
     1  ---
     2  layout: api
     3  page_title: Prepared Queries - HTTP API
     4  sidebar_current: api-query
     5  description: |-
     6    The /query endpoints manage and execute prepared queries in Consul.
     7  ---
     9  # Prepared Query HTTP Endpoint
    11  The `/query` endpoints create, update, destroy, and execute prepared queries.
    13  Prepared queries allow you to register a complex service query and then execute
    14  it later via its ID or name to get a set of healthy nodes that provide a given
    15  service. This is particularly useful in combination with Consul's
    16  [DNS Interface](/docs/agent/dns.html) as it allows for much richer queries than
    17  would be possible given the limited entry points exposed by DNS.
    19  See the [Geo Failover Guide](/docs/guides/geo-failover.html) for details and
    20  examples for using prepared queries to implement geo failover for services.
    22  See the [prepared query rules](/docs/agent/acl-rules.html#prepared-query-rules)
    23  section of the agent ACL documentation for more details about how prepared
    24  queries work with Consul's ACL system.
    26  ### Prepared Query Templates
    28  Consul 0.6.4 and later support prepared query templates. These are created
    29  similar to static queries, except with some additional fields and features.
    30  Here is an example prepared query template:
    32  ```json
    33  {
    34    "Template": {
    35      "Type": "name_prefix_match",
    36      "Regexp": "^geo-db-(.*?)-([^\\-]+?)$",
    37      "RemoveEmptyTags": false
    38    }
    39  }
    40  ```
    42  The `Template` structure configures a prepared query as a template instead of a
    43  static query. It has two fields:
    45  - `Type` is the query type, which must be `name_prefix_match`. This means that
    46    the template will apply to any query lookup with a name whose prefix matches
    47    the `Name` field of the template. In this example, any query for `geo-db` will
    48    match this query. Query templates are resolved using a longest prefix match,
    49    so it's possible to have high-level templates that are overridden for specific
    50    services. Static queries are always resolved first, so they can also override
    51    templates.
    53  - `Regexp` is an optional regular expression which is used to extract fields
    54    from the entire name, once this template is selected. In this example, the
    55    regular expression takes the first item after the "-" as the database name and
    56    everything else after as a tag. See the
    57    [RE2]( reference for syntax of this
    58    regular expression.
    60  - `RemoveEmptyTags` is optional, and if set to true, will cause the `Tags` list
    61    inside the `Service` structure to be stripped of any empty strings. This defaults
    62    to false, meaning that empty strings will remain in the list. This is useful
    63    when interpolating into tags in a way where the tag is optional, and where
    64    searching for an empty tag would yield no results from the query.
    66  All other fields of the query have the same meanings as for a static query,
    67  except that several interpolation variables are available to dynamically
    68  populate the query before it is executed. All of the string fields inside the
    69  `Service` structure are interpolated, with the following variables available:
    71  - `${name.full}` has the entire name that was queried. For example, a DNS lookup
    72    for `geo-db-customer-primary.query.consul` in the example above would set this
    73    variable to `geo-db-customer-primary`.
    75  - `${name.prefix}` has the prefix that matched. This would always be `geo-db`
    76    for the example above.
    78  - `${name.suffix}` has the suffix after the prefix. For example, a DNS lookup
    79    for `geo-db-customer-primary.query.consul` in the example above would set this
    80    variable to `-customer-primary`.
    82  - `${match(N)}` returns the regular expression match at the given index N. The 0
    83    index will have the entire match, and >0 will have the results of each match
    84    group. For example, a DNS lookup for `geo-db-customer-primary.query.consul` in
    85    the example above with a `Regexp` field set to `^geo-db-(.*?)-([^\-]+?)$`
    86    would return `geo-db-customer-primary` for `${match(0)}`, `customer` for
    87    `${match(1)}`, and `primary` for `${match(2)}`. If the regular expression
    88    doesn't match, or an invalid index is given, then `${match(N)}` will return an
    89    empty string.
    91  - `${agent.segment}` has the network segment (Enterprise-only) of the agent that
    92    initiated the query. This can be used with the `NodeMeta` field to limit the results
    93    of a query to service instances within its own network segment:
    95      ```json
    96      {
    97        "Name": "",
    98        "Template": {
    99          "Type": "name_prefix_match"
   100        },
   101        "Service": {
   102          "Service": "${name.full}",
   103          "NodeMeta": {"consul-network-segment": "${agent.segment}"}
   104        }
   105      }
   106      ```
   107    This will map all names of the form `<service>.query.consul` over DNS to a query
   108    that will select an instance of the service in the agent's own network segment.
   110  Using templates, it is possible to apply prepared query behaviors to many
   111  services with a single template. Here's an example template that matches any
   112  query and applies a failover policy to it:
   114  ```json
   115  {
   116    "Name": "",
   117    "Template": {
   118      "Type": "name_prefix_match"
   119    },
   120    "Service": {
   121      "Service": "${name.full}",
   122      "Failover": {
   123        "NearestN": 3
   124      }
   125    }
   126  }
   127  ```
   129  This will match any lookup for `*.query.consul` and will attempt to find the
   130  service locally, and otherwise attempt to find that service in the next three
   131  closest datacenters. If ACLs are enabled, a catch-all template like this with
   132  an empty `Name` requires an ACL token that can write to any query prefix. Also,
   133  only a single catch-all template can be registered at any time.
   135  ## Create Prepared Query
   137  This endpoint creates a new prepared query and returns its ID if it is created
   138  successfully.
   140  | Method | Path                         | Produces                   |
   141  | ------ | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
   142  | `POST`  | `/query`                     | `application/json`         |
   144  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
   145  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries),
   146  [consistency modes](/api/index.html#consistency-modes),
   147  [agent caching](/api/index.html#agent-caching), and
   148  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
   150  | Blocking Queries | Consistency Modes | Agent Caching | ACL Required  |
   151  | ---------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
   152  | `NO`             | `none`            | `none`        | `query:write` |
   154  ### Parameters
   156  - `dc` `(string: "")` - Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to
   157    the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the
   158    URL as a query parameter.
   160  - `Name` `(string: "")` - Specifies an optional friendly name that can be used
   161    to execute a query instead of using its ID.
   163  - `Session` `(string: "")` - Specifies the ID of an existing session. This
   164    provides a way to automatically remove a prepared query when the given session
   165    is invalidated. If not given the prepared query must be manually removed when
   166    no longer needed.
   168  - `Token` `(string: "")` - Specifies the ACL token to use each time the query is
   169    executed. This allows queries to be executed by clients with lesser or even no
   170    ACL Token, so this should be used with care. The token itself can only be seen
   171    by clients with a management token. If the `Token` field is left blank or
   172    omitted, the client's ACL Token will be used to determine if they have access
   173    to the service being queried. If the client does not supply an ACL Token, the
   174    anonymous token will be used.
   176  - `Service` `(Service: <required>)` - Specifies the structure to define the query's behavior.
   178    - `Service` `(string: <required>)` - Specifies the name of the service to
   179      query.
   181    - `Failover` contains two fields, both of which are optional, and determine
   182      what happens if no healthy nodes are available in the local datacenter when
   183      the query is executed. It allows the use of nodes in other datacenters with
   184      very little configuration.
   186        - `NearestN` `(int: 0)` - Specifies that the query will be forwarded to up
   187          to `NearestN` other datacenters based on their estimated network round
   188          trip time using [Network Coordinates](/docs/internals/coordinates.html)
   189          from the WAN gossip pool. The median round trip time from the server
   190          handling the query to the servers in the remote datacenter is used to
   191          determine the priority.
   193        - `Datacenters` `(array<string>: nil)` - Specifies a fixed list of remote
   194          datacenters to forward the query to if there are no healthy nodes in the
   195          local datacenter. Datacenters are queried in the order given in the
   196          list. If this option is combined with `NearestN`, then the `NearestN`
   197          queries will be performed first, followed by the list given by
   198          `Datacenters`. A given datacenter will only be queried one time during a
   199          failover, even if it is selected by both `NearestN` and is listed in
   200          `Datacenters`.
   202    - `IgnoreCheckIDs` `(array<string>: nil)` - Specifies a list of check IDs that
   203      should be ignored when filtering unhealthy instances. This is mostly useful
   204      in an emergency or as a temporary measure when a health check is found to be
   205      unreliable. Being able to ignore it in centrally-defined queries can be
   206      simpler than de-registering the check as an interim solution until the check
   207      can be fixed.
   209    - `OnlyPassing` `(bool: false)` - Specifies the behavior of the query's health
   210      check filtering. If this is set to false, the results will include nodes
   211      with checks in the passing as well as the warning states. If this is set to
   212      true, only nodes with checks in the passing state will be returned.
   214    - `Near` `(string: "")` - Specifies a node to sort near based on distance
   215       sorting using [Network Coordinates](/docs/internals/coordinates.html). The
   216       nearest instance to the specified node will be returned first, and subsequent
   217       nodes in the response will be sorted in ascending order of estimated
   218       round-trip times. If the node given does not exist, the nodes in the response
   219       will be shuffled. If unspecified, the response will be shuffled by default.
   221         - `_agent` - Returns results nearest the agent servicing the request.
   222         - `_ip` - Returns results nearest to the node associated with the source IP
   223           where the query was executed from. For HTTP the source IP is the remote
   224           peer's IP address or the value of the X-Forwarded-For header with the
   225           header taking precedence. For DNS the source IP is the remote peer's IP
   226           address or the value of the ENDS client IP with the EDNS client IP
   227           taking precedence.
   230    - `Tags` `(array<string>: nil)` - Specifies a list of service tags to filter
   231      the query results. For a service to pass the tag filter it must have *all*
   232      of the required tags, and *none* of the excluded tags (prefixed with `!`).
   234    - `NodeMeta` `(map<string|string>: nil)` - Specifies a list of user-defined
   235      key/value pairs that will be used for filtering the query results to nodes
   236      with the given metadata values present.
   238    - `ServiceMeta` `(map<string|string>: nil)` - Specifies a list of user-defined
   239      key/value pairs that will be used for filtering the query results to services
   240      with the given metadata values present.
   242    - `Connect` `(bool: false)` - If true, only [Connect-capable](/docs/connect/index.html) services
   243      for the specified service name will be returned. This includes both
   244  	natively integrated services and proxies. For proxies, the proxy name
   245  	may not match `Service`, because the proxy destination will. Any
   246  	constrains beyond the service name such as `Near`, `Tags`, and `NodeMeta`
   247  	are applied to Connect-capable service.
   249  - `DNS` `(DNS: nil)` - Specifies DNS configuration
   251    - `TTL` `(string: "")` - Specifies the TTL duration when query results are
   252      served over DNS. If this is specified, it will take precedence over any
   253      Consul agent-specific configuration.
   255  ### Sample Payload
   257  ```json
   258  {
   259    "Name": "my-query",
   260    "Session": "adf4238a-882b-9ddc-4a9d-5b6758e4159e",
   261    "Token": "",
   262    "Service": {
   263      "Service": "redis",
   264      "Failover": {
   265        "NearestN": 3,
   266        "Datacenters": ["dc1", "dc2"]
   267      },
   268      "Near": "node1",
   269      "OnlyPassing": false,
   270      "Tags": ["primary", "!experimental"],
   271      "NodeMeta": {"instance_type": "m3.large"},
   272      "ServiceMeta": {"environment": "production"}
   273    },
   274    "DNS": {
   275      "TTL": "10s"
   276    }
   277  }
   278  ```
   280  ### Sample Request
   282  ```text
   283  $ curl \
   284      --request POST \
   285      --data @payload.json \
   287  ```
   289  ### Sample Response
   291  ```json
   292  {
   293    "ID": "8f246b77-f3e1-ff88-5b48-8ec93abf3e05"
   294  }
   295  ```
   297  ## Read Prepared Query
   299  This endpoint returns a list of all prepared queries.
   301  | Method | Path                         | Produces                   |
   302  | ------ | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
   303  | `GET`  | `/query`                     | `application/json`         |
   305  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
   306  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries),
   307  [consistency modes](/api/index.html#consistency-modes),
   308  [agent caching](/api/index.html#agent-caching), and
   309  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
   311  | Blocking Queries | Consistency Modes | Agent Caching | ACL Required |
   312  | ---------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | ------------ |
   313  | `NO`             | `none`            | `none`        | `query:read` |
   315  ### Parameters
   317  - `dc` `(string: "")` - Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to
   318    the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the
   319    URL as a query parameter.
   321  ### Sample Request
   323  ```text
   324  $ curl \
   326  ```
   328  ### Sample Response
   330  ```json
   331  [
   332    {
   333      "ID": "8f246b77-f3e1-ff88-5b48-8ec93abf3e05",
   334      "Name": "my-query",
   335      "Session": "adf4238a-882b-9ddc-4a9d-5b6758e4159e",
   336      "Token": "<hidden>",
   337      "Service": {
   338        "Service": "redis",
   339        "Failover": {
   340          "NearestN": 3,
   341          "Datacenters": ["dc1", "dc2"]
   342        },
   343        "OnlyPassing": false,
   344        "Tags": ["primary", "!experimental"],
   345        "NodeMeta": {"instance_type": "m3.large"},
   346        "ServiceMeta": {"environment": "production"}
   347      },
   348      "DNS": {
   349        "TTL": "10s"
   350      },
   351      "RaftIndex": {
   352        "CreateIndex": 23,
   353        "ModifyIndex": 42
   354      }
   355    }
   356  ]
   357  ```
   359  ### Update Prepared Query
   361  This endpoint updates an existing prepared query. If no query exists by the
   362  given ID, an error is returned.
   364  | Method | Path                         | Produces                   |
   365  | ------ | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
   366  | `PUT`  | `/query/:uuid`               | `application/json`         |
   368  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
   369  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries),
   370  [consistency modes](/api/index.html#consistency-modes),
   371  [agent caching](/api/index.html#agent-caching), and
   372  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
   374  | Blocking Queries | Consistency Modes | Agent Caching | ACL Required  |
   375  | ---------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
   376  | `NO`             | `none`            | `none`        | `query:write` |
   378  ### Parameters
   380  - `uuid` `(string: <required>)` - Specifies the UUID of the query to update.
   381    This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
   383  - `dc` `(string: "")` - Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to
   384    the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the
   385    URL as a query parameter.
   387  The body is the same as is used to create a prepared query. Please see above for
   388  more information.
   390  ### Sample Request
   392  ```text
   393  $ curl \
   394      --request PUT \
   395      --data @payload.json \
   397  ```
   399  ## Read Prepared Query
   401  This endpoint reads an existing prepared query. If no query exists by the
   402  given ID, an error is returned.
   404  | Method | Path                         | Produces                   |
   405  | ------ | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
   406  | `GET`  | `/query/:uuid`               | `application/json`         |
   408  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
   409  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries),
   410  [consistency modes](/api/index.html#consistency-modes),
   411  [agent caching](/api/index.html#agent-caching), and
   412  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
   414  | Blocking Queries | Consistency Modes | Agent Caching | ACL Required |
   415  | ---------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | ------------ |
   416  | `NO`             | `none`            | `none`        | `query:read` |
   418  ### Parameters
   420  - `uuid` `(string: <required>)` - Specifies the UUID of the query to read.
   421    This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
   423  - `dc` `(string: "")` - Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to
   424    the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the
   425    URL as a query parameter.
   427  ### Sample Request
   429  ```text
   430  $ curl \
   432  ```
   434  ### Sample Response
   436  The returned response is the same as the list of prepared queries above, only
   437  with a single item present.
   439  ## Delete Prepared Query
   441  This endpoint deletes an existing prepared query. If no query exists by the
   442  given ID, an error is returned.
   444  | Method    | Path                         | Produces                   |
   445  | --------- | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
   446  | `DELETE`  | `/query/:uuid`               | `application/json`         |
   448  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
   449  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries),
   450  [consistency modes](/api/index.html#consistency-modes),
   451  [agent caching](/api/index.html#agent-caching), and
   452  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
   454  | Blocking Queries | Consistency Modes | Agent Caching | ACL Required  |
   455  | ---------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
   456  | `NO`             | `none`            | `none`        | `query:write` |
   458  ### Parameters
   460  - `uuid` `(string: <required>)` - Specifies the UUID of the query to delete.
   461    This is required and is specified as part of the URL path.
   463  - `dc` `(string: "")` - Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to
   464    the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the
   465    URL as a query parameter.
   467  ### Sample Request
   469  ```text
   470  $ curl \
   471      --request DELETE \
   473  ```
   475  ## Execute Prepared Query
   477  This endpoint executes an existing prepared query. If no query exists by the
   478  given ID, an error is returned.
   480  | Method | Path                         | Produces                   |
   481  | ------ | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
   482  | `GET`  | `/query/:uuid/execute`       | `application/json`         |
   484  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
   485  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries),
   486  [consistency modes](/api/index.html#consistency-modes),
   487  [agent caching](/api/index.html#agent-caching), and
   488  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
   490  | Blocking Queries | Consistency Modes | Agent Caching | ACL Required |
   491  | ---------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | ------------ |
   492  | `NO`             | `none`            | `simple`      | `depends`<sup>1</sup>    |
   494  <sup>1</sup> If an ACL Token was bound to the query when it was defined then it
   495  will be used when executing the request. Otherwise, the client's supplied ACL
   496  Token will be used.
   498  ### Parameters
   500  - `uuid` `(string: <required>)` - Specifies the UUID of the query to execute.
   501    This is required and is specified as part of the URL path. This can also be
   502    the name of an existing prepared query, or a name that matches a prefix name
   503    for a prepared query template.
   505  - `dc` `(string: "")` - Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to
   506    the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the
   507    URL as a query parameter.
   509  - `near` `(string: "")` - Specifies to sort the resulting list in ascending
   510    order based on the estimated round trip time from that node. Passing
   511    `?near=_agent` will use the agent's node for the sort. Passing `?near=_ip`
   512    will use the source IP of the request or the value of the X-Forwarded-For
   513    header to lookup the node to use for the sort. If this is not present,
   514    the default behavior will shuffle the nodes randomly each time the query is
   515    executed.
   517  - `limit` `(int: 0)` - Limit the size of the list to the given number of nodes.
   518    This is applied after any sorting or shuffling.
   520  - `connect` `(bool: false)` - If true, limit results to nodes that are
   521    Connect-capable only. This can also be specified directly on the template
   522    itself to force all executions of a query to be Connect-only. See the
   523    template documentation for more information.
   525  ### Sample Request
   527  ```text
   528  $ curl \
   530  ```
   532  ### Sample Response
   534  ```json
   535  {
   536    "Service": "redis",
   537    "Nodes": [
   538      {
   539        "Node": {
   540          "ID": "40e4a748-2192-161a-0510-9bf59fe950b5",
   541          "Node": "foobar",
   542          "Address": "",
   543          "Datacenter": "dc1",
   544          "TaggedAddresses": {
   545            "lan": "",
   546            "wan": ""
   547          },
   548          "NodeMeta": {"instance_type": "m3.large"}
   549        },
   550        "Service": {
   551          "ID": "redis",
   552          "Service": "redis",
   553          "Tags": null,
   554          "Meta": {"redis_version": "4.0"},
   555          "Port": 8000
   556        },
   557        "Checks": [
   558          {
   559            "Node": "foobar",
   560            "CheckID": "service:redis",
   561            "Name": "Service 'redis' check",
   562            "Status": "passing",
   563            "Notes": "",
   564            "Output": "",
   565            "ServiceID": "redis",
   566            "ServiceName": "redis"
   567          },
   568          {
   569            "Node": "foobar",
   570            "CheckID": "serfHealth",
   571            "Name": "Serf Health Status",
   572            "Status": "passing",
   573            "Notes": "",
   574            "Output": "",
   575            "ServiceID": "",
   576            "ServiceName": ""
   577          }
   578        ],
   579      "DNS": {
   580        "TTL": "10s"
   581      },
   582      "Datacenter": "dc3",
   583      "Failovers": 2
   584    }]
   585  }
   586  ```
   588  - `Nodes` contains the list of healthy nodes providing the given service, as
   589    specified by the constraints of the prepared query.
   591  - `Service` has the service name that the query was selecting. This is useful
   592    for context in case an empty list of nodes is returned.
   594  - `DNS` has information used when serving the results over DNS. This is just a
   595    copy of the structure given when the prepared query was created.
   597  - `Datacenter` has the datacenter that ultimately provided the list of nodes and
   598    `Failovers` has the number of remote datacenters that were queried while
   599    executing the query. This provides some insight into where the data came from.
   600    This will be zero during non-failover operations where there were healthy
   601    nodes found in the local datacenter.
   603  ## Explain Prepared Query
   605  This endpoint generates a fully-rendered query for a given name, post
   606  interpolation.
   608  | Method | Path                         | Produces                   |
   609  | ------ | ---------------------------- | -------------------------- |
   610  | `GET`  | `/query/:uuid/explain`       | `application/json`         |
   612  The table below shows this endpoint's support for
   613  [blocking queries](/api/index.html#blocking-queries),
   614  [consistency modes](/api/index.html#consistency-modes),
   615  [agent caching](/api/index.html#agent-caching), and
   616  [required ACLs](/api/index.html#acls).
   618  | Blocking Queries | Consistency Modes | Agent Caching | ACL Required |
   619  | ---------------- | ----------------- | ------------- | ------------ |
   620  | `NO`             | `none`            | `none`        | `query:read` |
   622  ### Parameters
   624  - `uuid` `(string: <required>)` - Specifies the UUID of the query to explain.
   625    This is required and is specified as part of the URL path. This can also be
   626    the name of an existing prepared query, or a name that matches a prefix name
   627    for a prepared query template.
   629  - `dc` `(string: "")` - Specifies the datacenter to query. This will default to
   630    the datacenter of the agent being queried. This is specified as part of the
   631    URL as a query parameter.
   633  ### Sample Request
   635  ```text
   636  $ curl \
   638  ```
   640  ### Sample Response
   642  ```json
   643  {
   644    "Query": {
   645      "ID": "8f246b77-f3e1-ff88-5b48-8ec93abf3e05",
   646      "Name": "my-query",
   647      "Session": "adf4238a-882b-9ddc-4a9d-5b6758e4159e",
   648      "Token": "<hidden>",
   649      "Name": "geo-db",
   650      "Template": {
   651        "Type": "name_prefix_match",
   652        "Regexp": "^geo-db-(.*?)-([^\\-]+?)$"
   653      },
   654      "Service": {
   655        "Service": "mysql-customer",
   656        "Failover": {
   657          "NearestN": 3,
   658          "Datacenters": ["dc1", "dc2"]
   659        },
   660        "OnlyPassing": true,
   661        "Tags": ["primary"],
   662        "Meta": { "mysql_version": "5.7.20" },
   663        "NodeMeta": {"instance_type": "m3.large"}
   664      }
   665    }
   666  }
   667  ```