
     1  package restore
     3  /*
     4   * This file contains structs and functions related to backing up data on the segments.
     5   */
     7  import (
     8  	"fmt"
     9  	"sync"
    10  	"sync/atomic"
    12  	""
    13  	""
    14  	""
    15  	""
    16  	""
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  )
    24  var (
    25  	tableDelim = ","
    26  )
    28  func CopyTableIn(connectionPool *dbconn.DBConn, tableName string, tableAttributes string, destinationToRead string, singleDataFile bool, whichConn int) (int64, error) {
    29  	whichConn = connectionPool.ValidateConnNum(whichConn)
    30  	copyCommand := ""
    31  	readFromDestinationCommand := "cat"
    32  	customPipeThroughCommand := utils.GetPipeThroughProgram().InputCommand
    33  	origSize, destSize, resizeCluster := GetResizeClusterInfo()
    35  	if singleDataFile || resizeCluster {
    36  		//helper.go handles compression, so we don't want to set it here
    37  		customPipeThroughCommand = "cat -"
    38  	} else if MustGetFlagString(options.PLUGIN_CONFIG) != "" {
    39  		readFromDestinationCommand = fmt.Sprintf("%s restore_data %s", pluginConfig.ExecutablePath, pluginConfig.ConfigPath)
    40  	}
    42  	copyCommand = fmt.Sprintf("PROGRAM '%s %s | %s'", readFromDestinationCommand, destinationToRead, customPipeThroughCommand)
    44  	query := fmt.Sprintf("COPY %s%s FROM %s WITH CSV DELIMITER '%s' ON SEGMENT;", tableName, tableAttributes, copyCommand, tableDelim)
    46  	var numRows int64
    47  	var err error
    49  	// During a larger-to-smaller restore, we need multiple COPY passes to load all the data.
    50  	// One pass is sufficient for smaller-to-larger and normal restores.
    51  	batches := 1
    52  	if resizeCluster && origSize > destSize {
    53  		batches = origSize / destSize
    54  		if origSize%destSize != 0 {
    55  			batches += 1
    56  		}
    57  	}
    58  	for i := 0; i < batches; i++ {
    59  		gplog.Verbose(`Executing "%s" on coordinator`, query)
    60  		result, err := connectionPool.Exec(query, whichConn)
    61  		if err != nil {
    62  			errStr := fmt.Sprintf("Error loading data into table %s", tableName)
    64  			// The COPY ON SEGMENT error might contain useful CONTEXT output
    65  			if pgErr, ok := err.(*pgconn.PgError); ok && pgErr.Where != "" {
    66  				errStr = fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", errStr, pgErr.Where)
    67  			}
    69  			return 0, errors.Wrap(err, errStr)
    70  		}
    71  		rowsLoaded, _ := result.RowsAffected()
    72  		numRows += rowsLoaded
    73  	}
    75  	return numRows, err
    76  }
    78  func restoreSingleTableData(fpInfo *filepath.FilePathInfo, entry toc.CoordinatorDataEntry, tableName string, whichConn int, origSize int, destSize int) error {
    79  	resizeCluster := MustGetFlagBool(options.RESIZE_CLUSTER)
    80  	destinationToRead := ""
    81  	if backupConfig.SingleDataFile || resizeCluster {
    82  		destinationToRead = fmt.Sprintf("%s_%d", fpInfo.GetSegmentPipePathForCopyCommand(), entry.Oid)
    83  	} else {
    84  		destinationToRead = fpInfo.GetTableBackupFilePathForCopyCommand(entry.Oid, utils.GetPipeThroughProgram().Extension, backupConfig.SingleDataFile)
    85  	}
    86  	gplog.Debug("Reading from %s", destinationToRead)
    87  	numRowsRestored, err := CopyTableIn(connectionPool, tableName, entry.AttributeString, destinationToRead, backupConfig.SingleDataFile, whichConn)
    88  	if err != nil {
    89  		return err
    90  	}
    91  	numRowsBackedUp := entry.RowsCopied
    93  	// For replicated tables, we don't restore second and subsequent batches of data in the larger-to-smaller case,
    94  	// as that would duplicate data, so we have to "scale down" the values to determine whether the correct number
    95  	// of rows was restored
    96  	if entry.IsReplicated && origSize > destSize {
    97  		numRowsBackedUp /= int64(origSize)
    98  		numRowsRestored /= int64(destSize)
    99  	}
   101  	err = CheckRowsRestored(numRowsRestored, numRowsBackedUp, tableName)
   102  	if err != nil {
   103  		return err
   104  	}
   106  	if resizeCluster {
   107  		// replicated tables cannot be redistributed, so instead expand them if needed
   108  		if entry.IsReplicated && (origSize < destSize) {
   109  			err = ExpandReplicatedTable(origSize, tableName, whichConn)
   110  		} else {
   111  			err = RedistributeTableData(tableName, whichConn)
   112  		}
   113  		if err != nil {
   114  			return err
   115  		}
   116  	}
   117  	return err
   118  }
   120  func ExpandReplicatedTable(origSize int, tableName string, whichConn int) error {
   121  	// Replicated tables will only be initially restored to the segments backup was run from, and
   122  	// redistributing does not cause the data to be replicated to the new segments.
   123  	// To work around this, update the distribution policy entry for those tables to the original cluster size
   124  	// and then explicitly expand them to cause the data to be replicated to all new segments.
   125  	gplog.Debug("Distributing replicated data for %s", tableName)
   126  	alterDistPolQuery := fmt.Sprintf("UPDATE gp_distribution_policy SET numsegments=%d WHERE localoid = '%s'::regclass::oid", origSize, tableName)
   127  	_, err := connectionPool.Exec(alterDistPolQuery, whichConn)
   128  	if err != nil {
   129  		return err
   130  	}
   132  	expandTableQuery := fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %s EXPAND TABLE;", tableName)
   133  	_, err = connectionPool.Exec(expandTableQuery, whichConn)
   134  	if err != nil {
   135  		return err
   136  	}
   138  	return nil
   139  }
   141  func CheckRowsRestored(rowsRestored int64, rowsBackedUp int64, tableName string) error {
   142  	if rowsRestored != rowsBackedUp {
   143  		rowsErrMsg := fmt.Sprintf("Expected to restore %d rows to table %s, but restored %d instead", rowsBackedUp, tableName, rowsRestored)
   144  		return errors.New(rowsErrMsg)
   145  	}
   146  	return nil
   147  }
   149  func RedistributeTableData(tableName string, whichConn int) error {
   150  	gplog.Debug("Redistributing data for %s", tableName)
   151  	query := fmt.Sprintf("ALTER TABLE %s SET WITH (REORGANIZE=true)", tableName)
   152  	_, err := connectionPool.Exec(query, whichConn)
   153  	return err
   154  }
   156  func restoreDataFromTimestamp(fpInfo filepath.FilePathInfo, dataEntries []toc.CoordinatorDataEntry,
   157  	gucStatements []toc.StatementWithType, dataProgressBar utils.ProgressBar) int32 {
   158  	totalTables := len(dataEntries)
   159  	if totalTables == 0 {
   160  		gplog.Verbose("No data to restore for timestamp = %s", fpInfo.Timestamp)
   161  		return 0
   162  	}
   164  	origSize, destSize, resizeCluster := GetResizeClusterInfo()
   165  	if backupConfig.SingleDataFile || resizeCluster {
   166  		msg := ""
   167  		if backupConfig.SingleDataFile {
   168  			msg += "single data file "
   169  		}
   170  		if resizeCluster {
   171  			msg += "resize "
   172  		}
   173  		gplog.Verbose("Initializing pipes and gpbackup_helper on segments for %srestore", msg)
   174  		utils.VerifyHelperVersionOnSegments(version, globalCluster)
   175  		oidList := make([]string, totalTables)
   176  		replicatedOidList := make([]string, 0)
   177  		for i, entry := range dataEntries {
   178  			oidString := fmt.Sprintf("%d", entry.Oid)
   179  			oidList[i] = oidString
   180  			if entry.IsReplicated {
   181  				replicatedOidList = append(replicatedOidList, oidString)
   182  			}
   183  		}
   184  		utils.WriteOidListToSegments(oidList, globalCluster, fpInfo, "oid")
   185  		if len(replicatedOidList) > 0 {
   186  			utils.WriteOidListToSegments(replicatedOidList, globalCluster, fpInfo, "replicated_oid")
   187  		}
   188  		initialPipes := CreateInitialSegmentPipes(oidList, globalCluster, connectionPool, fpInfo)
   189  		if wasTerminated {
   190  			return 0
   191  		}
   192  		isFilter := false
   193  		if len(opts.IncludedRelations) > 0 || len(opts.ExcludedRelations) > 0 || len(opts.IncludedSchemas) > 0 || len(opts.ExcludedSchemas) > 0 {
   194  			isFilter = true
   195  		}
   196  		compressStr := ""
   197  		if backupConfig.Compressed {
   198  			compressStr = fmt.Sprintf(" --compression-type %s ", utils.GetPipeThroughProgram().Name)
   199  		}
   200  		utils.StartGpbackupHelpers(globalCluster, fpInfo, "--restore-agent", MustGetFlagString(options.PLUGIN_CONFIG), compressStr, MustGetFlagBool(options.ON_ERROR_CONTINUE), isFilter, &wasTerminated, initialPipes, backupConfig.SingleDataFile, resizeCluster, origSize, destSize)
   201  	}
   202  	/*
   203  	 * We break when an interrupt is received and rely on
   204  	 * TerminateHangingCopySessions to stop any COPY
   205  	 * statements in progress if they don't finish on their own.
   206  	 */
   207  	var tableNum int64 = 0
   208  	tasks := make(chan toc.CoordinatorDataEntry, totalTables)
   209  	var workerPool sync.WaitGroup
   210  	var numErrors int32
   211  	var mutex = &sync.Mutex{}
   213  	for i := 0; i < connectionPool.NumConns; i++ {
   214  		workerPool.Add(1)
   215  		go func(whichConn int) {
   216  			defer workerPool.Done()
   218  			setGUCsForConnection(gucStatements, whichConn)
   219  			for entry := range tasks {
   220  				if wasTerminated {
   221  					dataProgressBar.(*pb.ProgressBar).NotPrint = true
   222  					return
   223  				}
   224  				tableName := utils.MakeFQN(entry.Schema, entry.Name)
   225  				if opts.RedirectSchema != "" {
   226  					tableName = utils.MakeFQN(opts.RedirectSchema, entry.Name)
   227  				}
   228  				// Truncate table before restore, if needed
   229  				var err error
   230  				if MustGetFlagBool(options.INCREMENTAL) || MustGetFlagBool(options.TRUNCATE_TABLE) {
   231  					err = TruncateTable(tableName, whichConn)
   232  				}
   233  				if err == nil {
   234  					err = restoreSingleTableData(&fpInfo, entry, tableName, whichConn, origSize, destSize)
   236  					if gplog.GetVerbosity() > gplog.LOGINFO {
   237  						// No progress bar at this log level, so we note table count here
   238  						gplog.Verbose("Restored data to table %s from file (table %d of %d)", tableName, atomic.AddInt64(&tableNum, 1), totalTables)
   239  					} else {
   240  						gplog.Verbose("Restored data to table %s from file", tableName)
   241  					}
   242  				}
   244  				if err != nil {
   245  					gplog.Error(err.Error())
   246  					atomic.AddInt32(&numErrors, 1)
   247  					if !MustGetFlagBool(options.ON_ERROR_CONTINUE) {
   248  						dataProgressBar.(*pb.ProgressBar).NotPrint = true
   249  						return
   250  					} else if backupConfig.SingleDataFile {
   251  						// inform segment helpers to skip this entry
   252  						utils.CreateSkipFileOnSegments(fmt.Sprintf("%d", entry.Oid), tableName, globalCluster, globalFPInfo)
   253  					}
   254  					mutex.Lock()
   255  					errorTablesData[tableName] = Empty{}
   256  					mutex.Unlock()
   257  				}
   259  				if backupConfig.SingleDataFile {
   260  					agentErr := utils.CheckAgentErrorsOnSegments(globalCluster, globalFPInfo)
   261  					if agentErr != nil {
   262  						gplog.Error(agentErr.Error())
   263  						return
   264  					}
   265  				}
   267  				dataProgressBar.Increment()
   268  			}
   269  		}(i)
   270  	}
   271  	for _, entry := range dataEntries {
   272  		tasks <- entry
   273  	}
   274  	close(tasks)
   275  	workerPool.Wait()
   277  	if numErrors > 0 {
   278  		fmt.Println("")
   279  		gplog.Error("Encountered %d error(s) during table data restore; see log file %s for a list of table errors.", numErrors, gplog.GetLogFilePath())
   280  	}
   282  	return numErrors
   283  }
   285  func CreateInitialSegmentPipes(oidList []string, c *cluster.Cluster, connectionPool *dbconn.DBConn, fpInfo filepath.FilePathInfo) int {
   286  	// Create min(connections, tables) segment pipes on each host
   287  	var maxPipes int
   288  	if connectionPool.NumConns < len(oidList) {
   289  		maxPipes = connectionPool.NumConns
   290  	} else {
   291  		maxPipes = len(oidList)
   292  	}
   293  	for i := 0; i < maxPipes; i++ {
   294  		utils.CreateSegmentPipeOnAllHosts(oidList[i], c, fpInfo)
   295  	}
   296  	return maxPipes
   297  }