(about) 1 variable "platform" { 2 default = "ubuntu" 3 description = "The OS Platform" 4 } 5 6 variable "user" { 7 default = { 8 ubuntu = "ubuntu" 9 rhel6 = "root" 10 rhel7 = "root" 11 centos6 = "root" 12 centos7 = "root" 13 } 14 } 15 16 variable "machine_image" { 17 default = { 18 ubuntu = "ubuntu-os-cloud/ubuntu-1404-trusty-v20160314" 19 rhel6 = "rhel-cloud/rhel-6-v20160303" 20 rhel7 = "rhel-cloud/rhel-7-v20160303" 21 centos6 = "centos-cloud/centos-6-v20160301" 22 centos7 = "centos-cloud/centos-7-v20160301" 23 } 24 } 25 26 variable "service_conf" { 27 default = { 28 ubuntu = "debian_upstart.conf" 29 rhel6 = "rhel_upstart.conf" 30 rhel7 = "rhel_consul.service" 31 centos6 = "rhel_upstart.conf" 32 centos7 = "rhel_consul.service" 33 } 34 } 35 36 variable "service_conf_dest" { 37 default = { 38 ubuntu = "upstart.conf" 39 rhel6 = "upstart.conf" 40 rhel7 = "consul.service" 41 centos6 = "upstart.conf" 42 centos7 = "consul.service" 43 } 44 } 45 46 variable "key_path" { 47 description = "Path to the private key used to access the cloud servers" 48 } 49 50 variable "region" { 51 default = "us-central1" 52 description = "The region of Google Cloud where to launch the cluster" 53 } 54 55 variable "region_zone" { 56 default = "us-central1-f" 57 description = "The zone of Google Cloud in which to launch the cluster" 58 } 59 60 variable "servers" { 61 default = "3" 62 description = "The number of Consul servers to launch" 63 } 64 65 variable "machine_type" { 66 default = "f1-micro" 67 description = "Google Cloud Compute machine type" 68 } 69 70 variable "tag_name" { 71 default = "consul" 72 description = "Name tag for the servers" 73 }