
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package k8sTest
     6  import (
     7  	"context"
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"regexp"
    10  	"strings"
    11  	"sync"
    12  	"time"
    14  	""
    15  	. ""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	v1 ""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  	""
    23  	. ""
    24  	""
    25  )
    27  var _ = SkipDescribeIf(func() bool {
    28  	// We only need to run on 4.19 with kube-proxy and net-next with KPR
    29  	// and the third node. Other CI jobs are not expected to increase
    30  	// code coverage.
    31  	//
    32  	// For GKE coverage, see the K8sPolicyTestExtended Describe block below.
    33  	return helpers.RunsOnGKE() || helpers.RunsOn54Kernel() || helpers.RunsOnAKS()
    34  }, "K8sAgentPolicyTest", func() {
    36  	var (
    37  		kubectl *helpers.Kubectl
    39  		// these are set in BeforeAll()
    40  		ciliumFilename       string
    41  		demoPath             string
    42  		l3Policy             string
    43  		l7Policy             string
    44  		l7PolicyDefAllow     string
    45  		connectivityCheckYml string
    47  		app1Service = "app1-service"
    48  		apps        = []string{helpers.App1, helpers.App2, helpers.App3}
    49  		daemonCfg   map[string]string
    50  	)
    52  	BeforeAll(func() {
    53  		kubectl = helpers.CreateKubectl(helpers.K8s1VMName(), logger)
    55  		demoPath = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "demo-named-port.yaml")
    56  		l3Policy = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "l3-l4-policy.yaml")
    57  		l7Policy = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "l7-policy.yaml")
    58  		l7PolicyDefAllow = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "l7-policy-allow.yaml")
    59  		connectivityCheckYml = kubectl.GetFilePath("../examples/kubernetes/connectivity-check/connectivity-check-proxy.yaml")
    61  		daemonCfg = map[string]string{
    62  			"tls.secretsBackend": "k8s",
    63  			"debug.verbose":      "envoy",
    64  		}
    65  		ciliumFilename = helpers.TimestampFilename("cilium.yaml")
    66  		DeployCiliumOptionsAndDNS(kubectl, ciliumFilename, daemonCfg)
    67  	})
    69  	AfterFailed(func() {
    70  		kubectl.CiliumReport("cilium-dbg service list", "cilium-dbg endpoint list")
    71  	})
    73  	AfterAll(func() {
    74  		UninstallCiliumFromManifest(kubectl, ciliumFilename)
    75  		kubectl.CloseSSHClient()
    76  	})
    78  	JustAfterEach(func() {
    79  		kubectl.ValidateNoErrorsInLogs(CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Duration)
    80  	})
    82  	Context("Basic Test", func() {
    83  		var (
    84  			ciliumPod        string
    85  			clusterIP        string
    86  			namespaceForTest string
    87  		)
    89  		BeforeAll(func() {
    90  			namespaceForTest = helpers.GenerateNamespaceForTest("")
    91  			kubectl.NamespaceDelete(namespaceForTest)
    92  			kubectl.NamespaceCreate(namespaceForTest).ExpectSuccess("could not create namespace")
    93  			kubectl.Apply(helpers.ApplyOptions{FilePath: demoPath, Namespace: namespaceForTest}).ExpectSuccess("could not create resource")
    95  			err := kubectl.WaitforPods(namespaceForTest, "-l zgroup=testapp", helpers.HelperTimeout)
    96  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "Test pods are not ready after timeout")
    98  			ciliumPod, err = kubectl.GetCiliumPodOnNode(helpers.K8s1)
    99  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "cannot get CiliumPod")
   101  			clusterIP, _, err = kubectl.GetServiceHostPort(namespaceForTest, app1Service)
   102  			Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Cannot get service in %q namespace", namespaceForTest)
   103  			logger.WithFields(logrus.Fields{
   104  				"ciliumPod": ciliumPod,
   105  				"clusterIP": clusterIP}).Info("Initial data")
   107  		})
   109  		AfterAll(func() {
   110  			kubectl.NamespaceDelete(namespaceForTest)
   111  			kubectl.Delete(demoPath)
   112  			ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
   113  		})
   115  		BeforeEach(func() {
   116  			kubectl.CiliumExecMustSucceed(context.TODO(),
   117  				ciliumPod, fmt.Sprintf("cilium-dbg config %s=%s",
   118  					helpers.PolicyEnforcement, helpers.PolicyEnforcementDefault))
   120  			err := kubectl.CiliumEndpointWaitReady()
   121  			Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Endpoints are not ready after timeout")
   123  			err = kubectl.WaitforPods(namespaceForTest, "-l zgroup=testapp", helpers.HelperTimeout)
   124  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil())
   126  		})
   128  		AfterEach(func() {
   129  			cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s delete --all cnp,ccnp,netpol -n %s", helpers.KubectlCmd, namespaceForTest)
   130  			_ = kubectl.Exec(cmd)
   131  		})
   133  		// Tests involving the L7 proxy do not work when built with -race, see issue #13757.
   134  		SkipContextIf(helpers.SkipRaceDetectorEnabled, "Traffic redirections to proxy", func() {
   135  			var (
   136  				// track which app1 pod we care about, and its corresponding
   137  				// cilium pod.
   138  				app1Pod     string
   139  				app2Pod     string
   140  				ciliumPod   string
   141  				nodeName    string
   142  				appPods     map[string]string
   143  				app1PodIP   string
   144  				worldTarget = ""
   145  			)
   147  			BeforeAll(func() {
   148  				appPods = helpers.GetAppPods(apps, namespaceForTest, kubectl, "id")
   149  				podsNodes, err := kubectl.GetPodsNodes(namespaceForTest, "id=app1")
   150  				Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "error getting pod->node mapping")
   151  				Expect(len(podsNodes)).To(Equal(2))
   152  				// Just grab the first one.
   153  				for k, v := range podsNodes {
   154  					app1Pod = k
   155  					nodeName = v
   156  					break
   157  				}
   159  				podsNodes, err = kubectl.GetPodsNodes(namespaceForTest, "id=app2")
   160  				Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "error getting pod->node mapping")
   161  				Expect(len(podsNodes)).To(Equal(1))
   162  				for k := range podsNodes {
   163  					app2Pod = k
   164  					break
   165  				}
   167  				Expect(kubectl.WaitforPods(namespaceForTest, "-l zgroup=testapp", helpers.HelperTimeout)).To(BeNil())
   168  				var podList v1.PodList
   169  				err = kubectl.GetPods(namespaceForTest, fmt.Sprintf("-n %s -l k8s-app=cilium --field-selector spec.nodeName=%s", helpers.CiliumNamespace, nodeName)).Unmarshal(&podList)
   170  				Expect(err).To(BeNil())
   172  				var app1PodModel v1.Pod
   173  				Expect(kubectl.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("%s get pod -n %s %s -o json", helpers.KubectlCmd, namespaceForTest, app1Pod)).Unmarshal(&app1PodModel)).To(BeNil())
   174  				Expect(app1PodModel).ToNot(BeNil())
   175  				Expect(len(podList.Items)).To(Equal(1))
   176  				ciliumPod = podList.Items[0].Name
   177  				app1PodIP = app1PodModel.Status.PodIP
   178  				//var app1Ep *models.Endpoint
   179  				var endpoints []*models.Endpoint
   180  				err = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(helpers.CiliumNamespace, ciliumPod, "cilium-dbg endpoint list -o json").Unmarshal(&endpoints)
   181  				Expect(err).To(BeNil())
   182  				for _, ep := range endpoints {
   183  					if ep.Status.Networking.Addressing[0].IPV4 == app1PodIP {
   184  						break
   185  					}
   186  				}
   187  			})
   189  			AfterEach(func() {
   190  				// Remove the proxy visibility annotation - this is done by specifying the annotation followed by a '-'.
   191  				kubectl.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("%s annotate pod %s -n %s %s-", helpers.KubectlCmd, appPods[helpers.App1], namespaceForTest, annotation.ProxyVisibility))
   192  				kubectl.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("%s annotate pod %s -n %s %s-", helpers.KubectlCmd, appPods[helpers.App2], namespaceForTest, annotation.ProxyVisibility))
   193  				cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s delete --all cnp,ccnp,netpol -n %s", helpers.KubectlCmd, namespaceForTest)
   194  				_ = kubectl.Exec(cmd)
   195  			})
   197  			checkProxyRedirection := func(resource string, redirected bool, parser policy.L7ParserType, retryCurl bool) {
   198  				var (
   199  					not           = " "
   200  					filter        string // jsonpath filter
   201  					expect        string // expected result
   202  					curlCmd       string
   203  					hubbleTimeout = 10 * time.Second
   204  				)
   206  				if !redirected {
   207  					not = " not "
   208  				}
   210  				switch parser {
   211  				case policy.ParserTypeDNS:
   212  					// response DNS L7 flow
   213  					filter = "{.flow.destination.namespace} {.flow.l7.type} {.flow.l7.dns.query}"
   214  					expect = fmt.Sprintf(
   215  						"%s RESPONSE %s",
   216  						namespaceForTest,
   217  						"",
   218  					)
   219  					if retryCurl {
   220  						curlCmd = helpers.CurlWithRetries(resource, 5, true)
   221  					} else {
   222  						curlCmd = helpers.CurlFail(resource)
   223  					}
   224  				case policy.ParserTypeHTTP:
   225  					filter = "{.flow.destination.namespace} {.flow.l7.type} {.flow.l7.http.url} {.flow.l7.http.code} {.flow.l7.http.method}"
   226  					expect = fmt.Sprintf(
   227  						"%s RESPONSE %s 200 GET",
   228  						namespaceForTest,
   229  						fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", resource),
   230  					)
   232  					if retryCurl {
   233  						curlCmd = helpers.CurlWithRetries(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", resource), 5, true)
   234  					} else {
   235  						curlCmd = helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", resource))
   236  					}
   237  				default:
   238  					Fail(fmt.Sprintf("invalid parser type for proxy visibility: %s", parser))
   239  				}
   241  				observeFile := fmt.Sprintf("hubble-observe-%s", uuid.New().String())
   243  				// curl commands are issued from the first k8s worker where all
   244  				// the app instances are running
   245  				By("Starting hubble observe and generating traffic which should%s redirect to proxy", not)
   246  				ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
   247  				hubbleRes, err := kubectl.HubbleObserveFollow(
   248  					ctx, ciliumPod,
   249  					// since 0s is important here so no historic events from the
   250  					// buffer are shown, only follow from the current time
   251  					"--type l7 --since 0s",
   252  				)
   253  				Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Failed to start hubble observe")
   255  				// clean up at the end of the test
   256  				defer func() {
   257  					cancel()
   258  					hubbleRes.WaitUntilFinish()
   259  					helpers.WriteToReportFile(hubbleRes.CombineOutput().Bytes(), observeFile)
   260  				}()
   262  				// Let the monitor get started since it is started in the background.
   263  				res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
   264  					namespaceForTest, appPods[helpers.App2],
   265  					curlCmd)
   266  				// Give time for the monitor to be notified of the proxy flow.
   267  				time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
   268  				res.ExpectSuccess("%q cannot curl %q", appPods[helpers.App2], resource)
   270  				By("Checking that aforementioned traffic was%sredirected to the proxy", not)
   271  				err = hubbleRes.WaitUntilMatchFilterLineTimeout(filter, expect, hubbleTimeout)
   272  				if redirected {
   273  					ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "traffic was not redirected to the proxy when it should have been")
   274  				} else {
   275  					ExpectWithOffset(1, err).ToNot(BeNil(), "traffic was redirected to the proxy when it should have not been redirected")
   276  				}
   278  				if parser == policy.ParserTypeDNS && redirected {
   279  					By("Checking that Hubble is correctly annotating the DNS names")
   280  					res := kubectl.HubbleObserve(ciliumPod,
   281  						fmt.Sprintf("--last 1 --from-pod %s/%s --to-fqdn %q",
   282  							namespaceForTest, appPods[helpers.App2], "*"))
   283  					res.ExpectContainsFilterLine("{.flow.destination_names[0]}", "")
   284  				}
   285  			}
   287  			proxyVisibilityTest := func(resource, podToAnnotate, anno string, parserType policy.L7ParserType, retryCurl bool) {
   288  				checkProxyRedirection(resource, false, parserType, retryCurl)
   290  				By("Annotating %s with %s", podToAnnotate, anno)
   291  				res := kubectl.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("%s annotate pod %s -n %s %s=\"%s\"", helpers.KubectlCmd, podToAnnotate, namespaceForTest, annotation.ProxyVisibility, anno))
   292  				res.ExpectSuccess("annotating pod with proxy visibility annotation failed")
   293  				Expect(kubectl.CiliumEndpointWaitReady()).To(BeNil())
   295  				checkProxyRedirection(resource, true, parserType, retryCurl)
   297  				By("Removing proxy visibility annotation on %s", podToAnnotate)
   298  				kubectl.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("%s annotate pod %s -n %s %s-", helpers.KubectlCmd, podToAnnotate, namespaceForTest, annotation.ProxyVisibility)).ExpectSuccess()
   299  				Expect(kubectl.CiliumEndpointWaitReady()).To(BeNil())
   301  				checkProxyRedirection(resource, false, parserType, retryCurl)
   302  			}
   304  			It("Tests HTTP proxy visibility without policy", func() {
   305  				proxyVisibilityTest(app1PodIP, app1Pod, "<Ingress/80/TCP/HTTP>", policy.ParserTypeHTTP, false)
   306  			})
   308  			It("Tests DNS proxy visibility without policy", func() {
   309  				proxyVisibilityTest(worldTarget, app2Pod, "<Egress/53/UDP/DNS>", policy.ParserTypeDNS, true)
   310  			})
   312  			It("Tests proxy visibility interactions with policy lifecycle operations", func() {
   313  				checkProxyRedirection(app1PodIP, false, policy.ParserTypeHTTP, false)
   315  				By("Annotating %s with <Ingress/80/TCP/HTTP>", app1Pod)
   316  				res := kubectl.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("%s annotate pod %s -n %s %s=\"<Ingress/80/TCP/HTTP>\"", helpers.KubectlCmd, app1Pod, namespaceForTest, annotation.ProxyVisibility))
   317  				res.ExpectSuccess("annotating pod with proxy visibility annotation failed")
   318  				Expect(kubectl.CiliumEndpointWaitReady()).To(BeNil())
   320  				checkProxyRedirection(app1PodIP, true, policy.ParserTypeHTTP, false)
   322  				By("Importing policy which selects app1")
   324  				_, err := kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
   325  					namespaceForTest, l3Policy, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
   326  				Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
   327  					"policy %s cannot be applied in %q namespace", l3Policy, namespaceForTest)
   329  				By("Checking that proxy visibility annotation is still applied even while a policy was imported")
   330  				checkProxyRedirection(app1PodIP, true, policy.ParserTypeHTTP, false)
   332  				_, err = kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
   333  					namespaceForTest, l3Policy, helpers.KubectlDelete, helpers.HelperTimeout)
   334  				Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
   335  					"policy %s cannot be deleted in %q namespace", l3Policy, namespaceForTest)
   337  				By("Checking that proxy visibility annotation is still applied after policy is removed")
   338  				checkProxyRedirection(app1PodIP, true, policy.ParserTypeHTTP, false)
   340  				By("Importing policy using named ports which selects app1; proxy-visibility annotation should remain")
   341  			})
   343  			It("Tests proxy visibility with L7 rules", func() {
   344  				By("Creating a l7 policy for the pod")
   345  				_, err := kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
   346  					namespaceForTest, l7Policy, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
   347  				Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
   348  					"policy %s cannot be applied in %q namespace", l3Policy, namespaceForTest)
   350  				By("Checking that traffic is proxied")
   351  				checkProxyRedirection(app1PodIP, true, policy.ParserTypeHTTP, false)
   353  				By("Checking that ping is blocked")
   354  				res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
   355  					namespaceForTest, appPods[helpers.App2],
   356  					helpers.Ping(app1PodIP))
   357  				res.ExpectFail("Ingrress ping connectivity should be denied for pod %q", helpers.App2)
   358  			})
   360  			It("Tests proxy visibility with L7 default-allow rules", func() {
   361  				By("Creating a l7 policy with default-allow for the pod")
   362  				_, err := kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
   363  					namespaceForTest, l7PolicyDefAllow, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
   364  				Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
   365  					"policy %s cannot be applied in %q namespace", l3Policy, namespaceForTest)
   367  				By("Checking that traffic is proxied")
   368  				checkProxyRedirection(app1PodIP, true, policy.ParserTypeHTTP, false)
   370  				By("Checking that ping is allowed")
   371  				res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
   372  					namespaceForTest, appPods[helpers.App2],
   373  					helpers.Ping(app1PodIP))
   374  				res.ExpectSuccess("Ingrress ping connectivity should be allowed for pod %q", helpers.App2)
   376  			})
   377  		})
   378  	})
   380  	Context("Multi-node policy test", func() {
   381  		const (
   382  			testDS = "zgroup=testDS"
   384  			// This currently matches GetPodOnNodeWithOffset().
   385  			testNamespace = helpers.DefaultNamespace
   386  		)
   387  		var demoYAML string
   389  		BeforeAll(func() {
   390  			By("Deploying demo daemonset")
   391  			demoYAML = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "demo_ds.yaml")
   392  			res := kubectl.ApplyDefault(demoYAML)
   393  			res.ExpectSuccess("Unable to apply %s", demoYAML)
   395  			err := kubectl.WaitforPods(testNamespace, fmt.Sprintf("-l %s", testDS), helpers.HelperTimeout)
   396  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil())
   397  		})
   399  		AfterAll(func() {
   400  			// Explicitly ignore result of deletion of resources to
   401  			// avoid incomplete teardown if any step fails.
   402  			_ = kubectl.Delete(demoYAML)
   403  			ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
   404  		})
   406  		AfterEach(func() {
   407  			By("Cleaning up after the test")
   408  			cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s delete --all cnp,ccnp,netpol -n %s", helpers.KubectlCmd, testNamespace)
   409  			_ = kubectl.Exec(cmd)
   411  			By("Checking for pending maps")
   412  			kubectl.CiliumExecMustSucceedOnAll(context.Background(), "sh -c '! ls /sys/fs/bpf/tc/globals/*:pending'")
   413  		})
   415  		SkipContextIf(helpers.DoesNotExistNodeWithoutCilium, "validates ingress CIDR-dependent L4", func() {
   416  			var (
   417  				outsideNodeName, outsideIP string // k8s3 node (doesn't have agent running)
   419  				backendPod   v1.Pod // The pod that k8s3 node is hitting
   420  				backendPodIP string
   422  				hostNodeName       string // Node that backendPod ends up on
   423  				hostIPOfBackendPod string
   425  				policyVerdictAllowRegex, policyVerdictDenyRegex *regexp.Regexp
   426  			)
   428  			BeforeAll(func() {
   429  				RedeployCiliumWithMerge(kubectl, ciliumFilename, daemonCfg,
   430  					map[string]string{
   431  						"routingMode":          "native",
   432  						"autoDirectNodeRoutes": "true",
   434  						"hostFirewall.enabled": "true",
   435  					})
   437  				By("Retrieving backend pod and outside node IP addresses")
   438  				outsideNodeName, outsideIP = kubectl.GetNodeInfo(kubectl.GetFirstNodeWithoutCiliumLabel())
   440  				var demoPods v1.PodList
   441  				kubectl.GetPods(testNamespace, fmt.Sprintf("-l %s", testDS)).Unmarshal(&demoPods)
   442  				Expect(demoPods.Items).To(HaveLen(2))
   444  				backendPod = demoPods.Items[0] // We'll take the first one; doesn't matter
   445  				backendPodIP = backendPod.Status.PodIP
   446  				hostIPOfBackendPod = backendPod.Status.HostIP
   447  				hostNodeName = backendPod.Spec.NodeName // Save the name of node backend pod is on
   449  				By("Adding a static route to %s on the %s node (outside)",
   450  					backendPodIP, outsideNodeName)
   451  				// Add the route on the outside node to the backend pod IP
   452  				// directly. The reason for this is to avoid NATing when using
   453  				// K8s Services, for the sake of simplicity. Making the backend
   454  				// pod IP directly routable on the "outside" node is sufficient
   455  				// to validate the policy under test.
   456  				res := kubectl.AddIPRoute(outsideNodeName, backendPodIP, hostIPOfBackendPod, false)
   457  				Expect(res).To(getMatcher(true))
   459  				policyVerdictAllowRegex = regexp.MustCompile(
   460  					fmt.Sprintf("Policy verdict log: .+action allow.+%s:[0-9]+ -> %s:80 tcp SYN",
   461  						outsideIP, backendPodIP))
   462  				policyVerdictDenyRegex = regexp.MustCompile(
   463  					fmt.Sprintf("Policy verdict log: .+action deny.+%s:[0-9]+ -> %s:80 tcp SYN",
   464  						outsideIP, backendPodIP))
   465  			})
   467  			AfterAll(func() {
   468  				// Remove the route on the outside node.
   469  				kubectl.DelIPRoute(outsideNodeName, backendPodIP, hostIPOfBackendPod)
   471  				// Revert Cilium installation back to before this Context.
   472  				By("Redeploying Cilium with default configuration")
   473  				RedeployCilium(kubectl, ciliumFilename, daemonCfg)
   474  			})
   476  			testConnectivity := func(dstIP string, expectSuccess bool) int {
   477  				action := "allowed"
   478  				if !expectSuccess {
   479  					action = "denied"
   480  				}
   481  				By("Testing that connectivity from outside node is %s", action)
   483  				var count int
   484  				ConsistentlyWithOffset(1, func() bool {
   485  					res := kubectl.ExecInHostNetNS(
   486  						context.TODO(),
   487  						outsideNodeName,
   488  						helpers.CurlFail("http://%s:%d", dstIP, 80),
   489  					)
   490  					// We want to count the number of attempts that achieved
   491  					// their expected result, so we can assert on how many
   492  					// policy verdict logs we should expect from `cilium
   493  					// monitor`.
   494  					if res.WasSuccessful() == expectSuccess {
   495  						count++
   496  					}
   497  					return res.WasSuccessful()
   498  				}, helpers.ShortCommandTimeout).Should(Equal(expectSuccess),
   499  					"Connectivity was expected to be %s consistently", action)
   501  				return count
   502  			}
   504  			It("connectivity works from the outside before any policies", func() {
   505  				// Ignore the return because we don't care about `cilium
   506  				// monitor` output in this test.
   507  				_ = testConnectivity(backendPodIP, true)
   508  			})
   510  			It("connectivity is blocked after denying ingress", func() {
   511  				By("Running cilium-dbg monitor in the background")
   512  				ciliumPod, err := kubectl.GetCiliumPodOnNodeByName(hostNodeName)
   513  				Expect(ciliumPod).ToNot(BeEmpty())
   514  				Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   516  				ep, err := kubectl.GetCiliumEndpoint(testNamespace, backendPod.GetName())
   517  				Expect(ep).ToNot(BeNil())
   518  				Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   520  				monitor, monitorCancel := kubectl.MonitorEndpointStart(ciliumPod, ep.ID)
   522  				By("Importing a default deny policy on ingress")
   523  				cnpDenyIngress := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(),
   524  					"cnp-default-deny-ingress.yaml")
   525  				importPolicy(kubectl, testNamespace, cnpDenyIngress, "default-deny-ingress")
   527  				count := testConnectivity(backendPodIP, false)
   528  				defer monitorCancel()
   530  				By("Asserting that the expected policy verdict logs are in the monitor output")
   531  				Eventually(func() int {
   532  					return len(policyVerdictDenyRegex.FindAll(monitor.CombineOutput().Bytes(), -1))
   533  				}).Should(BeNumerically(">=", count), "Monitor output is missing verdicts: %s\n%s",
   534  					policyVerdictDenyRegex, monitor.CombineOutput().Bytes())
   535  			})
   537  			It("connectivity is restored after importing ingress policy", func() {
   538  				By("Importing a default deny policy on ingress")
   539  				cnpDenyIngress := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(),
   540  					"cnp-default-deny-ingress.yaml")
   541  				importPolicy(kubectl, testNamespace, cnpDenyIngress, "default-deny-ingress")
   543  				By("Running cilium-dbg monitor in the background")
   544  				ciliumPod, err := kubectl.GetCiliumPodOnNodeByName(hostNodeName)
   545  				Expect(ciliumPod).ToNot(BeEmpty())
   546  				Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   548  				ep, err := kubectl.GetCiliumEndpoint(testNamespace, backendPod.GetName())
   549  				Expect(ep).ToNot(BeNil())
   550  				Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   552  				monitor, monitorCancel := kubectl.MonitorEndpointStart(ciliumPod, ep.ID)
   554  				By("Importing fromCIDR+toPorts policy on ingress")
   556  				originalAssignIPYAML := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-ingress-from-cidr-to-ports.yaml")
   557  				res := kubectl.ExecMiddle("mktemp")
   558  				res.ExpectSuccess()
   559  				cnpAllowIngressWithIP := strings.Trim(res.Stdout(), "\n")
   560  				nodeIP, err := kubectl.GetNodeIPByLabel(kubectl.GetFirstNodeWithoutCiliumLabel(), false)
   561  				Expect(err).Should(BeNil())
   562  				kubectl.ExecMiddle(fmt.Sprintf("sed 's/NODE_WITHOUT_CILIUM_IP/%s/' %s > %s",
   563  					nodeIP, originalAssignIPYAML, cnpAllowIngressWithIP)).ExpectSuccess()
   565  				importPolicy(kubectl, testNamespace, cnpAllowIngressWithIP, "ingress-from-cidr-to-ports")
   566  				count := testConnectivity(backendPodIP, true)
   567  				defer monitorCancel()
   569  				By("Asserting that the expected policy verdict logs are in the monitor output")
   570  				Eventually(func() int {
   571  					return len(policyVerdictAllowRegex.FindAll(monitor.CombineOutput().Bytes(), -1))
   572  				}).Should(BeNumerically(">=", count), "Monitor output is missing verdicts: %s\n%s",
   573  					policyVerdictAllowRegex, monitor.CombineOutput().Bytes())
   574  			})
   576  			Context("With host policy", func() {
   577  				BeforeAll(func() {
   578  					// Deploy echoserver pods in host namespace.
   579  					echoPodPath := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "echoserver-cilium-hostnetns.yaml")
   580  					kubectl.ApplyDefault(echoPodPath).ExpectSuccess("Cannot install echoserver application")
   581  					Expect(kubectl.WaitforPods(helpers.DefaultNamespace, "-l name=echoserver-hostnetns",
   582  						helpers.HelperTimeout)).Should(BeNil())
   584  					policyVerdictAllowRegex = regexp.MustCompile(
   585  						fmt.Sprintf("Policy verdict log: .+action allow.+%s:[0-9]+ -> %s:80 tcp SYN",
   586  							outsideIP, hostIPOfBackendPod))
   587  					policyVerdictDenyRegex = regexp.MustCompile(
   588  						fmt.Sprintf("Policy verdict log: .+action deny.+%s:[0-9]+ -> %s:80 tcp SYN",
   589  							outsideIP, hostIPOfBackendPod))
   590  				})
   592  				AfterAll(func() {
   593  					// Remove echoserver pods from host namespace.
   594  					echoPodPath := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "echoserver-cilium-hostnetns.yaml")
   595  					kubectl.Delete(echoPodPath).ExpectSuccess("Cannot remove echoserver application")
   596  					ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
   597  				})
   599  				It("Connectivity to hostns is blocked after denying ingress", func() {
   600  					By("Running cilium-dbg monitor in the background")
   601  					ciliumPod, err := kubectl.GetCiliumPodOnNodeByName(hostNodeName)
   602  					Expect(ciliumPod).ToNot(BeEmpty())
   603  					Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   605  					hostEpID, err := kubectl.GetCiliumHostEndpointID(ciliumPod)
   606  					Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   608  					monitor, monitorCancel := kubectl.MonitorEndpointStart(ciliumPod, hostEpID)
   610  					By("Importing a default-deny host policy on ingress")
   611  					ccnpDenyHostIngress := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "ccnp-default-deny-host-ingress.yaml")
   612  					importPolicy(kubectl, testNamespace, ccnpDenyHostIngress, "default-deny-host-ingress")
   614  					testConnectivity(backendPodIP, true)
   615  					count := testConnectivity(hostIPOfBackendPod, false)
   616  					defer monitorCancel()
   618  					By("Asserting that the expected policy verdict logs are in the monitor output")
   619  					Eventually(func() int {
   620  						return len(policyVerdictDenyRegex.FindAll(monitor.CombineOutput().Bytes(), -1))
   621  					}).Should(BeNumerically(">=", count), "Monitor output is missing verdicts: %s\n%s",
   622  						policyVerdictDenyRegex, monitor.CombineOutput().Bytes())
   623  				})
   625  				It("Connectivity is restored after importing ingress policy", func() {
   626  					By("Importing a default-deny host policy on ingress")
   627  					ccnpDenyHostIngress := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "ccnp-default-deny-host-ingress.yaml")
   628  					importPolicy(kubectl, testNamespace, ccnpDenyHostIngress, "default-deny-host-ingress")
   630  					By("Running cilium-dbg monitor in the background")
   631  					ciliumPod, err := kubectl.GetCiliumPodOnNodeByName(hostNodeName)
   632  					Expect(ciliumPod).ToNot(BeEmpty())
   633  					Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   635  					hostEpID, err := kubectl.GetCiliumHostEndpointID(ciliumPod)
   636  					Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
   638  					monitor, monitorCancel := kubectl.MonitorEndpointStart(ciliumPod, hostEpID)
   640  					By("Importing fromCIDR+toPorts host policy on ingress")
   641  					originalCCNPAllowHostIngress := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "ccnp-host-ingress-from-cidr-to-ports.yaml")
   642  					res := kubectl.ExecMiddle("mktemp")
   643  					res.ExpectSuccess()
   644  					ccnpAllowIngressWithIP := strings.Trim(res.Stdout(), "\n")
   645  					nodeIP, err := kubectl.GetNodeIPByLabel(kubectl.GetFirstNodeWithoutCiliumLabel(), false)
   646  					Expect(err).Should(BeNil())
   647  					kubectl.ExecMiddle(fmt.Sprintf("sed 's/NODE_WITHOUT_CILIUM_IP/%s/' %s > %s",
   648  						nodeIP, originalCCNPAllowHostIngress, ccnpAllowIngressWithIP)).ExpectSuccess()
   650  					importPolicy(kubectl, testNamespace, ccnpAllowIngressWithIP, "host-ingress-from-cidr-to-ports")
   652  					testConnectivity(backendPodIP, true)
   653  					count := testConnectivity(hostIPOfBackendPod, true)
   654  					defer monitorCancel()
   656  					By("Asserting that the expected policy verdict logs are in the monitor output")
   657  					Eventually(func() int {
   658  						return len(policyVerdictAllowRegex.FindAll(monitor.CombineOutput().Bytes(), -1))
   659  					}).Should(BeNumerically(">=", count), "Monitor output is missing verdicts: %s\n%s",
   660  						policyVerdictAllowRegex, monitor.CombineOutput().Bytes())
   662  					By("Removing the fromCIDR+toPorts ingress host policy")
   663  					// This is to ensure this policy is always removed before the default-deny one.
   664  					// Otherwise, connection to the nodes may be disrupted.
   665  					cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s delete ccnp host-ingress-from-cidr-to-ports", helpers.KubectlCmd, testNamespace)
   666  					kubectl.Exec(cmd).ExpectSuccess("Failed to delete ccnp/host-ingress-from-cidr-to-ports")
   667  				})
   668  			})
   669  		})
   671  		Context("validates fromEntities policies", func() {
   672  			const (
   673  				HostConnectivityDeny        = false
   674  				HostConnectivityAllow       = true
   675  				RemoteNodeConnectivityDeny  = false
   676  				RemoteNodeConnectivityAllow = true
   677  				PodConnectivityDeny         = false
   678  				PodConnectivityAllow        = true
   679  				WorldConnectivityDeny       = false
   680  				WorldConnectivityAllow      = true
   681  			)
   683  			var (
   684  				cnpFromEntitiesRemoteNode string
   685  				cnpFromEntitiesCluster    string
   686  				cnpFromEntitiesAll        string
   688  				k8s1Name             string
   689  				k8s1IP               string
   690  				k8s1PodName          string
   691  				k8s1PodIP, k8s2PodIP string
   693  				outsideNodeName string
   694  			)
   696  			BeforeAll(func() {
   697  				cnpFromEntitiesRemoteNode = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-from-entities-remote-node.yaml")
   698  				cnpFromEntitiesCluster = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-from-entities-cluster.yaml")
   699  				cnpFromEntitiesAll = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-from-entities-all.yaml")
   701  				k8s1Name, k8s1IP = kubectl.GetNodeInfo(helpers.K8s1)
   702  				k8s1PodName, k8s1PodIP = kubectl.GetPodOnNodeLabeledWithOffset(helpers.K8s1, testDS, 0)
   703  				_, k8s2PodIP = kubectl.GetPodOnNodeLabeledWithOffset(helpers.K8s2, testDS, 0)
   705  				if helpers.ExistNodeWithoutCilium() {
   706  					outsideNodeName, _ = kubectl.GetNodeInfo(kubectl.GetFirstNodeWithoutCiliumLabel())
   707  				}
   709  				// Masquerade function should be disabled
   710  				// because the request will fail if the reply packet's source address is rewritten
   711  				// when sending a request directly to the Pod from outside the cluster.
   712  				By("Reconfiguring Cilium to disable masquerade")
   713  				RedeployCiliumWithMerge(kubectl, ciliumFilename, daemonCfg,
   714  					map[string]string{
   715  						"enableIPv4Masquerade": "false",
   716  						"enableIPv6Masquerade": "false",
   717  						"bpf.masquerade":       "false",
   718  					})
   720  			})
   722  			AfterAll(func() {
   723  				By("Redeploying Cilium with default configuration")
   724  				RedeployCilium(kubectl, ciliumFilename, daemonCfg)
   725  			})
   727  			validateConnectivity := func(expectHostSuccess, expectRemoteNodeSuccess, expectPodSuccess, expectWorldSuccess bool) {
   728  				var wg sync.WaitGroup
   729  				wg.Add(1)
   730  				go func() {
   731  					defer GinkgoRecover()
   732  					defer wg.Done()
   733  					By("Checking ingress connectivity from k8s1 node to k8s1 pod (host)")
   734  					res := kubectl.ExecInHostNetNS(context.TODO(), k8s1Name,
   735  						helpers.CurlFail(k8s1PodIP))
   736  					ExpectWithOffset(1, res).To(getMatcher(expectHostSuccess),
   737  						"HTTP ingress connectivity to pod %q from local host", k8s1PodIP)
   738  				}()
   740  				wg.Add(1)
   741  				go func() {
   742  					defer GinkgoRecover()
   743  					defer wg.Done()
   744  					By("Checking ingress connectivity from k8s1 node to k8s2 pod (remote-node)")
   745  					res := kubectl.ExecInHostNetNS(context.TODO(), k8s1Name,
   746  						helpers.CurlFail(k8s2PodIP))
   747  					ExpectWithOffset(1, res).To(getMatcher(expectRemoteNodeSuccess),
   748  						"HTTP ingress connectivity to pod %q from remote node", k8s2PodIP)
   749  				}()
   751  				wg.Add(1)
   752  				go func() {
   753  					defer GinkgoRecover()
   754  					defer wg.Done()
   755  					By("Checking ingress connectivity from k8s1 pod to k8s2 pod")
   756  					res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(testNamespace, k8s1PodName, helpers.CurlFail(k8s2PodIP))
   757  					ExpectWithOffset(1, res).To(getMatcher(expectPodSuccess),
   758  						"HTTP ingress connectivity to pod %q from pod %q", k8s2PodIP, k8s1PodIP)
   759  				}()
   761  				if helpers.ExistNodeWithoutCilium() {
   762  					wg.Add(1)
   763  					go func() {
   764  						defer GinkgoRecover()
   765  						defer wg.Done()
   766  						By("Checking ingress connectivity from world to k8s1 pod")
   767  						By("Adding a static route to %s via %s on the %s node (outside)", k8s1PodIP, k8s1IP, outsideNodeName)
   768  						res := kubectl.AddIPRoute(outsideNodeName, k8s1PodIP, k8s1IP, false)
   769  						Expect(res).To(getMatcher(true))
   770  						defer func() {
   771  							kubectl.DelIPRoute(outsideNodeName, k8s1PodIP, k8s1IP).ExpectSuccess("Failed to del ip route")
   772  						}()
   774  						if expectWorldSuccess {
   775  							testCurlFromOutside(kubectl, &helpers.NodesInfo{
   776  								OutsideNodeName: outsideNodeName,
   777  							}, k8s1PodIP, 1, false)
   778  						} else {
   779  							testCurlFailFromOutside(kubectl, &helpers.NodesInfo{
   780  								OutsideNodeName: outsideNodeName,
   781  							}, k8s1PodIP, 1)
   782  						}
   783  					}()
   784  				}
   785  				wg.Wait()
   786  			}
   788  			Context("with remote-node identity enabled", func() {
   789  				BeforeAll(func() {
   790  					By("Reconfiguring Cilium to enable remote-node identity")
   791  					RedeployCiliumWithMerge(kubectl, ciliumFilename, daemonCfg,
   792  						map[string]string{
   793  							"enableIPv4Masquerade": "false",
   794  							"enableIPv6Masquerade": "false",
   795  							"bpf.masquerade":       "false",
   796  						})
   797  				})
   799  				It("Validates fromEntities remote-node policy", func() {
   800  					installDefaultDenyIngressPolicy(kubectl, testNamespace, validateConnectivity)
   802  					By("Installing fromEntities remote-node policy")
   803  					importPolicy(kubectl, testNamespace, cnpFromEntitiesRemoteNode, "from-entities-remote-node")
   805  					By("Checking policy correctness")
   806  					validateConnectivity(HostConnectivityAllow, RemoteNodeConnectivityAllow, PodConnectivityDeny, WorldConnectivityDeny)
   807  				})
   808  			})
   810  			It("Validates fromEntities cluster policy", func() {
   811  				installDefaultDenyIngressPolicy(kubectl, testNamespace, validateConnectivity)
   813  				By("Installing fromEntities cluster policy")
   814  				importPolicy(kubectl, testNamespace, cnpFromEntitiesCluster, "from-entities-cluster")
   816  				By("Checking policy correctness")
   817  				validateConnectivity(HostConnectivityAllow, RemoteNodeConnectivityAllow, PodConnectivityAllow, WorldConnectivityDeny)
   818  			})
   820  			It("Validates fromEntities all policy", func() {
   821  				installDefaultDenyIngressPolicy(kubectl, testNamespace, validateConnectivity)
   823  				By("Installing fromEntities all policy")
   824  				importPolicy(kubectl, testNamespace, cnpFromEntitiesAll, "from-entities-all")
   826  				By("Checking policy correctness")
   827  				validateConnectivity(HostConnectivityAllow, RemoteNodeConnectivityAllow, PodConnectivityAllow, WorldConnectivityAllow)
   828  			})
   829  		})
   831  		Context("with L7 policy", func() {
   832  			BeforeAll(func() {
   833  				if helpers.RunsOnNetNextKernel() {
   834  					By("Reconfiguring Cilium to enable BPF TProxy")
   835  					RedeployCiliumWithMerge(kubectl, ciliumFilename, daemonCfg,
   836  						map[string]string{
   837  							"bpf.tproxy": "true",
   838  						})
   839  				}
   840  			})
   842  			AfterEach(func() {
   843  				kubectl.Delete(connectivityCheckYml)
   844  				ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
   845  			})
   847  			It("using connectivity-check to check datapath", func() {
   848  				kubectl.ApplyDefault(connectivityCheckYml).ExpectSuccess("cannot install connectivity-check")
   850  				err := kubectl.WaitforPods(helpers.DefaultNamespace, "", helpers.HelperTimeout)
   851  				Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "connectivity-check pods are not ready after timeout")
   852  			})
   853  		})
   854  	})
   856  	Context("Namespaces policies", func() {
   858  		var (
   859  			err               error
   860  			secondNS          string
   861  			appPods           map[string]string
   862  			appPodsNS         map[string]string
   863  			clusterIP         string
   864  			secondNSclusterIP string
   865  			nsLabel           = "second"
   867  			demoPath           string
   868  			l3L4Policy         string
   869  			cnpSecondNS        string
   870  			netpolNsSelector   string
   871  			l3l4PolicySecondNS string
   872  			demoManifest       string
   873  		)
   875  		BeforeAll(func() {
   876  			secondNS = helpers.GenerateNamespaceForTest("2")
   878  			cnpSecondNSChart := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-second-namespaces")
   879  			cnpSecondNS = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-second-namespaces.yaml")
   880  			res := kubectl.HelmTemplate(cnpSecondNSChart, "", cnpSecondNS, map[string]string{
   881  				"Namespace": secondNS,
   882  			})
   883  			res.ExpectSuccess("Unable to render cnp-second-namespace chart")
   885  			demoPath = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "demo.yaml")
   886  			l3L4Policy = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "l3-l4-policy.yaml")
   887  			netpolNsSelector = fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s", helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "netpol-namespace-selector.yaml"), secondNS)
   888  			l3l4PolicySecondNS = fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s", l3L4Policy, secondNS)
   889  			demoManifest = fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s", demoPath, secondNS)
   891  			kubectl.NamespaceDelete(secondNS)
   892  			res = kubectl.NamespaceCreate(secondNS)
   893  			res.ExpectSuccess("unable to create namespace %q", secondNS)
   895  			res = kubectl.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("kubectl label namespaces/%s nslabel=%s", secondNS, nsLabel))
   896  			res.ExpectSuccess("cannot create namespace labels")
   898  			res = kubectl.ApplyDefault(demoManifest)
   899  			res.ExpectSuccess("unable to apply manifest")
   901  			res = kubectl.ApplyDefault(demoPath)
   902  			res.ExpectSuccess("unable to apply manifest")
   904  			err := kubectl.WaitforPods(secondNS, "-l zgroup=testapp", helpers.HelperTimeout)
   905  			Expect(err).To(BeNil(),
   906  				"testapp pods are not ready after timeout in namspace %q", secondNS)
   908  			err = kubectl.WaitforPods(helpers.DefaultNamespace, "-l zgroup=testapp", helpers.HelperTimeout)
   909  			Expect(err).To(BeNil(),
   910  				"testapp pods are not ready after timeout in %q namespace", helpers.DefaultNamespace)
   912  			appPods = helpers.GetAppPods(apps, helpers.DefaultNamespace, kubectl, "id")
   913  			appPodsNS = helpers.GetAppPods(apps, secondNS, kubectl, "id")
   915  			clusterIP, _, err = kubectl.GetServiceHostPort(helpers.DefaultNamespace, app1Service)
   916  			Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Cannot get service on %q namespace", helpers.DefaultNamespace)
   918  			secondNSclusterIP, _, err = kubectl.GetServiceHostPort(secondNS, app1Service)
   919  			Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Cannot get service on %q namespace", secondNS)
   921  		})
   923  		AfterEach(func() {
   924  			// Explicitly do not check results to avoid incomplete teardown of test.
   925  			_ = kubectl.Delete(l3l4PolicySecondNS)
   926  			_ = kubectl.Delete(l3L4Policy)
   927  			_ = kubectl.Delete(netpolNsSelector)
   929  		})
   931  		AfterAll(func() {
   932  			_ = kubectl.Delete(demoPath)
   933  			_ = kubectl.Delete(demoManifest)
   934  			_ = kubectl.Delete(cnpSecondNS)
   935  			_ = kubectl.NamespaceDelete(secondNS)
   936  			ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
   937  		})
   939  		It("Tests the same Policy in different namespaces", func() {
   940  			// Tests that the same policy(name,labels) can enforce based on the
   941  			// namespace and all works as expected.
   942  			By("Applying Policy in %q namespace", secondNS)
   943  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
   944  				secondNS, l3l4PolicySecondNS, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
   945  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
   946  				"%q Policy cannot be applied in %q namespace", l3l4PolicySecondNS, secondNS)
   948  			By("Applying Policy in default namespace")
   949  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
   950  				helpers.DefaultNamespace, l3L4Policy, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
   951  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
   952  				"%q Policy cannot be applied in %q namespace", l3L4Policy, helpers.DefaultNamespace)
   954  			By("Testing connectivity in %q namespace", secondNS)
   956  			res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
   957  				secondNS, appPodsNS[helpers.App2],
   958  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
   959  			res.ExpectSuccess("%q cannot curl service", appPods[helpers.App2])
   961  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
   962  				secondNS, appPodsNS[helpers.App3],
   963  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
   964  			res.ExpectFail("%q can curl to service", appPods[helpers.App3])
   966  			By("Testing connectivity in 'default' namespace")
   968  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
   969  				helpers.DefaultNamespace, appPods[helpers.App2],
   970  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", clusterIP)))
   971  			res.ExpectSuccess("%q cannot curl clusterIP %q", appPods[helpers.App2], clusterIP)
   973  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
   974  				helpers.DefaultNamespace, appPods[helpers.App3],
   975  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", clusterIP)))
   976  			res.ExpectFail("%q can curl to %q", appPods[helpers.App3], clusterIP)
   977  		})
   979  		It("Kubernetes Network Policy by namespace selector", func() {
   980  			// Use namespace selector using Kubernetes Network Policy to make
   981  			// sure that it is translated correctly to Cilium and applies the
   982  			// policies to the right endpoints.
   983  			// KNP reference:
   984  			//
   985  			By("Testing connectivity across Namespaces without policy")
   986  			for _, pod := range []string{helpers.App2, helpers.App3} {
   987  				res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
   988  					helpers.DefaultNamespace, appPods[pod],
   989  					helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
   990  				res.ExpectSuccess("%q cannot curl service", appPods[pod])
   992  				res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
   993  					secondNS, appPodsNS[pod],
   994  					helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
   995  				res.ExpectSuccess("%q cannot curl service", appPodsNS[pod])
   996  			}
   998  			By("Applying Policy in %q namespace", secondNS)
   999  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
  1000  				secondNS, netpolNsSelector, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1001  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "Policy cannot be applied")
  1003  			for _, pod := range []string{helpers.App2, helpers.App3} {
  1004  				// Make sure that the Default namespace can NOT connect to
  1005  				// second namespace.
  1006  				res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1007  					helpers.DefaultNamespace, appPods[pod],
  1008  					helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
  1009  				res.ExpectFail("%q can curl to service, policy is not blocking"+
  1010  					"communication to %q namespace", appPods[pod], secondNS)
  1012  				// Second namespace pods can connect to the same namespace based on policy.
  1013  				res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1014  					secondNS, appPodsNS[pod],
  1015  					helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
  1016  				res.ExpectSuccess("%q cannot curl service", appPodsNS[pod])
  1017  			}
  1019  			By("Delete Kubernetes Network Policies in %q namespace", secondNS)
  1020  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
  1021  				secondNS, netpolNsSelector, helpers.KubectlDelete, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1022  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "Policy %q cannot be deleted", netpolNsSelector)
  1024  			for _, pod := range []string{helpers.App2, helpers.App3} {
  1025  				res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1026  					helpers.DefaultNamespace, appPods[pod],
  1027  					helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
  1028  				res.ExpectSuccess("%q cannot curl service", appPods[pod])
  1030  				res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1031  					secondNS, appPodsNS[pod],
  1032  					helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
  1033  				res.ExpectSuccess("%q cannot curl service", appPodsNS[pod])
  1034  			}
  1035  		})
  1037  		It("Cilium Network policy using namespace label and L7", func() {
  1039  			_, err := kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
  1040  				helpers.DefaultNamespace, cnpSecondNS, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1041  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "%q Policy cannot be applied", cnpSecondNS)
  1043  			By("Testing connectivity in %q namespace", secondNS)
  1044  			res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1045  				secondNS, appPodsNS[helpers.App2],
  1046  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", clusterIP)))
  1047  			res.ExpectSuccess("Cannot curl service in %s ns", helpers.DefaultNamespace)
  1049  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1050  				secondNS, appPodsNS[helpers.App3],
  1051  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", clusterIP)))
  1052  			res.ExpectSuccess("Cannot curl service in %s ns", helpers.DefaultNamespace)
  1054  			By("Testing connectivity from 'default' namespace")
  1056  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1057  				helpers.DefaultNamespace, appPods[helpers.App2],
  1058  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", clusterIP)))
  1059  			res.ExpectFail("Can connect when it should not")
  1061  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1062  				helpers.DefaultNamespace, appPods[helpers.App3],
  1063  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", clusterIP)))
  1064  			res.ExpectFail("Can connect when it should not")
  1065  		})
  1067  	})
  1069  	Context("Clusterwide policies", func() {
  1070  		var (
  1071  			demoPath        string
  1072  			demoManifestNS1 string
  1073  			demoManifestNS2 string
  1074  			firstNS         string
  1075  			secondNS        string
  1077  			appPodsFirstNS  map[string]string
  1078  			appPodsSecondNS map[string]string
  1080  			firstNSclusterIP  string
  1081  			secondNSclusterIP string
  1083  			ingressDenyAllPolicy string
  1084  			egressDenyAllPolicy  string
  1085  			allowIngressPolicy   string
  1086  			allowAllPolicy       string
  1088  			// non-default-deny policies
  1089  			egressAllowApiDefaultAllow string
  1090  		)
  1092  		BeforeAll(func() {
  1093  			firstNS = helpers.GenerateNamespaceForTest("1")
  1094  			secondNS = helpers.GenerateNamespaceForTest("2")
  1095  			demoPath = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "demo.yaml")
  1096  			egressDenyAllPolicy = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "ccnp-default-deny-egress.yaml")
  1097  			ingressDenyAllPolicy = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "ccnp-default-deny-ingress.yaml")
  1098  			allowIngressPolicy = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "ccnp-update-allow-ingress.yaml")
  1099  			allowAllPolicy = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "ccnp-update-allow-all.yaml")
  1100  			egressAllowApiDefaultAllow = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "ccnp-allow-apiserver-default-allow.yaml")
  1102  			demoManifestNS1 = fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s", demoPath, firstNS)
  1103  			demoManifestNS2 = fmt.Sprintf("%s -n %s", demoPath, secondNS)
  1105  			kubectl.NamespaceDelete(firstNS)
  1106  			res := kubectl.NamespaceCreate(firstNS)
  1107  			res.ExpectSuccess("unable to create namespace %q", firstNS)
  1109  			res = kubectl.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("kubectl label namespaces/%[1]s nslabel=%[1]s", firstNS))
  1110  			res.ExpectSuccess("cannot create namespace labels")
  1112  			kubectl.NamespaceDelete(secondNS)
  1113  			res = kubectl.NamespaceCreate(secondNS)
  1114  			res.ExpectSuccess("unable to create namespace %q", secondNS)
  1116  			res = kubectl.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("kubectl label namespaces/%[1]s nslabel=%[1]s", secondNS))
  1117  			res.ExpectSuccess("cannot create namespace labels")
  1119  			res = kubectl.ApplyDefault(demoManifestNS1)
  1120  			res.ExpectSuccess("unable to apply demo manifest")
  1122  			// Check if the Pods are ready in each namespace before the default configured
  1123  			// timeout.
  1124  			err := kubectl.WaitforPods(firstNS, "-l zgroup=testapp", helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1125  			Expect(err).To(BeNil(),
  1126  				"testapp pods are not ready after timeout in namspace %q", firstNS)
  1128  			res = kubectl.ApplyDefault(demoManifestNS2)
  1129  			res.ExpectSuccess("unable to apply demo manifest")
  1131  			err = kubectl.WaitforPods(secondNS, "-l zgroup=testapp", helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1132  			Expect(err).To(BeNil(),
  1133  				"testapp pods are not ready after timeout in namspace %q", secondNS)
  1135  			appPodsFirstNS = helpers.GetAppPods(apps, firstNS, kubectl, "id")
  1136  			appPodsSecondNS = helpers.GetAppPods(apps, secondNS, kubectl, "id")
  1138  			firstNSclusterIP, _, err = kubectl.GetServiceHostPort(firstNS, app1Service)
  1139  			Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Cannot get service on %q namespace", helpers.DefaultNamespace)
  1141  			secondNSclusterIP, _, err = kubectl.GetServiceHostPort(secondNS, app1Service)
  1142  			Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Cannot get service on %q namespace", secondNS)
  1144  		})
  1146  		AfterAll(func() {
  1147  			_ = kubectl.Delete(demoManifestNS1)
  1148  			_ = kubectl.Delete(demoManifestNS2)
  1149  			_ = kubectl.NamespaceDelete(firstNS)
  1150  			_ = kubectl.NamespaceDelete(secondNS)
  1151  			ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
  1152  		})
  1154  		It("Test clusterwide connectivity with policies", func() {
  1155  			By("Applying Egress deny all clusterwide policy")
  1156  			_, err := kubectl.CiliumClusterwidePolicyAction(
  1157  				egressDenyAllPolicy, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1158  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
  1159  				"%q Clusterwide Policy cannot be applied", egressDenyAllPolicy)
  1161  			res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1162  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1163  				helpers.CurlFail(""))
  1164  			res.ExpectFail("Egress connectivity should be denied for pod %q", helpers.App2)
  1166  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1167  				secondNS, appPodsSecondNS[helpers.App2],
  1168  				helpers.CurlFail(""))
  1169  			res.ExpectFail("Egress connectivity should be denied for pod %q in %q namespace", helpers.App2, secondNS)
  1171  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1172  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App3],
  1173  				helpers.Ping(""))
  1174  			res.ExpectFail("Egress ping connectivity should be denied for pod %q", helpers.App3)
  1176  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1177  				secondNS, appPodsSecondNS[helpers.App3],
  1178  				"host kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local")
  1179  			res.ExpectFail("Egress DNS connectivity should be denied for pod %q", helpers.App3)
  1181  			By("Deleting Egress deny all clusterwide policy")
  1182  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumClusterwidePolicyAction(
  1183  				egressDenyAllPolicy, helpers.KubectlDelete, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1184  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
  1185  				"%q Clusterwide Policy cannot be deleted", egressDenyAllPolicy)
  1187  			By("Applying Ingress deny all clusterwide policy")
  1188  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumClusterwidePolicyAction(
  1189  				ingressDenyAllPolicy, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1190  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
  1191  				"%q Clusterwide Policy cannot be applied", egressDenyAllPolicy)
  1193  			// Validate ingress Deny All policy.
  1194  			By("Testing ingress connectivity from %q namespace", firstNS)
  1195  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1196  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1197  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", firstNSclusterIP)))
  1198  			res.ExpectFail("Ingress connectivity should be denied for service in %s namespace", firstNS)
  1200  			By("Testing ingress connectivity from %q namespace", secondNS)
  1201  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1202  				secondNS, appPodsSecondNS[helpers.App2],
  1203  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
  1204  			res.ExpectFail("Ingress connectivity should be denied for service in %s namespace", secondNS)
  1206  			By("Testing cross namespace connectivity from %q to %q namespace", firstNS, secondNS)
  1207  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1208  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1209  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
  1210  			res.ExpectFail("Ingress connectivity should be denied for service in %s namespace", secondNS)
  1212  			By("Testing cross namespace connectivity from %q to %q namespace", secondNS, firstNS)
  1213  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1214  				secondNS, appPodsSecondNS[helpers.App2],
  1215  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", firstNSclusterIP)))
  1216  			res.ExpectFail("Ingress connectivity should be denied for service in %s namespace", firstNS)
  1218  			// Apply both ingress deny and egress deny all policies and override the policies with
  1219  			// global allow all policy.
  1220  			By("Applying Egress deny all clusterwide policy")
  1221  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumClusterwidePolicyAction(
  1222  				egressDenyAllPolicy, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1223  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
  1224  				"%q Clusterwide Policy cannot be applied", egressDenyAllPolicy)
  1226  			By("Applying Allow all clusterwide policy over ingress deny all and egress deny all")
  1227  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumClusterwidePolicyAction(
  1228  				allowAllPolicy, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1229  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
  1230  				"%q Clusterwide Policy cannot be applied", allowAllPolicy)
  1232  			By("Testing ingress connectivity from %q namespace", firstNS)
  1233  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1234  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1235  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", firstNSclusterIP)))
  1236  			res.ExpectSuccess("Ingress connectivity should be allowed for service in %s namespace", firstNS)
  1238  			By("Testing ingress connectivity from %q namespace", secondNS)
  1239  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1240  				secondNS, appPodsSecondNS[helpers.App2],
  1241  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
  1242  			res.ExpectSuccess("Ingress connectivity should be allowed for service in %s namespace", secondNS)
  1244  			By("Testing cross namespace connectivity from %q to %q namespace", firstNS, secondNS)
  1245  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1246  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1247  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
  1248  			res.ExpectSuccess("Ingress connectivity should be allowed for service in %s namespace", secondNS)
  1250  			By("Testing cross namespace connectivity from %q to %q namespace", secondNS, firstNS)
  1251  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1252  				secondNS, appPodsSecondNS[helpers.App2],
  1253  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", firstNSclusterIP)))
  1254  			res.ExpectSuccess("Ingress connectivity should be allowed for service in %s namespace", firstNS)
  1256  			// Update the ccnp-update policy from allow-all to allow-ingress from app2 to app1.
  1257  			// Checks in this ingress allow policy are
  1258  			// 1. Check allowed ingress from app2.firstNS to app1.firstNS
  1259  			// 2. Check allowed ingress from app2.secondNS to app1.firstNS
  1260  			// 3. Check denied ingress from app3.firstNS to app1.firstNS
  1261  			// 4. Check denied ingress from app3.secondNS to app1.firstNS
  1262  			By("Update allow all policy to allow ingress from a particular app only.")
  1263  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumClusterwidePolicyAction(
  1264  				allowIngressPolicy, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1265  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
  1266  				"%q Clusterwide Policy cannot be applied", allowIngressPolicy)
  1268  			By("Deleting Egress deny all clusterwide policy")
  1269  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumClusterwidePolicyAction(
  1270  				egressDenyAllPolicy, helpers.KubectlDelete, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1271  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
  1272  				"%q Clusterwide Policy cannot be deleted", egressDenyAllPolicy)
  1274  			By("Testing ingress connectivity from %q to %q in %q namespace", helpers.App2, helpers.App1, firstNS)
  1275  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1276  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1277  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", firstNSclusterIP)))
  1278  			res.ExpectSuccess("Ingress connectivity should be allowed for service in %s namespace", firstNS)
  1280  			By("Testing ingress connectivity from %q to %q across two namespaces", helpers.App2, helpers.App1)
  1281  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1282  				secondNS, appPodsSecondNS[helpers.App2],
  1283  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", firstNSclusterIP)))
  1284  			res.ExpectSuccess("Ingress connectivity should be allowed for service in %s namespace", firstNS)
  1286  			By("Testing ingress connectivity from %q to %q in %q namespace", helpers.App3, helpers.App1, firstNS)
  1287  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1288  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App3],
  1289  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", firstNSclusterIP)))
  1290  			res.ExpectFail("Ingress connectivity should be denied for service in %s namespace", firstNS)
  1292  			By("Testing ingress connectivity from %q to %q across two namespacess", helpers.App3, helpers.App1)
  1293  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1294  				secondNS, appPodsSecondNS[helpers.App3],
  1295  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", firstNSclusterIP)))
  1296  			res.ExpectFail("Ingress connectivity should be denied for service in %s namespace", firstNS)
  1298  			// Cleanup all tested policies
  1299  			By("Delete allow ingress from particular app policy")
  1300  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumClusterwidePolicyAction(
  1301  				allowIngressPolicy, helpers.KubectlDelete, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1302  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
  1303  				"%q Clusterwide Policy cannot be deleted", allowIngressPolicy)
  1305  			By("Deleting Ingress deny all clusterwide policy")
  1306  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumClusterwidePolicyAction(
  1307  				ingressDenyAllPolicy, helpers.KubectlDelete, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1308  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
  1309  				"%q Clusterwide Policy cannot be deleted", ingressDenyAllPolicy)
  1310  		})
  1312  		It("Tests connectivity with default-allow policies", func() {
  1314  			// Cases:
  1315  			// 1: default-allow policy allows all traffic
  1316  			// 2: creating a default-deny policy flips this
  1317  			// 3: Without default deny, explicit Deny rules take precedence
  1319  			// case 1: default-allow policy
  1320  			By("Creating a default-allow policy that allows apiserver access")
  1321  			_, err := kubectl.CiliumClusterwidePolicyAction(
  1322  				egressAllowApiDefaultAllow, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1323  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(),
  1324  				"%q Clusterwide Policy cannot be applied", egressDenyAllPolicy)
  1326  			app2 := appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2]
  1327  			app1 := appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App1]
  1329  			By("Testing that app2 can connect to the apiserver")
  1330  			res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1331  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1332  				helpers.CurlFail("https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local/healthz"))
  1333  			res.ExpectSuccess("Connectivity should be allowed from %s to apiserver in %s", app2, firstNS)
  1335  			By("Testing connectivity from %q to %q in %q namespace without explicit allow", app2, app1, firstNS)
  1336  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1337  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1338  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", firstNSclusterIP)))
  1339  			res.ExpectSuccess("Connectivity should be allowed from %s to %s in ns %s", app2, app1, firstNS)
  1341  			// case 2: default-allow policy allows apiserver, default-deny policy allows nothing
  1342  			// so only apiserver should be allowed
  1343  			By("Creating a default-deny policy in namespace %s", firstNS)
  1344  			denyEgress := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-default-deny-egress.yaml")
  1345  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
  1346  				firstNS, denyEgress, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1347  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "%q Policy cannot be applied", firstNS)
  1349  			By("Testing that %s can still connect to the apiserver", helpers.App2)
  1350  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1351  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1352  				helpers.CurlFail("https://kubernetes.default.svc.cluster.local/healthz"))
  1353  			res.ExpectSuccess("Connectivity should be allowed from %s to apiserver in %s", app2, firstNS)
  1355  			By("Testing connectivity from %q to %q in %q namespace is blocked", helpers.App2, helpers.App1, firstNS)
  1356  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1357  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1358  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", firstNSclusterIP)))
  1359  			res.ExpectFail("Connectivity should be denied from %s to %s in ns %s", app2, app1, firstNS)
  1361  			// Back to case 1 -- delete default-deny
  1362  			By("Deleting the default-deny egress policy")
  1363  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
  1364  				firstNS, denyEgress, helpers.KubectlDelete, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1365  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "%q Policy cannot be deleted", firstNS)
  1367  			By("Testing connectivity again from %q to %q in %q namespace without explicit allow", app2, app1, firstNS)
  1368  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1369  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1370  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", firstNSclusterIP)))
  1371  			res.ExpectSuccess("Connectivity should be allowed from %s to %s in ns %s", app2, app1, firstNS)
  1373  			// case 3: only default-allow policy, one has EgressDeny rule.
  1374  			// ensure that all connectivity is allowed except the explicit deny
  1375  			By("Creating a default-allow policy that denies access to app1")
  1376  			denyApp1 := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-deny-to-app1-default-allow.yaml")
  1377  			_, err = kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
  1378  				firstNS, denyApp1, helpers.KubectlApply, helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1379  			Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "%q Policy cannot be applied", firstNS)
  1381  			By("Testing connectivity again from %q to %q in %q namespace with explicit deny", app2, app1, firstNS)
  1382  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1383  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1384  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", firstNSclusterIP)))
  1385  			res.ExpectFail("Connectivity should be denied from %s to %s in ns %s", app2, app1, firstNS)
  1387  			By("Testing cross namespace connectivity from %q to %q namespace", firstNS, secondNS)
  1388  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1389  				firstNS, appPodsFirstNS[helpers.App2],
  1390  				helpers.CurlFail(fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/public", secondNSclusterIP)))
  1391  			res.ExpectSuccess("Connectivity should be allowed from %s to %s in ns %s", app2, secondNSclusterIP, firstNS)
  1392  		})
  1393  	})
  1395  	//TODO: Check service with IPV6
  1397  	Context("External services", func() {
  1398  		var (
  1399  			expectedCIDR = ""
  1401  			endpointPath      string
  1402  			podPath           string
  1403  			policyPath        string
  1404  			policyLabeledPath string
  1405  			servicePath       string
  1406  		)
  1408  		BeforeAll(func() {
  1409  			endpointPath = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "external_endpoint.yaml")
  1410  			podPath = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "external_pod.yaml")
  1411  			policyPath = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "external-policy.yaml")
  1412  			policyLabeledPath = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "external-policy-labeled.yaml")
  1413  			servicePath = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "external_service.yaml")
  1415  			kubectl.ApplyDefault(servicePath).ExpectSuccess("cannot install external service")
  1416  			kubectl.ApplyDefault(podPath).ExpectSuccess("cannot install pod path")
  1418  			err := kubectl.WaitforPods(helpers.DefaultNamespace, "", helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1419  			Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Pods are not ready after timeout")
  1421  			err = kubectl.CiliumEndpointWaitReady()
  1422  			Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Endpoints are not ready after timeout")
  1423  		})
  1425  		AfterAll(func() {
  1426  			_ = kubectl.Delete(servicePath)
  1427  			_ = kubectl.Delete(podPath)
  1429  			ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
  1430  		})
  1432  		AfterEach(func() {
  1433  			_ = kubectl.Delete(policyLabeledPath)
  1434  			_ = kubectl.Delete(policyPath)
  1435  			_ = kubectl.Delete(endpointPath)
  1436  		})
  1438  		validateEgress := func(kubectl *helpers.Kubectl) {
  1439  			By("Checking that toServices CIDR is plumbed into the policy")
  1440  			Eventually(func() string {
  1441  				output, err := kubectl.LoadedPolicyInFirstAgent()
  1442  				ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "unable to retrieve policy")
  1443  				return output
  1444  			}, 2*time.Minute, 2*time.Second).Should(ContainSubstring(expectedCIDR))
  1445  		}
  1447  		validateEgressAfterDeletion := func(kubectl *helpers.Kubectl) {
  1448  			By("Checking that toServices CIDR is no longer plumbed into the policy")
  1449  			Eventually(func() string {
  1450  				output, err := kubectl.LoadedPolicyInFirstAgent()
  1451  				ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "unable to retrieve policy")
  1452  				return output
  1453  			}, 2*time.Minute, 2*time.Second).ShouldNot(ContainSubstring(expectedCIDR))
  1454  		}
  1456  		It("To Services first endpoint creation", func() {
  1457  			res := kubectl.ApplyDefault(endpointPath)
  1458  			res.ExpectSuccess()
  1460  			applyPolicy(kubectl, policyPath)
  1461  			validateEgress(kubectl)
  1463  			kubectl.Delete(policyPath)
  1464  			kubectl.Delete(endpointPath)
  1465  			validateEgressAfterDeletion(kubectl)
  1466  		})
  1468  		It("To Services first policy", func() {
  1469  			applyPolicy(kubectl, policyPath)
  1470  			res := kubectl.ApplyDefault(endpointPath)
  1471  			res.ExpectSuccess()
  1473  			validateEgress(kubectl)
  1475  			kubectl.Delete(policyPath)
  1476  			kubectl.Delete(endpointPath)
  1477  			validateEgressAfterDeletion(kubectl)
  1478  		})
  1480  		It("To Services first endpoint creation match service by labels", func() {
  1481  			By("Creating Kubernetes Endpoint")
  1482  			res := kubectl.ApplyDefault(endpointPath)
  1483  			res.ExpectSuccess()
  1485  			applyPolicy(kubectl, policyLabeledPath)
  1487  			validateEgress(kubectl)
  1489  			kubectl.Delete(policyLabeledPath)
  1490  			kubectl.Delete(endpointPath)
  1491  			validateEgressAfterDeletion(kubectl)
  1492  		})
  1494  		It("To Services first policy, match service by labels", func() {
  1495  			applyPolicy(kubectl, policyLabeledPath)
  1497  			By("Creating Kubernetes Endpoint")
  1498  			res := kubectl.ApplyDefault(endpointPath)
  1499  			res.ExpectSuccess()
  1501  			validateEgress(kubectl)
  1503  			kubectl.Delete(policyLabeledPath)
  1504  			kubectl.Delete(endpointPath)
  1505  			validateEgressAfterDeletion(kubectl)
  1506  		})
  1507  	})
  1508  })
  1510  // This Describe block is needed to run some tests in GKE. For example, the
  1511  // kube-apiserver policy matching feature needs coverage on GKE as there are
  1512  // two cases for that feature:
  1513  //   - kube-apiserver running within the cluster (Vagrant VMs)
  1514  //   - kube-apiserver running outside of the cluster (GKE)
  1515  var _ = SkipDescribeIf(helpers.DoesNotRunOn54OrLaterKernel,
  1516  	"K8sPolicyTestExtended", func() {
  1517  		var (
  1518  			kubectl *helpers.Kubectl
  1520  			// these are set in BeforeAll()
  1521  			ciliumFilename string
  1522  			daemonCfg      map[string]string
  1523  		)
  1525  		BeforeAll(func() {
  1526  			kubectl = helpers.CreateKubectl(helpers.K8s1VMName(), logger)
  1527  			daemonCfg = map[string]string{
  1528  				"tls.secretsBackend": "k8s",
  1529  			}
  1530  			ciliumFilename = helpers.TimestampFilename("cilium.yaml")
  1531  		})
  1533  		AfterAll(func() {
  1534  			UninstallCiliumFromManifest(kubectl, ciliumFilename)
  1535  			kubectl.CloseSSHClient()
  1536  		})
  1538  		AfterFailed(func() {
  1539  			kubectl.CiliumReport("cilium-dbg service list", "cilium-dbg endpoint list")
  1540  		})
  1542  		AfterEach(func() {
  1543  			ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
  1544  		})
  1546  		JustAfterEach(func() {
  1547  			kubectl.ValidateNoErrorsInLogs(CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Duration)
  1548  		})
  1550  		// Test must run with KPR enabled, see below comments.
  1551  		Context("Validate toEntities KubeAPIServer", func() {
  1552  			var (
  1553  				k8s1Name, k8s1IP         string
  1554  				k8s1PodName, k8s2PodName string
  1555  				k8s1PodIP, k8s2PodIP     string
  1556  				outsideNodeName          string
  1558  				demoLocalYAML                  string
  1559  				cnpToEntitiesKubeAPIServer     string
  1560  				cnpToEntitiesKubeAPIServerDeny string
  1562  				kubeAPIServerService *v1.Service
  1564  				testNamespace = helpers.DefaultNamespace
  1565  			)
  1567  			BeforeAll(func() {
  1568  				cnpToEntitiesKubeAPIServer = helpers.ManifestGet(
  1569  					kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-to-entities-kube-apiserver.yaml",
  1570  				)
  1571  				cnpToEntitiesKubeAPIServerDeny = helpers.ManifestGet(
  1572  					kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-to-entities-kube-apiserver-deny.yaml",
  1573  				)
  1575  				By("Redeploying Cilium with tunnel disabled and KPR enabled")
  1576  				RedeployCiliumWithMerge(kubectl, ciliumFilename, daemonCfg, map[string]string{
  1577  					// The following are needed because of
  1578  					// &&
  1579  					//
  1580  					"routingMode":          "native",
  1581  					"autoDirectNodeRoutes": "true",
  1582  					"kubeProxyReplacement": "true",
  1583  				})
  1585  				By("Deploying demo local daemonset")
  1586  				demoLocalYAML = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "demo_ds_local.yaml")
  1587  				kubectl.ApplyDefault(demoLocalYAML).ExpectSuccess("Unable to apply %s", demoLocalYAML)
  1588  				Expect(kubectl.WaitforPods(
  1589  					testNamespace,
  1590  					fmt.Sprintf("-l %s", testDS), helpers.HelperTimeout),
  1591  				).Should(BeNil())
  1592  				k8s1Name, k8s1IP = kubectl.GetNodeInfo(helpers.K8s1)
  1593  				k8s1PodName, k8s1PodIP = kubectl.GetPodOnNodeLabeledWithOffset(helpers.K8s1, testDS, 0)
  1594  				k8s2PodName, k8s2PodIP = kubectl.GetPodOnNodeLabeledWithOffset(helpers.K8s2, testDS, 0)
  1595  				if helpers.ExistNodeWithoutCilium() {
  1596  					outsideNodeName, _ = kubectl.GetNodeInfo(kubectl.GetFirstNodeWithoutCiliumLabel())
  1597  				}
  1599  				var err error
  1600  				kubeAPIServerService, err = kubectl.GetService(helpers.DefaultNamespace, "kubernetes")
  1601  				Expect(err).ToNot(HaveOccurred())
  1602  				Expect(kubeAPIServerService).ToNot(BeNil())
  1603  			})
  1605  			AfterAll(func() {
  1606  				// Explicitly ignore result of deletion of resources to
  1607  				// avoid incomplete teardown if any step fails.
  1608  				_ = kubectl.Delete(demoLocalYAML)
  1609  				ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
  1610  			})
  1612  			AfterEach(func() {
  1613  				cmd := fmt.Sprintf("%s delete --all cnp,ccnp,netpol -n %s", helpers.KubectlCmd, testNamespace)
  1614  				_ = kubectl.Exec(cmd)
  1615  			})
  1617  			validateConnectivity := func(
  1618  				expectHostSuccess, expectRemoteNodeSuccess, expectPodSuccess, expectWorldSuccess bool,
  1619  			) {
  1620  				var wg sync.WaitGroup
  1621  				wg.Add(1)
  1622  				go func() {
  1623  					defer GinkgoRecover()
  1624  					defer wg.Done()
  1625  					switch helpers.GetCurrentIntegration() {
  1626  					case helpers.CIIntegrationEKS, helpers.CIIntegrationEKSChaining, helpers.CIIntegrationGKE:
  1627  						By("Checking ingress connectivity from k8s1 node to k8s1 pod (host)")
  1628  					default:
  1629  						// We need to bypass this check as in a non-managed
  1630  						// environment like Vagrant, the kube-apiserver is
  1631  						// running locally on K8s1. This means that local host
  1632  						// traffic cannot be disambiguated from kube-apiserver
  1633  						// traffic.
  1634  						By("Bypassing check for ingress connectivity for host, which cannot be done in non-managed environments")
  1635  						return
  1636  					}
  1637  					res := kubectl.ExecInHostNetNS(context.TODO(), k8s1Name,
  1638  						helpers.CurlFail(k8s1PodIP))
  1639  					ExpectWithOffset(1, res).To(getMatcher(expectHostSuccess),
  1640  						"HTTP ingress connectivity to pod %q from local host", k8s1PodIP)
  1641  				}()
  1643  				wg.Add(1)
  1644  				go func() {
  1645  					defer GinkgoRecover()
  1646  					defer wg.Done()
  1647  					switch helpers.GetCurrentIntegration() {
  1648  					case helpers.CIIntegrationEKS, helpers.CIIntegrationEKSChaining, helpers.CIIntegrationGKE:
  1649  						By("Checking ingress connectivity from k8s1 node to k8s2 pod (remote-node)")
  1650  					default:
  1651  						// We need to bypass this check as in a two node
  1652  						// cluster, the kube-apiserver will be running on at
  1653  						// least one of the two nodes, which means that any
  1654  						// traffic to or from will be considered to / from
  1655  						// kube-apiserver, and not remote-node. If we had a
  1656  						// third node with Cilium installed, then we wouldn't
  1657  						// need to bypass this check.
  1658  						By("Bypassing check for ingress connectivity for remote-node, which cannot be done in a two-node cluster")
  1659  						return
  1660  					}
  1661  					res := kubectl.ExecInHostNetNS(context.TODO(), k8s1Name,
  1662  						helpers.CurlFail(k8s2PodIP))
  1663  					ExpectWithOffset(1, res).To(getMatcher(expectRemoteNodeSuccess),
  1664  						"HTTP ingress connectivity to pod %q from remote node", k8s2PodIP)
  1665  				}()
  1667  				wg.Add(1)
  1668  				go func() {
  1669  					defer GinkgoRecover()
  1670  					defer wg.Done()
  1671  					By("Checking ingress connectivity from k8s1 pod to k8s2 pod")
  1672  					res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(testNamespace, k8s1PodName, helpers.CurlFail(k8s2PodIP))
  1673  					ExpectWithOffset(1, res).To(getMatcher(expectPodSuccess),
  1674  						"HTTP ingress connectivity to pod %q from pod %q", k8s2PodIP, k8s1PodIP)
  1675  				}()
  1677  				if helpers.ExistNodeWithoutCilium() {
  1678  					wg.Add(1)
  1679  					go func() {
  1680  						defer GinkgoRecover()
  1681  						defer wg.Done()
  1682  						By("Checking ingress connectivity from world to k8s1 pod")
  1683  						By("Adding a static route to %s via %s on the %s node (outside)", k8s1PodIP, k8s1IP, outsideNodeName)
  1684  						res := kubectl.AddIPRoute(outsideNodeName, k8s1PodIP, k8s1IP, false)
  1685  						Expect(res).To(getMatcher(true))
  1686  						defer func() {
  1687  							kubectl.DelIPRoute(outsideNodeName, k8s1PodIP, k8s1IP).ExpectSuccess("Failed to del ip route")
  1688  						}()
  1690  						if expectWorldSuccess {
  1691  							testCurlFromOutside(kubectl, &helpers.NodesInfo{
  1692  								OutsideNodeName: outsideNodeName,
  1693  							}, k8s1PodIP, 1, false)
  1694  						} else {
  1695  							testCurlFailFromOutside(kubectl, &helpers.NodesInfo{
  1696  								OutsideNodeName: outsideNodeName,
  1697  							}, k8s1PodIP, 1)
  1698  						}
  1699  					}()
  1700  				}
  1701  				wg.Wait()
  1702  			}
  1704  			It("Allows connection to KubeAPIServer", func() {
  1705  				installDefaultDenyIngressPolicy(
  1706  					kubectl,
  1707  					testNamespace,
  1708  					validateConnectivity,
  1709  				)
  1710  				installDefaultDenyEgressPolicy(
  1711  					kubectl,
  1712  					testNamespace,
  1713  					validateConnectivity,
  1714  				)
  1716  				By("Verifying KubeAPIServer connectivity is not yet allowed")
  1717  				Expect(
  1718  					kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1719  						testNamespace, k8s2PodName, helpers.CurlWithHTTPCode(
  1720  							"https://%s %s",
  1721  							kubeAPIServerService.Spec.ClusterIP,
  1722  							"--insecure", // kube-apiserver needs cert, skip verification
  1723  						),
  1724  					),
  1725  				).To(getMatcher(false),
  1726  					"HTTP egress connectivity should have been denied to pod %q to kube-apiserver %q",
  1727  					k8s2PodName, kubeAPIServerService.Spec.ClusterIP,
  1728  				)
  1730  				By("Installing toEntities KubeAPIServer")
  1731  				importPolicy(
  1732  					kubectl,
  1733  					testNamespace,
  1734  					cnpToEntitiesKubeAPIServer,
  1735  					"to-entities-kube-apiserver",
  1736  				)
  1738  				By("Verifying policy correctness")
  1739  				validateConnectivity(
  1740  					true,  /*HostConnectivityAllow*/
  1741  					false, /*RemoteNodeConnectivityDeny*/
  1742  					false, /*PodConnectivityDeny*/
  1743  					false, /*WorldConnectivityDeny*/
  1744  				)
  1746  				By("Verifying KubeAPIServer connectivity")
  1747  				// A 403 is a sign of success in this test due to lack of HTTP
  1748  				// egress policy. We expect to get back 403 because we
  1749  				// purposefully didn't provide the auth token to fully talk to
  1750  				// the kube-apiserver.
  1751  				Expect(
  1752  					kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1753  						testNamespace, k8s2PodName, helpers.CurlWithHTTPCode(
  1754  							"https://%s %s",
  1755  							kubeAPIServerService.Spec.ClusterIP,
  1756  							"--insecure", // kube-apiserver needs cert, skip verification
  1757  						),
  1758  					).Stdout(),
  1759  				).To(Equal("403"),
  1760  					"HTTP egress connectivity to pod %q to kube-apiserver %q",
  1761  					k8s2PodName, kubeAPIServerService.Spec.ClusterIP,
  1762  				)
  1763  			})
  1765  			It("Still allows connection to KubeAPIServer with a duplicate policy", func() {
  1766  				installDefaultDenyIngressPolicy(
  1767  					kubectl,
  1768  					testNamespace,
  1769  					validateConnectivity,
  1770  				)
  1771  				installDefaultDenyEgressPolicy(
  1772  					kubectl,
  1773  					testNamespace,
  1774  					validateConnectivity,
  1775  				)
  1776  				By("Installing toEntities KubeAPIServer")
  1777  				importPolicy(
  1778  					kubectl,
  1779  					testNamespace,
  1780  					cnpToEntitiesKubeAPIServer,
  1781  					"to-entities-kube-apiserver",
  1782  				)
  1784  				By("Installing duplicate toEntities KubeAPIServer")
  1785  				importPolicy(
  1786  					kubectl,
  1787  					testNamespace,
  1788  					helpers.ManifestGet(
  1789  						kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-to-entities-kube-apiserver-2.yaml",
  1790  					),
  1791  					"to-entities-kube-apiserver-2",
  1792  				)
  1794  				By("Removing the previous toEntities KubeAPIServer policy")
  1795  				_, err := kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
  1796  					testNamespace, cnpToEntitiesKubeAPIServer, helpers.KubectlDelete, helpers.HelperTimeout,
  1797  				)
  1798  				Expect(err).Should(
  1799  					BeNil(),
  1800  					"policy %s cannot be deleted in %q namespace", cnpToEntitiesKubeAPIServer, testNamespace,
  1801  				)
  1803  				By("Verifying KubeAPIServer connectivity is still allowed")
  1804  				// See previous It() about the assertion on 403 HTTP code.
  1805  				Expect(
  1806  					kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1807  						testNamespace, k8s2PodName, helpers.CurlWithHTTPCode(
  1808  							"https://%s %s",
  1809  							kubeAPIServerService.Spec.ClusterIP,
  1810  							"--insecure", // kube-apiserver needs cert, skip verification
  1811  						),
  1812  					).Stdout(),
  1813  				).To(Equal("403"),
  1814  					"HTTP egress connectivity to pod %q to kube-apiserver %q",
  1815  					k8s2PodName, kubeAPIServerService.Spec.ClusterIP,
  1816  				)
  1817  			})
  1819  			It("Denies connection to KubeAPIServer", func() {
  1820  				By("Installing allow-all egress policy")
  1821  				importPolicy(
  1822  					kubectl,
  1823  					testNamespace,
  1824  					helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-to-entities-all.yaml"),
  1825  					"allow-all-egress",
  1826  				)
  1828  				By("Installing toEntities KubeAPIServer")
  1829  				importPolicy(
  1830  					kubectl,
  1831  					testNamespace,
  1832  					cnpToEntitiesKubeAPIServerDeny,
  1833  					"to-entities-kube-apiserver-deny",
  1834  				)
  1836  				By("Verifying policy correctness")
  1837  				validateConnectivity(
  1838  					true, /*HostConnectivityAllow*/
  1839  					true, /*RemoteNodeConnectivityAllow*/
  1840  					true, /*PodConnectivityAllow*/
  1841  					true, /*WorldConnectivityAllow*/
  1842  				)
  1844  				By("Verifying KubeAPIServer connectivity is denied")
  1845  				Expect(
  1846  					kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
  1847  						testNamespace, k8s2PodName, helpers.CurlWithHTTPCode(
  1848  							"https://%s %s",
  1849  							kubeAPIServerService.Spec.ClusterIP,
  1850  							"--insecure", // kube-apiserver needs cert, skip verification
  1851  						),
  1852  					),
  1853  				).To(getMatcher(false),
  1854  					"HTTP egress connectivity should have been denied to pod %q to kube-apiserver %q",
  1855  					k8s2PodName, kubeAPIServerService.Spec.ClusterIP,
  1856  				)
  1857  			})
  1858  		})
  1859  	})
  1861  func importPolicy(kubectl *helpers.Kubectl, namespace, file, name string) {
  1862  	_, err := kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(namespace,
  1863  		file,
  1864  		helpers.KubectlApply,
  1865  		helpers.HelperTimeout)
  1866  	ExpectWithOffset(1, err).Should(BeNil(),
  1867  		"policy %s cannot be applied in %q namespace", file, namespace)
  1868  }
  1870  func installDefaultDenyIngressPolicy(
  1871  	kubectl *helpers.Kubectl,
  1872  	ns string,
  1873  	f func(bool, bool, bool, bool),
  1874  ) {
  1875  	denyIngress := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-default-deny-ingress.yaml")
  1877  	By("Installing default-deny ingress policy")
  1878  	importPolicy(kubectl, ns, denyIngress, "default-deny-ingress")
  1880  	By("Checking that remote-node is disallowed by default")
  1881  	f(
  1882  		true,  /*HostConnectivityAllow*/
  1883  		false, /*RemoteNodeConnectivityDeny*/
  1884  		false, /*PodConnectivityDeny*/
  1885  		false, /*WorldConnectivityDeny*/
  1886  	)
  1887  }
  1889  func installDefaultDenyEgressPolicy(
  1890  	kubectl *helpers.Kubectl,
  1891  	ns string,
  1892  	f func(bool, bool, bool, bool),
  1893  ) {
  1894  	denyEgress := helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "cnp-default-deny-egress.yaml")
  1896  	By("Installing default-deny egress policy")
  1897  	importPolicy(kubectl, ns, denyEgress, "default-deny-egress")
  1899  	By("Checking that remote-node is disallowed by default")
  1900  	f(
  1901  		true,  /*HostConnectivityAllow*/
  1902  		false, /*RemoteNodeConnectivityDeny*/
  1903  		false, /*PodConnectivityDeny*/
  1904  		false, /*WorldConnectivityDeny*/
  1905  	)
  1906  }
  1908  // getMatcher returns a helper.CMDSucess() matcher for success or failure
  1909  // situations.
  1910  func getMatcher(val bool) types.GomegaMatcher {
  1911  	if val {
  1912  		return helpers.CMDSuccess()
  1913  	}
  1914  	return Not(helpers.CMDSuccess())
  1915  }