
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package config
     6  import (
     7  	"flag"
     8  	"os"
     9  	"strings"
    10  	"time"
    11  )
    13  const (
    14  	RegistryDomain     = ""
    15  	RegistrySecretName = "regcred"
    16  )
    18  // CiliumTestConfigType holds all of the configurable elements of the testsuite
    19  type CiliumTestConfigType struct {
    20  	Reprovision bool
    21  	// HoldEnvironment leaves the test infrastructure in place on failure
    22  	HoldEnvironment bool
    23  	// PassCLIEnvironment passes through the environment invoking the gingko
    24  	// tests. When false all subcommands are executed with an empty environment,
    25  	// including PATH.
    26  	PassCLIEnvironment   bool
    27  	SSHConfig            string
    28  	ShowCommands         bool
    29  	TestScope            string
    30  	SkipLogGathering     bool
    31  	CiliumImage          string
    32  	CiliumTag            string
    33  	CiliumOperatorImage  string
    34  	CiliumOperatorTag    string
    35  	CiliumOperatorSuffix string
    36  	HubbleRelayImage     string
    37  	HubbleRelayTag       string
    38  	ProvisionK8s         bool
    39  	Timeout              time.Duration
    40  	Kubeconfig           string
    41  	KubectlPath          string
    42  	RegistryCredentials  string
    43  	// Multinode enables the running of tests that involve more than one
    44  	// node. If false, some tests will silently skip multinode checks.
    45  	Multinode      bool
    46  	RunQuarantined bool
    47  	Help           bool
    48  }
    50  // CiliumTestConfig holds the global configuration of commandline flags
    51  // in the ginkgo-based testing environment.
    52  var CiliumTestConfig = CiliumTestConfigType{}
    54  // ParseFlags parses commandline flags relevant to testing.
    55  func (c *CiliumTestConfigType) ParseFlags() {
    56  	flagset := flag.NewFlagSet("cilium", flag.ExitOnError)
    57  	flagset.BoolVar(&c.Reprovision, "cilium.provision", true,
    58  		"Provision Vagrant boxes and Cilium before running test")
    59  	flagset.BoolVar(&c.HoldEnvironment, "cilium.holdEnvironment", false,
    60  		"On failure, hold the environment in its current state")
    61  	flagset.BoolVar(&c.PassCLIEnvironment, "cilium.passCLIEnvironment", false,
    62  		"Pass the environment invoking ginkgo, including PATH, to subcommands")
    63  	flagset.BoolVar(&c.SkipLogGathering, "cilium.skipLogs", false,
    64  		"skip gathering logs if a test fails")
    65  	flagset.StringVar(&c.SSHConfig, "cilium.SSHConfig", "",
    66  		"Specify a custom command to fetch SSH configuration (eg: 'vagrant ssh-config')")
    67  	flagset.BoolVar(&c.ShowCommands, "cilium.showCommands", false,
    68  		"Output which commands are ran to stdout")
    69  	flagset.StringVar(&c.TestScope, "cilium.testScope", "",
    70  		"Specifies scope of test to be ran (k8s, runtime)")
    71  	flagset.StringVar(&c.CiliumImage, "cilium.image", "",
    72  		"Specifies which image of cilium to use during tests")
    73  	flagset.StringVar(&c.CiliumTag, "cilium.tag", "",
    74  		"Specifies which tag of cilium to use during tests")
    75  	flagset.StringVar(&c.CiliumOperatorImage, "cilium.operator-image", "",
    76  		"Specifies which image of cilium-operator to use during tests")
    77  	flagset.StringVar(&c.CiliumOperatorTag, "cilium.operator-tag", "",
    78  		"Specifies which tag of cilium-operator to use during tests")
    79  	flagset.StringVar(&c.CiliumOperatorSuffix, "cilium.operator-suffix", "-ci",
    80  		"Specifies a suffix to append to operator image after cloud-specific suffix")
    81  	flagset.StringVar(&c.HubbleRelayImage, "cilium.hubble-relay-image", "",
    82  		"Specifies which image of hubble-relay to use during tests")
    83  	flagset.StringVar(&c.HubbleRelayTag, "cilium.hubble-relay-tag", "",
    84  		"Specifies which tag of hubble-relay to use during tests")
    85  	flagset.BoolVar(&c.ProvisionK8s, "cilium.provision-k8s", true,
    86  		"Specifies whether Kubernetes should be deployed and installed via kubeadm or not")
    87  	flagset.DurationVar(&c.Timeout, "cilium.timeout", 24*time.Hour,
    88  		"Specifies timeout for test run")
    89  	flagset.StringVar(&c.Kubeconfig, "cilium.kubeconfig", "",
    90  		"Kubeconfig to be used for k8s tests")
    91  	flagset.StringVar(&c.KubectlPath, "cilium.kubectl-path", "/tmp/kubectl",
    92  		"Path that holds version-specific kubectl binaries")
    93  	flagset.StringVar(&c.RegistryCredentials, "cilium.registryCredentials", "",
    94  		"Registry credentials to be used to download images")
    95  	flagset.BoolVar(&c.Multinode, "cilium.multinode", true,
    96  		"Enable tests across multiple nodes. If disabled, such tests may silently pass")
    97  	flagset.BoolVar(&c.RunQuarantined, "cilium.runQuarantined", false,
    98  		"Run tests that are under quarantine.")
    99  	flagset.BoolVar(&c.Help, "", false, "Display this help message.")
   101  	args := make([]string, 0, len(os.Args))
   102  	for index, flag := range os.Args {
   103  		if flag == "" {
   104  			flagset.PrintDefaults()
   105  			os.Exit(1)
   106  		} else if strings.Contains(flag, "-cilium") {
   107  			args = append(args, flag)
   108  			os.Args[index] = ""
   109  		}
   110  	}
   112  	flagset.Parse(args)
   113  }