
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package server
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"path"
     9  	"time"
    11  	""
    12  	healthModels ""
    13  	healthApi ""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	ciliumPkg ""
    18  	ciliumDefaults ""
    19  	healthClientPkg ""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	""
    26  	""
    27  	""
    28  )
    30  var (
    31  	log = logging.DefaultLogger.WithField(logfields.LogSubsys, "health-server")
    32  )
    34  // Config stores the configuration data for a cilium-health server.
    35  type Config struct {
    36  	Debug         bool
    37  	CiliumURI     string
    38  	ProbeInterval time.Duration
    39  	ProbeDeadline time.Duration
    40  	HTTPPathPort  int
    41  	HealthAPISpec *healthApi.Spec
    42  }
    44  // ipString is an IP address used as a more descriptive type name in maps.
    45  type ipString string
    47  // nodeMap maps IP addresses to healthNode objects for convenient access to
    48  // node information.
    49  type nodeMap map[ipString]healthNode
    51  // Server is the cilium-health daemon that is in charge of performing health
    52  // and connectivity checks periodically, and serving the cilium-health API.
    53  type Server struct {
    54  	healthApi.Server  // Server to provide cilium-health API
    55  	*ciliumPkg.Client // Client to "GET /healthz" on cilium daemon
    56  	Config
    57  	// clientID is the client ID returned by the cilium-agent that should
    58  	// be used when making frequent requests. The server will return
    59  	// a diff of the nodes added and removed based on this clientID.
    60  	clientID int64
    62  	httpPathServer *responder.Server // HTTP server for external pings
    63  	startTime      time.Time
    65  	// The lock protects against read and write access to the IP->Node map,
    66  	// the list of statuses as most recently seen, and the last time a
    67  	// probe was conducted.
    68  	lock.RWMutex
    69  	connectivity *healthReport
    70  	localStatus  *healthModels.SelfStatus
    71  }
    73  // DumpUptime returns the time that this server has been running.
    74  func (s *Server) DumpUptime() string {
    75  	return time.Since(s.startTime).String()
    76  }
    78  // getNodes fetches the nodes added and removed from the last time the server
    79  // made a request to the daemon.
    80  func (s *Server) getNodes() (nodeMap, nodeMap, error) {
    81  	scopedLog := log
    82  	if s.CiliumURI != "" {
    83  		scopedLog = log.WithField("URI", s.CiliumURI)
    84  	}
    85  	scopedLog.Debug("Sending request for /cluster/nodes ...")
    87  	clusterNodesParam := daemon.NewGetClusterNodesParams()
    88  	s.RWMutex.RLock()
    89  	cID := s.clientID
    90  	s.RWMutex.RUnlock()
    91  	clusterNodesParam.SetClientID(&cID)
    92  	resp, err := s.Daemon.GetClusterNodes(clusterNodesParam)
    93  	if err != nil {
    94  		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get nodes' cluster: %w", err)
    95  	}
    96  	log.Debug("Got cilium /cluster/nodes")
    98  	if resp == nil || resp.Payload == nil {
    99  		return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("received nil health response")
   100  	}
   102  	s.RWMutex.Lock()
   103  	s.clientID = resp.Payload.ClientID
   105  	if resp.Payload.Self != "" {
   106  		s.localStatus = &healthModels.SelfStatus{
   107  			Name: resp.Payload.Self,
   108  		}
   109  	}
   110  	s.RWMutex.Unlock()
   112  	nodesAdded := nodeElementSliceToNodeMap(resp.Payload.NodesAdded)
   113  	nodesRemoved := nodeElementSliceToNodeMap(resp.Payload.NodesRemoved)
   115  	return nodesAdded, nodesRemoved, nil
   116  }
   118  // getAllNodes fetches all nodes the daemon is aware of.
   119  func (s *Server) getAllNodes() (nodeMap, error) {
   120  	scopedLog := log
   121  	if s.CiliumURI != "" {
   122  		scopedLog = log.WithField("URI", s.CiliumURI)
   123  	}
   124  	scopedLog.Debug("Sending request for /cluster/nodes ...")
   126  	resp, err := s.Daemon.GetClusterNodes(nil)
   127  	if err != nil {
   128  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("unable to get nodes' cluster: %w", err)
   129  	}
   130  	log.Debug("Got cilium /cluster/nodes")
   132  	if resp == nil || resp.Payload == nil {
   133  		return nil, fmt.Errorf("received nil health response")
   134  	}
   136  	nodesAdded := nodeElementSliceToNodeMap(resp.Payload.NodesAdded)
   138  	return nodesAdded, nil
   139  }
   141  // nodeElementSliceToNodeMap returns a slice of models.NodeElement into a
   142  // nodeMap.
   143  func nodeElementSliceToNodeMap(nodeElements []*models.NodeElement) nodeMap {
   144  	nodes := make(nodeMap)
   145  	for _, n := range nodeElements {
   146  		if n.PrimaryAddress != nil {
   147  			if n.PrimaryAddress.IPV4 != nil {
   148  				nodes[ipString(n.PrimaryAddress.IPV4.IP)] = NewHealthNode(n)
   149  			}
   150  			if n.PrimaryAddress.IPV6 != nil {
   151  				nodes[ipString(n.PrimaryAddress.IPV6.IP)] = NewHealthNode(n)
   152  			}
   153  		}
   154  		for _, addr := range n.SecondaryAddresses {
   155  			nodes[ipString(addr.IP)] = NewHealthNode(n)
   156  		}
   157  		if n.HealthEndpointAddress != nil {
   158  			if n.HealthEndpointAddress.IPV4 != nil {
   159  				nodes[ipString(n.HealthEndpointAddress.IPV4.IP)] = NewHealthNode(n)
   160  			}
   161  			if n.HealthEndpointAddress.IPV6 != nil {
   162  				nodes[ipString(n.HealthEndpointAddress.IPV6.IP)] = NewHealthNode(n)
   163  			}
   164  		}
   165  	}
   166  	return nodes
   167  }
   169  // updateCluster makes the specified health report visible to the API.
   170  //
   171  // It only updates the server's API-visible health report if the provided
   172  // report started after the current report.
   173  func (s *Server) updateCluster(report *healthReport) {
   174  	s.Lock()
   175  	defer s.Unlock()
   177  	if s.connectivity.startTime.Before(report.startTime) {
   178  		s.connectivity = report
   179  		s.collectNodeConnectivityMetrics()
   180  	}
   181  }
   183  func (s *Server) collectNodeConnectivityMetrics() {
   184  	if s.localStatus == nil || s.connectivity == nil {
   185  		return
   186  	}
   187  	localClusterName, localNodeName := getClusterNodeName(s.localStatus.Name)
   189  	for _, n := range s.connectivity.nodes {
   190  		if n == nil || n.Host == nil || n.Host.PrimaryAddress == nil || n.HealthEndpoint == nil || n.HealthEndpoint.PrimaryAddress == nil {
   191  			continue
   192  		}
   194  		targetClusterName, targetNodeName := getClusterNodeName(n.Name)
   195  		nodePathPrimaryAddress := healthClientPkg.GetHostPrimaryAddress(n)
   196  		nodePathSecondaryAddress := healthClientPkg.GetHostSecondaryAddresses(n)
   198  		endpointPathStatus := n.HealthEndpoint
   199  		isEndpointReachable := healthClientPkg.SummarizePathConnectivityStatusType(healthClientPkg.GetAllEndpointAddresses(n)) == healthClientPkg.ConnStatusReachable
   200  		isNodeReachable := healthClientPkg.SummarizePathConnectivityStatusType(healthClientPkg.GetAllHostAddresses(n)) == healthClientPkg.ConnStatusReachable
   202  		location := metrics.LabelLocationLocalNode
   203  		if targetClusterName != localClusterName {
   204  			location = metrics.LabelLocationRemoteInterCluster
   205  		} else if targetNodeName != localNodeName {
   206  			location = metrics.LabelLocationRemoteIntraCluster
   207  		}
   209  		// Aggregated status for endpoint connectivity
   210  		metrics.NodeConnectivityStatus.WithLabelValues(
   211  			localClusterName, localNodeName, targetClusterName, targetNodeName, location, metrics.LabelPeerEndpoint).
   212  			Set(metrics.BoolToFloat64(isEndpointReachable))
   214  		// Aggregated status for node connectivity
   215  		metrics.NodeConnectivityStatus.WithLabelValues(
   216  			localClusterName, localNodeName, targetClusterName, targetNodeName, location, metrics.LabelPeerNode).
   217  			Set(metrics.BoolToFloat64(isNodeReachable))
   219  		// HTTP endpoint primary
   220  		collectConnectivityMetric(endpointPathStatus.PrimaryAddress.HTTP, localClusterName, localNodeName,
   221  			targetClusterName, targetNodeName, endpointPathStatus.PrimaryAddress.IP,
   222  			location, metrics.LabelPeerEndpoint, metrics.LabelTrafficHTTP, metrics.LabelAddressTypePrimary)
   224  		// HTTP endpoint secondary
   225  		for _, secondary := range endpointPathStatus.SecondaryAddresses {
   226  			collectConnectivityMetric(secondary.HTTP, localClusterName, localNodeName,
   227  				targetClusterName, targetNodeName, secondary.IP,
   228  				location, metrics.LabelPeerEndpoint, metrics.LabelTrafficHTTP, metrics.LabelAddressTypeSecondary)
   229  		}
   231  		// HTTP node primary
   232  		collectConnectivityMetric(nodePathPrimaryAddress.HTTP, localClusterName, localNodeName,
   233  			targetClusterName, targetNodeName, nodePathPrimaryAddress.IP,
   234  			location, metrics.LabelPeerNode, metrics.LabelTrafficHTTP, metrics.LabelAddressTypePrimary)
   236  		// HTTP node secondary
   237  		for _, secondary := range nodePathSecondaryAddress {
   238  			collectConnectivityMetric(secondary.HTTP, localClusterName, localNodeName,
   239  				targetClusterName, targetNodeName, secondary.IP,
   240  				location, metrics.LabelPeerNode, metrics.LabelTrafficHTTP, metrics.LabelAddressTypeSecondary)
   241  		}
   243  		// ICMP endpoint primary
   244  		collectConnectivityMetric(endpointPathStatus.PrimaryAddress.Icmp, localClusterName, localNodeName,
   245  			targetClusterName, targetNodeName, endpointPathStatus.PrimaryAddress.IP,
   246  			location, metrics.LabelPeerEndpoint, metrics.LabelTrafficICMP, metrics.LabelAddressTypePrimary)
   248  		// ICMP endpoint secondary
   249  		for _, secondary := range endpointPathStatus.SecondaryAddresses {
   250  			collectConnectivityMetric(secondary.Icmp, localClusterName, localNodeName,
   251  				targetClusterName, targetNodeName, secondary.IP,
   252  				location, metrics.LabelPeerEndpoint, metrics.LabelTrafficICMP, metrics.LabelAddressTypeSecondary)
   253  		}
   255  		// ICMP node primary
   256  		collectConnectivityMetric(nodePathPrimaryAddress.Icmp, localClusterName, localNodeName,
   257  			targetClusterName, targetNodeName, nodePathPrimaryAddress.IP,
   258  			location, metrics.LabelPeerNode, metrics.LabelTrafficICMP, metrics.LabelAddressTypePrimary)
   260  		// ICMP node secondary
   261  		for _, secondary := range nodePathSecondaryAddress {
   262  			collectConnectivityMetric(secondary.Icmp, localClusterName, localNodeName,
   263  				targetClusterName, targetNodeName, secondary.IP,
   264  				location, metrics.LabelPeerNode, metrics.LabelTrafficICMP, metrics.LabelAddressTypeSecondary)
   265  		}
   266  	}
   267  }
   269  func collectConnectivityMetric(status *healthModels.ConnectivityStatus, labels ...string) {
   270  	var metricValue float64 = -1
   271  	if status != nil {
   272  		metricValue = float64(status.Latency) / float64(time.Second)
   273  	}
   274  	metrics.NodeConnectivityLatency.WithLabelValues(labels...).Set(metricValue)
   275  }
   277  // getClusterNodeName returns the cluster name and node name if possible.
   278  func getClusterNodeName(str string) (string, string) {
   279  	clusterName, nodeName := path.Split(str)
   280  	if len(clusterName) == 0 {
   281  		return ciliumDefaults.ClusterName, nodeName
   282  	}
   283  	// remove forward slash at the end if any for cluster name
   284  	return path.Dir(clusterName), nodeName
   285  }
   287  // GetStatusResponse returns the most recent cluster connectivity status.
   288  func (s *Server) GetStatusResponse() *healthModels.HealthStatusResponse {
   289  	s.RLock()
   290  	defer s.RUnlock()
   292  	var name string
   293  	// Check if localStatus is populated already. If not, the name is empty
   294  	if s.localStatus != nil {
   295  		name = s.localStatus.Name
   296  	}
   298  	return &healthModels.HealthStatusResponse{
   299  		Local: &healthModels.SelfStatus{
   300  			Name: name,
   301  		},
   302  		Nodes:     s.connectivity.nodes,
   303  		Timestamp: s.connectivity.startTime.Format(time.RFC3339),
   304  	}
   305  }
   307  // FetchStatusResponse updates the cluster with the latest set of nodes,
   308  // runs a synchronous probe across the cluster, updates the connectivity cache
   309  // and returns the results.
   310  func (s *Server) FetchStatusResponse() (*healthModels.HealthStatusResponse, error) {
   311  	nodes, err := s.getAllNodes()
   312  	if err != nil {
   313  		return nil, err
   314  	}
   316  	prober := newProber(s, nodes)
   317  	if err := prober.Run(); err != nil {
   318  		log.WithError(err).Info("Failed to run ping")
   319  		return nil, err
   320  	}
   321  	log.Debug("Run complete")
   322  	s.updateCluster(prober.getResults())
   324  	return s.GetStatusResponse(), nil
   325  }
   327  // Run services that are actively probing other hosts and endpoints over
   328  // ICMP and HTTP, and hosting the health admin API on a local Unix socket.
   329  // Blocks indefinitely, or returns any errors that occur hosting the Unix
   330  // socket API server.
   331  func (s *Server) runActiveServices() error {
   332  	// Run it once at the start so we get some initial status
   333  	s.FetchStatusResponse()
   335  	// We can safely ignore nodesRemoved since it's the first time we are
   336  	// fetching the nodes from the server.
   337  	nodesAdded, _, _ := s.getNodes()
   338  	prober := newProber(s, nodesAdded)
   339  	prober.MaxRTT = s.ProbeInterval
   340  	prober.OnIdle = func() {
   341  		// OnIdle is called every ProbeInterval after sending out all icmp pings.
   342  		// There are a few important consideration here:
   343  		// (1) ICMP prober doesn't report failed probes
   344  		// (2) We can receive the same nodes multiple times,
   345  		// updated node is present in both nodesAdded and nodesRemoved
   346  		// (3) We need to clean icmp status to not retain stale probe results
   347  		// (4) We don't want to report stale nodes in metrics
   349  		if nodesAdded, nodesRemoved, err := s.getNodes(); err != nil {
   350  			// reset the cache by setting clientID to 0 and removing all current nodes
   351  			s.clientID = 0
   352  			prober.setNodes(nil, prober.nodes)
   353  			log.WithError(err).Error("unable to get cluster nodes")
   354  			return
   355  		} else {
   356  			// (1) Mark ips that did not receive ICMP as unreachable.
   357  			prober.updateIcmpStatus()
   358  			// (2) setNodes implementation doesn't override results for existing nodes.
   359  			// (4) Remove stale nodes so we don't report them in metrics before updating results
   360  			prober.setNodes(nodesAdded, nodesRemoved)
   361  			// (4) Update results without stale nodes
   362  			s.updateCluster(prober.getResults())
   363  			// (3) Cleanup icmp results for next iteration of probing
   364  			prober.clearIcmpStatus()
   365  		}
   366  	}
   367  	prober.RunLoop()
   368  	defer prober.Stop()
   370  	return s.Server.Serve()
   371  }
   373  // Serve spins up the following goroutines:
   374  //   - HTTP API Server: Responder to the health API "/hello" message
   375  //   - Prober: Periodically run pings across the cluster at a configured interval
   376  //     and update the server's connectivity status cache.
   377  //   - Unix API Server: Handle all health API requests over a unix socket.
   378  //
   379  // Callers should first defer the Server.Shutdown(), then call Serve().
   380  func (s *Server) Serve() (err error) {
   381  	errors := make(chan error)
   383  	go func() {
   384  		errors <- s.httpPathServer.Serve()
   385  	}()
   387  	go func() {
   388  		errors <- s.runActiveServices()
   389  	}()
   391  	// Block for the first error, then return.
   392  	err = <-errors
   393  	return err
   394  }
   396  // Shutdown server and clean up resources
   397  func (s *Server) Shutdown() {
   398  	s.httpPathServer.Shutdown()
   399  	s.Server.Shutdown()
   400  }
   402  // newServer instantiates a new instance of the health API server on the
   403  // defaults unix socket.
   404  func (s *Server) newServer(spec *healthApi.Spec) *healthApi.Server {
   405  	restAPI := restapi.NewCiliumHealthAPIAPI(spec.Document)
   406  	restAPI.Logger = log.Printf
   408  	// Admin API
   409  	restAPI.GetHealthzHandler = NewGetHealthzHandler(s)
   410  	restAPI.ConnectivityGetStatusHandler = NewGetStatusHandler(s)
   411  	restAPI.ConnectivityPutStatusProbeHandler = NewPutStatusProbeHandler(s)
   413  	api.DisableAPIs(spec.DeniedAPIs, restAPI.AddMiddlewareFor)
   414  	srv := healthApi.NewServer(restAPI)
   415  	srv.EnabledListeners = []string{"unix"}
   416  	srv.SocketPath = defaults.SockPath
   418  	srv.ConfigureAPI()
   420  	return srv
   421  }
   423  // NewServer creates a server to handle health requests.
   424  func NewServer(config Config) (*Server, error) {
   425  	server := &Server{
   426  		startTime:    time.Now(),
   427  		Config:       config,
   428  		connectivity: &healthReport{},
   429  	}
   431  	cl, err := ciliumPkg.NewClient(config.CiliumURI)
   432  	if err != nil {
   433  		return nil, err
   434  	}
   436  	server.Client = cl
   437  	server.Server = *server.newServer(config.HealthAPISpec)
   439  	server.httpPathServer = responder.NewServers(getAddresses(), config.HTTPPathPort)
   441  	return server, nil
   442  }
   444  // Get internal node ipv4/ipv6 addresses based on config enabled.
   445  // If it fails to get either of internal node address, it returns "" if ipv4 or "::" if ipv6.
   446  func getAddresses() []string {
   447  	addresses := make([]string, 0, 2)
   449  	// listen on all interfaces and all families in case of external-workloads
   450  	if option.Config.JoinCluster {
   451  		return []string{""}
   452  	}
   454  	if option.Config.EnableIPv4 {
   455  		if ipv4 := node.GetInternalIPv4(); ipv4 != nil {
   456  			addresses = append(addresses, ipv4.String())
   457  		} else {
   458  			// if Get ipv4 fails, then listen on all ipv4 addr.
   459  			addresses = append(addresses, "")
   460  		}
   461  	}
   463  	if option.Config.EnableIPv6 {
   464  		if ipv6 := node.GetInternalIPv6(); ipv6 != nil {
   465  			addresses = append(addresses, ipv6.String())
   466  		} else {
   467  			// if Get ipv6 fails, then listen on all ipv6 addr.
   468  			addresses = append(addresses, "::")
   469  		}
   470  	}
   472  	return addresses
   473  }