
     1  kind: ServiceAccount
     2  apiVersion: v1
     3  metadata:
     4    name: app1-account
     5  ---
     6  kind: ServiceAccount
     7  apiVersion: v1
     8  metadata:
     9    name: app2-account
    10  ---
    11  apiVersion: v1
    12  kind: Service
    13  metadata:
    14    name: app1-service
    15  spec:
    16    ports:
    17    - name: http
    18      port: 80
    19      protocol: TCP
    20    - name: tftp
    21      port: 69
    22      protocol: UDP
    23    selector:
    24      id: app1
    25  ---
    26  apiVersion: apps/v1
    27  kind: Deployment
    28  metadata:
    29    name: app1
    30  spec:
    31    selector:
    32      matchLabels:
    33        id: app1
    34        zgroup: testapp
    35    replicas: 1
    36    template:
    37      metadata:
    38        labels:
    39          id: app1
    40          zgroup: testapp
    41      spec:
    42        serviceAccountName: app1-account
    43        terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
    44        containers:
    45        - name: web
    46          image:
    47          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    48          ports:
    49          - containerPort: 80
    50          readinessProbe:
    51            httpGet:
    52              path: /
    53              port: 80
    54        - name: udp
    55          image:
    56          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    57          ports:
    58          - containerPort: 69
    59            protocol: UDP
    60        nodeSelector:
    61          "": k8s1
    62  ---
    63  apiVersion: apps/v1
    64  kind: Deployment
    65  metadata:
    66    name: app2
    67  spec:
    68    selector:
    69      matchLabels:
    70        id: app2
    71        zgroup: testapp
    72        appSecond: "true"
    73    replicas: 1
    74    template:
    75      metadata:
    76        labels:
    77          id: app2
    78          zgroup: testapp
    79          appSecond: "true"
    80      spec:
    81        serviceAccountName: app2-account
    82        terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
    83        containers:
    84        - name: app-frontend
    85          image:
    86          imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    87          command: [ "sleep" ]
    88          args:
    89            - "1000h"
    90        # We want the two pods to be on separate nodes, the egress custom tail
    91        # call hook for socket-based load-balancing is not supported yet.
    92        nodeSelector:
    93          "": k8s2
    94  ---
    95  apiVersion: v1
    96  kind: Pod
    97  metadata:
    98    name: bytecounter-compiler
    99  spec:
   100    containers:
   101    - name: cilium-builder
   102      image:
   103      workingDir: /cilium
   104      command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
   105      args:
   106        - "git config --global --add /cilium; sleep infinity"
   107      securityContext:
   108        privileged: true
   109      volumeMounts:
   110        - mountPath: /sys/fs/bpf
   111          name: bpf-maps
   112        - mountPath: /cilium
   113          name: cilium-src
   114    volumes:
   115    - hostPath:
   116        path: /sys/fs/bpf
   117        type: DirectoryOrCreate
   118      name: bpf-maps
   119    - hostPath:
   120        path: /home/vagrant/go/src/
   121        type: Directory
   122      name: cilium-src
   123    # We need the following toleration overwrite because the pod is used with
   124    # Cilium uninstalled, so the network isn't ready.
   125    tolerations:
   126    - key: ""
   127      operator: "Exists"
   128    - key: ""
   129      operator: "Exists"
   130    hostNetwork: true
   131    nodeSelector:
   132      "": k8s2