
     1  Juju Glossary
     2  =============
     4  This document introduces and briefly explains a number of terms that are used
     5  throughout the juju documentation, roughly broken down by conceptual area. The
     6  intent of this document is to make the reader aware of the available modes of
     7  interaction with juju, and how the various commands and concepts interact. It
     8  makes no attempt to be comprehensive; just accurate and opinionated.
    10  Charms
    11  ------
    13  A `charm` is a collection of code and data that embodies best practice in
    14  the deployment of a particular piece (or collection) of software. Examples
    15  of software that has been charmed include:
    17    * wordpress (blogging platform)
    18    * mediawiki (wiki platform)
    19    * mysql (relational database)
    20    * mongodb (non-relational database)
    21    * hadoop (heavyweight data crunching)
    22    * glance, keystone, nova-compute, etc (openstack components)
    23    * minecraft (game server)
    25  A charm consists of the following components:
    27    * metadata (describes the charm's purpose and capabilities)
    28    * configuration (describes the ways in which a user can tune the software)
    29    * hooks (executables, invoked by juju, that configure and deploy the software)
    30    * revision (an integer identifying separate versions of the same charm)
    31    * any additional code or data useful to the hooks or the deployed software
    33  A `charm directory` is a filesystem directory containing the aforementioned
    34  components of a charm in standard locations. (Any additional code/data can go
    35  anywhere not reserved for the other components.)
    37  A `charm bundle` is a charm directory serialized as a zip file. This format is
    38  used for storage and distribution only; when a charm is deployed it is always
    39  unbundled into a charm directory, within which all hooks are executed.
    41  A `repository` is a collection of charms that can be deployed by juju.
    43  The `charm store` is the default repository, which serves only curated bundled
    44  charms.
    46  A `local repository` is a repository located on the same system as the juju
    47  client.
    49  A `charm URL` is a string that identifies the provenance and the intended
    50  deployment target of a charm, and may also specify the charm's revision.
    51  Charms are identified by their charm URLs.
    53  Environments
    54  ------------
    56  A `machine` is a computing resource on which components of juju, and of the
    57  software deployed by juju, can run. The following command is used to
    58  manipulate machines directly.
    60    * juju terminate-machine (soon to alias destroy-machine) [TODO: not implemented]
    62  An `environment` is a deployment of juju. It always includes at least one
    63  machine responsible for maintaining the system's state, and potentially
    64  provisioning additional machines in response to state changes. The following
    65  commands are used to manipulate and inspect the environment.
    67    * juju bootstrap
    68    * juju status [TODO: somewhat incomplete]
    69    * juju upgrade-juju
    70    * juju destroy-environment
    72  An `environment provider` mediates between juju and the substrate on which an
    73  environment runs. Each provider allows juju to run against a different backend:
    75    * ec2 (Amazon EC2 and S3)
    76    * maas (bare metal) [TODO: work in progress]
    77    * local (LXC containers on client machine) [TODO: work in progress]
    78    * openstack (many public and private clouds) [TODO: work in progress]
    80  An `environment configuration` describes how to create and connect to an
    81  environment from a specific provider. An environment configuration must
    82  always specify at least the following information:
    84    * name (to identify the environment)
    85    * type (to specify the provider)
    86    * admin-secret (a "password" identifying an client with administrative-
    87      level access to system state)
    88    * authorized-keys (SSH public keys identifying users allowed to connect to
    89      machines in the environment)
    91  ...and may accept or even require additional keys depending on the provider
    92  type; but the full details of environment configuration are outside the scope
    93  of this document.
    95  [TODO: there should/will be commands for inspecting and manipulating the
    96  configuration of an environment while it's running; the names "env-get" and
    97  "env-set" have been mooted, but I'm not sure that's sane: I can't see any
    98  reason not to use the existing "get" and "set", which currently only work
    99  for services. But I could just be missing something obvious. Note that certain
   100  settings, such as "name" and "type", and "region" in the ec2 provider, will
   101  need to be immutable, and I'm not sure whether that's implemented yet.]
   103  An `environments file` is a YAML file containing environment configurations.
   104  Juju cannot operate without a valid environments file, which must be saved at
   105  `~/.juju/environments.yaml` on the client machine.
   107  The simplest functional environments file looks like this:
   109    environments:
   110      aws:
   111        type: ec2
   112        admin-secret: <password string>
   113        control-bucket: <globally unique S3 bucket name>
   115  The "name" of the single defined environment is determined by its key in the
   116  environments map ("aws"), and the "authorized-keys" can be safely omitted so
   117  long as the client machine has a public key with a standard name saved in
   118  `~/.ssh`. Because it's using the "ec2" provider type, it also has to specify
   119  a "control-bucket" key; the "access-key" and "secret-key" settings are also
   120  required, but can be omitted if the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
   121  environment variables are set in the client process. The "region" setting
   122  defaults to "us-east-1"; there are other possible settings but they're not
   123  relevant here.
   125  [NOTE: there is much more to environment configuration than has been discussed
   126  here. "authorized-keys-path" and "default-series" both apply to every provider,
   127  the ec2 provider offers many not mentioned here, and it will only get worse with
   128  each new provider...]
   130  Services
   131  --------
   133  A `service` is a deployment of a charm in an environment. The following commands
   134  are used to manipulate services:
   136    * juju deploy
   137    * juju destroy-service [TODO: not implemented]
   139  A service's `configuration` is defined by its charm, and allows the user to
   140  inspect and tune the service's operation using the following commands:
   142    * juju get
   143    * juju set
   145  A `unit` is the fundamental component of a service; services are composed of
   146  units. Each unit represents an instance of the charm's software, deployed to
   147  some machine in the service's environment. The following commands are used to
   148  manipulate units:
   150    * juju add-unit
   151    * juju remove-unit (soon to alias destroy-unit)
   153  [TODO: units are currently not, but will shortly be, deployed to LXC containers
   154  within their machines; this prevents units on the same machine from interfering
   155  with one another (except when each attempts to open the same port; we haven't
   156  worked out how to deal with that yet).]
   158  A service is `exposed` if it is theoretically accessible from the public
   159  internet (or, at least, from outside its environment). The fact of a service's
   160  exposure does not necessarily imply that any units of that service are actually
   161  accessible; actual access is mediated by the service's units, which are
   162  responsible for specifying the ports that should actually be opened when the
   163  service is exposed. Service exposure is controlled with the following commands:
   165    * juju expose
   166    * juju unexpose
   168  [NOTE: the "firewall-mode" environment configuration setting comes into play
   169  here, but that may be a topic for a more detailed document, along with the
   170  varying levels of firewalling support in the various providers.]
   172  A service's charm can be `upgraded` when the revision of that charm available
   173  from its original repository is greater than that or the service's current charm,
   174  and when the following conditions hold:
   176    * all configuration keys that exist in both versions of the charm must have
   177      the same data type (addition or removal of config settings is fine, and it's
   178      ok for defaults to change, but (for example) a string cannot become an
   179      integer).
   180    * any normal relations in which the service is participating must also be
   181      available, unchanged, in the newer version of the charm (addition or removal
   182      of charm relations is, in general, fine).
   183    * [TODO: something to do with storage compatibility, but storage doesn't exist
   184      yet]
   186  The following command is used to upgrade a service's charm:
   188    * juju upgrade-charm [TODO: not implemented]
   190  [TODO: --revision and --switch params, that do not exist in the python version,
   191  are mooted; they would respectively allow up/downgrades to specific revisions,
   192  and crossgrades to entirely different charms, but priority/agreement is unclear.]
   194  Sometimes (although, hopefully, rarely) a unit will encounter an `error` that
   195  requires human intervention. These cases are as follows:
   197    * a charm hook returned a non-zero exit code
   198    * the unit process was killed while running a charm hook
   199    * a charm upgrade failed due to conflicting content in the charm directory
   201  In each of these situations, the unit stops responding to most external events,
   202  and waits for an administrator to resolve the problem. The administrator may
   203  need to log into the machine with the failed unit to determine and resolve the
   204  problem, or he may be able to resolve the problem automatically by trying to
   205  re-run the failed hook. The following commands are useful in error recovery:
   207    * juju ssh
   208    * juju scp
   209    * juju resolved
   211  A `forced upgrade` is a form of upgrade that ignores unit error states, and
   212  upgrades them anyway. Forced upgrades are subtle and quick to anger; they
   213  are only recommended if you have sole control of your environment and a clear
   214  understanding of the upgrade process as it applies to your specific charm.
   216  Relations
   217  ---------
   219  An `interface` is an informally-agreed protocol for transferring information
   220  between service units. Examples include:
   222    * http (hostname, port)
   223    * mysql (host, database, user, password, slave)
   224    * ceph-client (key, auth, rid) [TODO: I don't think rid is appropriate, we
   225      should take a look and figure out if it could be dropped]
   227  A `role` describes the manner in which a charm uses an interface. A role can
   228  have one of three values: "provider", "requirer", or "peer".
   230  A `(charm) relation` is an entry in a charm's metadata that indicates that it
   231  can fulfil some role over some interface. For example, the "relations" section
   232  of a charm's metadata might look like this (taken from wordpress):
   234      requires:
   235        db:
   236          interface: mysql
   237        nfs:
   238          interface: mount
   239        cache:
   240          interface: memcache
   241      provides:
   242        website:
   243          interface: http
   244      peers:
   245        loadbalancer:
   246          interface: reversenginx
   248  The above defines five (charm) relations, named "db", "nfs", "cache", "website",
   249  and "loadbalancer". "db" is a "requirer" over the "mysql" interface; "website"
   250  is a "provider" over the "http" interface.
   252  An `endpoint` is the combination of a service with one of its charm's relations.
   253  The set of a service's endpoints define the possible connections involving that
   254  service. Within an environment, an endpoint is uniquely identifiable when
   255  expressed in the form `<service-name>:<charm-relation-name>`.
   257  A "normal" `relation` is a connection between the endpoints of two services.
   258  The services' charms must respectively "provide" and "require" relations with
   259  identical interfaces. When two services are participating in a relation, each
   260  unit of each service can communicate with every unit of the other service.
   261  Normal relations can be manipulated with the following commands:
   263    * juju add-relation
   264    * juju remove-relation (soon to alias destroy-relation)
   266  A `(peer) relation` is a connection within a service defined by a single
   267  endpoint with the "peer" role. If such an endpoint exists, the peer relation
   268  is automatically created when the service is deployed; each unit of the
   269  service can communicate with every other unit of the service. Peer relations
   270  cannot be manipulated in the UI, but are displayed in `juju status` output.
   272  The word `relation`, when used casually, *may* refer to a charm relation or a
   273  peer relation, but is most likely to refer to a "normal" relation.
   275  When manipulating relations, it is important to understand that a single
   276  endpoint can participate in multiple relations. For example, a mysql:server
   277  endpoint can quite happily participate in relations with both a wikimedia:db
   278  endpoint and a wordpress:db endpoint (or even in multiple relations with
   279  separate services running their own charms: for example, wordpress1:db and
   280  wordpress2:db). In each case, the mysql charm is responsible for creating
   281  separate users and databases for each separate relation.
   283  [TODO: charm relations also have a concept of "limit" which probably ought to
   284  come in here, but no code respects it at the moment. Oh, and a "required" field
   285  too, and I'm not sure whether anyone fully recalls its precise intended
   286  semantics... not sure what to do about this.]
   288  Subordinates
   289  ------------
   291  [TODO: subordinates are not yet implemented in go, but the vast majority of the
   292  building blocks are already integrated.]
   294  A `subordinate charm` is a charm which declares itself to be subordinate.
   296  A `subordinate service` is a service running a subordinate charm.
   298  A `subordinate unit` is a unit of a subordinate service.
   300  All other charms, services, and units are `principal` units, by virtue of not
   301  being subordinate.
   303  A charm relation's `scope` controls which units within a relation are visible
   304  to one another. Most relations have "global" scope, which is the default; a
   305  subordinate charm must define at least one relation with "local" scope.
   307  A normal or peer relation's `scope` is the narrowest scope amongst its
   308  endpoints; a normal relation's scope is "global" unless either endpoint has
   309  "local" scope, in which case it the whole relation has "local" scope, while a
   310  peer relation's single endpoint must always in practice have "global" scope.
   312  When a subordinate service is deployed, no units are created; the add-unit and
   313  remove-unit [TODO: lp:1091634] commands do not apply to subordinate services.
   314  Instead, subordinate units are deployed as a side-effect of the creation of
   315  locally-scoped relations between the subordinate service and others, and
   316  recalled as a result of the destruction of the services or relations they are
   317  dependent upon [TODO: lp:1091865].
   319  To clarify: when a new relation is added and all the following conditions apply:
   321    * one service is a subordinate;
   322    * one service is a principal;
   323    * the relation between the two is locally scoped, by virtue of at least one
   324      of the endpoints having local scope:
   326  ...a new unit of the subordinate service will be created and deployed alongside
   327  each unit of the principal service (unless one already exists). Each principal
   328  unit is responsible for its own associated subordinate, which runs alongside
   329  the principal with essentially identical privileges. Due to the local scoping
   330  of the relation, each subordinate unit responds only to the principal unit that
   331  deployed it, and vice versa.
   333  [TODO: to clarify: once units are deployed inside their own containers, subordinate
   334  units will be installed inside their principal unit's container. But we don't have
   335  containers yet.]
   337  A subordinate service can of course participate in globally-scoped relations as
   338  well; such relations can be added as normal, and the subordinate units participate
   339  in those relations just as in any other global relation.
   341  [NOTE: there's also a magic implicit charm relation, called "juju-info", which
   342  provides the "juju-info" interface and allows subordinates to establish relations
   343  with arbitrary principals. Couldn't really figure out how to work it in nicely.]
   345  Constraints
   346  -----------
   348  [TODO: constraints are not yet implemented in go; a substantial amount of work
   349  needs to be done]
   351  Some environment providers offer the ability to provision machines with varying
   352  characteristics. An environment provider defines a vocabulary of `constraints`
   353  to control the computing resources that are available from the provider; by
   354  specifying global environment constraints and overriding them where necessary
   355  at the service level, a user can ensure that her workloads are only run on
   356  machines with appropriate characteristics.
   358  Available constraints vary by provider, and are manipulated and inspected using
   359  the following commands:
   361    * juju set-constraints (not implemented)
   362    * juju get-constraints (not implemented)
   364  Storage
   365  -------
   367  [TODO: storage remains an informally-specified concept distributed across
   368  several brains; don't even try to document it.]
   370  Entity lifecycles
   371  -----------------
   373  When services, relations, units and machines are added and destroyed by the
   374  client, changes to the environment will take some time to occur: in particular,
   375  destruction is rarely instantaneous. Destroyed entities will continue to be
   376  displayed in juju status output but marked as "dying" [TODO: they are not] until
   377  the underlying resources have been removed.
   379  This is not really worth worrying about in general, but it does mean that after
   380  a service or relation has been destroyed you will need to wait until they have
   381  been *removed* before you're able to add a new service or relation with the same
   382  name. It's not an issue for units or machines, because their names are assigned
   383  internally by juju and are guaranteed to be unique.