
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  // Copyright 2017 Lyft, Inc.
     6  package ipam
     8  import (
     9  	"context"
    10  	"fmt"
    11  	"sort"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	ipamStats ""
    19  	ipamTypes ""
    20  	v2 ""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  )
    27  var ipamNodeIntervalControllerGroup = controller.NewGroup("ipam-node-interval-refresh")
    29  // CiliumNodeGetterUpdater defines the interface used to interact with the k8s
    30  // apiserver to retrieve and update the CiliumNode custom resource
    31  type CiliumNodeGetterUpdater interface {
    32  	Create(node *v2.CiliumNode) (*v2.CiliumNode, error)
    33  	Update(origResource, newResource *v2.CiliumNode) (*v2.CiliumNode, error)
    34  	UpdateStatus(origResource, newResource *v2.CiliumNode) (*v2.CiliumNode, error)
    35  	Get(name string) (*v2.CiliumNode, error)
    36  }
    38  // NodeOperations is the interface an IPAM implementation must provide in order
    39  // to provide IP allocation for a node. The structure implementing this API
    40  // *must* be aware of the node connected to this implementation. This is
    41  // achieved by considering the node context provided in
    42  // AllocationImplementation.CreateNode() function and returning a
    43  // NodeOperations implementation which performs operations in the context of
    44  // that node.
    45  type NodeOperations interface {
    46  	// UpdateNode is called when an update to the CiliumNode is received.
    47  	UpdatedNode(obj *v2.CiliumNode)
    49  	// PopulateStatusFields is called to give the implementation a chance
    50  	// to populate any implementation specific fields in CiliumNode.Status.
    51  	PopulateStatusFields(resource *v2.CiliumNode)
    53  	// CreateInterface is called to create a new interface. This is only
    54  	// done if PrepareIPAllocation indicates that no more IPs are available
    55  	// (AllocationAction.AvailableForAllocation == 0) for allocation but
    56  	// interfaces are available for creation
    57  	// (AllocationAction.EmptyInterfaceSlots > 0). This function must
    58  	// create the interface *and* allocate up to
    59  	// AllocationAction.MaxIPsToAllocate.
    60  	CreateInterface(ctx context.Context, allocation *AllocationAction, scopedLog *logrus.Entry) (int, string, error)
    62  	// ResyncInterfacesAndIPs is called to synchronize the latest list of
    63  	// interfaces and IPs associated with the node. This function is called
    64  	// sparingly as this information is kept in sync based on the success
    65  	// of the functions AllocateIPs(), ReleaseIPs() and CreateInterface().
    66  	// It returns all available ip in node and remaining available interfaces
    67  	// that can either be allocated or have not yet exhausted the instance specific quota of addresses
    68  	// and error occurred during execution.
    69  	ResyncInterfacesAndIPs(ctx context.Context, scopedLog *logrus.Entry) (ipamTypes.AllocationMap, ipamStats.InterfaceStats, error)
    71  	// PrepareIPAllocation is called to calculate the number of IPs that
    72  	// can be allocated on the node and whether a new network interface
    73  	// must be attached to the node.
    74  	PrepareIPAllocation(scopedLog *logrus.Entry) (*AllocationAction, error)
    76  	// AllocateIPs is called after invoking PrepareIPAllocation and needs
    77  	// to perform the actual allocation.
    78  	AllocateIPs(ctx context.Context, allocation *AllocationAction) error
    80  	// PrepareIPRelease is called to calculate whether any IP excess needs
    81  	// to be resolved. It behaves identical to PrepareIPAllocation but
    82  	// indicates a need to release IPs.
    83  	PrepareIPRelease(excessIPs int, scopedLog *logrus.Entry) *ReleaseAction
    85  	// ReleaseIPs is called after invoking PrepareIPRelease and needs to
    86  	// perform the release of IPs.
    87  	ReleaseIPs(ctx context.Context, release *ReleaseAction) error
    89  	// GetMaximumAllocatableIPv4 returns the maximum amount of IPv4 addresses
    90  	// that can be allocated to the instance
    91  	GetMaximumAllocatableIPv4() int
    93  	// GetMinimumAllocatableIPv4 returns the minimum amount of IPv4 addresses that
    94  	// must be allocated to the instance.
    95  	GetMinimumAllocatableIPv4() int
    97  	// IsPrefixDelegated helps identify if a node supports prefix delegation
    98  	IsPrefixDelegated() bool
   100  	// GetUsedIPWithPrefixes returns the total number of used IPs including all IPs in a prefix if at-least one of
   101  	// the prefix IPs is in use.
   102  	GetUsedIPWithPrefixes() int
   103  }
   105  // AllocationImplementation is the interface an implementation must provide.
   106  // Other than NodeOperations, this implementation is not related to a node
   107  // specifically.
   108  type AllocationImplementation interface {
   109  	// CreateNode is called when the IPAM layer has learned about a new
   110  	// node which requires IPAM services. This function must return a
   111  	// NodeOperations implementation which will render IPAM services to the
   112  	// node context provided.
   113  	CreateNode(obj *v2.CiliumNode, node *Node) NodeOperations
   115  	// GetPoolQuota is called to retrieve the remaining IP addresses in all
   116  	// IP pools known to the IPAM implementation.
   117  	GetPoolQuota() ipamTypes.PoolQuotaMap
   119  	// Resync is called periodically to give the IPAM implementation a
   120  	// chance to resync its own state with external APIs or systems. It is
   121  	// also called when the IPAM layer detects that state got out of sync.
   122  	Resync(ctx context.Context) time.Time
   124  	// InstanceSync is called to sync the state of the specified instance with
   125  	// external APIs or systems.
   126  	InstanceSync(ctx context.Context, instanceID string) time.Time
   128  	// HasInstance returns whether the instance is in instances
   129  	HasInstance(instanceID string) bool
   131  	// DeleteInstance deletes the instance from instances
   132  	DeleteInstance(instanceID string)
   133  }
   135  // MetricsAPI represents the metrics being maintained by a NodeManager
   136  type MetricsAPI interface {
   137  	MetricsNodeAPI
   139  	AllocationAttempt(typ, status, subnetID string, observe float64)
   140  	ReleaseAttempt(typ, status, subnetID string, observe float64)
   141  	IncInterfaceAllocation(subnetID string)
   142  	AddIPAllocation(subnetID string, allocated int64)
   143  	AddIPRelease(subnetID string, released int64)
   144  	SetAllocatedIPs(typ string, allocated int)
   145  	SetAvailableInterfaces(available int)
   146  	SetInterfaceCandidates(interfaceCandidates int)
   147  	SetEmptyInterfaceSlots(emptyInterfaceSlots int)
   148  	SetAvailableIPsPerSubnet(subnetID string, availabilityZone string, available int)
   149  	SetNodes(category string, nodes int)
   150  	IncResyncCount()
   151  	PoolMaintainerTrigger() trigger.MetricsObserver
   152  	K8sSyncTrigger() trigger.MetricsObserver
   153  	ResyncTrigger() trigger.MetricsObserver
   154  }
   156  type MetricsNodeAPI interface {
   157  	SetIPAvailable(node string, cap int)
   158  	SetIPUsed(node string, used int)
   159  	SetIPNeeded(node string, needed int)
   160  	DeleteNode(node string)
   161  }
   163  // nodeMap is a mapping of node names to ENI nodes
   164  type nodeMap map[string]*Node
   166  // NodeManager manages all nodes with ENIs
   167  type NodeManager struct {
   168  	mutex              lock.RWMutex
   169  	nodes              nodeMap
   170  	instancesAPI       AllocationImplementation
   171  	k8sAPI             CiliumNodeGetterUpdater
   172  	metricsAPI         MetricsAPI
   173  	parallelWorkers    int64
   174  	releaseExcessIPs   bool
   175  	stableInstancesAPI bool
   176  	prefixDelegation   bool
   177  }
   179  func (n *NodeManager) ClusterSizeDependantInterval(baseInterval time.Duration) time.Duration {
   180  	n.mutex.RLock()
   181  	numNodes := len(n.nodes)
   182  	n.mutex.RUnlock()
   184  	return backoff.ClusterSizeDependantInterval(baseInterval, numNodes)
   185  }
   187  // NewNodeManager returns a new NodeManager
   188  func NewNodeManager(instancesAPI AllocationImplementation, k8sAPI CiliumNodeGetterUpdater, metrics MetricsAPI,
   189  	parallelWorkers int64, releaseExcessIPs bool, prefixDelegation bool) (*NodeManager, error) {
   190  	if parallelWorkers < 1 {
   191  		parallelWorkers = 1
   192  	}
   194  	mngr := &NodeManager{
   195  		nodes:            nodeMap{},
   196  		instancesAPI:     instancesAPI,
   197  		k8sAPI:           k8sAPI,
   198  		metricsAPI:       metrics,
   199  		parallelWorkers:  parallelWorkers,
   200  		releaseExcessIPs: releaseExcessIPs,
   201  		prefixDelegation: prefixDelegation,
   202  	}
   204  	// Assume readiness, the initial blocking resync in Start() will update
   205  	// the readiness
   206  	mngr.SetInstancesAPIReadiness(true)
   208  	return mngr, nil
   209  }
   211  func (n *NodeManager) instancesAPIResync(ctx context.Context) (time.Time, bool) {
   212  	syncTime := n.instancesAPI.Resync(ctx)
   213  	success := !syncTime.IsZero()
   214  	n.SetInstancesAPIReadiness(success)
   215  	return syncTime, success
   216  }
   218  // Start kicks of the NodeManager by performing the initial state
   219  // synchronization and starting the background sync goroutine
   220  func (n *NodeManager) Start(ctx context.Context) error {
   221  	// Trigger the initial resync in a blocking manner
   222  	if _, ok := n.instancesAPIResync(ctx); !ok {
   223  		return fmt.Errorf("Initial synchronization with instances API failed")
   224  	}
   226  	// Start an interval based  background resync for safety, it will
   227  	// synchronize the state regularly and resolve eventual deficit if the
   228  	// event driven trigger fails, and also release excess IP addresses
   229  	// if release-excess-ips is enabled
   230  	go func() {
   231  		mngr := controller.NewManager()
   232  		mngr.UpdateController("ipam-node-interval-refresh",
   233  			controller.ControllerParams{
   234  				Group:       ipamNodeIntervalControllerGroup,
   235  				RunInterval: time.Minute,
   236  				DoFunc: func(ctx context.Context) error {
   237  					if syncTime, ok := n.instancesAPIResync(ctx); ok {
   238  						n.Resync(ctx, syncTime)
   239  					}
   240  					return nil
   241  				},
   242  			})
   243  	}()
   245  	return nil
   246  }
   248  // SetInstancesAPIReadiness sets the readiness state of the instances API
   249  func (n *NodeManager) SetInstancesAPIReadiness(ready bool) {
   250  	n.mutex.Lock()
   251  	n.stableInstancesAPI = ready
   252  	n.mutex.Unlock()
   253  }
   255  // InstancesAPIIsReady returns true if the instances API is stable and ready
   256  func (n *NodeManager) InstancesAPIIsReady() bool {
   257  	n.mutex.Lock()
   258  	defer n.mutex.Unlock()
   259  	return n.stableInstancesAPI
   260  }
   262  // GetNames returns the list of all node names
   263  func (n *NodeManager) GetNames() (allNodeNames []string) {
   264  	n.mutex.RLock()
   265  	defer n.mutex.RUnlock()
   267  	allNodeNames = make([]string, 0, len(n.nodes))
   269  	for name := range n.nodes {
   270  		allNodeNames = append(allNodeNames, name)
   271  	}
   273  	return
   274  }
   276  // Upsert is called whenever a CiliumNode resource has been updated in the
   277  // Kubernetes apiserver. The CiliumNode will be created if it didn't exist before.
   278  func (n *NodeManager) Upsert(resource *v2.CiliumNode) {
   279  	n.mutex.Lock()
   280  	defer n.mutex.Unlock()
   281  	node, ok := n.nodes[resource.Name]
   282  	if !ok {
   283  		node = &Node{
   284  			name:       resource.Name,
   285  			manager:    n,
   286  			logLimiter: logging.NewLimiter(10*time.Second, 3), // 1 log / 10 secs, burst of 3
   287  			ipv4Alloc: ipAllocAttrs{
   288  				ipsMarkedForRelease: make(map[string]time.Time),
   289  				ipReleaseStatus:     make(map[string]string),
   290  			},
   291  		}
   293  		ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
   294  		// InstanceAPI is stale and the instances API is stable then do resync instancesAPI to sync instances
   295  		if !n.instancesAPI.HasInstance(resource.InstanceID()) && n.stableInstancesAPI {
   296  			if syncTime := n.instancesAPI.InstanceSync(ctx, resource.InstanceID()); syncTime.IsZero() {
   297  				node.logger().Warning("Failed to resync the instance from the API after new node was found")
   298  				n.stableInstancesAPI = false
   299  			} else {
   300  				n.stableInstancesAPI = true
   301  			}
   302  		}
   304  		node.ops = n.instancesAPI.CreateNode(resource, node)
   306  		backoff := &backoff.Exponential{
   307  			Max:         5 * time.Minute,
   308  			Jitter:      true,
   309  			NodeManager: n,
   310  			Name:        fmt.Sprintf("ipam-pool-maintainer-%s", resource.Name),
   311  			ResetAfter:  10 * time.Minute,
   312  		}
   313  		poolMaintainer, err := trigger.NewTrigger(trigger.Parameters{
   314  			Name:            fmt.Sprintf("ipam-pool-maintainer-%s", resource.Name),
   315  			MinInterval:     10 * time.Millisecond,
   316  			MetricsObserver: n.metricsAPI.PoolMaintainerTrigger(),
   317  			TriggerFunc: func(reasons []string) {
   318  				if err := node.MaintainIPPool(ctx); err != nil {
   319  					node.logger().WithError(err).Warning("Unable to maintain ip pool of node")
   320  					backoff.Wait(ctx)
   321  				}
   322  			},
   323  			ShutdownFunc: cancel,
   324  		})
   325  		if err != nil {
   326  			node.logger().WithError(err).Error("Unable to create pool-maintainer trigger")
   327  			return
   328  		}
   330  		retry, err := trigger.NewTrigger(trigger.Parameters{
   331  			Name:        fmt.Sprintf("ipam-pool-maintainer-%s-retry", resource.Name),
   332  			MinInterval: time.Minute, // large minimal interval to not retry too often
   333  			TriggerFunc: func(reasons []string) { poolMaintainer.Trigger() },
   334  		})
   335  		if err != nil {
   336  			node.logger().WithError(err).Error("Unable to create pool-maintainer-retry trigger")
   337  			return
   338  		}
   339  		node.retry = retry
   341  		k8sSync, err := trigger.NewTrigger(trigger.Parameters{
   342  			Name:            fmt.Sprintf("ipam-node-k8s-sync-%s", resource.Name),
   343  			MinInterval:     10 * time.Millisecond,
   344  			MetricsObserver: n.metricsAPI.K8sSyncTrigger(),
   345  			TriggerFunc: func(reasons []string) {
   346  				node.syncToAPIServer()
   347  			},
   348  		})
   349  		if err != nil {
   350  			poolMaintainer.Shutdown()
   351  			node.logger().WithError(err).Error("Unable to create k8s-sync trigger")
   352  			return
   353  		}
   355  		instanceSync, err := trigger.NewTrigger(trigger.Parameters{
   356  			Name:            fmt.Sprintf("ipam-node-instance-sync-%s", resource.Name),
   357  			MinInterval:     10 * time.Millisecond,
   358  			MetricsObserver: n.metricsAPI.ResyncTrigger(),
   359  			TriggerFunc: func(reasons []string) {
   360  				if syncTime, ok := node.instanceAPISync(ctx, resource.InstanceID()); ok {
   361  					node.manager.Resync(ctx, syncTime)
   362  				}
   363  			},
   364  		})
   365  		if err != nil {
   366  			poolMaintainer.Shutdown()
   367  			k8sSync.Shutdown()
   368  			node.logger().WithError(err).Error("Unable to create instance-sync trigger")
   369  			return
   370  		}
   371  		node.instanceSync = instanceSync
   373  		node.poolMaintainer = poolMaintainer
   374  		node.k8sSync = k8sSync
   375  		n.nodes[] = node
   376  		log.WithField(fieldName, resource.Name).Info("Discovered new CiliumNode custom resource")
   377  	}
   378  	// Update the resource in the node while holding the lock, otherwise resyncs can be
   379  	// triggered prior to the update being applied.
   380  	node.UpdatedResource(resource)
   381  }
   383  // Delete is called after a CiliumNode resource has been deleted via the
   384  // Kubernetes apiserver
   385  func (n *NodeManager) Delete(resource *v2.CiliumNode) {
   386  	n.mutex.Lock()
   388  	if node, ok := n.nodes[resource.Name]; ok {
   389  		// Stop target_node metrics related to this node being emitted.
   390  		n.metricsAPI.DeleteNode(
   392  		if node.poolMaintainer != nil {
   393  			node.poolMaintainer.Shutdown()
   394  		}
   395  		if node.k8sSync != nil {
   396  			node.k8sSync.Shutdown()
   397  		}
   398  		if node.retry != nil {
   399  			node.retry.Shutdown()
   400  		}
   401  		if node.instanceSync != nil {
   402  			node.instanceSync.Shutdown()
   403  		}
   404  	}
   406  	// Delete the instance from instanceManager. This will cause Update() to
   407  	// invoke instancesAPIResync if this instance rejoins the cluster.
   408  	// This ensures that Node.recalculate() does not use stale data for
   409  	// instances which rejoin the cluster after their EC2 configuration has changed.
   410  	if resource.Spec.InstanceID != "" {
   411  		n.instancesAPI.DeleteInstance(resource.Spec.InstanceID)
   412  	}
   414  	delete(n.nodes, resource.Name)
   415  	n.mutex.Unlock()
   416  }
   418  // Get returns the node with the given name
   419  func (n *NodeManager) Get(nodeName string) *Node {
   420  	n.mutex.RLock()
   421  	node := n.nodes[nodeName]
   422  	n.mutex.RUnlock()
   423  	return node
   424  }
   426  // GetNodesByIPWatermarkLocked returns all nodes that require addresses to be
   427  // allocated or released, sorted by the number of addresses needed to be operated
   428  // in descending order. Number of addresses to be released is negative value
   429  // so that nodes with IP deficit are resolved first
   430  // The caller must hold the NodeManager lock
   431  func (n *NodeManager) GetNodesByIPWatermarkLocked() []*Node {
   432  	list := make([]*Node, len(n.nodes))
   433  	index := 0
   434  	for _, node := range n.nodes {
   435  		list[index] = node
   436  		index++
   437  	}
   439  	sort.Slice(list, func(i, j int) bool {
   440  		valuei := list[i].GetNeededAddresses()
   441  		valuej := list[j].GetNeededAddresses()
   442  		// Number of addresses to be released is negative value,
   443  		// nodes with more excess addresses are released earlier
   444  		if valuei < 0 && valuej < 0 {
   445  			return valuei < valuej
   446  		}
   447  		return valuei > valuej
   448  	})
   450  	return list
   451  }
   453  type resyncStats struct {
   454  	mutex               lock.Mutex
   455  	ipv4                ipResyncStats
   456  	emptyInterfaceSlots int
   457  }
   459  type ipResyncStats struct {
   460  	totalUsed           int
   461  	totalAvailable      int
   462  	totalNeeded         int
   463  	remainingInterfaces int
   464  	interfaceCandidates int
   465  	nodes               int
   466  	nodesAtCapacity     int
   467  	nodesInDeficit      int
   468  	nodeCapacity        int
   469  }
   471  func (n *NodeManager) resyncNode(ctx context.Context, node *Node, stats *resyncStats, syncTime time.Time) {
   472  	node.updateLastResync(syncTime)
   473  	node.recalculate()
   474  	allocationNeeded := node.allocationNeeded()
   475  	releaseNeeded := node.releaseNeeded()
   476  	if allocationNeeded || releaseNeeded {
   477  		node.requirePoolMaintenance()
   478  		node.poolMaintainer.Trigger()
   479  	}
   481  	nodeStats := node.Stats()
   483  	stats.mutex.Lock()
   484  	stats.ipv4.totalUsed += nodeStats.IPv4.UsedIPs
   485  	// availableOnNode is the number of available IPs on the node at this
   486  	// current moment. It does not take into account the number of IPs that
   487  	// can be allocated in the future.
   488  	availableOnNode := nodeStats.IPv4.AvailableIPs - nodeStats.IPv4.UsedIPs
   489  	stats.ipv4.totalAvailable += availableOnNode
   490  	stats.ipv4.totalNeeded += nodeStats.IPv4.NeededIPs
   491  	stats.ipv4.remainingInterfaces += nodeStats.IPv4.RemainingInterfaces
   492  	stats.ipv4.interfaceCandidates += nodeStats.IPv4.InterfaceCandidates
   493  	stats.emptyInterfaceSlots += nodeStats.EmptyInterfaceSlots
   494  	stats.ipv4.nodes++
   496  	stats.ipv4.nodeCapacity = nodeStats.IPv4.Capacity
   498  	// Set per Node metrics.
   499  	n.metricsAPI.SetIPAvailable(, nodeStats.IPv4.Capacity)
   500  	n.metricsAPI.SetIPUsed(, nodeStats.IPv4.UsedIPs)
   501  	n.metricsAPI.SetIPNeeded(, nodeStats.IPv4.NeededIPs)
   503  	if allocationNeeded {
   504  		stats.ipv4.nodesInDeficit++
   505  	}
   507  	if nodeStats.IPv4.RemainingInterfaces == 0 && availableOnNode == 0 {
   508  		stats.ipv4.nodesAtCapacity++
   509  	}
   511  	stats.mutex.Unlock()
   513  	node.k8sSync.Trigger()
   514  }
   516  // Resync will attend all nodes and resolves IP deficits. The order of
   517  // attendance is defined by the number of IPs needed to reach the configured
   518  // watermarks. Any updates to the node resource are synchronized to the
   519  // Kubernetes apiserver.
   520  func (n *NodeManager) Resync(ctx context.Context, syncTime time.Time) {
   521  	n.mutex.Lock()
   522  	defer n.mutex.Unlock()
   523  	n.metricsAPI.IncResyncCount()
   525  	stats := resyncStats{}
   526  	sem := semaphore.NewWeighted(n.parallelWorkers)
   528  	for _, node := range n.GetNodesByIPWatermarkLocked() {
   529  		err := sem.Acquire(ctx, 1)
   530  		if err != nil {
   531  			continue
   532  		}
   533  		go func(node *Node, stats *resyncStats) {
   534  			n.resyncNode(ctx, node, stats, syncTime)
   535  			sem.Release(1)
   536  		}(node, &stats)
   537  	}
   539  	// Acquire the full semaphore, this requires all goroutines to
   540  	// complete and thus blocks until all nodes are synced
   541  	sem.Acquire(ctx, n.parallelWorkers)
   543  	n.metricsAPI.SetAllocatedIPs("used", stats.ipv4.totalUsed)
   544  	n.metricsAPI.SetAllocatedIPs("available", stats.ipv4.totalAvailable)
   545  	n.metricsAPI.SetAllocatedIPs("needed", stats.ipv4.totalNeeded)
   546  	n.metricsAPI.SetAvailableInterfaces(stats.ipv4.remainingInterfaces)
   547  	n.metricsAPI.SetInterfaceCandidates(stats.ipv4.interfaceCandidates)
   548  	n.metricsAPI.SetEmptyInterfaceSlots(stats.emptyInterfaceSlots)
   549  	n.metricsAPI.SetNodes("total", stats.ipv4.nodes)
   550  	n.metricsAPI.SetNodes("in-deficit", stats.ipv4.nodesInDeficit)
   551  	n.metricsAPI.SetNodes("at-capacity", stats.ipv4.nodesAtCapacity)
   553  	for poolID, quota := range n.instancesAPI.GetPoolQuota() {
   554  		n.metricsAPI.SetAvailableIPsPerSubnet(string(poolID), quota.AvailabilityZone, quota.AvailableIPs)
   555  	}
   556  }