
     1  package rpcd
     3  import (
     4  	"io"
     5  	"sync"
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  )
    16  type rpcType struct {
    17  	scannerConfiguration      *scanner.Configuration
    18  	fileSystemHistory         *scanner.FileSystemHistory
    19  	objectsDir                string
    20  	rootDir                   string
    21  	networkReaderContext      *rateio.ReaderContext
    22  	netbenchFilename          string
    23  	oldTriggersFilename       string
    24  	rescanObjectCacheFunction func()
    25  	disableScannerFunc        func(disableScanner bool)
    26  	logger                    log.Logger
    27  	*serverutil.PerUserMethodLimiter
    28  	rwLock                       sync.RWMutex
    29  	getFilesLock                 sync.Mutex
    30  	fetchInProgress              bool // Fetch() & Update() mutually exclusive.
    31  	updateInProgress             bool
    32  	startTimeNanoSeconds         int32 // For Fetch() or Update().
    33  	startTimeSeconds             int64
    34  	lastFetchError               error
    35  	lastUpdateError              error
    36  	lastUpdateHadTriggerFailures bool
    37  	lastSuccessfulImageName      string
    38  }
    40  type addObjectsHandlerType struct {
    41  	objectsDir           string
    42  	scannerConfiguration *scanner.Configuration
    43  	logger               log.Logger
    44  }
    46  type HtmlWriter struct {
    47  	lastSuccessfulImageName *string
    48  }
    50  func Setup(configuration *scanner.Configuration, fsh *scanner.FileSystemHistory,
    51  	objectsDirname string, rootDirname string,
    52  	netReaderContext *rateio.ReaderContext,
    53  	netbenchFname string, oldTriggersFname string,
    54  	disableScannerFunction func(disableScanner bool),
    55  	rescanObjectCacheFunction func(), logger log.Logger) *HtmlWriter {
    56  	rpcObj := &rpcType{
    57  		scannerConfiguration:      configuration,
    58  		fileSystemHistory:         fsh,
    59  		objectsDir:                objectsDirname,
    60  		rootDir:                   rootDirname,
    61  		networkReaderContext:      netReaderContext,
    62  		netbenchFilename:          netbenchFname,
    63  		oldTriggersFilename:       oldTriggersFname,
    64  		rescanObjectCacheFunction: rescanObjectCacheFunction,
    65  		disableScannerFunc:        disableScannerFunction,
    66  		logger:                    logger,
    67  		PerUserMethodLimiter: serverutil.NewPerUserMethodLimiter(
    68  			map[string]uint{
    69  				"Poll": 1,
    70  			}),
    71  	}
    72  	srpc.RegisterNameWithOptions("Subd", rpcObj,
    73  		srpc.ReceiverOptions{
    74  			PublicMethods: []string{
    75  				"Poll",
    76  			}})
    77  	addObjectsHandler := &addObjectsHandlerType{
    78  		objectsDir:           objectsDirname,
    79  		scannerConfiguration: configuration,
    80  		logger:               logger}
    81  	srpc.RegisterName("ObjectServer", addObjectsHandler)
    82  	tricorder.RegisterMetric("/image-name", &rpcObj.lastSuccessfulImageName,
    83  		units.None, "name of the image for the last successful update")
    84  	return &HtmlWriter{&rpcObj.lastSuccessfulImageName}
    85  }
    87  func (hw *HtmlWriter) WriteHtml(writer io.Writer) {
    88  	hw.writeHtml(writer)
    89  }