
     1  // Copyright 2020 The Cockroach Authors.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
     4  // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
     5  //
     6  // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
     7  // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
     8  // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
     9  // licenses/APL.txt.
    11  package exit
    13  // Codes that are common to all command times (server + client) follow.
    15  // Success (0) represents a normal process termination.
    16  func Success() Code { return Code{0} }
    18  // UnspecifiedError (1) indicates the process has terminated with an
    19  // error condition. The specific cause of the error can be found in
    20  // the logging output.
    21  func UnspecifiedError() Code { return Code{1} }
    23  // UnspecifiedGoPanic (2) indicates the process has terminated due to
    24  // an uncaught Go panic or some other error in the Go runtime.
    25  //
    26  // The reporting of this exit code likely indicates a programming
    27  // error inside CockroachDB.
    28  //
    29  // Conversely, this should not be used when implementing features.
    30  func UnspecifiedGoPanic() Code { return Code{2} }
    32  // Interrupted (3) indicates the server process was interrupted with
    33  // Ctrl+C / SIGINT.
    34  func Interrupted() Code { return Code{3} }
    36  // CommandLineFlagError (4) indicates there was an error in the
    37  // command-line parameters.
    38  func CommandLineFlagError() Code { return Code{4} }
    40  // LoggingStderrUnavailable (5) indicates that an error occurred
    41  // during a logging operation to the process' stderr stream.
    42  func LoggingStderrUnavailable() Code { return Code{5} }
    44  // LoggingFileUnavailable (6) indicates that an error occurred
    45  // during a logging operation to a file.
    46  func LoggingFileUnavailable() Code { return Code{6} }
    48  // FatalError (7) indicates that a logical error in the server caused
    49  // an emergency shutdown.
    50  func FatalError() Code { return Code{7} }
    52  // TimeoutAfterFatalError (8) indicates that an emergency shutdown
    53  // due to a fatal error did not occur properly due to some blockage
    54  // in the logging system.
    55  func TimeoutAfterFatalError() Code { return Code{8} }
    57  // LoggingNetCollectorUnavailable (9) indicates that an error occurred
    58  // during a logging operation to a network collector.
    59  func LoggingNetCollectorUnavailable() Code { return Code{9} }
    61  // DiskFull (10) indicates an emergency shutdown in response to a
    62  // store's full disk.
    63  func DiskFull() Code { return Code{10} }
    65  // Killed (138) indicates the server process was terminated with SIGUSR1.
    66  //
    67  // Orchestration code should handle this exit code the same way it would handle
    68  // the process being killed via SIGKILL.
    69  func Killed() Code { return Code{138} }
    71  // Codes that are specific to client commands follow. It's possible
    72  // for codes to be reused across separate client or server commands.
    73  // Command-specific exit codes should be allocated down from 125.
    75  // 'doctor' exit codes.
    77  // DoctorValidationFailed indicates that the 'doctor' command has detected
    78  // an inconsistency in the SQL metaschema.
    79  func DoctorValidationFailed() Code { return Code{125} }