
     1  // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
     2  // Copyright Authors of Cilium
     4  package k8sTest
     6  import (
     7  	"fmt"
     8  	"path/filepath"
     9  	"strconv"
    10  	"strings"
    11  	"time"
    13  	. ""
    15  	""
    16  	. ""
    17  	""
    18  )
    20  const (
    21  	// cluster name and ID are set to provide coverage for changes to
    22  	// ClusterMesh, including updates to BPF map updates
    23  	clusterName = "test-upgrade-downgrade"
    24  	// clusterID of 170(10101010) was chosen to utilize all 8 bits of the
    25  	// default ClusterID size.
    26  	// note: It's possible to extend the size of ClusterID by setting
    27  	// MaxConnectedClusters, however this feature is only available to new
    28  	// clusters - thus upgrade and downgrade are not possible. Test coverage
    29  	// for this feature should be added after it is released.
    30  	clusterID = "170"
    31  )
    33  var (
    34  	// These are set in BeforeAll
    35  	demoPath         string
    36  	l7Policy         string
    37  	migrateSVCClient string
    38  	migrateSVCServer string
    39  	stableChartPath  string
    40  )
    42  var _ = Describe("K8sUpdates", func() {
    44  	// This test runs 8 steps as following:
    45  	// 1 - delete all pods. Clean cilium, this can be, and should be achieved by
    46  	// `clean-cilium-state: "true"` option that we have in configmap
    47  	// 2 - install cilium `cilium:v${LATEST_STABLE}`
    48  	// 3 - make endpoints talk with each other with policy
    49  	// 4 - upgrade cilium to `k8s1:5000/cilium/cilium-dev:latest`
    50  	// 5 - make endpoints talk with each other with policy
    51  	// 6 - downgrade cilium to `cilium:v${LATEST_STABLE}`
    52  	// 7 - make endpoints talk with each other with policy
    53  	// 8 - delete all pods. Clean cilium, this can be, and should be achieved by
    54  	// `clean-cilium-state: "true"` option that we have in configmap.
    55  	// This makes sure the upgrade tests won't affect any other test
    56  	// 9 - re install cilium:latest image for remaining tests.
    58  	var (
    59  		kubectl *helpers.Kubectl
    61  		cleanupCallback = func() {}
    62  	)
    63  	BeforeAll(func() {
    64  		SkipIfIntegration(helpers.CIIntegrationAKS)
    65  		canRun, err := helpers.CanRunK8sVersion(helpers.CiliumStableVersion, helpers.GetCurrentK8SEnv())
    66  		ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "Unable to get k8s constraints for %s", helpers.CiliumStableVersion)
    67  		if !canRun {
    68  			Skip(fmt.Sprintf(
    69  				"Cilium %q is not supported in K8s %q. Skipping upgrade/downgrade tests.",
    70  				helpers.CiliumStableVersion, helpers.GetCurrentK8SEnv()))
    71  			return
    72  		}
    74  		kubectl = helpers.CreateKubectl(helpers.K8s1VMName(), logger)
    76  		demoPath = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "demo.yaml")
    77  		l7Policy = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "l7-policy.yaml")
    78  		migrateSVCClient = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "migrate-svc-client.yaml")
    79  		migrateSVCServer = helpers.ManifestGet(kubectl.BasePath(), "migrate-svc-server.yaml")
    81  		kubectl.Delete(migrateSVCClient)
    82  		kubectl.Delete(migrateSVCServer)
    83  		kubectl.Delete(l7Policy)
    84  		kubectl.Delete(demoPath)
    86  		_ = kubectl.DeleteResource(
    87  			"deploy", fmt.Sprintf("-n %s cilium-operator", helpers.CiliumNamespace))
    88  		// Sometimes PolicyGen has a lot of pods running around without delete
    89  		// it. Using this we are sure that we delete before this test start
    90  		kubectl.Exec(fmt.Sprintf(
    91  			"%s delete --all pods,svc,cnp -n %s", helpers.KubectlCmd, helpers.DefaultNamespace))
    93  		By("Waiting for pods to be terminated")
    94  		ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
    96  		// Download the stable helm chart from GitHub
    97  		versionPath := filepath.Join(kubectl.BasePath(), "../old-charts", helpers.CiliumStableVersion)
    98  		stableChartPath = filepath.Join(versionPath, fmt.Sprintf("cilium-%s/install/kubernetes/cilium", helpers.CiliumStableHelmChartVersion))
   100  		cmd := kubectl.Exec(fmt.Sprintf("mkdir -p %s && "+
   101  			"cd %s && "+
   102  			"rm -rf * && "+
   103  			"wget && "+
   104  			"tar -xf %s.tar.gz",
   105  			versionPath,
   106  			versionPath,
   107  			helpers.CiliumStableVersion,
   108  			helpers.CiliumStableVersion))
   109  		ExpectWithOffset(1, cmd).To(helpers.CMDSuccess(), "Unable to download helm chart %s from GitHub", helpers.CiliumStableVersion)
   110  	})
   112  	AfterAll(func() {
   113  		removeCilium(kubectl)
   114  		kubectl.CloseSSHClient()
   115  	})
   117  	AfterFailed(func() {
   118  		kubectl.CiliumReport("cilium-dbg endpoint list")
   119  	})
   121  	JustAfterEach(func() {
   122  		blacklist := helpers.GetBadLogMessages()
   123  		delete(blacklist, helpers.RemovingMapMsg)
   124  		kubectl.ValidateListOfErrorsInLogs(CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Duration, blacklist)
   125  	})
   127  	AfterEach(func() {
   128  		cleanupCallback()
   129  		ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
   130  	})
   132  	It("Tests upgrade and downgrade from a Cilium stable image to master", func() {
   133  		var assertUpgradeSuccessful func()
   134  		assertUpgradeSuccessful, cleanupCallback =
   135  			InstallAndValidateCiliumUpgrades(
   136  				kubectl,
   137  				helpers.CiliumStableHelmChartVersion,
   138  				helpers.CiliumStableVersion,
   139  				helpers.CiliumLatestHelmChartVersion,
   140  				helpers.GetLatestImageVersion(),
   141  			)
   142  		assertUpgradeSuccessful()
   143  	})
   144  })
   146  func removeCilium(kubectl *helpers.Kubectl) {
   147  	_ = kubectl.ExecMiddle("helm delete cilium-preflight --namespace=" + helpers.CiliumNamespace)
   148  	_ = kubectl.ExecMiddle("helm delete cilium --namespace=" + helpers.CiliumNamespace)
   150  	kubectl.CleanupCiliumComponents()
   151  	ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
   152  }
   154  // InstallAndValidateCiliumUpgrades installs and tests if the oldVersion can be
   155  // upgrade to the newVersion and if the newVersion can be downgraded to the
   156  // oldVersion.  It returns two callbacks, the first one is the assertfunction
   157  // that need to run, and the second one are the cleanup actions
   158  func InstallAndValidateCiliumUpgrades(kubectl *helpers.Kubectl, oldHelmChartVersion, oldImageVersion, newHelmChartVersion, newImageVersion string) (func(), func()) {
   159  	var (
   160  		err error
   162  		timeout = 5 * time.Minute
   163  	)
   165  	canRun, err := helpers.CanRunK8sVersion(oldImageVersion, helpers.GetCurrentK8SEnv())
   166  	ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "Unable to get k8s constraints for %s", oldImageVersion)
   167  	if !canRun {
   168  		Skip(fmt.Sprintf(
   169  			"Cilium %q is not supported in K8s %q. Skipping upgrade/downgrade tests.",
   170  			oldImageVersion, helpers.GetCurrentK8SEnv()))
   171  		return func() {}, func() {}
   172  	}
   174  	apps := []string{helpers.App1, helpers.App2, helpers.App3}
   175  	app1Service := "app1-service"
   177  	cleanupCiliumState := func(helmPath, chartVersion, imageName, imageTag, registry string) {
   178  		removeCilium(kubectl)
   180  		opts := map[string]string{
   181  			"cleanState":         "true",
   182  			"image.tag":          imageTag,
   183  			"sleepAfterInit":     "true",
   184  			"operator.enabled":   "false ",
   185  			"hubble.tls.enabled": "false",
   186  			"":       clusterName,
   187  			"":         clusterID,
   188  		}
   189  		if imageName != "" {
   190  			opts["image.repository"] = imageName
   191  			opts["preflight.image.repository"] = imageName // preflight must match the target agent image
   192  		}
   194  		EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() (*helpers.CmdRes, error) {
   195  			return kubectl.RunHelm(
   196  				"install",
   197  				helmPath,
   198  				"cilium",
   199  				chartVersion,
   200  				helpers.CiliumNamespace,
   201  				opts,
   202  			)
   203  		}, time.Second*30, time.Second*1).Should(helpers.CMDSuccess(), fmt.Sprintf("Cilium clean state %q was not able to be deployed", chartVersion))
   205  		kubectl.WaitForCiliumReadiness(1, fmt.Sprintf("Cilium %q did not become ready in time", chartVersion))
   206  		err = kubectl.WaitForCiliumInitContainerToFinish()
   207  		ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "Cilium %q was not able to be clean up environment", chartVersion)
   208  		cmd := kubectl.ExecMiddle("helm delete cilium --namespace=" + helpers.CiliumNamespace)
   209  		ExpectWithOffset(1, cmd).To(helpers.CMDSuccess(), "Cilium %q was not able to be deleted", chartVersion)
   210  		ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
   211  	}
   213  	cleanupCallback := func() {
   214  		kubectl.Delete(migrateSVCClient)
   215  		kubectl.Delete(migrateSVCServer)
   216  		kubectl.Delete(l7Policy)
   217  		kubectl.Delete(demoPath)
   219  		if res := kubectl.DeleteResource("pod", fmt.Sprintf("-n %s -l k8s-app=kube-dns", helpers.KubeSystemNamespace)); !res.WasSuccessful() {
   220  			log.Warningf("Unable to delete DNS pods: %s", res.OutputPrettyPrint())
   221  		}
   223  		// make sure we clean everything up before doing any other test
   224  		cleanupCiliumState(filepath.Join(kubectl.BasePath(), helpers.HelmTemplate), newHelmChartVersion, "", newImageVersion, "")
   225  	}
   227  	testfunc := func() {
   228  		By("Deleting Cilium and CoreDNS")
   229  		// Making sure that we deleted the  cilium ds. No assert
   230  		// message because maybe is not present
   231  		if res := kubectl.DeleteResource("ds", fmt.Sprintf("-n %s cilium", helpers.CiliumNamespace)); !res.WasSuccessful() {
   232  			log.Warningf("Unable to delete Cilium DaemonSet: %s", res.OutputPrettyPrint())
   233  		}
   235  		By("Waiting for pods to be terminated")
   236  		ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
   238  		EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() *helpers.CmdRes {
   239  			return kubectl.HelmAddCiliumRepo()
   240  		}, time.Second*30, time.Second*1).Should(helpers.CMDSuccess(), "Unable to install helm repository")
   242  		// New version must come first given prior CI tests may have run on new Cilium version.
   243  		By("Cleaning Cilium state (%s)", newImageVersion)
   244  		cleanupCiliumState(filepath.Join(kubectl.BasePath(), helpers.HelmTemplate), newHelmChartVersion, "", newImageVersion, "")
   246  		By("Cleaning Cilium state (%s)", oldImageVersion)
   247  		cleanupCiliumState(stableChartPath, oldHelmChartVersion, "", oldImageVersion, "")
   249  		By("Deploying Cilium %s", oldHelmChartVersion)
   251  		opts := map[string]string{
   252  			"image.tag":                              oldImageVersion,
   253  			"operator.image.tag":                     oldImageVersion,
   254  			"hubble.relay.image.tag":                 oldImageVersion,
   255  			"clustermesh.apiserver.image.tag":        oldImageVersion,
   256  			"image.repository":                       "",
   257  			"operator.image.repository":              "",
   258  			"hubble.relay.image.repository":          "",
   259  			"clustermesh.apiserver.image.repository": "",
   260  			"":                           clusterName,
   261  			"":                             clusterID,
   262  		}
   264  		hasNewHelmValues := versioncheck.MustCompile(">=1.12.90")
   265  		if hasNewHelmValues(versioncheck.MustVersion(newHelmChartVersion)) {
   266  			opts["bandwidthManager.enabled"] = "false "
   267  		} else {
   268  			opts["bandwidthManager"] = "false "
   269  		}
   271  		// Eventually allows multiple return values, and performs the assertion
   272  		// on the first return value, and expects that all other return values
   273  		// are zero values (nil, etc.).
   274  		EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() (*helpers.CmdRes, error) {
   275  			return kubectl.RunHelm(
   276  				"install",
   277  				stableChartPath,
   278  				"cilium",
   279  				oldHelmChartVersion,
   280  				helpers.CiliumNamespace,
   281  				opts)
   282  		}, time.Second*30, time.Second*1).Should(helpers.CMDSuccess(), fmt.Sprintf("Cilium %q was not able to be deployed", oldHelmChartVersion))
   284  		// Cilium is only ready if kvstore is ready, the kvstore is ready if
   285  		// kube-dns is running.
   286  		ExpectCiliumReady(kubectl)
   287  		ExpectCiliumOperatorReady(kubectl)
   288  		By("Cilium %q is installed and running", oldHelmChartVersion)
   290  		By("Restarting DNS Pods")
   291  		if res := kubectl.DeleteResource("pod", fmt.Sprintf("-n %s -l k8s-app=kube-dns", helpers.KubeSystemNamespace)); !res.WasSuccessful() {
   292  			log.Warningf("Unable to delete DNS pods: %s", res.OutputPrettyPrint())
   293  		}
   294  		ExpectKubeDNSReady(kubectl)
   296  		validatedImage := func(image string) {
   297  			By("Checking that installed image is %q", image)
   299  			filter := `{.items[*].status.containerStatuses[0].image}`
   300  			data, err := kubectl.GetPods(
   301  				helpers.CiliumNamespace, "-l k8s-app=cilium").Filter(filter)
   302  			ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "Cannot get cilium pods")
   304  			for _, val := range strings.Split(data.String(), " ") {
   305  				ExpectWithOffset(1, val).To(ContainSubstring(image), "Cilium image didn't update correctly")
   306  			}
   307  		}
   309  		validateEndpointsConnection := func() {
   310  			By("Validate that endpoints are ready before making any connection")
   311  			err := kubectl.CiliumEndpointWaitReady()
   312  			ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "Endpoints are not ready after timeout")
   314  			ExpectKubeDNSReady(kubectl)
   316  			err = kubectl.WaitForKubeDNSEntry(app1Service, helpers.DefaultNamespace)
   317  			ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "DNS entry is not ready after timeout")
   319  			appPods := helpers.GetAppPods(apps, helpers.DefaultNamespace, kubectl, "id")
   321  			err = kubectl.WaitForKubeDNSEntry(app1Service, helpers.DefaultNamespace)
   322  			ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "DNS entry is not ready after timeout")
   324  			By("Making L7 requests between endpoints")
   325  			res := kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
   326  				helpers.DefaultNamespace, appPods[helpers.App2],
   327  				helpers.CurlFail("http://%s/public", app1Service))
   328  			ExpectWithOffset(1, res).Should(helpers.CMDSuccess(), "Cannot curl app1-service")
   330  			res = kubectl.ExecPodCmd(
   331  				helpers.DefaultNamespace, appPods[helpers.App2],
   332  				helpers.CurlFail("http://%s/private", app1Service))
   333  			ExpectWithOffset(1, res).ShouldNot(helpers.CMDSuccess(), "Expect a 403 from app1-service")
   334  		}
   336  		// checkNoInteruptsInSVCFlows checks whether there are no
   337  		// interrupts in established connections to the migrate-svc service
   338  		// after Cilium has been upgraded / downgraded.
   339  		//
   340  		// The check is based on restart count of the Pods. We can do it so, because
   341  		// any interrupt in the flow makes a client to panic which makes the Pod
   342  		// to restart.
   343  		lastCount := -1
   344  		checkNoInteruptsInSVCFlows := func() {
   345  			By("No interrupts in migrated svc flows")
   347  			filter := `{.items[*].status.containerStatuses[0].restartCount}`
   348  			restartCount, err := kubectl.GetPods(helpers.DefaultNamespace,
   349  				"-l zgroup=migrate-svc").Filter(filter)
   350  			ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "Failed to query \"migrate-svc-server\" Pod")
   352  			currentCount := 0
   353  			for _, c := range strings.Split(restartCount.String(), " ") {
   354  				count, err := strconv.Atoi(c)
   355  				ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "Failed to convert count value")
   356  				currentCount += count
   357  			}
   358  			// The check is invoked for the first time
   359  			if lastCount == -1 {
   360  				lastCount = currentCount
   361  			}
   362  			Expect(lastCount).Should(BeIdenticalTo(currentCount),
   363  				"migrate-svc restart count values do not match")
   364  		}
   366  		By("Creating some endpoints and L7 policy")
   368  		res := kubectl.ApplyDefault(demoPath)
   369  		ExpectWithOffset(1, res).To(helpers.CMDSuccess(), "cannot apply dempo application")
   371  		err = kubectl.WaitforPods(helpers.DefaultNamespace, "-l zgroup=testapp", timeout)
   372  		Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "Test pods are not ready after timeout")
   374  		_, err = kubectl.CiliumPolicyAction(
   375  			helpers.DefaultNamespace, l7Policy, helpers.KubectlApply, timeout)
   376  		Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "cannot import l7 policy: %v", l7Policy)
   378  		By("Creating service and clients for migration")
   380  		res = kubectl.ApplyDefault(migrateSVCServer)
   381  		ExpectWithOffset(1, res).To(helpers.CMDSuccess(), "cannot apply migrate-svc-server")
   382  		err = kubectl.WaitforPods(helpers.DefaultNamespace, "-l app=migrate-svc-server", timeout)
   383  		Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "migrate-svc-server pods are not ready after timeout")
   385  		res = kubectl.ApplyDefault(migrateSVCClient)
   386  		ExpectWithOffset(1, res).To(helpers.CMDSuccess(), "cannot apply migrate-svc-client")
   387  		err = kubectl.WaitforPods(helpers.DefaultNamespace, "-l app=migrate-svc-client", timeout)
   388  		Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "migrate-svc-client pods are not ready after timeout")
   390  		validateEndpointsConnection()
   391  		checkNoInteruptsInSVCFlows()
   393  		waitForUpdateImage := func(image string) func() bool {
   394  			return func() bool {
   395  				pods, err := kubectl.GetCiliumPods()
   396  				if err != nil {
   397  					return false
   398  				}
   400  				filter := `{.items[*].status.containerStatuses[0].image}`
   401  				data, err := kubectl.GetPods(
   402  					helpers.CiliumNamespace, "-l k8s-app=cilium").Filter(filter)
   403  				if err != nil {
   404  					return false
   405  				}
   406  				number := strings.Count(data.String(), image)
   407  				if number == len(pods) {
   408  					return true
   409  				}
   410  				log.Infof("Only '%v' of '%v' cilium pods updated to the new image",
   411  					number, len(pods))
   412  				return false
   413  			}
   414  		}
   416  		By("Install Cilium pre-flight check DaemonSet")
   418  		opts = map[string]string{
   419  			"preflight.enabled":   "true ",
   420  			"config.enabled":      "false ",
   421  			"operator.enabled":    "false ",
   422  			"preflight.image.tag": newImageVersion,
   423  			"nodeinit.enabled":    "false",
   424  			"agent":               "false ",
   425  		}
   427  		EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() (*helpers.CmdRes, error) {
   428  			return kubectl.RunHelm(
   429  				"install",
   430  				filepath.Join(kubectl.BasePath(), helpers.HelmTemplate),
   431  				"cilium-preflight",
   432  				newHelmChartVersion,
   433  				helpers.CiliumNamespace,
   434  				opts)
   435  		}, time.Second*30, time.Second*1).Should(helpers.CMDSuccess(), "Unable to deploy preflight manifest")
   437  		ExpectCiliumPreFlightInstallReady(kubectl)
   439  		// Once they are installed we can remove it
   440  		By("Removing Cilium pre-flight check DaemonSet")
   441  		cmd := kubectl.ExecMiddle("helm delete cilium-preflight --namespace=" + helpers.CiliumNamespace)
   442  		ExpectWithOffset(1, cmd).To(helpers.CMDSuccess(), "Unable to delete preflight")
   444  		kubectl.WaitForCiliumReadiness(1, "Cilium is not ready after timeout")
   445  		// Need to run using the kvstore-based allocator because upgrading from
   446  		// kvstore-based allocator to CRD-based allocator is not currently
   447  		// supported at this time.
   448  		By("Upgrading Cilium to %s", newHelmChartVersion)
   449  		opts = map[string]string{
   450  			"image.tag":              newImageVersion,
   451  			"operator.image.tag":     newImageVersion,
   452  			"hubble.relay.image.tag": newImageVersion,
   453  			"":           clusterName,
   454  			"":             clusterID,
   455  			// Remove this after 1.16 is released
   456  			"envoy.enabled": "false",
   457  		}
   459  		upgradeCompatibilityVer := strings.TrimSuffix(oldHelmChartVersion, "-dev")
   460  		// Ensure compatibility in the ConfigMap. This tests the
   461  		// upgrade as instructed in the documentation
   462  		opts["upgradeCompatibility"] = upgradeCompatibilityVer
   464  		EventuallyWithOffset(1, func() (*helpers.CmdRes, error) {
   465  			return kubectl.RunHelm(
   466  				"upgrade",
   467  				filepath.Join(kubectl.BasePath(), helpers.HelmTemplate),
   468  				"cilium",
   469  				newHelmChartVersion,
   470  				helpers.CiliumNamespace,
   471  				opts)
   472  		}, time.Second*30, time.Second*1).Should(helpers.CMDSuccess(), fmt.Sprintf("Cilium %q was not able to be deployed", newHelmChartVersion))
   474  		By("Validating pods have the right image version upgraded")
   475  		err = helpers.WithTimeout(
   476  			waitForUpdateImage(newImageVersion),
   477  			fmt.Sprintf("Cilium Pods are not updating correctly to %s", newImageVersion),
   478  			&helpers.TimeoutConfig{Timeout: timeout})
   479  		ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "Pods are not updating")
   481  		err = kubectl.WaitforPods(
   482  			helpers.CiliumNamespace, "-l k8s-app=cilium", timeout)
   483  		ExpectWithOffset(1, err).Should(BeNil(), "Cilium is not ready after timeout")
   485  		validatedImage(newImageVersion)
   486  		ExpectCiliumReady(kubectl)
   487  		ExpectCiliumOperatorReady(kubectl)
   489  		validateEndpointsConnection()
   490  		checkNoInteruptsInSVCFlows()
   492  		nbMissedTailCalls, err := kubectl.CountMissedTailCalls()
   493  		ExpectWithOffset(1, err).Should(BeNil(), "Failed to retrieve number of missed tail calls")
   494  		ExpectWithOffset(1, nbMissedTailCalls).To(BeNumerically("==", 0), "Unexpected missed tail calls")
   496  		By("Check whether svc flows are not interrupted upon cilium-agent restart")
   497  		ciliumFilter := "k8s-app=cilium"
   498  		res = kubectl.Exec(fmt.Sprintf(
   499  			"%s -n %s delete pods -l %s",
   500  			helpers.KubectlCmd, helpers.CiliumNamespace, ciliumFilter))
   501  		res.ExpectSuccess("Failed to delete cilium pods")
   502  		ExpectAllPodsTerminated(kubectl)
   503  		err = kubectl.WaitforPods(
   504  			helpers.CiliumNamespace, fmt.Sprintf("-l %s", ciliumFilter), helpers.HelperTimeout)
   505  		Expect(err).Should(BeNil(), "Pods are not ready after timeout")
   506  		err = kubectl.CiliumEndpointWaitReady()
   507  		Expect(err).To(BeNil(), "Endpoints are not ready after timeout")
   508  		checkNoInteruptsInSVCFlows()
   510  		By("Downgrading cilium to %s image", oldHelmChartVersion)
   511  		// rollback cilium 1 because it's the version that we have started
   512  		// cilium with in this updates test.
   513  		cmd = kubectl.ExecMiddle("helm rollback cilium 1 --namespace=" + helpers.CiliumNamespace)
   514  		ExpectWithOffset(1, cmd).To(helpers.CMDSuccess(), "Cilium %q was not able to be deployed", oldHelmChartVersion)
   516  		err = helpers.WithTimeout(
   517  			waitForUpdateImage(oldImageVersion),
   518  			"Cilium Pods are not updating correctly",
   519  			&helpers.TimeoutConfig{Timeout: timeout})
   520  		ExpectWithOffset(1, err).To(BeNil(), "Pods are not updating")
   522  		err = kubectl.WaitforPods(
   523  			helpers.CiliumNamespace, "-l k8s-app=cilium", timeout)
   524  		ExpectWithOffset(1, err).Should(BeNil(), "Cilium is not ready after timeout")
   526  		validatedImage(oldImageVersion)
   527  		ExpectCiliumOperatorReady(kubectl)
   529  		validateEndpointsConnection()
   530  		checkNoInteruptsInSVCFlows()
   532  		nbMissedTailCalls, err = kubectl.CountMissedTailCalls()
   533  		ExpectWithOffset(1, err).Should(BeNil(), "Failed to retrieve number of missed tail calls")
   534  		ExpectWithOffset(1, nbMissedTailCalls).To(BeNumerically("==", 0), "Unexpected missed tail call")
   535  	}
   536  	return testfunc, cleanupCallback
   537  }