(about) 1 site_name: "ebpf-go Documentation" 2 site_description: Pure-Go library to read, modify and load eBPF programs and attach them to various hooks in the Linux kernel. 3 site_author: Cilium Community 4 5 # Rendered in header. 6 repo_url: 7 repo_name: cilium/ebpf 8 edit_uri: edit/main/docs/ebpf/ 9 10 # Directory to look for Markdown files within docs/. 11 docs_dir: ebpf 12 13 theme: 14 logo: ebpf-go.png 15 favicon: ebpf-go.png 16 name: material 17 18 icon: 19 # GitHub link in the header. 20 repo: fontawesome/brands/github-alt 21 # Edit button at the top of each page. 22 edit: material/pencil-ruler 23 24 features: 25 # Display sections in the navbar. 26 - navigation.sections 27 # Anchor tracking, updates the address bar with the active anchor. 28 - navigation.tracking 29 # Use XHR instead of fully reloading the page when navigating around. 30 - nagivation.instant 31 # Clipboard button in code blocks. 32 - content.code.copy 33 # Enable annotations in code blocks. 34 - content.code.annotate 35 # Button to edit page on GitHub. 36 - content.action.edit 37 38 palette: 39 # Palette toggle for light mode 40 - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)" 41 scheme: default 42 toggle: 43 icon: material/lightbulb-off 44 name: Switch to dark mode 45 46 # Palette toggle for dark mode 47 - media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" 48 scheme: slate 49 toggle: 50 icon: material/lightbulb-on 51 name: Switch to light mode 52 53 # Template overrides. 54 custom_dir: overrides 55 56 nav: 57 - 'Home': 58 - 'Guides': 59 - 'Getting Started': guides/ 60 - 'Portable eBPF': guides/ 61 - 'Concepts': 62 - 'Loading eBPF Programs': concepts/ 63 - 'Resource Limits': concepts/ 64 - 'Section Naming': concepts/ 65 - 'Feature Detection': concepts/ 66 - 'Object Lifecycle': concepts/ 67 - 'Contributing': 68 - contributing/ 69 - contributing/ 70 - contributing/ 71 - 'Users': 72 - 'Go Reference': 73 - 'GitHub': 74 - 'Repository': 75 - 'Issue Tracker': 76 - 'Discussions': 77 - 'About': 78 79 extra: 80 social: 81 - icon: fontawesome/brands/github 82 link: 83 84 extra_css: 85 - stylesheets/extra.css 86 87 watch: 88 - examples/ 89 - includes/ 90 - overrides/ 91 - 92 93 plugins: 94 - search 95 - macros: 96 # This opens in docs/. 97 module_name: macros 98 # Make the mkdocs build fail if any errors occur. 99 # Otherwise, any errors would be rendered to the build output. 100 on_error_fail: true 101 include_yaml: 102 - vars.yml 103 # Updated/authors displayed in footer. 104 # Layout is customized in overrides/partials/source-file.html. 105 - git-revision-date-localized: 106 type: timeago 107 - git-authors: 108 show_email_address: false 109 authorship_threshold_percent: 10 110 exclude: 111 - 112 113 # Enable syntax highlighting in mkdocs-material. 114 markdown_extensions: 115 # Automatic tooltips for abbreviations/glossary. 116 - abbr 117 # Setting attributes on code fences (e.g. ``` go linenums='1') 118 - attr_list 119 # Special content blocks like '!!! note' 120 - admonition 121 # Definition lists using indented descriptions 122 - def_list 123 - footnotes 124 # Collapsible admonitions 125 - pymdownx.details 126 # Syntax highlighting in code blocks 127 - pymdownx.highlight: 128 anchor_linenums: true 129 - pymdownx.inlinehilite 130 # Glossary 131 - pymdownx.snippets: 132 auto_append: 133 - includes/ 134 # Superfences enables nested and tabbed code blocks and Mermaid support 135 - pymdownx.superfences: 136 custom_fences: 137 - name: mermaid 138 class: mermaid 139 format: !!python/name:pymdownx.superfences.fence_code_format 140 # Content tabs for code snippets, checklists, etc. 141 - pymdownx.tabbed: 142 alternate_style: true 143 # Emoji and icons like :fontawesome-brands-golang: 144 - pymdownx.emoji: 145 emoji_index: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.twemoji 146 emoji_generator: !!python/name:material.extensions.emoji.to_svg 147 options: 148 custom_icons: 149 - overrides/.icons 150 # Table of Contents 151 - toc: 152 permalink: true