
     1  # jfrog-client-go
     3  | Branch |                                                                                        Status                                                                                         |
     4  | :----: | :-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------: |
     5  | master | [![Build status](]( |
     6  |  dev   |    [![Build status](](    |
     8  ## Table of Contents
     9  - [General](#general)
    10  - [Pull Requests](#pull-requests)
    11    - [Guidelines](#guidelines)
    12  - [Tests](#tests)
    13  - [General APIs](#general-apis)
    14    - [Setting the Logger](#setting-the-logger)
    15    - [Setting the Temp Dir](#setting-the-temp-dir)
    16  - [Artifactory APIs](#artifactory-apis)
    17    - [Creating Artifactory Service Manager](#creating-artifactory-service-manager)
    18      - [Creating Artifactory Details](#creating-artifactory-details)
    19      - [Creating Artifactory Service Config](#creating-artifactory-service-config)
    20      - [Creating New Artifactory Service Manager](#creating-new-artifactory-service-manager)
    21    - [Using Artifactory Services](#using-artifactory-services)
    22      - [Uploading Files to Artifactory](#uploading-files-to-artifactory)
    23      - [Downloading Files from Artifactory](#downloading-files-from-artifactory)
    24      - [Copying Files in Artifactory](#copying-files-in-artifactory)
    25      - [Moving Files in Artifactory](#moving-files-in-artifactory)
    26      - [Deleting Files from Artifactory](#deleting-files-from-artifactory)
    27      - [Searching Files in Artifactory](#searching-files-in-artifactory)
    28      - [Setting Properties on Files in Artifactory](#setting-properties-on-files-in-artifactory)
    29      - [Deleting Properties from Files in Artifactory](#deleting-properties-from-files-in-artifactory)
    30      - [Publishing Build Info to Artifactory](#publishing-build-info-to-artifactory)
    31      - [Fetching Build Info from Artifactory](#fetching-build-info-from-artifactory)
    32      - [Promoting Published Builds in Artifactory](#promoting-published-builds-in-artifactory)
    33      - [Promoting a Docker Image in Artifactory](#promoting-a-docker-image-in-artifactory)
    34      - [Distributing Published Builds to JFrog Bintray](#distributing-published-builds-to-jFrog-bintray)
    35      - [Triggering Build Scanning with JFrog Xray](#triggering-build-scanning-with-jFrog-xray)
    36      - [Discarding Old Builds](#discarding-old-builds)
    37      - [Cleaning Unreferenced Git LFS Files from Artifactory](#cleaning-unreferenced-git-lfs-files-from-artifactory)
    38      - [Executing AQLs](#executing-aqls)
    39      - [Reading Files in Artifactory](#reading-files-in-artifactory)
    40      - [Creating an Access Token](#creating-an-access-token)
    41      - [Fetching Access Tokens](#fetching-access-tokens)
    42      - [Refreshing an Access Token](#refreshing-an-access-token)
    43      - [Revoking an Access Token](#revoking-an-access-token)
    44      - [Regenerate API Key](#regenerate-api-key)
    45      - [Creating and Updating Local Repository](#creating-and-updating-local-repository)
    46      - [Creating and Updating Remote Repository](#creating-and-updating-remote-repository)
    47      - [Creating and Updating Virtual Repository](#creating-and-updating-virtual-repository)
    48      - [Getting Repository Details](#getting-repository-details)
    49      - [Creating and Updating Repository Replications](#creating-and-updating-repository-replications)
    50      - [Getting a Repository Replication](#getting-a-repository-replication)
    51      - [Removing a Repository Replication](#removing-a-repository-replication)
    52      - [Creating and Updating Permission Targets](#creating-and-updating-permission-targets)
    53      - [Removing a Permission Target](#removing-a-permission-target)
    54      - [Fetching Artifactory's Version](#fetching-artifactorys-version)
    55      - [Fetching Artifactory's Service ID](#fetching-artifactorys-service-id)
    56  - [Distribution APIs](#distribution-apis)
    57    - [Creating Distribution Service Manager](#creating-distribution-service-manager)
    58      - [Creating Distribution Details](#creating-distribution-details)
    59      - [Creating Distribution Service Config](#creating-distribution-service-config)
    60      - [Creating New Distribution Service Manager](#creating-new-distribution-service-manager)
    61    - [Using Distribution Services](#using-distribution-services)
    62      - [Setting Distribution Signing Key](#setting-distribution-signing-key)
    63      - [Creating a Release Bundle](#creating-a-release-bundle)
    64      - [Updating a Release Bundle](#updating-a-release-bundle)
    65      - [Signing a Release Bundle](#signing-a-release-bundle)
    66      - [Async Distributing a Release Bundle](#async-distributing-a-release-bundle)
    67      - [Sync Distributing a Release Bundle](#sync-distributing-a-release-bundle)
    68      - [Getting Distribution Status](#getting-distribution-status)
    69      - [Deleting a Remote Release Bundle](#deleting-a-remote-release-bundle)
    70      - [Deleting a Local Release Bundle](#deleting-a-local-release-bundle)
    71  - [Bintray APIs](#bintray-apis)
    72    - [Creating Bintray Details](#creating-bintray-details)
    73    - [Creating Bintray Service Manager](#creating-bintray-service-manager)
    74    - [Using Bintray Services](#using-bintray-services)
    75      - [Uploading a Single File to Bintray](#uploading-a-single-file-to-bintray)
    76      - [Downloading a Single File from Bintray](#downloading-a-single-file-from-bintray)
    77      - [Downloading Version Files from Bintray](#downloading-version-files-from-bintray)
    78      - [Showing and Deleting a Bintray Package](#showing-and-deleting-a-bintray-package)
    79      - [Creating and Updating a Bintray Package](#creating-and-updating-a-bintray-package)
    80      - [Showing and Deleting a Bintray Version](#showing-and-deleting-a-bintray-version)
    81      - [Creating and Updating a Bintray Version](#creating-and-updating-a-bintray-version)
    82      - [Creating and Updating Entitlements](#creating-and-updating-entitlements)
    83      - [Showing and Deleting Entitlements](#showing-and-deleting-entitlements)
    84      - [Creating and Updating Access Keys](#creating-and-updating-access-keys)
    85      - [Showing and Deleting Access Keys](#showing-and-deleting-access-keys)
    86      - [Signing a URL](#signing-a-url)
    87      - [GPG Signing a File](#gpg-signing-a-file)
    88      - [GPG Signing Version Files](#gpg-signing-version-files)
    89      - [Listing Logs](#listing-logs)
    90      - [Downloading Logs](#downloading-logs)
    91  - [Using ContentReader](#using-contentreader)
    93  ## General
    94  _jfrog-client-go_ is a library which provides Go APIs to performs actions on JFrog Artifactory or Bintray from your Go application.
    95  The project is still relatively new, and its APIs may therefore change frequently between releases.
    96  The library can be used as a go-module, which should be added to your project's go.mod file. As a reference you may look at [JFrog CLI]('s [go.mod]( file, which uses this library as a dependency.
    98  ## Pull Requests
    99  We welcome pull requests from the community.
   101  ### Guidelines
   102  - If the existing tests do not already cover your changes, please add tests.
   103  - Pull requests should be created on the **dev** branch.
   104  - Please use gofmt for formatting the code before submitting the pull request.
   106  ## Tests
   107  To run tests on the source code, you'll need a running JFrog Artifactory Pro instance.
   108  Use the following command with the below options to run the tests.
   109  ```sh
   110  go test -v
   111  ```
   112  Optional flags:
   114  | Flag                | Description                                                                                            |
   115  | ------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
   116  | `-rt.url`           | [Default: http://localhost:8081/artifactory] Artifactory URL.                                          |
   117  | `-rt.user`          | [Default: admin] Artifactory username.                                                                 |
   118  | `-rt.password`      | [Default: password] Artifactory password.                                                              |
   119  | `-rt.distUrl`       | [Optional] JFrog Distribution URL.                                                                     |
   120  | `-rt.apikey`        | [Optional] Artifactory API key.                                                                        |
   121  | `-rt.sshKeyPath`    | [Optional] Ssh key file path. Should be used only if the Artifactory URL format is ssh://[domain]:port |
   122  | `-rt.sshPassphrase` | [Optional] Ssh key passphrase.                                                                         |
   123  | `-rt.accessToken`   | [Optional] Artifactory access token.                                                                   |
   124  | `-log-level`        | [Default: INFO] Sets the log level.                                                                    |
   126  - The tests create an Artifactory repository named _jfrog-client-tests-repo1_.<br/>
   127    Once the tests are completed, the content of this repository is deleted.
   129  ## General APIs
   130  ### Setting the Logger
   131  ```go
   132  var file *os.File
   133  ...
   134  log.SetLogger(log.NewLogger(log.INFO, file))
   135  ```
   137  ### Setting the Temp Dir
   138  The default temp dir used is 'os.TempDir()'. Use the following API to set a new temp dir:
   139  ```go
   140  fileutils.SetTempDirBase(filepath.Join("my", "temp", "path"))
   141  ```
   143  ## Artifactory APIs
   144  ### Creating Artifactory Service Manager
   145  #### Creating Artifactory Details
   146  ```go
   147  rtDetails := auth.NewArtifactoryDetails()
   148  rtDetails.SetUrl("http://localhost:8081/artifactory")
   149  rtDetails.SetSshKeysPath("path/to/.ssh/")
   150  rtDetails.SetApiKey("apikey")
   151  rtDetails.SetUser("user")
   152  rtDetails.SetPassword("password")
   153  rtDetails.SetAccessToken("accesstoken")
   154  // if client certificates are required
   155  rtDetails.SetClientCertPath("path/to/.cer")
   156  rtDetails.SetClientCertKeyPath("path/to/.key")
   157  ```
   159  #### Creating Artifactory Service Config
   160  ```go
   161  serviceConfig, err := config.NewConfigBuilder().
   162      SetServiceDetails(rtDetails).
   163      SetCertificatesPath(certPath).
   164      SetThreads(threads).
   165      SetDryRun(false).
   166      Build()
   167  ```
   169  #### Creating New Artifactory Service Manager
   170  ```go
   171  rtManager, err := artifactory.New(&rtDetails, serviceConfig)
   172  ```
   174  ### Using Artifactory Services
   175  #### Uploading Files to Artifactory
   176  ```go
   177  params := services.NewUploadParams()
   178  params.Pattern = "repo/*/*.zip"
   179  params.Target = "repo/path/"
   180  // Attach properties to the uploaded files.
   181  params.Props = "key1=val1;key2=val2"
   182  params.AddVcsProps = false
   183  params.BuildProps = ";build.number=17;build.timestamp=1600856623553"
   184  params.Recursive = true
   185  params.Regexp = false
   186  params.IncludeDirs = false
   187  params.Flat = true
   188  params.Explode = false
   189  params.Deb = ""
   190  params.Symlink = false
   191  // Retries default value: 3
   192  params.Retries = 5
   193  // MinChecksumDeploy default value: 10400
   194  params.MinChecksumDeploy = 15360
   196  rtManager.UploadFiles(params)
   197  ```
   199  #### Downloading Files from Artifactory
   200  ##### Downloading Files:
   201  Using the `DownloadFiles()` function, we can download files and get the general statistics of the action (The actual number of files downloaded, and the number of files we expected to download), and the error value if it occurred.
   202  ```go
   203  params := services.NewDownloadParams()
   204  params.Pattern = "repo/*/*.zip"
   205  params.Target = "target/path/"
   206  // Filter the downloaded files by properties.
   207  params.Props = "key1=val1;key2=val2"
   208  params.Recursive = true
   209  params.IncludeDirs = false
   210  params.Flat = false
   211  params.Explode = false
   212  params.Symlink = true
   213  params.ValidateSymlink = false
   214  // Retries default value: 3
   215  params.Retries = 5
   216  // SplitCount default value: 3
   217  params.SplitCount = 2
   218  // MinSplitSize default value: 5120
   219  params.MinSplitSize = 7168
   221  totalDownloaded, totalExpected, err := rtManager.DownloadFiles(params)
   222  ```
   224  ##### Downloading Files with Results Reader:
   225  Similar to `DownloadFiles()`, but returns a reader, which allows iterating over the details of the downloaded files. Only files which were successfully downloaded are available by the reader.
   226  ```go
   227  params := services.NewDownloadParams()
   228  params.Pattern = "repo/*/*.zip"
   229  params.Target = "target/path/"
   230  // Filter the downloaded files by properties.
   231  params.Props = "key1=val1;key2=val2"
   232  params.Recursive = true
   233  params.IncludeDirs = false
   234  params.Flat = false
   235  params.Explode = false
   236  params.Symlink = true
   237  params.ValidateSymlink = false
   238  params.Retries = 5
   239  params.SplitCount = 2
   240  params.MinSplitSize = 7168
   242  reader, totalDownloaded, totalExpected, err := rtManager.DownloadFilesWithResultReader(params)
   243  ```
   244  Read more about [ContentReader](#using-contentReader).
   246  #### Copying Files in Artifactory
   247  ```go
   248  params := services.NewMoveCopyParams()
   249  params.Pattern = "repo/*/*.zip"
   250  params.Target = "target/path/"
   251  // Filter the files by properties.
   252  params.Props = "key1=val1;key2=val2"
   253  params.Recursive = true
   254  params.Flat = false
   256  rtManager.Copy(params)
   257  ```
   259  #### Moving Files in Artifactory
   260  ```go
   261  params := services.NewMoveCopyParams()
   262  params.Pattern = "repo/*/*.zip"
   263  params.Target = "target/path/"
   264  // Filter the files by properties.
   265  params.Props = "key1=val1;key2=val2"
   266  params.Recursive = true
   267  params.Flat = false
   269  rtManager.Move(params)
   270  ```
   272  #### Deleting Files from Artifactory
   273  ```go
   274  params := services.NewDeleteParams()
   275  params.Pattern = "repo/*/*.zip"
   276  // Filter the files by properties.
   277  params.Props = "key1=val1;key2=val2"
   278  params.Recursive = true
   280  pathsToDelete, err := rtManager.GetPathsToDelete(params)
   281  if err != nil {
   282      return err
   283  }
   284  defer pathsToDelete.Close()
   285  rtManager.DeleteFiles(pathsToDelete)
   286  ```
   287  Read more about [ContentReader](#using-contentReader).
   289  #### Searching Files in Artifactory
   290  ```go
   291  params := services.NewSearchParams()
   292  params.Pattern = "repo/*/*.zip"
   293  // Filter the files by properties.
   294  params.Props = "key1=val1;key2=val2"
   295  params.Recursive = true
   297  reader, err := rtManager.SearchFiles(params)
   298  if err != nil {
   299      return err
   300  }
   301  defer reader.Close()
   302  ```
   303  Read more about [ContentReader](#using-contentReader).
   305  #### Setting Properties on Files in Artifactory
   306  ```go
   307  searchParams = services.NewSearchParams()
   308  searchParams.Recursive = true
   309  searchParams.IncludeDirs = false
   311  reader, err = rtManager.SearchFiles(searchParams)
   312  if err != nil {
   313      return err
   314  }
   315  defer reader.Close()
   316  propsParams = services.NewPropsParams()
   317  propsParams.Pattern = "repo/*/*.zip"
   318  propsParams.Reader = reader
   319  // Filter the files by properties.
   320  propsParams.Props = "key=value"
   322  rtManager.SetProps(propsParams)
   323  ```
   324  Read more about [ContentReader](#using-contentReader).
   326  #### Deleting Properties from Files in Artifactory
   327  ```go
   328  searchParams = services.NewSearchParams()
   329  searchParams.Recursive = true
   330  searchParams.IncludeDirs = false
   332  resultItems, err = rtManager.SearchFiles(searchParams)
   333  if err != nil {
   334      return err
   335  }
   336  defer reader.Close()
   337  propsParams = services.NewPropsParams()
   338  propsParams.Pattern = "repo/*/*.zip"
   339  propsParams.Reader = reader
   340  // Filter the files by properties.
   341  propsParams.Props = "key=value"
   343  rtManager.DeleteProps(propsParams)
   344  ```
   345  Read more about [ContentReader](#using-contentReader).
   347  #### Publishing Build Info to Artifactory
   348  ```go
   349  buildInfo := &buildinfo.BuildInfo{}
   350  ...
   351  rtManager.PublishBuildInfo(buildInfo)
   352  ```
   354  #### Fetching Build Info from Artifactory
   355  ```go
   356  buildInfoParams := services.NewBuildInfoParams{}
   357  buildInfoParams.BuildName = "buildName"
   358  buildInfoParams.BuildNumber = "LATEST"
   360  rtManager.GetBuildInfo(buildInfoParams)
   361  ```
   363  #### Promoting Published Builds in Artifactory
   364  ```go
   365  params := services.NewPromotionParams()
   366  params.BuildName = "buildName"
   367  params.BuildNumber = "10"
   368  params.TargetRepo = "target-repo"
   369  params.Status = "status"
   370  params.Comment = "comment"
   371  params.Copy = true
   372  params.IncludeDependencies = false
   373  params.SourceRepo = "source-repo"
   375  rtManager.DownloadFiles(params)
   376  ```
   378  #### Promoting a Docker Image in Artifactory
   379  ```go
   380  sourceDockerImage := "hello-world"
   381  sourceRepo := "docker-local-1"
   382  targetRepo := "docker-local-2"
   383  params := services.NewDockerPromoteParams(sourceDockerImage, sourceRepo, targetRepo)
   385  // Optional parameters:
   386  params.TargetDockerImage = "target-docker-image"
   387  params.SourceTag = "42"
   388  params.TargetTag = "43"
   389  params.Copy = true
   391  rtManager.PromoteDocker(params)
   392  ```
   394  #### Distributing Published Builds to JFrog Bintray
   395  ```go
   396  params := services.NewBuildDistributionParams()
   397  params.SourceRepos = "source-repo"
   398  params.TargetRepo = "target-repo"
   399  params.GpgPassphrase = "GpgPassphrase"
   400  params.Publish = false
   401  params.OverrideExistingFiles = false
   402  params.Async = true
   403  params.BuildName = "buildName"
   404  params.BuildNumber = "10"
   405  params.Pattern = "repo/*/*.zip"
   407  rtManager.DistributeBuild(params)
   408  ```
   410  #### Triggering Build Scanning with JFrog Xray
   411  ```go
   412  params := services.NewXrayScanParams()
   413  params.BuildName = buildName
   414  params.BuildNumber = buildNumber
   416  rtManager.XrayScanBuild(params)
   417  ```
   419  #### Discarding Old Builds
   420  ```go
   421  params := services.NewDiscardBuildsParams()
   422  params.BuildName = "buildName"
   423  params.MaxDays = "max-days"
   424  params.MaxBuilds = "max-builds"
   425  params.ExcludeBuilds = "1,2"
   426  params.DeleteArtifacts = false
   427  params.Async = false
   429  rtManager.DiscardBuilds(params)
   430  ```
   432  #### Cleaning Unreferenced Git LFS Files from Artifactory
   433  ```go
   434  params := services.NewGitLfsCleanParams()
   435  params.Refs = "refs/remotes/*"
   436  params.Repo = "my-project-lfs"
   437  params.GitPath = "path/to/git"
   439  reader,err := rtManager.GetUnreferencedGitLfsFiles(params)
   441  defer reader.Close()
   442  rtManager.DeleteFiles(reader)
   443  ```
   445  #### Executing AQLs
   446  ```go
   447  rtManager.Aql(aql string)
   448  ```
   450  #### Reading Files in Artifactory
   451  ```go
   452  rtManager.ReadRemoteFile(FilePath string)
   453  ```
   455  #### Creating an Access Token
   456  ```go
   457  params := services.NewCreateTokenParams()
   458  params.Scope = "api:* member-of-groups:readers"
   459  params.Username = "user"
   460  params.ExpiresIn = 3600 // default -1 (use server default)
   461  params.GrantType = "client_credentials"
   462  params.Refreshable = true
   463  params.Audience = "jfrt@<serviceID1> jfrt@<serviceID2>"
   465  results, err := rtManager.CreateToken(params)
   466  ```
   468  #### Fetching Access Tokens
   469  ```go
   470  results, err := rtManager.GetTokens()
   471  ```
   473  #### Refreshing an Access Token
   474  ```go
   475  params := services.NewRefreshTokenParams()
   476  params.AccessToken = "<access token>"
   477  params.RefreshToken = "<refresh token>"
   478  params.Token.Scope = "api:*"
   479  params.Token.ExpiresIn = 3600
   480  results, err := rtManager.RefreshToken(params)
   481  ```
   483  #### Revoking an Access Token
   484  ```go
   485  params := services.NewRevokeTokenParams()
   487  // Provide either TokenId or Token
   488  params.TokenId = "<token id>"
   489  // params.Token = "access token"
   491  err := rtManager.RevokeToken(params)
   492  ```
   494  #### Regenerate API Key
   495  ```go
   496  apiKey, err := rtManager.RegenerateAPIKey()
   497  ```
   499  #### Creating and Updating Local Repository
   500  You can create and update a local repository for the following package types:
   502  Maven, Gradle, Ivy, Sbt, Helm, Cocoapods, Opkg, Rpm, Nuget, Cran, Gems, Npm, Bower, Debian, Composer, Pypi, Docker,
   503  Vagrant, Gitlfs, Go, Yum, Conan, Chef, Puppet and Generic.
   505  Each package type has it's own parameters struct, can be created using the method
   506  `New<packageType>LocalRepositoryParams()`.
   508  Example for creating local Generic repository:
   509  ```go
   510  params := services.NewGenericLocalRepositoryParams()
   511  params.Key = "generic-repo"
   512  params.Description = "This is a public description for generic-repo"
   513  params.Notes = "These are internal notes for generic-repo"
   514  params.RepoLayoutRef = "simple-default"
   515  params.ArchiveBrowsingEnabled = true
   516  params.XrayIndex = true
   517  params.IncludesPattern = "**/*"
   518  params.ExcludesPattern = "excludedDir/*"
   519  params.DownloadRedirect = true
   521  err = servicesManager.CreateLocalRepository().Generic(params)
   522  ```
   524  Updating local Generic repository:
   525  ```go
   526  err = servicesManager.UpdateLocalRepository().Generic(params)
   527  ```
   529  #### Creating and Updating Remote Repository
   530  You can create and update a remote repository for the following package types:
   532  Maven, Gradle, Ivy, Sbt, Helm, Cocoapods, Opkg, Rpm, Nuget, Cran, Gems, Npm, Bower, Debian, Composer, Pypi, Docker,
   533  Gitlfs, Go, Yum, Conan, Chef, Puppet, Conda, P2, Vcs and Generic.
   535  Each package type has it's own parameters struct, can be created using the method
   536  `New<packageType>RemoteRepositoryParams()`.
   538  Example for creating remote Maven repository:
   539  ```go
   540  params := services.NewMavenRemoteRepositoryParams()
   541  params.Key = "jcenter-remote"
   542  params.Url = ""
   543  params.RepoLayoutRef = "maven-2-default"
   544  params.Description = "A caching proxy repository for a JFrog's jcenter"
   545  params.HandleSnapshot = false
   546  params.HandleReleases = true
   547  params.FetchJarsEagerly = true
   548  params.AssumedOfflinePeriodSecs = 600
   549  params.SuppressPomConsistencyChecks = true
   550  params.RemoteRepoChecksumPolicyType = "pass-thru"
   552  err = servicesManager.CreateRemoteRepository().Maven(params)
   553  ```
   555  Updating remote Maven repository:
   556  ```go
   557  err = servicesManager.UpdateRemoteRepository().Maven(params)
   558  ```
   560  #### Creating and Updating Virtual Repository
   561  You can create and update a virtual repository for the following package types:
   563  Maven, Gradle, Ivy, Sbt, Helm, Rpm, Nuget, Cran, Gems, Npm, Bower, Debian, Pypi, Docker, Gitlfs, Go, Yum, Conan,
   564  Chef, Puppet, Conda, P2 and Generic
   566  Each package type has it's own parameters struct, can be created using the method
   567  `New<packageType>VirtualRepositoryParams()`.
   569  Example for creating virtual Go repository:
   570  ```go
   571  params := services.NewGoVirtualRepositoryParams()
   572  params.Description = "This is an aggregated repository for several go repositories"
   573  params.RepoLayoutRef = "go-default"
   574  params.Repositories = {"gocenter-remote", "go-local"}
   575  params.DefaultDeploymentRepo = "go-local"
   576  params.ExternalDependenciesEnabled = true
   577  params.ExternalDependenciesPatterns = {"**/**", "**/**", "**/**"}
   578  params.ArtifactoryRequestsCanRetrieveRemoteArtifacts = true
   580  err = servicesManager.CreateVirtualRepository().Go(params)
   581  ```
   583  Updating remote Maven repository:
   584  ```go
   585  err = servicesManager.UpdateVirtualRepository().Go(params)
   586  ```
   588  #### Removing a Repository
   589  You can remove a repository from Artifactory using its key:
   590  ```go
   591  servicesManager.DeleteRepository("generic-repo")
   592  ```
   594  #### Getting Repository Details
   595  You can get repository details from Artifactory using its key:
   596  ```go
   597  servicesManager.GetRepository("generic-repo")
   598  ```
   600  #### Creating and Updating Repository Replications
   601  Example of creating a repository replication:
   602  ```go
   603  params := services.NewCreateReplicationParams()
   604  // Source replication repository.
   605  params.RepoKey = "my-repository"
   606  params.CronExp = "0 0 12 * * ?"
   607  params.Username = "admin"
   608  params.Password = "password"
   609  params.Url = "http://localhost:8081/artifactory/remote-repo"
   610  params.Enabled = true
   611  params.SocketTimeoutMillis = 15000
   612  params.EnableEventReplication = true
   613  params.SyncDeletes = true
   614  params.SyncProperties = true
   615  params.SyncStatistics = true
   616  params.PathPrefix = "/path/to/repo"
   618  err = servicesManager.CreateReplication(params)
   619  ```
   621  Example of updating a local repository replication:
   622  ```go
   623  params := services.NewUpdateReplicationParams()
   624  // Source replication repository.
   625  params.RepoKey = "my-repository"
   626  params.CronExp = "0 0 12 * * ?"
   627  params.Enabled = true
   628  params.SocketTimeoutMillis = 15000
   629  params.EnableEventReplication = true
   630  params.SyncDeletes = true
   631  params.SyncProperties = true
   632  params.SyncStatistics = true
   633  params.PathPrefix = "/path/to/repo"
   635  err = servicesManager.UpdateReplication(params)
   636  ```
   638  #### Getting a Repository Replication
   639  You can get a repository replication configuration from Artifactory using its key:
   640  ```go
   641  replicationConfiguration, err := servicesManager.GetReplication("my-repository")
   642  ```
   644  #### Removing a Repository Replication
   645  You can remove a repository replication configuration from Artifactory using its key:
   646  ```go
   647  err := servicesManager.DeleteReplication("my-repository")
   648  ```
   650  #### Creating and Updating Permission Targets
   651  You can create or update a permission target in Artifactory.
   652  Permissions are set according to the following conventions:
   653  `read, write, annotate, delete, manage, managedXrayMeta, distribute`
   654  For repositories You can specify the name `"ANY"` in order to apply to all repositories, `"ANY REMOTE"` for all remote repositories or `"ANY LOCAL"` for all local repositories.
   656  Creating a new permission target :
   657  ```go
   658  params := services.NewPermissionTargetParams()
   659  params.Name = "java-developers"
   660  params.Repo.Repositories = []string{"ANY REMOTE", "local-repo1", "local-repo2"}
   661  params.Repo.ExcludePatterns = []string{"dir/*"}
   662  params.Repo.Actions.Users = map[string][]string {
   663  	"user1" : {"read", "write"},
   664      "user2" : {"write","annotate", "read"},
   665  }
   666  params.Repo.Actions.Groups = map[string][]string {
   667  	"group1" : {"manage","read","annotate"},
   668  }
   669  // This is the default value that cannot be changed
   670  params.Build.Repositories = []string{"artifactory-build-info"}
   671  params.Build.Actions.Groups = map[string][]string {
   672  	"group1" : {"manage","read","write","annotate","delete"},
   673  	"group2" : {"read"},
   675  }
   677  err = servicesManager.CreatePermissionTarget(params)
   678  ```
   679  Updating an existing permission target :
   680  ```go
   681  err = servicesManager.UpdatePermissionTarget(params)
   682  ```
   684  #### Removing a Permission Target
   685  You can remove a permission target from Artifactory using its name:
   686  ```go
   687  servicesManager.DeletePermissionTarget("java-developers")
   688  ```
   690  #### Fetching Artifactory's Version
   691  ```go
   692  version, err := servicesManager.GetVersion()
   693  ```
   695  #### Fetching Artifactory's Service ID
   696  ```go
   697  serviceId, err := servicesManager.GetServiceId()
   698  ```
   700  ## Distribution APIs
   701  ### Creating Distribution Service Manager
   702  #### Creating Distribution Details
   703  ```go
   704  distDetails := auth.NewDistributionDetails()
   705  distDetails.SetUrl("http://localhost:8081/distribution")
   706  distDetails.SetSshKeysPath("path/to/.ssh/")
   707  distDetails.SetApiKey("apikey")
   708  distDetails.SetUser("user")
   709  distDetails.SetPassword("password")
   710  distDetails.SetAccessToken("accesstoken")
   711  // if client certificates are required
   712  distDetails.SetClientCertPath("path/to/.cer")
   713  distDetails.SetClientCertKeyPath("path/to/.key")
   714  ```
   716  #### Creating Distribution Service Config
   717  ```go
   718  serviceConfig, err := config.NewConfigBuilder().
   719      SetServiceDetails(rtDetails).
   720      SetCertificatesPath(certPath).
   721      SetThreads(threads).
   722      SetDryRun(false).
   723      Build()
   724  ```
   726  #### Creating New Distribution Service Manager
   727  ```go
   728  distManager, err := distribution.New(&distDetails, serviceConfig)
   729  ```
   731  ### Using Distribution Services
   732  #### Setting Distribution Signing Key
   733  ```go
   734  params := services.NewSetSigningKeyParams("private-gpg-key", "public-gpg-key")
   736  err := distManager.SetSigningKey(params)
   737  ```
   739  #### Creating a Release Bundle
   740  ```go
   741  params := services.NewCreateReleaseBundleParams("bundle-name", "1")
   742  params.SpecFiles = []*utils.ArtifactoryCommonParams{{Pattern: "repo/*/*.zip"}}
   743  params.Description = "Description"
   744  params.ReleaseNotes = "Release notes"
   745  params.ReleaseNotesSyntax = "plain_text"
   747  err := distManager.CreateReleaseBundle(params)
   748  ```
   750  #### Updating a Release Bundle
   751  ```go
   752  params := services.NewUpdateReleaseBundleParams("bundle-name", "1")
   753  params.SpecFiles = []*utils.ArtifactoryCommonParams{{Pattern: "repo/*/*.zip"}}
   754  params.Description = "New Description"
   755  params.ReleaseNotes = "New Release notes"
   756  params.ReleaseNotesSyntax = "plain_text"
   758  err := distManager.CreateReleaseBundle(params)
   759  ```
   761  #### Signing a Release Bundle
   762  ```go
   763  params := services.NewSignBundleParams("bundle-name", "1")
   764  params.GpgPassphrase = "123456"
   766  err := distManager.SignReleaseBundle(params)
   767  ```
   769  #### Async Distributing a Release Bundle
   770  ```go
   771  params := services.NewDistributeReleaseBundleParams("bundle-name", "1")
   772  distributionRules := utils.DistributionCommonParams{SiteName: "Swamp-1", "CityName": "Tel-Aviv", "CountryCodes": []string{"123"}}}
   773  params.DistributionRules = []*utils.DistributionCommonParams{distributionRules}
   775  err := distManager.DistributeReleaseBundle(params)
   776  ```
   778  #### Sync Distributing a Release Bundle
   779  ```go
   780  params := services.NewDistributeReleaseBundleParams("bundle-name", "1")
   781  distributionRules := utils.DistributionCommonParams{SiteName: "Swamp-1", "CityName": "Tel-Aviv", "CountryCodes": []string{"123"}}}
   782  params.DistributionRules = []*utils.DistributionCommonParams{distributionRules}
   783  // Wait up to 120 minutes for the release bundle distribution
   784  err := distManager.DistributeReleaseBundleSync(params, 120)
   785  ```
   787  #### Getting Distribution Status
   788  ```go
   789  params := services.NewDistributionStatusParams()
   790  // Optional parameters:
   791  // If missing, get status for all distributions
   792  params.Name = "bundle-name"
   793  // If missing, get status for all versions of "bundle-name"
   794  params.Version = "1"
   795  // If missing, get status for all "bundle-name" with version "1"
   796  params.TrackerId = "123456789"
   798  status, err := distributeBundleService.GetStatus(params)
   799  ```
   801  #### Deleting a Remote Release Bundle
   802  ```go
   803  params := services.NewDeleteReleaseBundleParams("bundle-name", "1")
   804  params.DeleteFromDistribution = true
   805  distributionRules := utils.DistributionCommonParams{SiteName: "Swamp-1", "CityName": "Tel-Aviv", "CountryCodes": []string{"123"}}}
   806  params.DistributionRules = []*utils.DistributionCommonParams{distributionRules}
   808  err := distManager.DeleteReleaseBundle(params)
   809  ```
   811  #### Deleting a Local Release Bundle
   812  ```go
   813  params := services.NewDeleteReleaseBundleParams("bundle-name", "1")
   815  err := distManager.DeleteLocalReleaseBundle(params)
   816  ```
   818  ## Bintray APIs
   819  ### Creating Bintray Details
   820  ```go
   821  btDetails := auth.NewBintrayDetails()
   822  btDetails.SetUser("user")
   823  btDetails.SetKey("key")
   824  btDetails.SetDefPackageLicense("Apache 2.0")
   825  ```
   827  ### Creating Bintray Service Manager
   828  ```go
   829  serviceConfig := bintray.NewConfigBuilder().
   830      SetBintrayDetails(btDetails).
   831      SetDryRun(false).
   832      SetThreads(threads).
   833      Build()
   835  btManager, err := bintray.New(serviceConfig)
   836  ```
   838  ### Using Bintray Services
   839  #### Uploading a Single File to Bintray
   840  ```go
   841  params := services.NewUploadParams()
   842  params.Pattern = "*/*.zip"
   843  params.Path = versions.CreatePath("subject/repo/pkg/version")
   844  params.TargetPath = "path/to/files"
   845  params.Deb = "distribution/component/architecture"
   846  params.Recursive = true
   847  params.Flat = true
   848  params.Publish = false
   849  params.Override = false
   850  params.Explode = false
   851  params.UseRegExp = false
   852  params.ShowInDownloadList = false
   854  btManager.UploadFiles(params)
   855  ```
   857  #### Downloading a Single File from Bintray
   858  ```go
   859  params := services.NewDownloadFileParams()
   860  params.Flat = false
   861  params.IncludeUnpublished = false
   862  params.PathDetails = "path/to/file"
   863  params.TargetPath = "target/path/"
   864  // SplitCount default value: 3
   865  params.SplitCount = 2
   866  // MinSplitSize default value: 5120
   867  params.MinSplitSize = 7168
   869  btManager.DownloadFile(params)
   870  ```
   872  #### Downloading Version Files from Bintray
   873  ```go
   874  params := services.NewDownloadVersionParams()
   875  params.Path, err = versions.CreatePath("subject/repo/pkg/version")
   877  params.IncludeUnpublished = false
   878  params.TargetPath = "target/path/"
   880  btManager.DownloadVersion(params)
   881  ```
   883  #### Showing and Deleting a Bintray Package
   884  ```go
   885  pkgPath, err := packages.CreatePath("subject/repo/pkg")
   887  btManager.ShowPackage(pkgPath)
   888  btManager.DeletePackage(pkgPath)
   889  ```
   891  #### Creating and Updating a Bintray Package
   892  ```go
   893  params := packages.NewPackageParams()
   894  params.Path, err = packages.CreatePath("subject/repo/pkg")
   896  params.Desc = "description"
   897  params.Labels = "labels"
   898  params.Licenses = "licences"
   899  params.CustomLicenses = "custum-licenses"
   900  params.VcsUrl = ""
   901  params.WebsiteUrl = ""
   902  params.IssueTrackerUrl = ""
   903  params.GithubRepo = "bintray/bintray-client-java"
   904  params.GithubReleaseNotesFile = "RELEASE_1.2.3.txt" "github-rel-notes"
   905  params.PublicDownloadNumbers = "true"
   906  params.PublicStats = "true"
   908  btManager.CreatePackage(params)
   909  btManager.UpdatePackage(params)
   910  ```
   912  #### Showing and Deleting a Bintray Version
   913  ```go
   914  versionPath, err := versions.CreatePath("subject/repo/pkg/version")
   916  btManager.ShowVersion(versionPath)
   917  btManager.DeleteVersion(versionPath)
   918  ```
   920  #### Creating and Updating a Bintray Version
   921  ```go
   922  params := versions.NewVersionParams()
   923  params.Path, err = versions.CreatePath("subject/repo/pkg/version")
   925  params.Desc = "description"
   926  params.VcsTag = "1.1.5"
   927  params.Released = "true"
   928  params.GithubReleaseNotesFile = "RELEASE_1.2.3.txt"
   929  params.GithubUseTagReleaseNotes = "false"
   931  btManager.CreateVersion(params)
   932  btManager.UpdateVersion(params)
   933  ```
   935  #### Creating and Updating Entitlements
   936  ```go
   937  params := entitlements.NewEntitlementsParams()
   938  params.VersionPath, err = versions.CreatePath("subject/repo/pkg/version")
   940  params.Path = "a/b/c"
   941  params.Access = "rw"
   942  params.Keys = "keys"
   944  btManager.CreateEntitlement(params)
   946  params.Id = "entitlementID"
   947  btManager.UpdateEntitlement(params)
   948  ```
   950  #### Showing and Deleting Entitlements
   951  ```go
   952  versionPath, err := versions.CreatePath("subject/repo/pkg/version")
   954  btManager.ShowAllEntitlements(versionPath)
   955  btManager.ShowEntitlement("entitelmentID", versionPath)
   956  btManager.DeleteEntitlement("entitelmentID", versionPath)
   957  ```
   959  #### Creating and Updating Access Keys
   960  ```go
   961  params := accesskeys.NewAccessKeysParams()
   962  params.Password = "password"
   963  params.Org = "org"
   964  params.Expiry = time.Now() + time.Hour * 10
   965  params.ExistenceCheckUrl = ",password=:password"
   966  params.ExistenceCheckCache = 60
   967  params.WhiteCidrs = ","
   968  params.BlackCidrs = ","
   969  params.ApiOnly = true
   971  btManager.CreateAccessKey(params)
   973  params.Id = "KeyID"
   974  btManager.UpdateAccessKey(params)
   975  ```
   977  #### Showing and Deleting Access Keys
   978  ```go
   979  btManager.ShowAllAccessKeys("org")
   980  btManager.ShowAccessKey("org", "KeyID")
   981  btManager.DeleteAccessKey("org", "KeyID")
   982  ```
   984  #### Signing a URL
   985  ```go
   986  params := url.NewURLParams()
   987  params.PathDetails, err = utils.CreatePathDetails("subject/repository/file-path")
   988  // Check for errors
   989  params.Expiry = time.Now() + time.Hour * 10
   990  params.ValidFor = 60
   991  params.CallbackId = "callback-id"
   992  params.CallbackEmail = "callback-email"
   993  params.CallbackUrl = "callback-url"
   994  params.CallbackMethod = "callback-method"
   996  btManager.SignUrl(params)
   997  ```
   999  #### GPG Signing a File
  1000  ```go
  1001  path, err := utils.CreatePathDetails("subject/repository/file-path")
  1003  btManager.GpgSignFile(path, "passphrase")
  1004  ```
  1006  #### GPG Signing Version Files
  1007  ```go
  1008  path, err := versions.CreatePath("subject/repo/pkg/version")
  1010  btManager.GpgSignVersion(path, "passphrase")
  1011  ```
  1013  #### Listing Logs
  1014  ```go
  1015  path, err := versions.CreatePath("subject/repo/pkg/version")
  1017  btManager.LogsList(versionPath)
  1018  ```
  1020  #### Downloading Logs
  1021  ```go
  1022  path, err := versions.CreatePath("subject/repo/pkg/version")
  1024  btManager.DownloadLog(path, "logName")
  1025  ```
  1027  #### Syncing Content To Maven Central
  1028  ```go
  1029  params := mavensync.NewParams("user","password", false)
  1030  path, err = versions.CreatePath("subject/repo/pkg/version")
  1032  btManager.MavenCentralContentSync(params, path)
  1033  ```
  1035  ## Using ContentReader
  1036  Some APIs return a content.ContentReader which allow reading the API output.
  1037  Here's an example for how it can be used:
  1039  ```go
  1040  reader, err := servicesManager.SearchFiles(searchParams)
  1041  if err != nil {
  1042      return err
  1043  }
  1044  defer reader.Close()
  1045  // Iterate over the results.
  1046  for currentResult := new(ResultItem); reader.NextRecord(currentResult) == nil; currentResult = new(ResultItem)  {
  1047      fmt.Printf("Found artifact: %s of type: %s\n", searchResult.Name, searchResult.Type)
  1048  }
  1049  if err := resultReader.GetError(); err != nil {
  1050      return err
  1051  }
  1052  resultReader.Reset()
  1053  ```
  1055  `reader.NextRecord(currentResult)` loads the next record from the reader into `currentResult` of type `ResultItem`.
  1057  `reader.Close()` removes the file used by the reader after it is used (preferably using `defer`).
  1059  `reader.GetError()` any error that may occur during `NextRecord()`, can be returned using `GetError()`.
  1061  `reader.Reset()` sets the reader back to the begging of the input.