242  		if status.Icmp == nil {
   243  			status.Icmp = &models.ConnectivityStatus{}
   244  			status.Icmp.Status = "Connection timed out"
   245  		}
   246  	}
   247  }
   249  func (p *prober) clearIcmpStatus() {
   250  	p.Lock()
   251  	defer p.Unlock()
   253  	for _, status := range p.results {
   254  		status.Icmp = nil
   255  	}
   256  }
   258  const httpPathDescription = "Via L3"
   260  func (p *prober) httpProbe(node string, ip string) *models.ConnectivityStatus {
   261  	result := &models.ConnectivityStatus{}
   263  	host := "http://" + net.JoinHostPort(ip, strconv.Itoa(p.server.Config.HTTPPathPort))
   265  	// Only add fields to the scoped logger if debug is enabled, to save on resources.
   266  	// This can be done since all logs in this function are debug-level only.
   267  	scopedLog := log
   268  	debugLogsEnabled := logging.CanLogAt(scopedLog.Logger, logrus.DebugLevel)
   269  	if debugLogsEnabled {
   270  		scopedLog = log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   271  			logfields.NodeName: node,
   272  			logfields.IPAddr:   ip,
   273  			"host":             host,
   274  			"path":             httpPathDescription,
   275  		})
   276  	}
   278  	scopedLog.Debug("Greeting host")
   279  	start := time.Now()
   280  	err := probe.GetHello(host)
   281  	rtt := time.Since(start)
   282  	if err == nil {
   283  		if debugLogsEnabled {
   284  			scopedLog.WithField("rtt", rtt).Debug("Greeting successful")
   285  		}
   287  		result.Status = ""
   288  		result.Latency = rtt.Nanoseconds()
   289  	} else {
   290  		if debugLogsEnabled {
   291  			scopedLog.WithError(err).Debug("Greeting failed")
   292  		}
   294  		result.Status = err.Error()
   295  	}
   297  	return result
   298  }
   300  func (p *prober) getIPsByNode() map[string][]*net.IPAddr {
   301  	p.RLock()
   302  	defer p.RUnlock()
   304  	// p.nodes is mapped from all known IPs -> nodes in N:M configuration,
   305  	// so multiple IPs could refer to the same node. To ensure we only
   306  	// ping each node once, deduplicate nodes into map of nodeName -> []IP.
   307  	nodes := make(map[string][]*net.IPAddr)
   308  	for _, node := range p.nodes {
   309  		if nodes[node.Name] != nil {
   310  			// Already handled this node.
   311  			continue
   312  		}
   313  		nodes[node.Name] = []*net.IPAddr{}
   314  		for elem, primary := range node.Addresses() {
   315  			if _, addr := resolveIP(&node, elem, primary); addr != nil {
   316  				nodes[node.Name] = append(nodes[node.Name], addr)
   317  			}
   318  		}
   319  	}
   321  	return nodes
   322  }
   324  func (p *prober) runHTTPProbe() {
   325  	startTime := time.Now()
   326  	p.Lock()
   327  	p.start = startTime
   328  	p.Unlock()
   330  	// Only add fields to the scoped logger if debug is enabled, to save on resources.
   331  	// This can be done since all logs in this function are debug-level only.
   332  	debugLogsEnabled := logging.CanLogAt(log.Logger, logrus.DebugLevel)
   334  	for name, ips := range p.getIPsByNode() {
   335  		scopedLog := log
   337  		if debugLogsEnabled {
   338  			scopedLog = log.WithField(logfields.NodeName, name)
   339  		}
   341  		for _, ip := range ips {
   342  			if debugLogsEnabled {
   343  				scopedLog = scopedLog.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   344  					logfields.IPAddr: ip.String(),
   345  					logfields.Port:   p.server.Config.HTTPPathPort,
   346  				})
   347  			}
   349  			resp := p.httpProbe(name, ip.String())
   350  			if resp.Status != "" {
   351  				scopedLog.Debugf("Failed to probe: %s", resp.Status)
   352  			}
   354  			peer := ipString(ip.String())
   355  			p.Lock()
   356  			if _, ok := p.results[peer]; ok {
   357  				p.results[peer].HTTP = resp
   358  			} else {
   359  				// While we weren't holding the lock, the
   360  				// pinger's OnIdle() callback fired and updated
   361  				// the set of nodes to remove this node.
   362  				scopedLog.Debug("Node disappeared before result written")
   363  			}
   364  			p.Unlock()
   365  		}
   366  	}
   367  }
   369  // Run sends a single probes out to all of the other cilium nodes to gather
   370  // connectivity status for the cluster.
   371  func (p *prober) Run() error {
   372  	err := p.Pinger.Run()
   373  	p.runHTTPProbe()
   374  	p.updateIcmpStatus()
   375  	return err
   376  }
   378  // Stop disrupts the currently running RunLoop(). This may only be called after
   379  // a call to RunLoop().
   380  func (p *prober) Stop() {
   381  	p.Pinger.Stop()
   382  	close(p.stop)
   383  	<-p.proberExited
   384  }
   386  // RunLoop periodically sends probes out to all of the other cilium nodes to
   387  // gather connectivity status for the cluster.
   388  //
   389  // This is a non-blocking method so it immediately returns. If you want to
   390  // stop sending packets, call Stop().
   391  func (p *prober) RunLoop() {
   392  	// FIXME: Spread the probes out across the probing interval
   393  	p.Pinger.RunLoop()
   395  	go func() {
   396  		tick := time.NewTicker(p.server.ProbeInterval)
   397  		p.runHTTPProbe()
   398  	loop:
   399  		for {
   400  			select {
   401  			case <-p.stop:
   402  				break loop
   403  			case <-tick.C:
   404  				p.runHTTPProbe()
   405  				continue
   406  			}
   407  		}
   408  		tick.Stop()
   409  		close(p.proberExited)
   410  	}()
   411  }
   413  // newPinger prepares a prober. The caller may invoke one the Run* methods of
   414  // the prober to populate its 'results' map.
   415  func newProber(s *Server, nodes nodeMap) *prober {
   416  	prober := &prober{
   417  		Pinger:       fastping.NewPinger(),
   418  		server:       s,
   419  		proberExited: make(chan bool),
   420  		stop:         make(chan bool),
   421  		results:      make(map[ipString]*models.PathStatus),
   422  		nodes:        make(nodeMap),
   423  	}
   424  	prober.MaxRTT = s.ProbeDeadline
   425  	// FIXME: Doubling the default payload size to 16 is a workaround for GH-18177
   426  	prober.Size = 2 * fastping.TimeSliceLength
   427  	prober.setNodes(nodes, nil)
   428  	prober.OnRecv = func(addr *net.IPAddr, rtt time.Duration) {
   429  		prober.Lock()
   430  		defer prober.Unlock()
   431  		node, exists := prober.nodes[ipString(addr.String())]
   433  		// Only add fields to the scoped logger if debug is enabled, to save on resources.
   434  		// This can be done since all logs in this function are debug-level only.
   435  		scopedLog := log
   436  		if logging.CanLogAt(log.Logger, logrus.DebugLevel) {
   437  			scopedLog = log.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   438  				logfields.IPAddr:   addr,
   439  				logfields.NodeName: node.Name,
   440  				"rtt":              rtt,
   441  			})
   442  		}
   444  		if !exists {
   445  			scopedLog.Debug("Node disappeared, skip result")
   446  			return
   447  		}
   449  		prober.results[ipString(addr.String())].Icmp = &models.ConnectivityStatus{
   450  			Latency: rtt.Nanoseconds(),
   451  			Status:  "",
   452  		}
   453  		scopedLog.Debug("probe successful")
   454  	}
   456  	return prober
   457  }