(about) 1 #!/usr/bin/env bash 2 3 # Comment for the '--set identityChangeGracePeriod="0s"' 4 # We need to change the identity as quickly as possible as there 5 # is a k8s upstream test that relies on the policy to be enforced 6 # once a new label is added to a pod. If we delay the identity change 7 # process the test will fail. 8 9 # We generate the helm chart template validating it against the associated Kubernetes 10 # Cluster. 11 helm template --validate install/kubernetes/cilium \ 12 --namespace=kube-system \ 13 --set image.tag=$2 \ 14 --set image.repository=$1/cilium-ci \ 15 --set image.useDigest=false \ 16 --set operator.image.repository=$1/operator \ 17 --set operator.image.tag=$2 \ 18 --set operator.image.suffix=-ci \ 19 --set operator.image.useDigest=false \ 20 --set debug.enabled=true \ 21 --set k8s.requireIPv4PodCIDR=true \ 22 --set pprof.enabled=true \ 23 --set logSystemLoad=true \ 24 --set bpf.preallocateMaps=true \ 25 --set etcd.leaseTTL=30s \ 26 --set ipv4.enabled=true \ 27 --set ipv6.enabled=true \ 28 --set identityChangeGracePeriod="0s" \ 29 --set cni.chainingMode=portmap \ 30 --set sessionAffinity=true \ 31 > cilium.yaml 32 33 kubectl apply -f cilium.yaml 34 35 runningPods="0" 36 37 pollCiliumPods () { 38 until [ "${runningPods}" == "2" ]; do 39 runningPods=$(kubectl -n kube-system get pods -l k8s-app=cilium | grep "Running" -c) 40 echo "Running Pods ${runningPods}" 41 sleep 1 42 done 43 echo "result match, continue with kubernetes" 44 } 45 46 export -f pollCiliumPods 47 timeout ${POLL_TIMEOUT_SECONDS} bash -c pollCiliumPods 48 unset pollCiliumPods 49 50 set -e 51 52 echo "Installing kubetest manually" 53 54 mkdir -p ${HOME}/go/src/ 55 cd ${HOME}/go/src/ 56 test -d test-infra && rm -rfv test-infra 57 # Last commit before vendor directory was removed 58 # why? see 59 git clone 60 cd test-infra 61 git reset --hard dbc2ac103595c2348322d1bac7e4743b96fca225 62 GO111MODULE=off go install 63 64 echo "Installing kubernetes" 65 KUBERNETES_VERSION=$(kubectl version -o json | jq -r '.serverVersion | .gitVersion') 66 67 mkdir -p ${HOME}/go/src/ 68 cd ${HOME}/go/src/ 69 test -d kubernetes && rm -rfv kubernetes 70 git clone -b ${KUBERNETES_VERSION} --depth 1 71 cd kubernetes 72 73 # renovate: datasource=golang-version depName=go 74 GO_VERSION="1.22.4" 75 sudo rm -fr /usr/local/go 76 curl -LO${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz 77 sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go${GO_VERSION}.linux-amd64.tar.gz 78 GO111MODULE=off make ginkgo 79 GO111MODULE=off make WHAT='test/e2e/e2e.test' 80 81 export KUBECTL_PATH=/usr/bin/kubectl 82 export KUBE_MASTER= 83 export KUBE_MASTER_IP= 84 export KUBE_MASTER_URL="" 85 86 echo "Running upstream services conformance tests" 87 # We currently skip the following tests: 88 # - HostPort validates that there is no conflict between pods with same hostPort but different hostIP and protocol 89 # - 90 ${HOME}/go/bin/kubetest --provider=local --test \ 91 --test_args="--ginkgo.focus=HostPort.*\[Conformance\].* --ginkgo.skip=( --e2e-verify-service-account=false --host ${KUBE_MASTER_URL}" 92 ${HOME}/go/bin/kubetest --provider=local --test \ 93 --test_args="--ginkgo.focus=Services.*\[Conformance\].* --e2e-verify-service-account=false --host ${KUBE_MASTER_URL}" 94 95 # We currently skip the following tests: 96 # - NetworkPolicy between server and client using SCTP 97 # - Service translation is not yet supported, and the tests rely on Services. 98 # - More info at 99 # - should allow egress access to server in CIDR block and 100 # - should ensure an IP overlapping both IPBlock.CIDR and IPBlock.Except is allowed and 101 # - should enforce except clause while egress access to server in CIDR block 102 # - TL;DR Cilium does not allow to specify pod CIDRs as part of the policy 103 # because it conflicts with the pod's security identity. 104 # - More info at 105 echo "Running upstream NetworkPolicy tests" 106 ${HOME}/go/bin/kubetest --provider=local --test \ 107 --test_args="--ginkgo.focus=Net.*ol.* --e2e-verify-service-account=false --host ${KUBE_MASTER_URL} --ginkgo.skip=(|(|(|(Feature:SCTPConnectivity)"