
     1  package utils
     3  import (
     4  	"reflect"
     5  	"testing"
     6  )
     8  func TestToEncodedString(t *testing.T) {
     9  	tests := []struct {
    10  		props    Properties
    11  		expected string
    12  	}{
    13  		{Properties{[]Property{{Key: "a", Value: "b"}}}, "a=b"},
    14  		{Properties{[]Property{{Key: "a;a", Value: "b;a"}}}, "a%3Ba=b%3Ba"},
    15  		{Properties{[]Property{{Key: "a", Value: "b"}}}, "a=b"},
    16  		{Properties{[]Property{{Key: ";a", Value: ";b"}}}, "%3Ba=%3Bb"},
    17  		{Properties{[]Property{{Key: ";a", Value: ";b"}, {Key: ";a", Value: ";b"}, {Key: "aaa", Value: "bbb"}}}, "%3Ba=%3Bb;%3Ba=%3Bb;aaa=bbb"},
    18  		{Properties{[]Property{{Key: "a;", Value: "b;"}}}, "a%3B=b%3B"},
    19  	}
    20  	for _, test := range tests {
    21  		t.Run(test.expected, func(t *testing.T) {
    22  			test.props.ToEncodedString()
    23  			if test.expected != test.props.ToEncodedString() {
    24  				t.Error("Failed to encode properties. The propertyes", test.props.ToEncodedString(), "expected to be encoded to", test.expected)
    25  			}
    26  		})
    27  	}
    28  }
    30  func TestParseProperties(t *testing.T) {
    31  	tests := []struct {
    32  		propsString string
    33  		option      PropertyParseOptions
    34  		expected    Properties
    35  	}{
    36  		{"y=a,b", SplitCommas, Properties{[]Property{{Key: "y", Value: "a"}, {Key: "y", Value: "b"}}}},
    37  		{"y=a\\,b", SplitCommas, Properties{[]Property{{Key: "y", Value: "a,b"}}}},
    38  		{"y=a,b\\", SplitCommas, Properties{[]Property{{Key: "y", Value: "a"}, {Key: "y", Value: "b\\"}}}},
    39  		{"y=a,b\\,", SplitCommas, Properties{[]Property{{Key: "y", Value: "a"}, {Key: "y", Value: "b,"}}}},
    40  		{"y=a,b\\,c,d", SplitCommas, Properties{[]Property{{Key: "y", Value: "a"}, {Key: "y", Value: "b,c"}, {Key: "y", Value: "d"}}}},
    41  		{"y=a,b\\,c\\,d", SplitCommas, Properties{[]Property{{Key: "y", Value: "a"}, {Key: "y", Value: "b,c,d"}}}},
    42  		{"y=a,b\\,c\\,d\\,e", SplitCommas, Properties{[]Property{{Key: "y", Value: "a"}, {Key: "y", Value: "b,c,d,e"}}}},
    43  		{"y=\\,a b", SplitCommas, Properties{[]Property{{Key: "y", Value: ",a b"}}}},
    44  	}
    45  	for _, test := range tests {
    46  		t.Run(test.propsString, func(t *testing.T) {
    47  			props, err := ParseProperties(test.propsString, test.option)
    48  			if err != nil {
    49  				t.Error("Failed to parse property string.", err)
    50  			}
    51  			if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.expected.Properties, props.Properties) {
    52  				t.Error("Failed to parse property string.", props, "expected to be parsed to", test.expected)
    53  			}
    54  		})
    55  	}
    56  }