
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  // package time is a wrapper for the stdlib time library that aliases most
     5  // underlying types, but allows overrides for testing purposes.
     6  //
     7  // Synced to go-1.20.7.
     8  package time
    10  import (
    11  	"time"
    12  )
    14  const (
    15  	Layout      = time.Layout
    16  	ANSIC       = time.ANSIC
    17  	UnixDate    = time.UnixDate
    18  	RubyDate    = time.RubyDate
    19  	RFC822      = time.RFC822
    20  	RFC822Z     = time.RFC822Z
    21  	RFC850      = time.RFC850
    22  	RFC1123     = time.RFC1123
    23  	RFC1123Z    = time.RFC1123Z
    24  	RFC3339     = time.RFC3339
    25  	RFC3339Nano = time.RFC3339Nano
    26  	Kitchen     = time.Kitchen
    27  	Stamp       = time.Stamp
    28  	StampMilli  = time.StampMilli
    29  	StampMicro  = time.StampMicro
    30  	StampNano   = time.StampNano
    31  	DateTime    = time.DateTime
    32  	DateOnly    = time.DateOnly
    33  	TimeOnly    = time.TimeOnly
    35  	Nanosecond  = time.Nanosecond
    36  	Microsecond = time.Microsecond
    37  	Millisecond = time.Millisecond
    38  	Second      = time.Second
    39  	Minute      = time.Minute
    40  	Hour        = time.Hour
    41  )
    43  var (
    44  	ParseDuration          = time.ParseDuration
    45  	Since                  = time.Since
    46  	Until                  = time.Until
    47  	FixedZone              = time.FixedZone
    48  	LoadLocation           = time.LoadLocation
    49  	LoadLocationFromTZData = time.LoadLocationFromTZData
    50  	Date                   = time.Date
    51  	Now                    = time.Now
    52  	Parse                  = time.Parse
    53  	ParseInLocation        = time.ParseInLocation
    54  	Unix                   = time.Unix
    55  	UnixMicro              = time.UnixMicro
    56  	UnixMilli              = time.UnixMilli
    57  )
    59  type (
    60  	Duration   = time.Duration
    61  	Location   = time.Location
    62  	Month      = time.Month
    63  	ParseError = time.ParseError
    64  	Ticker     = time.Ticker
    65  	Time       = time.Time
    66  	Timer      = time.Timer
    67  	Weekday    = time.Weekday
    68  )
    70  var (
    71  	MaxInternalTimerDelay time.Duration
    72  )
    74  // After overrides the stdlib time.After to enforce maximum sleepiness via
    75  // option.MaxInternalTimerDelay.
    76  func After(d Duration) <-chan Time {
    77  	if MaxInternalTimerDelay > 0 && d > MaxInternalTimerDelay {
    78  		d = MaxInternalTimerDelay
    79  	}
    80  	return time.After(d)
    81  }
    83  // Sleep overrides the stdlib time.Sleep to enforce maximum sleepiness via
    84  // option.MaxInternalTimerDelay.
    85  func Sleep(d time.Duration) {
    86  	if MaxInternalTimerDelay > 0 && d > MaxInternalTimerDelay {
    87  		d = MaxInternalTimerDelay
    88  	}
    89  	time.Sleep(d)
    90  }
    92  // Tick overrides the stdlib time.Tick to enforce maximum sleepiness via
    93  // option.MaxInternalTimerDelay.
    94  func Tick(d Duration) <-chan time.Time {
    95  	return NewTicker(d).C
    96  }
    98  // NewTicker overrides the stdlib time.NewTicker to enforce maximum sleepiness
    99  // via option.MaxInternalTimerDelay.
   100  func NewTicker(d Duration) *time.Ticker {
   101  	if MaxInternalTimerDelay > 0 && d > MaxInternalTimerDelay {
   102  		d = MaxInternalTimerDelay
   103  	}
   104  	return time.NewTicker(d)
   105  }
   107  // NewTimer overrides the stdlib time.NewTimer to enforce maximum sleepiness
   108  // via option.MaxInternalTimerDelay.
   109  func NewTimer(d Duration) *time.Timer {
   110  	if MaxInternalTimerDelay > 0 && d > MaxInternalTimerDelay {
   111  		d = MaxInternalTimerDelay
   112  	}
   113  	return time.NewTimer(d)
   114  }
   116  // NewTimerWithoutMaxDelay returns a time.NewTimer without enforcing maximum
   117  // sleepiness. This function should only be used in cases where the timer firing
   118  // early impacts correctness. If in doubt, you probably should use NewTimer.
   119  func NewTimerWithoutMaxDelay(d Duration) *time.Timer {
   120  	return time.NewTimer(d)
   121  }
   123  // AfterFunc overrides the stdlib time.AfterFunc to enforce maximum sleepiness
   124  // via option.MaxInternalTimerDelay.
   125  func AfterFunc(d Duration, f func()) *time.Timer {
   126  	if MaxInternalTimerDelay > 0 && d > MaxInternalTimerDelay {
   127  		d = MaxInternalTimerDelay
   128  	}
   129  	return time.AfterFunc(d, f)
   130  }