
     1  package restore_test
     3  import (
     4  	"os/user"
     6  	""
     7  	""
     8  	""
     9  	""
    10  	""
    11  	""
    12  	""
    13  	""
    15  	. ""
    16  	. ""
    17  )
    19  var _ = Describe("restore/remote tests", func() {
    20  	coordinatorSeg := cluster.SegConfig{ContentID: -1, Hostname: "localhost", DataDir: "/data/gpseg-1"}
    21  	localSegOne := cluster.SegConfig{ContentID: 0, Hostname: "localhost", DataDir: "/data/gpseg0"}
    22  	remoteSegOne := cluster.SegConfig{ContentID: 1, Hostname: "remotehost1", DataDir: "/data/gpseg1"}
    23  	var (
    24  		testCluster  *cluster.Cluster
    25  		testExecutor *testhelper.TestExecutor
    26  		testFPInfo   filepath.FilePathInfo
    27  	)
    29  	BeforeEach(func() {
    30  		operating.System.CurrentUser = func() (*user.User, error) { return &user.User{Username: "testUser", HomeDir: "testDir"}, nil }
    31  		operating.System.Hostname = func() (string, error) { return "testHost", nil }
    32  		testExecutor = &testhelper.TestExecutor{}
    33  		testCluster = cluster.NewCluster([]cluster.SegConfig{coordinatorSeg, localSegOne, remoteSegOne})
    34  		testCluster.Executor = testExecutor
    35  		testFPInfo = filepath.NewFilePathInfo(testCluster, "", "20170101010101", "gpseg")
    36  		restore.SetFPInfo(testFPInfo)
    37  	})
    38  	Describe("VerifyBackupFileCountOnSegments", func() {
    39  		BeforeEach(func() {
    40  			restore.SetBackupConfig(&history.BackupConfig{SingleDataFile: true})
    42  			dataEntryOne := toc.CoordinatorDataEntry{}
    43  			dataEntryTwo := toc.CoordinatorDataEntry{}
    44  			globalDataEntries := []toc.CoordinatorDataEntry{dataEntryOne, dataEntryTwo}
    45  			restore.SetTOC(&toc.TOC{DataEntries: globalDataEntries})
    46  		})
    47  		It("successfully verifies that all backup file counts", func() {
    48  			testExecutor.ClusterOutput = &cluster.RemoteOutput{
    49  				NumErrors: 0,
    50  			}
    51  			testCluster.Executor = testExecutor
    52  			restore.SetCluster(testCluster)
    53  			restore.VerifyBackupFileCountOnSegments()
    54  			Expect((*testExecutor).NumExecutions).To(Equal(1))
    55  		})
    56  		It("panics if backup file counts do not match on all segments with single-data-file", func() {
    57  			testExecutor.ClusterOutput = &cluster.RemoteOutput{
    58  				Commands: []cluster.ShellCommand{
    59  					cluster.ShellCommand{Stdout: "1"},
    60  					cluster.ShellCommand{Stdout: "1"},
    61  				},
    62  			}
    63  			testCluster.Executor = testExecutor
    64  			restore.SetCluster(testCluster)
    65  			defer testhelper.ShouldPanicWithMessage("Found incorrect number of backup files on 2 segments")
    66  			restore.VerifyBackupFileCountOnSegments()
    67  		})
    68  		It("panics if backup file counts do not match on all segments without single-data-file", func() {
    69  			testExecutor.ClusterOutput = &cluster.RemoteOutput{
    70  				Commands: []cluster.ShellCommand{
    71  					cluster.ShellCommand{Stdout: "1"},
    72  					cluster.ShellCommand{Stdout: "1"},
    73  				},
    74  			}
    75  			restore.SetBackupConfig(&history.BackupConfig{SingleDataFile: false})
    76  			testCluster.Executor = testExecutor
    77  			restore.SetCluster(testCluster)
    78  			defer testhelper.ShouldPanicWithMessage("Found incorrect number of backup files on 2 segments")
    79  			restore.VerifyBackupFileCountOnSegments()
    80  		})
    81  		It("panics if backup file counts do not match on some segments", func() {
    82  			testExecutor.ClusterOutput = &cluster.RemoteOutput{
    83  				Commands: []cluster.ShellCommand{
    84  					cluster.ShellCommand{Stdout: "1"},
    85  				},
    86  			}
    87  			testCluster.Executor = testExecutor
    88  			restore.SetCluster(testCluster)
    89  			defer testhelper.ShouldPanicWithMessage("Found incorrect number of backup files on 1 segment")
    90  			restore.VerifyBackupFileCountOnSegments()
    91  		})
    92  		It("panics if it cannot verify some backup file counts", func() {
    93  			testExecutor.ClusterOutput = &cluster.RemoteOutput{
    94  				NumErrors: 1,
    95  				FailedCommands: []*cluster.ShellCommand{
    96  					&cluster.ShellCommand{Content: 1, Stdout: "1"},
    97  				},
    98  			}
    99  			testCluster.Executor = testExecutor
   100  			restore.SetCluster(testCluster)
   101  			defer testhelper.ShouldPanicWithMessage("Could not verify backup file count on 1 segment")
   102  			restore.VerifyBackupFileCountOnSegments()
   103  		})
   104  		It("verifies backup file counts match on all segments with resize-cluster", func() {
   105  			testExecutor.ClusterOutput = &cluster.RemoteOutput{
   106  				Commands: []cluster.ShellCommand{
   107  					cluster.ShellCommand{Stdout: "4"},
   108  					cluster.ShellCommand{Stdout: "2"},
   109  				},
   110  			}
   111  			testCluster.Executor = testExecutor
   112  			restore.SetCluster(testCluster)
   113  			restore.SetBackupConfig(&history.BackupConfig{SingleDataFile: true, SegmentCount: 3})
   114  			cmdFlags.Set(options.RESIZE_CLUSTER, "true")
   115  			// LogFatalError in VerifyBackupFileCountOnSegments will fail test if values are wrong
   116  			// Expect is implied, does not need to be explicitly called here
   117  			restore.VerifyBackupFileCountOnSegments()
   118  		})
   119  	})
   120  })