
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package store
     6  import (
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  )
    11  type Metrics struct {
    12  	KVStoreSyncQueueSize        metric.Vec[metric.Gauge]
    13  	KVStoreSyncErrors           metric.Vec[metric.Counter]
    14  	KVStoreInitialSyncCompleted metric.Vec[metric.Gauge]
    15  }
    17  func MetricsProvider() *Metrics {
    18  	return &Metrics{
    19  		KVStoreSyncQueueSize: metric.NewGaugeVec(metric.GaugeOpts{
    20  			Namespace: metrics.Namespace,
    21  			Subsystem: metrics.SubsystemKVStore,
    22  			Name:      "sync_queue_size",
    23  			Help:      "Number of elements queued for synchronization in the kvstore",
    24  		}, []string{metrics.LabelScope, metrics.LabelSourceCluster}),
    25  		KVStoreSyncErrors: metric.NewCounterVec(metric.CounterOpts{
    26  			Namespace: metrics.Namespace,
    27  			Subsystem: metrics.SubsystemKVStore,
    28  			Name:      "sync_errors_total",
    29  			Help:      "Number of times synchronization to the kvstore failed",
    30  		}, []string{metrics.LabelScope, metrics.LabelSourceCluster}),
    31  		KVStoreInitialSyncCompleted: metric.NewGaugeVec(metric.GaugeOpts{
    32  			Namespace: metrics.Namespace,
    33  			Subsystem: metrics.SubsystemKVStore,
    34  			Name:      "initial_sync_completed",
    35  			Help:      "Whether the initial synchronization from/to the kvstore has completed",
    36  		}, []string{metrics.LabelScope, metrics.LabelSourceCluster, metrics.LabelAction}),
    37  	}
    38  }