
     1  ---
     2  apiVersion:
     3  kind: CustomResourceDefinition
     4  metadata:
     5    annotations:
     6 v0.15.0
     7    creationTimestamp: null
     8    name:
     9  spec:
    10    group:
    11    names:
    12      categories:
    13      - cilium
    14      kind: CiliumEndpoint
    15      listKind: CiliumEndpointList
    16      plural: ciliumendpoints
    17      shortNames:
    18      - cep
    19      - ciliumep
    20      singular: ciliumendpoint
    21    scope: Namespaced
    22    versions:
    23    - additionalPrinterColumns:
    24      - description: Security Identity
    25        jsonPath:
    26        name: Security Identity
    27        type: integer
    28      - description: Ingress enforcement in the endpoint
    29        jsonPath: .status.policy.ingress.state
    30        name: Ingress Enforcement
    31        priority: 1
    32        type: string
    33      - description: Egress enforcement in the endpoint
    34        jsonPath: .status.policy.egress.state
    35        name: Egress Enforcement
    36        priority: 1
    37        type: string
    38      - description: Status of visibility policy in the endpoint
    39        jsonPath: .status.visibility-policy-status
    40        name: Visibility Policy
    41        priority: 1
    42        type: string
    43      - description: Endpoint current state
    44        jsonPath: .status.state
    45        name: Endpoint State
    46        type: string
    47      - description: Endpoint IPv4 address
    48        jsonPath: .status.networking.addressing[0].ipv4
    49        name: IPv4
    50        type: string
    51      - description: Endpoint IPv6 address
    52        jsonPath: .status.networking.addressing[0].ipv6
    53        name: IPv6
    54        type: string
    55      name: v2
    56      schema:
    57        openAPIV3Schema:
    58          description: CiliumEndpoint is the status of a Cilium policy rule.
    59          properties:
    60            apiVersion:
    61              description: 'APIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation
    62                of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest
    63                internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:'
    64              type: string
    65            kind:
    66              description: 'Kind is a string value representing the REST resource this
    67                object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client
    68                submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:'
    69              type: string
    70            metadata:
    71              type: object
    72            status:
    73              description: EndpointStatus is the status of a Cilium endpoint.
    74              properties:
    75                controllers:
    76                  description: Controllers is the list of failing controllers for this
    77                    endpoint.
    78                  items:
    79                    description: ControllerStatus is the status of a failing controller.
    80                    properties:
    81                      configuration:
    82                        description: Configuration is the controller configuration
    83                        properties:
    84                          error-retry:
    85                            description: Retry on error
    86                            type: boolean
    87                          error-retry-base:
    88                            description: 'Base error retry back-off time Format: duration'
    89                            format: int64
    90                            type: integer
    91                          interval:
    92                            description: 'Regular synchronization interval Format: duration'
    93                            format: int64
    94                            type: integer
    95                        type: object
    96                      name:
    97                        description: Name is the name of the controller
    98                        type: string
    99                      status:
   100                        description: Status is the status of the controller
   101                        properties:
   102                          consecutive-failure-count:
   103                            format: int64
   104                            type: integer
   105                          failure-count:
   106                            format: int64
   107                            type: integer
   108                          last-failure-msg:
   109                            type: string
   110                          last-failure-timestamp:
   111                            type: string
   112                          last-success-timestamp:
   113                            type: string
   114                          success-count:
   115                            format: int64
   116                            type: integer
   117                        type: object
   118                      uuid:
   119                        description: UUID is the UUID of the controller
   120                        type: string
   121                    type: object
   122                  type: array
   123                encryption:
   124                  description: Encryption is the encryption configuration of the node
   125                  properties:
   126                    key:
   127                      description: Key is the index to the key to use for encryption
   128                        or 0 if encryption is disabled.
   129                      type: integer
   130                  type: object
   131                external-identifiers:
   132                  description: ExternalIdentifiers is a set of identifiers to identify
   133                    the endpoint apart from the pod name. This includes container runtime
   134                    IDs.
   135                  properties:
   136                    cni-attachment-id:
   137                      description: ID assigned to this attachment by container runtime
   138                      type: string
   139                    container-id:
   140                      description: ID assigned by container runtime (deprecated, may
   141                        not be unique)
   142                      type: string
   143                    container-name:
   144                      description: Name assigned to container (deprecated, may not be
   145                        unique)
   146                      type: string
   147                    docker-endpoint-id:
   148                      description: Docker endpoint ID
   149                      type: string
   150                    docker-network-id:
   151                      description: Docker network ID
   152                      type: string
   153                    k8s-namespace:
   154                      description: K8s namespace for this endpoint (deprecated, may
   155                        not be unique)
   156                      type: string
   157                    k8s-pod-name:
   158                      description: K8s pod name for this endpoint (deprecated, may not
   159                        be unique)
   160                      type: string
   161                    pod-name:
   162                      description: K8s pod for this endpoint (deprecated, may not be
   163                        unique)
   164                      type: string
   165                  type: object
   166                health:
   167                  description: Health is the overall endpoint & subcomponent health.
   168                  properties:
   169                    bpf:
   170                      description: bpf
   171                      type: string
   172                    connected:
   173                      description: Is this endpoint reachable
   174                      type: boolean
   175                    overallHealth:
   176                      description: overall health
   177                      type: string
   178                    policy:
   179                      description: policy
   180                      type: string
   181                  type: object
   182                id:
   183                  description: ID is the cilium-agent-local ID of the endpoint.
   184                  format: int64
   185                  type: integer
   186                identity:
   187                  description: Identity is the security identity associated with the
   188                    endpoint
   189                  properties:
   190                    id:
   191                      description: ID is the numeric identity of the endpoint
   192                      format: int64
   193                      type: integer
   194                    labels:
   195                      description: Labels is the list of labels associated with the
   196                        identity
   197                      items:
   198                        type: string
   199                      type: array
   200                  type: object
   201                log:
   202                  description: Log is the list of the last few warning and error log
   203                    entries
   204                  items:
   205                    description: "EndpointStatusChange Indication of a change of status
   206                      \n swagger:model EndpointStatusChange"
   207                    properties:
   208                      code:
   209                        description: 'Code indicate type of status change Enum: [ok
   210                          failed]'
   211                        type: string
   212                      message:
   213                        description: Status message
   214                        type: string
   215                      state:
   216                        description: state
   217                        type: string
   218                      timestamp:
   219                        description: Timestamp when status change occurred
   220                        type: string
   221                    type: object
   222                  type: array
   223                named-ports:
   224                  description: "NamedPorts List of named Layer 4 port and protocol pairs
   225                    which will be used in Network Policy specs. \n swagger:model NamedPorts"
   226                  items:
   227                    description: "Port Layer 4 port / protocol pair \n swagger:model
   228                      Port"
   229                    properties:
   230                      name:
   231                        description: Optional layer 4 port name
   232                        type: string
   233                      port:
   234                        description: Layer 4 port number
   235                        type: integer
   236                      protocol:
   237                        description: 'Layer 4 protocol Enum: [TCP UDP SCTP ICMP ICMPV6
   238                          ANY]'
   239                        type: string
   240                    type: object
   241                  type: array
   242                networking:
   243                  description: Networking is the networking properties of the endpoint.
   244                  properties:
   245                    addressing:
   246                      description: IP4/6 addresses assigned to this Endpoint
   247                      items:
   248                        description: AddressPair is a pair of IPv4 and/or IPv6 address.
   249                        properties:
   250                          ipv4:
   251                            type: string
   252                          ipv6:
   253                            type: string
   254                        type: object
   255                      type: array
   256                    node:
   257                      description: NodeIP is the IP of the node the endpoint is running
   258                        on. The IP must be reachable between nodes.
   259                      type: string
   260                  required:
   261                  - addressing
   262                  type: object
   263                policy:
   264                  description: EndpointPolicy represents the endpoint's policy by listing
   265                    all allowed ingress and egress identities in combination with L4
   266                    port and protocol.
   267                  properties:
   268                    egress:
   269                      description: EndpointPolicyDirection is the list of allowed identities
   270                        per direction.
   271                      properties:
   272                        adding:
   273                          description: Deprecated
   274                          items:
   275                            description: IdentityTuple specifies a peer by identity,
   276                              destination port and protocol.
   277                            properties:
   278                              dest-port:
   279                                type: integer
   280                              identity:
   281                                format: int64
   282                                type: integer
   283                              identity-labels:
   284                                additionalProperties:
   285                                  type: string
   286                                type: object
   287                              protocol:
   288                                type: integer
   289                            type: object
   290                          type: array
   291                        allowed:
   292                          description: AllowedIdentityList is a list of IdentityTuples
   293                            that species peers that are allowed.
   294                          items:
   295                            description: IdentityTuple specifies a peer by identity,
   296                              destination port and protocol.
   297                            properties:
   298                              dest-port:
   299                                type: integer
   300                              identity:
   301                                format: int64
   302                                type: integer
   303                              identity-labels:
   304                                additionalProperties:
   305                                  type: string
   306                                type: object
   307                              protocol:
   308                                type: integer
   309                            type: object
   310                          type: array
   311                        denied:
   312                          description: DenyIdentityList is a list of IdentityTuples
   313                            that species peers that are denied.
   314                          items:
   315                            description: IdentityTuple specifies a peer by identity,
   316                              destination port and protocol.
   317                            properties:
   318                              dest-port:
   319                                type: integer
   320                              identity:
   321                                format: int64
   322                                type: integer
   323                              identity-labels:
   324                                additionalProperties:
   325                                  type: string
   326                                type: object
   327                              protocol:
   328                                type: integer
   329                            type: object
   330                          type: array
   331                        enforcing:
   332                          type: boolean
   333                        removing:
   334                          description: Deprecated
   335                          items:
   336                            description: IdentityTuple specifies a peer by identity,
   337                              destination port and protocol.
   338                            properties:
   339                              dest-port:
   340                                type: integer
   341                              identity:
   342                                format: int64
   343                                type: integer
   344                              identity-labels:
   345                                additionalProperties:
   346                                  type: string
   347                                type: object
   348                              protocol:
   349                                type: integer
   350                            type: object
   351                          type: array
   352                        state:
   353                          description: 'EndpointPolicyState defines the state of the
   354                            Policy mode: "enforcing", "non-enforcing", "disabled"'
   355                          type: string
   356                      required:
   357                      - enforcing
   358                      type: object
   359                    ingress:
   360                      description: EndpointPolicyDirection is the list of allowed identities
   361                        per direction.
   362                      properties:
   363                        adding:
   364                          description: Deprecated
   365                          items:
   366                            description: IdentityTuple specifies a peer by identity,
   367                              destination port and protocol.
   368                            properties:
   369                              dest-port:
   370                                type: integer
   371                              identity:
   372                                format: int64
   373                                type: integer
   374                              identity-labels:
   375                                additionalProperties:
   376                                  type: string
   377                                type: object
   378                              protocol:
   379                                type: integer
   380                            type: object
   381                          type: array
   382                        allowed:
   383                          description: AllowedIdentityList is a list of IdentityTuples
   384                            that species peers that are allowed.
   385                          items:
   386                            description: IdentityTuple specifies a peer by identity,
   387                              destination port and protocol.
   388                            properties:
   389                              dest-port:
   390                                type: integer
   391                              identity:
   392                                format: int64
   393                                type: integer
   394                              identity-labels:
   395                                additionalProperties:
   396                                  type: string
   397                                type: object
   398                              protocol:
   399                                type: integer
   400                            type: object
   401                          type: array
   402                        denied:
   403                          description: DenyIdentityList is a list of IdentityTuples
   404                            that species peers that are denied.
   405                          items:
   406                            description: IdentityTuple specifies a peer by identity,
   407                              destination port and protocol.
   408                            properties:
   409                              dest-port:
   410                                type: integer
   411                              identity:
   412                                format: int64
   413                                type: integer
   414                              identity-labels:
   415                                additionalProperties:
   416                                  type: string
   417                                type: object
   418                              protocol:
   419                                type: integer
   420                            type: object
   421                          type: array
   422                        enforcing:
   423                          type: boolean
   424                        removing:
   425                          description: Deprecated
   426                          items:
   427                            description: IdentityTuple specifies a peer by identity,
   428                              destination port and protocol.
   429                            properties:
   430                              dest-port:
   431                                type: integer
   432                              identity:
   433                                format: int64
   434                                type: integer
   435                              identity-labels:
   436                                additionalProperties:
   437                                  type: string
   438                                type: object
   439                              protocol:
   440                                type: integer
   441                            type: object
   442                          type: array
   443                        state:
   444                          description: 'EndpointPolicyState defines the state of the
   445                            Policy mode: "enforcing", "non-enforcing", "disabled"'
   446                          type: string
   447                      required:
   448                      - enforcing
   449                      type: object
   450                  type: object
   451                state:
   452                  description: State is the state of the endpoint.
   453                  enum:
   454                  - creating
   455                  - waiting-for-identity
   456                  - not-ready
   457                  - waiting-to-regenerate
   458                  - regenerating
   459                  - restoring
   460                  - ready
   461                  - disconnecting
   462                  - disconnected
   463                  - invalid
   464                  type: string
   465                visibility-policy-status:
   466                  type: string
   467              type: object
   468          required:
   469          - metadata
   470          type: object
   471      served: true
   472      storage: true
   473      subresources: {}
   474  status:
   475    acceptedNames:
   476      kind: ""
   477      plural: ""
   478    conditions: []
   479    storedVersions: []