
     1  // Copyright 2020 The Cockroach Authors.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
     4  // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
     5  //
     6  // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
     7  // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
     8  // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
     9  // licenses/APL.txt.
    11  package typeconv
    13  import (
    14  	"fmt"
    15  	"time"
    17  	""
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  )
    23  // DatumVecCanonicalTypeFamily is the "canonical" type family of all types that
    24  // are physically represented by coldata.DatumVec.
    25  var DatumVecCanonicalTypeFamily = types.Family(1000000)
    27  // TypeFamilyToCanonicalTypeFamily converts all type families to their
    28  // "canonical" counterparts. "Canonical" type families are representatives
    29  // from a set of "equivalent" type families where "equivalence" means having
    30  // the same physical representation.
    31  //
    32  // All type families that do not have an optimized physical representation are
    33  // handled by using tree.Datums, and such types are mapped to
    34  // DatumVecCanonicalTypeFamily.
    35  func TypeFamilyToCanonicalTypeFamily(family types.Family) types.Family {
    36  	switch family {
    37  	case types.BoolFamily:
    38  		return types.BoolFamily
    39  	case types.BytesFamily, types.StringFamily, types.UuidFamily, types.EncodedKeyFamily, types.EnumFamily:
    40  		// Note that by using Bytes family as the canonical one for other type
    41  		// families we allow the execution engine to evaluate invalid operations
    42  		// (e.g. the concat binary operation between a UUID and an enum "has"
    43  		// the execution engine support). However, it's not a big deal since the
    44  		// type-checking for validity of operations is done before the query
    45  		// reaches the execution engine.
    46  		return types.BytesFamily
    47  	case types.DecimalFamily:
    48  		return types.DecimalFamily
    49  	case types.JsonFamily:
    50  		return types.JsonFamily
    51  	case types.IntFamily, types.DateFamily:
    52  		return types.IntFamily
    53  	case types.FloatFamily:
    54  		return types.FloatFamily
    55  	case types.TimestampTZFamily, types.TimestampFamily:
    56  		return types.TimestampTZFamily
    57  	case types.IntervalFamily:
    58  		return types.IntervalFamily
    59  	default:
    60  		// TODO(yuzefovich): consider adding native support for
    61  		// types.UnknownFamily.
    62  		return DatumVecCanonicalTypeFamily
    63  	}
    64  }
    66  // ToCanonicalTypeFamilies converts typs to the corresponding canonical type
    67  // families.
    68  func ToCanonicalTypeFamilies(typs []*types.T) []types.Family {
    69  	families := make([]types.Family, len(typs))
    70  	for i := range typs {
    71  		families[i] = TypeFamilyToCanonicalTypeFamily(typs[i].Family())
    72  	}
    73  	return families
    74  }
    76  // UnsafeFromGoType returns the type for a Go value, if applicable. Shouldn't
    77  // be used at runtime. This method is unsafe because multiple logical types can
    78  // be represented by the same physical type. Types that are backed by DatumVec
    79  // are *not* supported by this function.
    80  func UnsafeFromGoType(v interface{}) *types.T {
    81  	switch t := v.(type) {
    82  	case int16:
    83  		return types.Int2
    84  	case int32:
    85  		return types.Int4
    86  	case int, int64:
    87  		return types.Int
    88  	case bool:
    89  		return types.Bool
    90  	case float64:
    91  		return types.Float
    92  	case []byte:
    93  		return types.Bytes
    94  	case string:
    95  		return types.String
    96  	case apd.Decimal:
    97  		return types.Decimal
    98  	case time.Time:
    99  		return types.TimestampTZ
   100  	case duration.Duration:
   101  		return types.Interval
   102  	case json.JSON:
   103  		return types.Jsonb
   104  	default:
   105  		panic(fmt.Sprintf("type %s not supported yet", t))
   106  	}
   107  }
   109  // TypesSupportedNatively contains types that are supported natively by the
   110  // vectorized engine.
   111  var TypesSupportedNatively []*types.T
   113  func init() {
   114  	for _, t := range types.Scalar {
   115  		if TypeFamilyToCanonicalTypeFamily(t.Family()) == DatumVecCanonicalTypeFamily {
   116  			continue
   117  		}
   118  		if t.Family() == types.IntFamily {
   119  			TypesSupportedNatively = append(TypesSupportedNatively, types.Int2)
   120  			TypesSupportedNatively = append(TypesSupportedNatively, types.Int4)
   121  		}
   122  		TypesSupportedNatively = append(TypesSupportedNatively, t)
   123  	}
   124  }