(about) 1 # 8. Swap Traffic Controller for Log Cache 2 3 Date: 2020-04-09 4 5 ## Status 6 7 Accepted 8 9 ## Context 10 11 _The issue motivating this decision, and any context that influences or constrains the decision._ 12 13 The Loggregator team decided to move to a ["Shared 14 Nothing" architecture]( 15 that would improve scalability of log egress from the platform. This architecture deprecated the V1 Firehose Traffic Controller, 16 the component from which the cf CLI retrieved application logs. As a result, the Loggregator team proposed modifying the cf CLI to retrieve 17 logs from Log Cache instead. 18 19 ## Decision 20 21 _The change that we're proposing or have agreed to implement._ 22 23 After December 2019, the CLI's minimum supported version of cf-deployment contains Log Cache. Therefore, in 2020: 24 25 * cf CLI v7 will be modified to retrieve application logs from Log Cache 26 * cf CLI v6 will be modified to retrieve application logs from Log Cache _with the exception of experimental v3-prefixed commands_ 27 * cf CLI v6/v7 legacy command implementations accessible through the Plugin API 28 will be modified to retrieve application logs from Log Cache 29 30 There will be no user-facing or breaking changes. 31 32 ## Consequences 33 34 _What becomes easier or more difficult to do and any risks introduced by the change that will need to be mitigated._ 35 36 * Cloud Foundry log egress is expected to become more scalable and resource 37 efficient 38 * We will be limited in our ability to modify the Log Cache API by our minimum 39 supported version [policy]( 40 * The Traffic Controller V1 implementation was based on a long-lived Websocket 41 connection. Log Cache requires the client to make GET requests to an HTTP API 42 to retrieve application logs. 43 * The log envelopes for an application are grouped together into 44 source-id "buckets". This poses the risk that logs may be shown for a different 45 operation than that being performed by the user. 46 * Authorization for log retrieval would previously need to be done once when 47 establishing a long-lived connection for streaming logs. It must now be 48 performed for each request made when "walking" Log Cache. 49 * Log Cache may perform caching of authorized source-ids. Users that push a 50 number of applications in quick succession may be unable to retrieve logs.