
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package suite
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"os"
     9  	"strings"
    10  	"testing"
    11  	"time"
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	corev1 ""
    19  	discov1 ""
    20  	discov1beta1 ""
    21  	""
    22  	metav1 ""
    23  	""
    24  	""
    25  	k8sRuntime ""
    26  	""
    27  	versionapi ""
    28  	""
    29  	fakediscovery ""
    30  	k8sTesting ""
    32  	agentCmd ""
    33  	operatorCmd ""
    34  	operatorOption ""
    35  	fakeTypes ""
    36  	datapathTables ""
    37  	""
    38  	cilium_v2 ""
    39  	k8sClient ""
    40  	slim_corev1 ""
    41  	""
    42  	""
    43  	""
    44  	agentOption ""
    45  )
    47  type trackerAndDecoder struct {
    48  	tracker k8sTesting.ObjectTracker
    49  	decoder k8sRuntime.Decoder
    50  }
    52  type ControlPlaneTest struct {
    53  	t                 *testing.T
    54  	tempDir           string
    55  	validationTimeout time.Duration
    57  	nodeName            string
    58  	clients             *k8sClient.FakeClientset
    59  	trackers            []trackerAndDecoder
    60  	agentHandle         *agentHandle
    61  	operatorHandle      *operatorHandle
    62  	Datapath            *fakeTypes.FakeDatapath
    63  	establishedWatchers *lock.Map[string, struct{}]
    64  }
    66  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) AgentDB() (*statedb.DB, statedb.Table[datapathTables.NodeAddress]) {
    67  	return cpt.agentHandle.db, cpt.agentHandle.nodeAddrs
    68  }
    70  func NewControlPlaneTest(t *testing.T, nodeName string, k8sVersion string) *ControlPlaneTest {
    71  	clients, _ := k8sClient.NewFakeClientset()
    72  	var w lock.Map[string, struct{}]
    73  	clients.KubernetesFakeClientset = augmentTracker(clients.KubernetesFakeClientset, t, &w)
    74  	clients.SlimFakeClientset = augmentTracker(clients.SlimFakeClientset, t, &w)
    75  	clients.CiliumFakeClientset = augmentTracker(clients.CiliumFakeClientset, t, &w)
    76  	clients.APIExtFakeClientset = augmentTracker(clients.APIExtFakeClientset, t, &w)
    77  	fd := clients.KubernetesFakeClientset.Discovery().(*fakediscovery.FakeDiscovery)
    78  	fd.FakedServerVersion = toVersionInfo(k8sVersion)
    80  	resources, ok := apiResources[k8sVersion]
    81  	if !ok {
    82  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("k8s version %s not found in apiResources", k8sVersion))
    83  	}
    84  	clients.KubernetesFakeClientset.Resources = resources
    85  	clients.SlimFakeClientset.Resources = resources
    86  	clients.CiliumFakeClientset.Resources = resources
    87  	clients.APIExtFakeClientset.Resources = resources
    89  	trackers := []trackerAndDecoder{
    90  		{clients.KubernetesFakeClientset.Tracker(), coreDecoder},
    91  		{clients.SlimFakeClientset.Tracker(), slimDecoder},
    92  		{clients.CiliumFakeClientset.Tracker(), ciliumDecoder},
    93  	}
    95  	return &ControlPlaneTest{
    96  		t:                   t,
    97  		nodeName:            nodeName,
    98  		clients:             clients,
    99  		trackers:            trackers,
   100  		establishedWatchers: &w,
   101  	}
   102  }
   104  // SetupEnvironment sets the fake k8s clients, creates the fake datapath and
   105  // creates the test directories.
   106  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) SetupEnvironment() *ControlPlaneTest {
   107  	types.SetName(cpt.nodeName)
   109  	// Configure k8s and perform capability detection with the fake client.
   110  	version.Update(cpt.clients, true)
   112  	cpt.tempDir = setupTestDirectories()
   114  	return cpt
   115  }
   117  // ClearEnvironment removes all the test directories.
   118  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) ClearEnvironment() {
   119  	os.RemoveAll(cpt.tempDir)
   120  }
   122  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) StartAgent(modConfig func(*agentOption.DaemonConfig), extraCells ...cell.Cell) *ControlPlaneTest {
   123  	if cpt.agentHandle != nil {
   124  		cpt.t.Fatal("StartAgent() already called")
   125  	}
   127  	cpt.agentHandle = &agentHandle{
   128  		t: cpt.t,
   129  	}
   131  	cpt.agentHandle.setupCiliumAgentHive(cpt.clients, cell.Group(extraCells...))
   133  	mockCmd := &cobra.Command{}
   134  	cpt.agentHandle.hive.RegisterFlags(mockCmd.Flags())
   135  	agentCmd.InitGlobalFlags(mockCmd, cpt.agentHandle.hive.Viper())
   137  	cpt.agentHandle.populateCiliumAgentOptions(cpt.tempDir, modConfig)
   139  	cpt.agentHandle.log = hivetest.Logger(cpt.t)
   140  	daemon, err := cpt.agentHandle.startCiliumAgent()
   141  	if err != nil {
   142  		cpt.t.Fatalf("Failed to start cilium agent: %s", err)
   143  	}
   144  	cpt.agentHandle.d = daemon
   145  	cpt.Datapath = cpt.agentHandle.dp
   147  	return cpt
   148  }
   150  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) StopAgent() *ControlPlaneTest {
   151  	cpt.agentHandle.tearDown()
   152  	cpt.agentHandle = nil
   153  	cpt.Datapath = nil
   155  	return cpt
   156  }
   158  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) StartOperator(
   159  	modConfig func(*operatorOption.OperatorConfig),
   160  	modCellConfig func(vp *viper.Viper),
   161  ) *ControlPlaneTest {
   162  	if cpt.operatorHandle != nil {
   163  		cpt.t.Fatal("StartOperator() already called")
   164  	}
   166  	h := setupCiliumOperatorHive(cpt.clients)
   168  	mockCmd := &cobra.Command{}
   169  	h.RegisterFlags(mockCmd.Flags())
   170  	operatorCmd.InitGlobalFlags(mockCmd, h.Viper())
   172  	populateCiliumOperatorOptions(h.Viper(), modConfig, modCellConfig)
   174  	h.Viper().Set(apis.SkipCRDCreation, true)
   176  	// Disable support for operator HA. This should be cleaned up
   177  	// by injecting the capabilities, or by supporting the leader
   178  	// election machinery in the controlplane tests.
   179  	version.DisableLeasesResourceLock()
   181  	log := hivetest.Logger(cpt.t)
   182  	err := startCiliumOperator(h, log)
   183  	if err != nil {
   184  		cpt.t.Fatalf("Failed to start operator: %s", err)
   185  	}
   187  	cpt.operatorHandle = &operatorHandle{
   188  		t:    cpt.t,
   189  		hive: h,
   190  		log:  log,
   191  	}
   193  	return cpt
   194  }
   196  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) StopOperator() *ControlPlaneTest {
   197  	cpt.operatorHandle.tearDown()
   198  	cpt.operatorHandle = nil
   200  	return cpt
   201  }
   203  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) UpdateObjects(objs ...k8sRuntime.Object) *ControlPlaneTest {
   204  	t := cpt.t
   205  	for _, obj := range objs {
   206  		gvr, ns, name := gvrAndName(obj)
   208  		// Convert to unstructured form for JSON marshalling.
   209  		// TODO: simpler way?
   210  		uobj, ok := obj.(*unstructured.Unstructured)
   211  		if !ok {
   212  			fields, err := k8sRuntime.DefaultUnstructuredConverter.ToUnstructured(obj)
   213  			if err != nil {
   214  				t.Fatalf("Failed to convert %T to unstructured: %s", obj, err)
   215  			}
   216  			uobj = &unstructured.Unstructured{Object: fields}
   217  		}
   219  		// Marshal the object to JSON in order to allow decoding it in different ways,
   220  		// e.g. as v1.Node and as slim_corev1.Node. This avoids having to write both
   221  		// the core and slim versions of the object in the test case.
   222  		jsonBytes, err := uobj.MarshalJSON()
   223  		if err != nil {
   224  			t.Fatalf("Failed to marshal %T to JSON: %s", obj, err)
   225  		}
   227  		accepted := false
   228  		var errors []error
   229  		for _, td := range cpt.trackers {
   230  			if obj, _, err := td.decoder.Decode(jsonBytes, nil, nil); err == nil {
   231  				accepted = true
   233  				if _, err := td.tracker.Get(gvr, ns, name); err == nil {
   234  					if err := td.tracker.Update(gvr, obj, ns); err != nil {
   235  						t.Fatalf("Failed to update object %T: %s", obj, err)
   236  					}
   237  				} else {
   238  					if err := td.tracker.Add(obj); err != nil {
   239  						t.Fatalf("Failed to add object %T: %s", obj, err)
   240  					}
   241  				}
   242  			} else {
   243  				errors = append(errors, err)
   244  			}
   245  		}
   246  		if !accepted {
   247  			t.Fatalf("None of the decoders accepted %s: %v", gvr, errors)
   248  		}
   249  	}
   250  	return cpt
   251  }
   253  // Get retrieves a k8s object given its group-version-resource, namespace and name.
   254  // All the mocked control plane trackers will be queried in the search:
   255  // - core
   256  // - slim
   257  // - cilium
   258  // The first match will be returned.
   259  // If the object cannot be found, a non nil error is returned.
   260  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) Get(gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, ns, name string) (k8sRuntime.Object, error) {
   261  	var (
   262  		obj k8sRuntime.Object
   263  		err error
   264  	)
   265  	for _, td := range cpt.trackers {
   266  		if obj, err = td.tracker.Get(gvr, ns, name); err == nil {
   267  			return obj, nil
   268  		}
   269  	}
   270  	return nil, err
   271  }
   273  // EnsureWatchers delays progress of the test until watchers for resources have been established on
   274  // the clientset.
   275  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) EnsureWatchers(resources ...string) *ControlPlaneTest {
   276  	cpt.retry(func() error {
   277  		for _, resource := range resources {
   278  			if _, ok := cpt.establishedWatchers.Load(resource); !ok {
   279  				return fmt.Errorf("no watcher for %s yet", resource)
   280  			}
   281  		}
   282  		return nil
   283  	})
   285  	return cpt
   286  }
   288  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) UpdateObjectsFromFile(filename string) *ControlPlaneTest {
   289  	bs, err := os.ReadFile(filename)
   290  	if err != nil {
   291  		cpt.t.Fatalf("Failed to read %s: %s", filename, err)
   292  	}
   293  	objs, err := unmarshalList(bs)
   294  	if err != nil {
   295  		cpt.t.Fatalf("Failed to unmarshal objects from %s: %s", filename, err)
   296  	}
   297  	return cpt.UpdateObjects(objs...)
   298  }
   300  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) DeleteObjects(objs ...k8sRuntime.Object) *ControlPlaneTest {
   301  	for _, obj := range objs {
   302  		gvr, ns, name := gvrAndName(obj)
   304  		deleted := false
   305  		for _, td := range cpt.trackers {
   306  			if err := td.tracker.Delete(gvr, ns, name); err == nil {
   307  				deleted = true
   308  			}
   309  		}
   310  		if !deleted {
   311  			cpt.t.Fatalf("Failed to delete object %s/%s as it was not found", ns, name)
   312  		}
   313  	}
   314  	return cpt
   315  }
   317  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) WithValidationTimeout(d time.Duration) *ControlPlaneTest {
   318  	cpt.validationTimeout = d
   319  	return cpt
   320  }
   322  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) Eventually(check func() error) *ControlPlaneTest {
   323  	if err := cpt.retry(check); err != nil {
   324  		cpt.t.Fatal(err)
   325  	}
   326  	return cpt
   327  }
   329  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) Execute(task func() error) *ControlPlaneTest {
   330  	if err := task(); err != nil {
   331  		cpt.t.Fatal(err)
   332  	}
   333  	return cpt
   334  }
   336  func (cpt *ControlPlaneTest) retry(act func() error) error {
   337  	wait := 50 * time.Millisecond
   338  	end := time.Now().Add(cpt.validationTimeout)
   340  	// With validationTimeout set to 0, act will be retried without enforcing any timeout.
   341  	// This is useful to reduce controlplane tests flakyness in CI environment.
   342  	// Use WithValidationTimeout to set a custom timeout for local development.
   343  	for cpt.validationTimeout == 0 || time.Now().Add(wait).Before(end) {
   344  		time.Sleep(wait)
   346  		err := act()
   347  		if err == nil {
   348  			return nil
   349  		}
   350  		cpt.t.Logf("validation failed: %s", err)
   352  		wait *= 2
   353  		if wait > time.Second {
   354  			wait = time.Second
   355  		}
   356  		cpt.t.Logf("going to retry after %s...", wait)
   357  	}
   359  	time.Sleep(time.Until(end))
   360  	return act()
   361  }
   363  func toVersionInfo(rawVersion string) *versionapi.Info {
   364  	parts := strings.Split(rawVersion, ".")
   365  	return &versionapi.Info{Major: parts[0], Minor: parts[1]}
   366  }
   368  func gvrAndName(obj k8sRuntime.Object) (gvr schema.GroupVersionResource, ns string, name string) {
   369  	gvk := obj.GetObjectKind().GroupVersionKind()
   370  	gvr, _ = meta.UnsafeGuessKindToResource(gvk)
   371  	objMeta, err := meta.Accessor(obj)
   372  	if err != nil {
   373  		panic(err)
   374  	}
   375  	ns = objMeta.GetNamespace()
   376  	name = objMeta.GetName()
   377  	return
   378  }
   380  var (
   381  	corev1APIResources = &metav1.APIResourceList{
   382  		GroupVersion: corev1.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
   383  		APIResources: []metav1.APIResource{
   384  			{Name: "nodes", Kind: "Node"},
   385  			{Name: "pods", Namespaced: true, Kind: "Pod"},
   386  			{Name: "services", Namespaced: true, Kind: "Service"},
   387  			{Name: "endpoints", Namespaced: true, Kind: "Endpoint"},
   388  		},
   389  	}
   391  	ciliumv2APIResources = &metav1.APIResourceList{
   392  		TypeMeta:     metav1.TypeMeta{},
   393  		GroupVersion: cilium_v2.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
   394  		APIResources: []metav1.APIResource{
   395  			{Name: cilium_v2.CNPluralName, Kind: cilium_v2.CNKindDefinition},
   396  			{Name: cilium_v2.CEPPluralName, Namespaced: true, Kind: cilium_v2.CEPKindDefinition},
   397  			{Name: cilium_v2.CIDPluralName, Namespaced: true, Kind: cilium_v2.CIDKindDefinition},
   398  			{Name: cilium_v2.CEGPPluralName, Namespaced: true, Kind: cilium_v2.CEGPKindDefinition},
   399  			{Name: cilium_v2.CNPPluralName, Namespaced: true, Kind: cilium_v2.CNPKindDefinition},
   400  			{Name: cilium_v2.CCNPPluralName, Namespaced: true, Kind: cilium_v2.CCNPKindDefinition},
   401  			{Name: cilium_v2.CLRPPluralName, Namespaced: true, Kind: cilium_v2.CLRPKindDefinition},
   402  			{Name: cilium_v2.CEWPluralName, Namespaced: true, Kind: cilium_v2.CEWKindDefinition},
   403  			{Name: cilium_v2.CCECPluralName, Namespaced: true, Kind: cilium_v2.CCECKindDefinition},
   404  			{Name: cilium_v2.CECPluralName, Namespaced: true, Kind: cilium_v2.CECKindDefinition},
   405  		},
   406  	}
   408  	discoveryV1APIResources = &metav1.APIResourceList{
   409  		TypeMeta:     metav1.TypeMeta{},
   410  		GroupVersion: discov1.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
   411  		APIResources: []metav1.APIResource{
   412  			{Name: "endpointslices", Namespaced: true, Kind: "EndpointSlice"},
   413  		},
   414  	}
   416  	discoveryV1beta1APIResources = &metav1.APIResourceList{
   417  		GroupVersion: discov1beta1.SchemeGroupVersion.String(),
   418  		APIResources: []metav1.APIResource{
   419  			{Name: "endpointslices", Namespaced: true, Kind: "EndpointSlice"},
   420  		},
   421  	}
   423  	// apiResources is the list of API resources for the k8s version that we're mocking.
   424  	// This is mostly relevant for the feature detection at pkg/k8s/version/version.go.
   425  	// The lists here are currently not exhaustive and expanded on need-by-need basis.
   426  	apiResources = map[string][]*metav1.APIResourceList{
   427  		"1.24": {
   428  			corev1APIResources,
   429  			discoveryV1APIResources,
   430  			discoveryV1beta1APIResources,
   431  			ciliumv2APIResources,
   432  		},
   433  		"1.25": {
   434  			corev1APIResources,
   435  			discoveryV1APIResources,
   436  			ciliumv2APIResources,
   437  		},
   438  		"1.26": {
   439  			corev1APIResources,
   440  			discoveryV1APIResources,
   441  			ciliumv2APIResources,
   442  		},
   443  	}
   444  )
   446  func matchFieldSelector(obj k8sRuntime.Object, selector fields.Selector) bool {
   447  	if selector == nil {
   448  		return true
   449  	}
   451  	fs := fields.Set{}
   452  	acc, err := meta.Accessor(obj)
   453  	if err != nil {
   454  		panic(err)
   455  	}
   456  	fs[""] = acc.GetName()
   457  	fs["metadata.namespace"] = acc.GetNamespace()
   459  	// Special handling for specific objects. Only add things here that k8s api-server
   460  	// handles, see for example ToSelectableFields() in pkg/registry/core/pod/strategy.go
   461  	// of kubernetes. We don't want to end up with tests passing with fake client and
   462  	// failing against the real API server.
   463  	if pod, ok := obj.(*corev1.Pod); ok {
   464  		fs["spec.nodeName"] = pod.Spec.NodeName
   465  	}
   466  	if pod, ok := obj.(*slim_corev1.Pod); ok {
   467  		fs["spec.nodeName"] = pod.Spec.NodeName
   468  	}
   470  	if !selector.Matches(fs) {
   471  		// Check if we failed because we were trying to match a field that doesn't exist.
   472  		// If so, we'll panic so that an exception can be added.
   473  		for _, req := range selector.Requirements() {
   474  			if _, ok := fs[req.Field]; !ok {
   475  				panic(fmt.Sprintf(
   476  					"Unknown field selector %q!\nPlease add handling for it to matchFieldSelector() in test/controlplane/suite/testcase.go",
   477  					req.Field))
   478  			}
   479  		}
   480  		return false
   481  	}
   482  	return true
   483  }
   485  type fakeWithTracker interface {
   486  	PrependReactor(verb string, resource string, reaction k8sTesting.ReactionFunc)
   487  	PrependWatchReactor(resource string, reaction k8sTesting.WatchReactionFunc)
   488  	Tracker() k8sTesting.ObjectTracker
   489  }
   491  type filteringWatcher struct {
   492  	parent       watch.Interface
   493  	events       chan watch.Event
   494  	restrictions k8sTesting.WatchRestrictions
   495  }
   497  var _ watch.Interface = &filteringWatcher{}
   499  func (fw *filteringWatcher) Stop() {
   500  	fw.parent.Stop()
   501  }
   503  func (fw *filteringWatcher) ResultChan() <-chan watch.Event {
   504  	if != nil {
   505  		return
   506  	}
   508 = make(chan watch.Event)
   509  	selector := fw.restrictions.Fields
   510  	go func() {
   511  		for event := range fw.parent.ResultChan() {
   512  			if matchFieldSelector(event.Object, selector) {
   513 <- event
   514  			}
   515  		}
   516  		close(
   517  	}()
   518  	return
   519  }
   521  func filterList(obj k8sRuntime.Object, restrictions k8sTesting.ListRestrictions) {
   522  	selector := restrictions.Fields
   523  	if selector == nil || selector.Empty() {
   524  		return
   525  	}
   527  	switch obj := obj.(type) {
   528  	case *corev1.NodeList:
   529  		items := make([]corev1.Node, 0, len(obj.Items))
   530  		for i := range obj.Items {
   531  			if matchFieldSelector(&obj.Items[i], selector) {
   532  				items = append(items, obj.Items[i])
   533  			}
   534  		}
   535  		obj.Items = items
   536  	case *slim_corev1.NodeList:
   537  		items := make([]slim_corev1.Node, 0, len(obj.Items))
   538  		for i := range obj.Items {
   539  			if matchFieldSelector(&obj.Items[i], selector) {
   540  				items = append(items, obj.Items[i])
   541  			}
   542  		}
   543  		obj.Items = items
   544  	case *slim_corev1.EndpointsList:
   545  		items := make([]slim_corev1.Endpoints, 0, len(obj.Items))
   546  		for i := range obj.Items {
   547  			if matchFieldSelector(&obj.Items[i], selector) {
   548  				items = append(items, obj.Items[i])
   549  			}
   550  		}
   551  		obj.Items = items
   552  	case *slim_corev1.PodList:
   553  		items := make([]slim_corev1.Pod, 0, len(obj.Items))
   554  		for i := range obj.Items {
   555  			if matchFieldSelector(&obj.Items[i], selector) {
   556  				items = append(items, obj.Items[i])
   557  			}
   558  		}
   559  		obj.Items = items
   560  	case *cilium_v2.CiliumNodeList:
   561  		items := make([]cilium_v2.CiliumNode, 0, len(obj.Items))
   562  		for i := range obj.Items {
   563  			if matchFieldSelector(&obj.Items[i], selector) {
   564  				items = append(items, obj.Items[i])
   565  			}
   566  		}
   567  		obj.Items = items
   568  	default:
   569  		panic(
   570  			fmt.Sprintf("Unhandled type %T for field selector filtering!\nPlease add handling for it to filterList()", obj),
   571  		)
   572  	}
   573  }
   575  // augmentTracker augments the fake clientset to support filtering with a field selector
   576  // in List and Watch actions, as well as recording which watchers have been established.
   577  // The reason we need to do this is the following: The k8s object tracker's implementation
   578  // of Watch is not equivalent to Watch on a real api-server, as it does not respect the
   579  // ResourceVersion from whence to start the watch. As a consequence, when informers (or
   580  // reflectors) call ListAndWatch, they miss events which occur between the end of List and
   581  // the establishment of Watch.
   582  //
   583  // To decrease the likelihood of this race occurring in the control plane tests, we
   584  // install a mechanism to wait for watchers of specific resources: see also
   585  // EnsureWatchers. This isn't a complete fix - if multiple watchers for the same resource
   586  // are established, this may give false positives.
   587  func augmentTracker[T fakeWithTracker](f T, t *testing.T, watchers *lock.Map[string, struct{}]) T {
   588  	o := f.Tracker()
   589  	objectReaction := k8sTesting.ObjectReaction(o)
   591  	// Prepend our own reactors that adds field selector filtering to
   592  	// the results.
   593  	f.PrependReactor("*", "*", func(action k8sTesting.Action) (handled bool, ret k8sRuntime.Object, err error) {
   594  		handled, ret, err = objectReaction(action)
   596  		switch action := action.(type) {
   597  		case k8sTesting.ListActionImpl:
   598  			filterList(ret, action.GetListRestrictions())
   599  		}
   600  		return
   602  	})
   604  	f.PrependWatchReactor(
   605  		"*",
   606  		func(action k8sTesting.Action) (handled bool, ret watch.Interface, err error) {
   607  			w := action.(k8sTesting.WatchAction)
   608  			gvr := w.GetResource()
   609  			ns := w.GetNamespace()
   610  			watch, err := o.Watch(gvr, ns)
   611  			if err != nil {
   612  				return false, nil, err
   613  			}
   614  			if _, ok := watchers.Load(gvr.Resource); ok {
   615  				t.Logf("Multiple watches for resource %q intercepted. This highlights a potential cause for flakes", gvr.Resource)
   616  			}
   617  			watchers.Store(gvr.Resource, struct{}{})
   619  			fw := &filteringWatcher{
   620  				parent:       watch,
   621  				restrictions: w.GetWatchRestrictions(),
   622  			}
   623  			return true, fw, nil
   625  		})
   627  	return f
   628  }