(about) 1 # Deploys client and server pods on all nodes (using DaemonSets) both in host 2 # and dedicated network namespaces. 3 apiVersion: apps/v1 4 kind: DaemonSet 5 metadata: 6 name: testserver 7 spec: 8 selector: 9 matchLabels: 10 zgroup: testServer 11 template: 12 metadata: 13 labels: 14 zgroup: testServer 15 test: hostfw 16 spec: 17 containers: 18 - name: web 19 image: 20 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent 21 ports: 22 - containerPort: 80 23 readinessProbe: 24 httpGet: 25 path: / 26 port: 80 27 - name: udp 28 image: 29 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent 30 ports: 31 - containerPort: 69 32 protocol: UDP 33 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0 34 tolerations: 35 - effect: NoSchedule 36 key: 37 - effect: NoSchedule 38 key: 39 - effect: NoSchedule 40 key: 41 value: "true" 42 --- 43 apiVersion: apps/v1 44 kind: DaemonSet 45 metadata: 46 name: testclient 47 spec: 48 selector: 49 matchLabels: 50 zgroup: testClient 51 template: 52 metadata: 53 labels: 54 zgroup: testClient 55 test: hostfw 56 spec: 57 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0 58 containers: 59 - name: web 60 image: 61 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent 62 command: [ "sleep" ] 63 args: 64 - "1000h" 65 --- 66 apiVersion: apps/v1 67 kind: DaemonSet 68 metadata: 69 name: testserver-host 70 spec: 71 selector: 72 matchLabels: 73 zgroup: testServerHost 74 template: 75 metadata: 76 labels: 77 zgroup: testServerHost 78 test: hostfw 79 spec: 80 hostNetwork: true 81 containers: 82 - name: web 83 image: 84 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent 85 ports: 86 - containerPort: 80 87 readinessProbe: 88 httpGet: 89 path: / 90 port: 80 91 - name: udp 92 image: 93 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent 94 ports: 95 - containerPort: 69 96 protocol: UDP 97 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0 98 tolerations: 99 - effect: NoSchedule 100 key: 101 - effect: NoSchedule 102 key: 103 - effect: NoSchedule 104 key: 105 value: "true" 106 --- 107 apiVersion: apps/v1 108 kind: DaemonSet 109 metadata: 110 name: testclient-host 111 spec: 112 selector: 113 matchLabels: 114 zgroup: testClientHost 115 template: 116 metadata: 117 labels: 118 zgroup: testClientHost 119 test: hostfw 120 spec: 121 hostNetwork: true 122 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0 123 containers: 124 - name: web 125 image: 126 imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent 127 command: [ "sleep" ] 128 args: 129 - "1000h"