
     1  // Copyright 2020 The Cockroach Authors.
     2  //
     3  // Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
     4  // included in the file licenses/BSL.txt.
     5  //
     6  // As of the Change Date specified in that file, in accordance with
     7  // the Business Source License, use of this software will be governed
     8  // by the Apache License, Version 2.0, included in the file
     9  // licenses/APL.txt.
    11  package inverted
    13  import (
    14  	"bytes"
    15  	"fmt"
    16  	"strconv"
    18  	""
    19  	""
    20  	""
    21  	""
    22  )
    24  // EncVal is the encoded form of a value in the inverted column. This library
    25  // does not care about how the value is encoded. The following encoding comment
    26  // is only relevant for integration purposes, and to justify the use of an
    27  // encoded form.
    28  //
    29  // If the inverted column stores an encoded datum, the encoding is
    30  // DatumEncoding_ASCENDING_KEY, and is performed using
    31  // keyside.Encode(nil /* prefix */, val tree.Datum, encoding.Ascending).
    32  // It is used to represent spans of the inverted column.
    33  //
    34  // It would be ideal if the inverted column only contained Datums, since we
    35  // could then work with a Datum here. However, JSON breaks that approach:
    36  //   - JSON inverted columns use a custom encoding that uses a special byte
    37  //     jsonInvertedIndex, followed by the bytes produced by the various
    38  //     implementations of the encodeInvertedIndexKey() method in the JSON
    39  //     interface. This could be worked around by using a JSON datum that
    40  //     represents a single path as the start key of the span, and representing
    41  //     [start, start] spans. We would special case the encoding logic to
    42  //     recognize that it is dealing with JSON (we have similar special path code
    43  //     for JSON elsewhere). But this is insufficient (next bullet).
    44  //   - Expressions like x ? 'b' don't have operands that are JSON, but can be
    45  //     represented using a span on the inverted column.
    46  //
    47  // So we make it the job of the caller of this library to encode the inverted
    48  // column. Note that the second bullet above has some similarities with the
    49  // behavior in makeStringPrefixSpan(), except there we can represent the start
    50  // and end keys using the string type.
    51  type EncVal []byte
    53  // High-level context:
    54  //
    55  // 1. Semantics of inverted index spans and effect on union and intersection
    56  //
    57  // Unlike spans of a normal index (e.g. the spans in the constraints package),
    58  // the spans of the inverted index cannot be immediately "evaluated" since
    59  // they represent sets of primary keys that we won't know about until we do
    60  // the scan. Using a simple example: [a, d) \intersection [c, f) is not [c, d)
    61  // since the same primary key K could be found under a and f and be part of
    62  // the result. More precisely, the above expression can be simplified to: [c,
    63  // d) \union ([a, c) \intersection [d, f))
    64  //
    65  // For regular indexes, since each primary key is indexed in one row of the
    66  // index, we can be sure that the same primary key will not appear in both of
    67  // the non-overlapping spans [a, c) and [d, f), so we can immediately throw
    68  // that part away knowing that it is the empty set. This discarding is not
    69  // possible with inverted indexes, though the factoring can be useful for
    70  // speed of execution (it does not limit what we need to scan) and for
    71  // selectivity estimation when making optimizer choices.
    72  //
    73  // One could try to construct a general library that handles both the
    74  // cases handled in the constraints package and here, but the complexity seems
    75  // high. Instead, this package is more general than constraints in a few ways
    76  // but simplifies most other things (so overall much simpler):
    77  // - All the inverted spans are [start, end).
    78  // - It handles spans only on the inverted column, with a way to plug-in spans
    79  //   generated for the PK columns. For more discussion on multi-column
    80  //   constraints for inverted indexes, see the long comment at the end of the
    81  //   file.
    82  //
    83  // 2. Representing a canonical "inverted expression"
    84  //
    85  // This package represents a canonical form for all inverted expressions -- it
    86  // is more than the description of a scan. The evaluation machinery will
    87  // evaluate this expression over an inverted index. The support to build that
    88  // canonical form expression is independent of how the original expression is
    89  // represented: instead of taking an opt.Expr parameter and traversing it
    90  // itself, this library assumes the caller is doing a traversal. This is
    91  // partly because the representation of the original expression for the single
    92  // table scan case and the invertedJoiner case are not the same: the latter
    93  // starts with an expression with two unspecified rows, and after the left
    94  // side row is bound (partial application), this library needs to be used to
    95  // construct the Expression.
    97  // Span is a span of the inverted index. Represents [start, end).
    98  type Span struct {
    99  	Start, End EncVal
   100  }
   102  // MakeSingleValSpan constructs a span equivalent to [val, val].
   103  func MakeSingleValSpan(val EncVal) Span {
   104  	end := EncVal(keysbase.PrefixEnd(val))
   105  	return Span{Start: val, End: end}
   106  }
   108  // IsSingleVal returns true iff the span is equivalent to [val, val].
   109  func (s Span) IsSingleVal() bool {
   110  	return bytes.Equal(keysbase.PrefixEnd(s.Start), s.End)
   111  }
   113  // Equals returns true if this span has the same start and end as the given
   114  // span.
   115  func (s Span) Equals(other Span) bool {
   116  	if !bytes.Equal(s.Start, other.Start) {
   117  		return false
   118  	}
   119  	return bytes.Equal(s.End, other.End)
   120  }
   122  // Spans is a slice of Span objects.
   123  type Spans []Span
   125  // ContainsKey returns whether the span contains the given key.
   126  func (s Span) ContainsKey(key EncVal) bool {
   127  	return bytes.Compare(key, s.Start) >= 0 && bytes.Compare(key, s.End) < 0
   128  }
   130  // Equals returns true if this Spans has the same spans as the given
   131  // Spans, in the same order.
   132  func (is Spans) Equals(other Spans) bool {
   133  	if len(is) != len(other) {
   134  		return false
   135  	}
   136  	for i := range is {
   137  		if !is[i].Equals(other[i]) {
   138  			return false
   139  		}
   140  	}
   141  	return true
   142  }
   144  // Format pretty-prints the spans.
   145  func (is Spans) Format(tp treeprinter.Node, label string, redactable bool) {
   146  	if len(is) == 0 {
   147  		tp.Childf("%s: empty", label)
   148  		return
   149  	}
   150  	if len(is) == 1 {
   151  		tp.Childf("%s: %s", label, formatSpan(is[0], redactable))
   152  		return
   153  	}
   154  	n := tp.Child(label)
   155  	for i := 0; i < len(is); i++ {
   156  		n.Child(formatSpan(is[i], redactable))
   157  	}
   158  }
   160  func formatSpan(span Span, redactable bool) string {
   161  	end := span.End
   162  	spanEndOpenOrClosed := ')'
   163  	if span.IsSingleVal() {
   164  		end = span.Start
   165  		spanEndOpenOrClosed = ']'
   166  	}
   167  	output := fmt.Sprintf("[%s, %s%c", strconv.Quote(string(span.Start)),
   168  		strconv.Quote(string(end)), spanEndOpenOrClosed)
   169  	if redactable {
   170  		output = string(redact.Sprintf("%s", redact.Unsafe(output)))
   171  	}
   172  	return output
   173  }
   175  // Len implements sort.Interface.
   176  func (is Spans) Len() int { return len(is) }
   178  // Less implements sort.Interface, when Spans is known to contain
   179  // non-overlapping spans.
   180  func (is Spans) Less(i, j int) bool {
   181  	return bytes.Compare(is[i].Start, is[j].Start) < 0
   182  }
   184  // Swap implements the sort.Interface.
   185  func (is Spans) Swap(i, j int) {
   186  	is[i], is[j] = is[j], is[i]
   187  }
   189  // Start implements the span.KeyableInvertedSpans interface.
   190  func (is Spans) Start(i int) []byte {
   191  	return is[i].Start
   192  }
   194  // End implements the span.KeyableInvertedSpans interface.
   195  func (is Spans) End(i int) []byte {
   196  	return is[i].End
   197  }
   199  // Expression is the interface representing an expression or sub-expression
   200  // to be evaluated on the inverted index. Any implementation can be used in the
   201  // builder functions And() and Or(), but in practice there are two useful
   202  // implementations provided here:
   203  //   - SpanExpression: this is the normal expression representing unions and
   204  //     intersections over spans of the inverted index. A SpanExpression is the
   205  //     root of an expression tree containing other SpanExpressions (there is one
   206  //     exception when a SpanExpression tree can contain non-SpanExpressions,
   207  //     discussed below for Joins).
   208  //   - NonInvertedColExpression: this is a marker expression representing the universal
   209  //     span, due to it being an expression on the non inverted column. This only appears in
   210  //     expression trees with a single node, since Anding with such an expression simply
   211  //     changes the tightness to false and Oring with this expression replaces the
   212  //     other expression with a NonInvertedColExpression.
   213  //
   214  // # Optimizer cost estimation
   215  //
   216  // There are two cases:
   217  //
   218  //   - Single table expression: after generating the Expression, the
   219  //     optimizer will check that it is a *SpanExpression -- if not, it is a
   220  //     NonInvertedColExpression, which implies a full inverted index scan, and
   221  //     it is definitely not worth using the inverted index. There are two costs for
   222  //     using the inverted index:
   223  //
   224  //   - The scan cost: this should be estimated by using SpanExpression.SpansToRead.
   225  //
   226  //   - The cardinality of the output set after evaluating the expression: this
   227  //     requires a traversal of the expression to assign cardinality to the
   228  //     spans in each FactoredUnionSpans (this could be done using a mean,
   229  //     or using histograms). The cardinality of a SpanExpression is the
   230  //     cardinality of the union of its FactoredUnionSpans and the intersection
   231  //     of its left and right expressions. If the cardinality of the original
   232  //     table is C (i.e., the number of primary keys), and we have two subsets
   233  //     of cardinality C1 and C2, we can assume that each set itself is a
   234  //     drawing without replacement from the original table. This can be
   235  //     used to derive the expected cardinality of the union of the two sets
   236  //     and the intersection of the two sets.
   237  //
   238  //   - Join expression: Assigning a cost is hard since there are two
   239  //     parameters, corresponding to the left and right columns. In some cases,
   240  //     like Geospatial, the expression that could be generated is a black-box to
   241  //     the optimizer since the quad-tree traversal is unknown until partial
   242  //     application (when one of the parameters is known). Minimally, we do need to
   243  //     know whether the user expression is going to cause a full inverted index
   244  //     scan due to parts of the expression referring to non-inverted columns.
   245  //     The optimizer will provide its own placeholder implementation of
   246  //     Expression into which it can embed whatever information it wants.
   247  //     Let's call this the UnknownExpression -- it will only exist at the
   248  //     leaves of the expression tree. It will use this UnknownExpression
   249  //     whenever there is an expression involving both the inverted columns. If
   250  //     the final expression is a NonInvertedColExpression, it is definitely not
   251  //     worth using the inverted index. If the final expression is an
   252  //     UnknownExpression (the tree must be a single node) or a *SpanExpression,
   253  //     the optimizer could either conjure up some magic cost number or try to
   254  //     compose one using costs assigned to each span (as described in the
   255  //     previous bullet) and to each leaf-level UnknownExpression.
   256  //
   257  // # Query evaluation
   258  //
   259  // There are two cases:
   260  //   - Single table expression: The optimizer will convert the *SpanExpression
   261  //     into a form that is passed to the evaluation machinery, which can recreate
   262  //     the *SpanExpression and evaluate it. The optimizer will have constructed
   263  //     the spans for the evaluation using SpanExpression.SpansToRead, so the
   264  //     expression evaluating code does not need to concern itself with the spans
   265  //     to be read.
   266  //     e.g. the query was of the form ... WHERE x <@ '{"a":1, "b":2}'::json
   267  //     The optimizer constructs a *SpanExpression, and
   268  //   - uses the serialization of the *SpanExpression as the spec for a processor
   269  //     that will evaluate the expression.
   270  //   - uses the SpanExpression.SpansToRead to specify the inverted index
   271  //     spans that must be read and fed to the processor.
   272  //   - Join expression: The optimizer had an expression tree with the root as
   273  //     a *SpanExpression or an UnknownExpression. Therefore it knows that after
   274  //     partial application the expression will be a *SpanExpression. It passes the
   275  //     inverted expression with two unknowns, as a string, to the join execution
   276  //     machinery. The optimizer provides a way to do partial application for each
   277  //     input row, and returns a *SpanExpression, which is evaluated on the
   278  //     inverted index.
   279  //     e.g. the join query was of the form
   280  //     ... ON t1.x <@ t2.y OR (t1.x @> t2.y AND t2.y @> '{"a":1, "b":2}'::json)
   281  //     and the optimizer decides to use the inverted index on t2.y. The optimizer
   282  //     passes an expression string with two unknowns in the InvertedJoinerSpec,
   283  //     where @1 represents t1.x and @2 represents t2.y. For each input row of
   284  //     t1 the inverted join processor asks the optimizer to apply the value of @1
   285  //     and return a *SpanExpression, which the join processor will evaluate on
   286  //     the inverted index.
   287  type Expression interface {
   288  	// IsTight returns whether the inverted expression is tight, i.e., will the
   289  	// original expression not need to be reevaluated on each row output by the
   290  	// query evaluation over the inverted index.
   291  	IsTight() bool
   292  	// SetNotTight sets tight to false.
   293  	SetNotTight()
   294  	// Copy makes a copy of the inverted expression.
   295  	Copy() Expression
   296  }
   298  // SpanExpression is an implementation of Expression.
   299  //
   300  // TODO(sumeer): after integration and experimentation with optimizer costing,
   301  // decide if we can eliminate the generality of the Expression
   302  // interface. If we don't need that generality, we can merge SpanExpression
   303  // and SpanExpressionProto.
   304  type SpanExpression struct {
   305  	// Tight mirrors the definition of IsTight().
   306  	Tight bool
   308  	// Unique is true if the spans in FactoredUnionSpans are guaranteed not to
   309  	// produce duplicate primary keys. Otherwise, Unique is false. Unique may
   310  	// be true for certain JSON or Array SpanExpressions, and it holds when
   311  	// unique SpanExpressions are combined with And. It does not hold when
   312  	// these SpanExpressions are combined with Or.
   313  	//
   314  	// Once a SpanExpression is built, this field is relevant if the root
   315  	// SpanExpression has no children (i.e., Operator is None). In this case,
   316  	// Unique is used to determine whether an invertedFilter is needed on top
   317  	// of the inverted index scan to deduplicate keys (an invertedFilter is
   318  	// always necessary if Operator is not None).
   319  	Unique bool
   321  	// SpansToRead are the spans to read from the inverted index
   322  	// to evaluate this SpanExpression. These are non-overlapping
   323  	// and sorted. If left or right contains a non-SpanExpression,
   324  	// it is not included in the spanning union.
   325  	// To illustrate, consider a made up example:
   326  	// [2, 10) \intersection [6, 14)
   327  	// is factored into:
   328  	// [6, 10) \union ([2, 6) \intersection [10, 14))
   329  	// The root expression has a spanning union of [2, 14).
   330  	SpansToRead Spans
   332  	// FactoredUnionSpans are the spans to be unioned. These are
   333  	// non-overlapping and sorted. As mentioned earlier, factoring
   334  	// can result in faster evaluation and can be useful for
   335  	// optimizer cost estimation.
   336  	//
   337  	// Using the same example, the FactoredUnionSpans will be
   338  	// [6, 10). Now let's extend the above example and say that
   339  	// it was just a sub-expression in a bigger expression, and
   340  	// the full expression involved an intersection of that
   341  	// sub-expression and [5, 8). After factoring, we would get
   342  	// [6, 8) \union ([5, 6) \intersection ([8, 10) \union ([2, 6) \intersection [10, 14))))
   343  	// The top-level expression has FactoredUnionSpans [6, 8), and the left and
   344  	// right children have factoredUnionSpans [5, 6) and [8, 10) respectively.
   345  	// The SpansToRead of this top-level expression is still [2, 14) since the
   346  	// intersection with [5, 8) did not add anything to the spans to read. Also
   347  	// note that, despite factoring, there are overlapping spans in this
   348  	// expression, specifically [2, 6) and [5, 6).
   349  	FactoredUnionSpans Spans
   351  	// Operator is the set operation to apply to Left and Right.
   352  	// When this is union or intersection, both Left and Right are non-nil,
   353  	// else both are nil.
   354  	Operator SetOperator
   355  	Left     Expression
   356  	Right    Expression
   357  }
   359  var _ Expression = (*SpanExpression)(nil)
   361  // IsTight implements the Expression interface.
   362  func (s *SpanExpression) IsTight() bool {
   363  	return s.Tight
   364  }
   366  // SetNotTight implements the Expression interface.
   367  func (s *SpanExpression) SetNotTight() {
   368  	s.Tight = false
   369  }
   371  // Copy implements the Expression interface.
   372  //
   373  // Copy makes a copy of the SpanExpression and returns it. Copy recurses into
   374  // the children and makes copies of them as well, so the new struct is
   375  // independent from the old. It does *not* perform a deep copy of the
   376  // SpansToRead or FactoredUnionSpans slices, however, because those slices are
   377  // never modified in place and therefore are safe to reuse.
   378  func (s *SpanExpression) Copy() Expression {
   379  	res := &SpanExpression{
   380  		Tight:              s.Tight,
   381  		Unique:             s.Unique,
   382  		SpansToRead:        s.SpansToRead,
   383  		FactoredUnionSpans: s.FactoredUnionSpans,
   384  		Operator:           s.Operator,
   385  	}
   386  	if s.Left != nil {
   387  		res.Left = s.Left.Copy()
   388  	}
   389  	if s.Right != nil {
   390  		res.Right = s.Right.Copy()
   391  	}
   392  	return res
   393  }
   395  func (s *SpanExpression) String() string {
   396  	tp := treeprinter.New()
   397  	n := tp.Child("span expression")
   398  	s.Format(n, true /* includeSpansToRead */, false /* redactable */)
   399  	return tp.String()
   400  }
   402  // Format pretty-prints the SpanExpression.
   403  func (s *SpanExpression) Format(tp treeprinter.Node, includeSpansToRead, redactable bool) {
   404  	tp.Childf("tight: %t, unique: %t", s.Tight, s.Unique)
   405  	if includeSpansToRead {
   406  		s.SpansToRead.Format(tp, "to read", redactable)
   407  	}
   408  	s.FactoredUnionSpans.Format(tp, "union spans", redactable)
   409  	if s.Operator == None {
   410  		return
   411  	}
   412  	switch s.Operator {
   413  	case SetUnion:
   414  		tp = tp.Child("UNION")
   415  	case SetIntersection:
   416  		tp = tp.Child("INTERSECTION")
   417  	}
   418  	formatExpression(tp, s.Left, includeSpansToRead, redactable)
   419  	formatExpression(tp, s.Right, includeSpansToRead, redactable)
   420  }
   422  func formatExpression(tp treeprinter.Node, expr Expression, includeSpansToRead, redactable bool) {
   423  	switch e := expr.(type) {
   424  	case *SpanExpression:
   425  		n := tp.Child("span expression")
   426  		e.Format(n, includeSpansToRead, redactable)
   427  	default:
   428  		tp.Child(fmt.Sprintf("%v", e))
   429  	}
   430  }
   432  // ToProto constructs a SpanExpressionProto for execution. It should
   433  // be called on an expression tree that contains only *SpanExpressions.
   434  func (s *SpanExpression) ToProto() *SpanExpressionProto {
   435  	if s == nil {
   436  		return nil
   437  	}
   438  	proto := &SpanExpressionProto{
   439  		SpansToRead: getProtoSpans(s.SpansToRead),
   440  		Node:        *s.getProtoNode(),
   441  	}
   442  	return proto
   443  }
   445  func getProtoSpans(spans []Span) []SpanExpressionProto_Span {
   446  	out := make([]SpanExpressionProto_Span, len(spans))
   447  	for i := range spans {
   448  		out[i] = SpanExpressionProto_Span{
   449  			Start: spans[i].Start,
   450  			End:   spans[i].End,
   451  		}
   452  	}
   453  	return out
   454  }
   456  func (s *SpanExpression) getProtoNode() *SpanExpressionProto_Node {
   457  	node := &SpanExpressionProto_Node{
   458  		FactoredUnionSpans: getProtoSpans(s.FactoredUnionSpans),
   459  		Operator:           s.Operator,
   460  	}
   461  	if node.Operator != None {
   462  		node.Left = s.Left.(*SpanExpression).getProtoNode()
   463  		node.Right = s.Right.(*SpanExpression).getProtoNode()
   464  	}
   465  	return node
   466  }
   468  // NonInvertedColExpression is an expression to use for parts of the
   469  // user expression that do not involve the inverted index.
   470  type NonInvertedColExpression struct{}
   472  var _ Expression = NonInvertedColExpression{}
   474  // IsTight implements the Expression interface.
   475  func (n NonInvertedColExpression) IsTight() bool {
   476  	return false
   477  }
   479  // SetNotTight implements the Expression interface.
   480  func (n NonInvertedColExpression) SetNotTight() {}
   482  // Copy implements the Expression interface.
   483  func (n NonInvertedColExpression) Copy() Expression {
   484  	return NonInvertedColExpression{}
   485  }
   487  // SpanExpressionProtoSpans is a slice of SpanExpressionProto_Span.
   488  type SpanExpressionProtoSpans []SpanExpressionProto_Span
   490  // Len implements the span.InvertedSpans interface.
   491  func (s SpanExpressionProtoSpans) Len() int {
   492  	return len(s)
   493  }
   495  // Start implements the span.InvertedSpans interface.
   496  func (s SpanExpressionProtoSpans) Start(i int) []byte {
   497  	return s[i].Start
   498  }
   500  // End implements the span.InvertedSpans interface.
   501  func (s SpanExpressionProtoSpans) End(i int) []byte {
   502  	return s[i].End
   503  }
   505  // ExprForSpan constructs a leaf-level SpanExpression for an inverted
   506  // expression. Note that these leaf-level expressions may also have
   507  // tight = false. Geospatial functions are all non-tight.
   508  //
   509  // For JSON, expressions like x <@ '{"a":1, "b":2}'::json will have
   510  // tight = false. Say SpanA, SpanB correspond to "a":1 and "b":2
   511  // respectively). A tight expression would require the following set
   512  // evaluation:
   513  // Set(SpanA) \union Set(SpanB) - Set(ComplementSpan(SpanA \spanunion SpanB))
   514  // where ComplementSpan(X) is everything in the inverted index
   515  // except for X.
   516  // Since ComplementSpan(SpanA \spanunion SpanB) is likely to
   517  // be very wide when SpanA and SpanB are narrow, or vice versa,
   518  // this tight expression would be very costly to evaluate.
   519  func ExprForSpan(span Span, tight bool) *SpanExpression {
   520  	return &SpanExpression{
   521  		Tight:              tight,
   522  		SpansToRead:        []Span{span},
   523  		FactoredUnionSpans: []Span{span},
   524  	}
   525  }
   527  // ContainsKeys traverses the SpanExpression to determine whether the span
   528  // expression contains the given keys. It is primarily used for testing.
   529  func (s *SpanExpression) ContainsKeys(keys [][]byte) (bool, error) {
   530  	if s.Operator == None && len(s.FactoredUnionSpans) == 0 {
   531  		return false, nil
   532  	}
   534  	// FactoredUnionSpans represents a union over the spans, so any span in the slice
   535  	// can contain any of the keys.
   536  	if len(s.FactoredUnionSpans) > 0 {
   537  		for _, span := range s.FactoredUnionSpans {
   538  			for _, key := range keys {
   539  				if span.ContainsKey(key) {
   540  					return true, nil
   541  				}
   542  			}
   543  		}
   544  	}
   546  	if s.Operator == None {
   547  		return false, nil
   548  	}
   550  	// This is either a UNION or INTERSECTION.
   551  	leftRes, err := s.Left.(*SpanExpression).ContainsKeys(keys)
   552  	if err != nil {
   553  		return false, err
   554  	}
   555  	if leftRes && s.Operator == SetUnion {
   556  		return true, nil
   557  	}
   559  	rightRes, err := s.Right.(*SpanExpression).ContainsKeys(keys)
   560  	if err != nil {
   561  		return false, err
   562  	}
   563  	switch s.Operator {
   564  	case SetIntersection:
   565  		return leftRes && rightRes, nil
   566  	case SetUnion:
   567  		return leftRes || rightRes, nil
   568  	default:
   569  		return false, errors.AssertionFailedf("invalid operator %v", s.Operator)
   570  	}
   571  }
   573  // And of two boolean expressions. This function may modify both the left and
   574  // right Expressions.
   575  func And(left, right Expression) Expression {
   576  	switch l := left.(type) {
   577  	case *SpanExpression:
   578  		switch r := right.(type) {
   579  		case *SpanExpression:
   580  			return intersectSpanExpressions(l, r)
   581  		case NonInvertedColExpression:
   582  			left.SetNotTight()
   583  			return left
   584  		default:
   585  			return opSpanExpressionAndDefault(l, right, SetIntersection)
   586  		}
   587  	case NonInvertedColExpression:
   588  		right.SetNotTight()
   589  		return right
   590  	default:
   591  		switch r := right.(type) {
   592  		case *SpanExpression:
   593  			return opSpanExpressionAndDefault(r, left, SetIntersection)
   594  		case NonInvertedColExpression:
   595  			left.SetNotTight()
   596  			return left
   597  		default:
   598  			return &SpanExpression{
   599  				Tight:    left.IsTight() && right.IsTight(),
   600  				Operator: SetIntersection,
   601  				Left:     left,
   602  				Right:    right,
   603  			}
   604  		}
   605  	}
   606  }
   608  // Or of two boolean expressions. This function may modify both the left and
   609  // right Expressions.
   610  func Or(left, right Expression) Expression {
   611  	switch l := left.(type) {
   612  	case *SpanExpression:
   613  		switch r := right.(type) {
   614  		case *SpanExpression:
   615  			return unionSpanExpressions(l, r)
   616  		case NonInvertedColExpression:
   617  			return r
   618  		default:
   619  			return opSpanExpressionAndDefault(l, right, SetUnion)
   620  		}
   621  	case NonInvertedColExpression:
   622  		return left
   623  	default:
   624  		switch r := right.(type) {
   625  		case *SpanExpression:
   626  			return opSpanExpressionAndDefault(r, left, SetUnion)
   627  		case NonInvertedColExpression:
   628  			return right
   629  		default:
   630  			return &SpanExpression{
   631  				Tight:    left.IsTight() && right.IsTight(),
   632  				Operator: SetUnion,
   633  				Left:     left,
   634  				Right:    right,
   635  			}
   636  		}
   637  	}
   638  }
   640  // Helper that applies op to a left-side that is a *SpanExpression and
   641  // a right-side that is an unknown implementation of Expression.
   642  func opSpanExpressionAndDefault(
   643  	left *SpanExpression, right Expression, op SetOperator,
   644  ) *SpanExpression {
   645  	expr := &SpanExpression{
   646  		Tight: left.IsTight() && right.IsTight(),
   647  		// The SpansToRead is a lower-bound in this case. Note that
   648  		// such an expression is only used for Join costing.
   649  		SpansToRead: left.SpansToRead,
   650  		Operator:    op,
   651  		Left:        left,
   652  		Right:       right,
   653  	}
   654  	if op == SetUnion {
   655  		// Promote the left-side union spans. We don't know anything
   656  		// about the right-side.
   657  		expr.FactoredUnionSpans = left.FactoredUnionSpans
   658  		left.FactoredUnionSpans = nil
   659  	}
   660  	// Else SetIntersection -- we can't factor anything if one side is
   661  	// unknown.
   662  	return expr
   663  }
   665  // Intersects two SpanExpressions.
   666  func intersectSpanExpressions(left, right *SpanExpression) *SpanExpression {
   667  	expr := &SpanExpression{
   668  		Tight:  left.Tight && right.Tight,
   669  		Unique: left.Unique && right.Unique,
   671  		// We calculate SpansToRead as the union of the left and right sides as a
   672  		// first approximation, but this may result in too many spans if either of
   673  		// the children are pruned below. SpansToRead will be recomputed in
   674  		// tryPruneChildren if needed. (It is important that SpansToRead be exactly
   675  		// what would be computed if a caller traversed the tree and explicitly
   676  		// unioned all the FactoredUnionSpans, and no looser, since the execution
   677  		// code path relies on this property.)
   678  		SpansToRead:        unionSpans(left.SpansToRead, right.SpansToRead),
   679  		FactoredUnionSpans: intersectSpans(left.FactoredUnionSpans, right.FactoredUnionSpans),
   680  		Operator:           SetIntersection,
   681  		Left:               left,
   682  		Right:              right,
   683  	}
   684  	if expr.FactoredUnionSpans != nil {
   685  		left.FactoredUnionSpans = subtractSpans(left.FactoredUnionSpans, expr.FactoredUnionSpans)
   686  		right.FactoredUnionSpans = subtractSpans(right.FactoredUnionSpans, expr.FactoredUnionSpans)
   687  	}
   688  	tryPruneChildren(expr, SetIntersection)
   689  	return expr
   690  }
   692  // Unions two SpanExpressions.
   693  func unionSpanExpressions(left, right *SpanExpression) *SpanExpression {
   694  	expr := &SpanExpression{
   695  		Tight:              left.Tight && right.Tight,
   696  		SpansToRead:        unionSpans(left.SpansToRead, right.SpansToRead),
   697  		FactoredUnionSpans: unionSpans(left.FactoredUnionSpans, right.FactoredUnionSpans),
   698  		Operator:           SetUnion,
   699  		Left:               left,
   700  		Right:              right,
   701  	}
   702  	left.FactoredUnionSpans = nil
   703  	right.FactoredUnionSpans = nil
   704  	tryPruneChildren(expr, SetUnion)
   705  	return expr
   706  }
   708  // tryPruneChildren takes an expr with two child *SpanExpression and removes
   709  // children when safe to do so.
   710  func tryPruneChildren(expr *SpanExpression, op SetOperator) {
   711  	isEmptyExpr := func(e *SpanExpression) bool {
   712  		return len(e.FactoredUnionSpans) == 0 && e.Left == nil && e.Right == nil
   713  	}
   714  	if isEmptyExpr(expr.Left.(*SpanExpression)) {
   715  		expr.Left = nil
   716  	}
   717  	if isEmptyExpr(expr.Right.(*SpanExpression)) {
   718  		expr.Right = nil
   719  	}
   720  	if expr.Operator == SetUnion {
   721  		// Promotes the left and right sub-expressions of child to the parent
   722  		// expr, when the other child is empty.
   723  		promoteChild := func(child *SpanExpression) {
   724  			// For SetUnion, the FactoredUnionSpans for the child is already nil
   725  			// since it has been unioned into expr. Therefore, we don't need to
   726  			// update expr.FactoredUnionSpans.
   727  			expr.Operator = child.Operator
   728  			expr.Left = child.Left
   729  			expr.Right = child.Right
   731  			// If child.FactoredUnionSpans is non-empty, we need to recalculate
   732  			// SpansToRead since it may have contained some spans that were
   733  			// removed by discarding child.FactoredUnionSpans.
   734  			if child.FactoredUnionSpans != nil {
   735  				expr.SpansToRead = expr.FactoredUnionSpans
   736  				if expr.Left != nil {
   737  					expr.SpansToRead = unionSpans(expr.SpansToRead, expr.Left.(*SpanExpression).SpansToRead)
   738  				}
   739  				if expr.Right != nil {
   740  					expr.SpansToRead = unionSpans(expr.SpansToRead, expr.Right.(*SpanExpression).SpansToRead)
   741  				}
   742  			}
   743  		}
   744  		promoteLeft := expr.Left != nil && expr.Right == nil
   745  		promoteRight := expr.Left == nil && expr.Right != nil
   746  		if promoteLeft {
   747  			promoteChild(expr.Left.(*SpanExpression))
   748  		}
   749  		if promoteRight {
   750  			promoteChild(expr.Right.(*SpanExpression))
   751  		}
   752  	} else if expr.Operator == SetIntersection {
   753  		// The result of intersecting with the empty set is the empty set. In
   754  		// this case, we can discard the non-empty child.
   755  		if expr.Left == nil {
   756  			expr.Right = nil
   757  		} else if expr.Right == nil {
   758  			expr.Left = nil
   759  		}
   760  	}
   761  	if expr.Left == nil && expr.Right == nil {
   762  		expr.Operator = None
   763  		expr.SpansToRead = expr.FactoredUnionSpans
   764  	}
   765  }
   767  func unionSpans(left []Span, right []Span) []Span {
   768  	if len(left) == 0 {
   769  		return right
   770  	}
   771  	if len(right) == 0 {
   772  		return left
   773  	}
   774  	// Both left and right are non-empty.
   776  	// The output spans.
   777  	var spans []Span
   778  	// Contains the current span being merged into.
   779  	var mergeSpan Span
   780  	// Indexes into left and right.
   781  	var i, j int
   783  	swapLeftRight := func() {
   784  		i, j = j, i
   785  		left, right = right, left
   786  	}
   788  	// makeMergeSpan is used to initialize mergeSpan. It uses the span from
   789  	// left or right that has an earlier start. Additionally, it swaps left
   790  	// and right if the mergeSpan was initialized using right, so the mergeSpan
   791  	// is coming from the left.
   792  	// REQUIRES: i < len(left) || j < len(right).
   793  	makeMergeSpan := func() {
   794  		if i >= len(left) || (j < len(right) && bytes.Compare(left[i].Start, right[j].Start) > 0) {
   795  			swapLeftRight()
   796  		}
   797  		mergeSpan = left[i]
   798  		i++
   799  	}
   800  	makeMergeSpan()
   801  	// We only need to merge spans into mergeSpan while we have more
   802  	// spans from the right. Once the right is exhausted we know that
   803  	// the remaining spans from the left (including mergeSpan) can be
   804  	// appended to the output unchanged.
   805  	for j < len(right) {
   806  		cmpEndStart := cmpExcEndWithIncStart(mergeSpan, right[j])
   807  		if cmpEndStart >= 0 {
   808  			if extendSpanEnd(&mergeSpan, right[j], cmpEndStart) {
   809  				// The right side extended the span, so now it plays the
   810  				// role of the left.
   811  				j++
   812  				swapLeftRight()
   813  			} else {
   814  				j++
   815  			}
   816  			continue
   817  		}
   818  		// Cannot extend mergeSpan.
   819  		spans = append(spans, mergeSpan)
   820  		makeMergeSpan()
   821  	}
   822  	spans = append(spans, mergeSpan)
   823  	spans = append(spans, left[i:]...)
   824  	return spans
   825  }
   827  func intersectSpans(left []Span, right []Span) []Span {
   828  	if len(left) == 0 || len(right) == 0 {
   829  		return nil
   830  	}
   832  	// Both left and right are non-empty
   834  	// The output spans.
   835  	var spans []Span
   836  	// Indexes into left and right.
   837  	var i, j int
   838  	// Contains the current span being intersected.
   839  	var mergeSpan Span
   840  	var mergeSpanInitialized bool
   841  	swapLeftRight := func() {
   842  		i, j = j, i
   843  		left, right = right, left
   844  	}
   845  	// Initializes mergeSpan. Additionally, arranges it such that the span has
   846  	// come from left. i continues to refer to the index used to initialize
   847  	// mergeSpan.
   848  	// REQUIRES: i < len(left) && j < len(right)
   849  	makeMergeSpan := func() {
   850  		if bytes.Compare(left[i].Start, right[j].Start) > 0 {
   851  			swapLeftRight()
   852  		}
   853  		mergeSpan = left[i]
   854  		mergeSpanInitialized = true
   855  	}
   857  	for i < len(left) && j < len(right) {
   858  		if !mergeSpanInitialized {
   859  			makeMergeSpan()
   860  		}
   861  		cmpEndStart := cmpExcEndWithIncStart(mergeSpan, right[j])
   862  		if cmpEndStart > 0 {
   863  			// The intersection of these spans is non-empty.
   864  			mergeSpan.Start = right[j].Start
   865  			mergeSpanEnd := mergeSpan.End
   866  			cmpEnds := cmpEnds(mergeSpan, right[j])
   867  			if cmpEnds > 0 {
   868  				// The right span constrains the end of the intersection.
   869  				mergeSpan.End = right[j].End
   870  			}
   871  			// Else the mergeSpan is not constrained by the right span,
   872  			// so it is already ready to be appended to the output.
   874  			// Append to the spans that will be output.
   875  			spans = append(spans, mergeSpan)
   877  			// Now decide whether we should continue intersecting with what
   878  			// is left of the original mergeSpan.
   879  			if cmpEnds < 0 {
   880  				// The mergeSpan constrained the end of the intersection.
   881  				// So nothing left of the original mergeSpan. The rightSpan
   882  				// should become the new mergeSpan since it is guaranteed to
   883  				// have a start <= the next span from the left and it has
   884  				// something leftover.
   885  				i++
   886  				mergeSpan.Start = mergeSpan.End
   887  				mergeSpan.End = right[j].End
   888  				swapLeftRight()
   889  			} else if cmpEnds == 0 {
   890  				// Both spans end at the same key, so both are consumed.
   891  				i++
   892  				j++
   893  				mergeSpanInitialized = false
   894  			} else {
   895  				// The right span constrained the end of the intersection.
   896  				// So there is something left of the original mergeSpan.
   897  				j++
   898  				mergeSpan.Start = mergeSpan.End
   899  				mergeSpan.End = mergeSpanEnd
   900  			}
   901  		} else {
   902  			// Intersection is empty
   903  			i++
   904  			mergeSpanInitialized = false
   905  		}
   906  	}
   907  	return spans
   908  }
   910  // subtractSpans subtracts right from left, under the assumption that right is a
   911  // subset of left.
   912  func subtractSpans(left []Span, right []Span) []Span {
   913  	if len(right) == 0 {
   914  		return left
   915  	}
   916  	// Both left and right are non-empty
   918  	// The output spans.
   919  	var out []Span
   921  	// Contains the current span being subtracted.
   922  	var mergeSpan Span
   923  	var mergeSpanInitialized bool
   924  	// Indexes into left and right.
   925  	var i, j int
   926  	for j < len(right) {
   927  		if !mergeSpanInitialized {
   928  			mergeSpan = left[i]
   929  			mergeSpanInitialized = true
   930  		}
   931  		cmpEndStart := cmpExcEndWithIncStart(mergeSpan, right[j])
   932  		if cmpEndStart > 0 {
   933  			// mergeSpan will have some part subtracted by the right span.
   934  			cmpStart := bytes.Compare(mergeSpan.Start, right[j].Start)
   935  			if cmpStart < 0 {
   936  				// There is some part of mergeSpan before the right span starts. Add it
   937  				// to the output.
   938  				out = append(out, Span{Start: mergeSpan.Start, End: right[j].Start})
   939  				mergeSpan.Start = right[j].Start
   940  			}
   941  			// Else cmpStart == 0, since the right side is a subset of the left.
   943  			// Invariant: mergeSpan.start == right[j].start
   944  			cmpEnd := cmpEnds(mergeSpan, right[j])
   945  			if cmpEnd == 0 {
   946  				// Both spans end at the same key, so both are consumed.
   947  				i++
   948  				j++
   949  				mergeSpanInitialized = false
   950  				continue
   951  			}
   953  			// Invariant: cmpEnd > 0, since the right side is a subset of the left.
   954  			mergeSpan.Start = right[j].End
   955  			j++
   956  		} else {
   957  			// Right span starts after mergeSpan ends.
   958  			out = append(out, mergeSpan)
   959  			i++
   960  			mergeSpanInitialized = false
   961  		}
   962  	}
   963  	if mergeSpanInitialized {
   964  		out = append(out, mergeSpan)
   965  		i++
   966  	}
   967  	out = append(out, left[i:]...)
   968  	return out
   969  }
   971  // Compares the exclusive end key of left with the inclusive start key of
   972  // right.
   973  // Examples:
   974  // [a, b), [b, c) == 0
   975  // [a, a\x00), [a, c) == +1
   976  // [a, c), [d, e) == -1
   977  func cmpExcEndWithIncStart(left, right Span) int {
   978  	return bytes.Compare(left.End, right.Start)
   979  }
   981  // Extends the left span using the right span. Will return true iff
   982  // left was extended, i.e., the left.end < right.end, and
   983  // false otherwise.
   984  func extendSpanEnd(left *Span, right Span, cmpExcEndIncStart int) bool {
   985  	if cmpExcEndIncStart == 0 {
   986  		// Definitely extends.
   987  		left.End = right.End
   988  		return true
   989  	}
   990  	// cmpExcEndIncStart > 0, so left covers at least right.start. But may not
   991  	// cover right.end.
   992  	if bytes.Compare(left.End, right.End) < 0 {
   993  		left.End = right.End
   994  		return true
   995  	}
   996  	return false
   997  }
   999  // Compares the end keys of left and right.
  1000  func cmpEnds(left, right Span) int {
  1001  	return bytes.Compare(left.End, right.End)
  1002  }
  1004  // Representing multi-column constraints
  1005  //
  1006  // Building multi-column constraints is complicated even for the regular
  1007  // index case (see idxconstraint and constraints packages). Because the
  1008  // constraints code is not generating a full expression and it can immediately
  1009  // evaluate intersections, it takes an approach of traversing the expression
  1010  // at monotonically increasing column offsets (e.g. makeSpansForAnd() and the
  1011  // offset+delta logic). This allows it to build up Key constraints in increasing
  1012  // order of the index column (say labeled @1, @2, ...), instead of needing to
  1013  // handle an arbitrary order, and then combine them using Constraint.Combine().
  1014  // This repeated traversal at different offsets is a simplification and can
  1015  // result in spans that are wider than optimal.
  1016  //
  1017  // Example 1:
  1018  // index-constraints vars=(int, int, int) index=(@1 not null, @2 not null, @3 not null)
  1019  // ((@1 = 1 AND @3 = 5) OR (@1 = 3 AND @3 = 10)) AND (@2 = 76)
  1020  // ----
  1021  // [/1/76/5 - /1/76/5]
  1022  // [/1/76/10 - /1/76/10]
  1023  // [/3/76/5 - /3/76/5]
  1024  // [/3/76/10 - /3/76/10]
  1025  // Remaining filter: ((@1 = 1) AND (@3 = 5)) OR ((@1 = 3) AND (@3 = 10))
  1026  //
  1027  // Note that in example 1 we produce the spans with the single key /1/76/10
  1028  // and /3/76/5 which are not possible -- this is because the application of
  1029  // the @3 constraint happened at the higher level after the @2 constraint had
  1030  // been applied, and at that higher level the @3 constraint was now the set
  1031  // {5, 10}, so it needed to be applied to both the /1/76 and /3/76 span.
  1032  //
  1033  // In contrast example 2 is able to apply the @2 constraint inside each of the
  1034  // sub-expressions and results in a tight span.
  1035  //
  1036  // Example 2:
  1037  // index-constraints vars=(int, int, int) index=(@1 not null, @2 not null, @3 not null)
  1038  // ((@1 = 1 AND @2 = 5) OR (@1 = 3 AND @2 = 10)) AND (@3 = 76)
  1039  // ----
  1040  // [/1/5/76 - /1/5/76]
  1041  // [/3/10/76 - /3/10/76]
  1042  //
  1043  // We note that:
  1044  // - Working with spans of only the inverted column is much easier for factoring.
  1045  // - It is not yet clear how important multi-column constraints are for inverted
  1046  //   index performance.
  1047  // - We cannot adopt the approach of traversing at monotonically increasing
  1048  //   column offsets since we are trying to build an expression. We want to
  1049  //   traverse once, to build up the expression tree. One possibility would be
  1050  //   to incrementally build the expression tree with the caller traversing once
  1051  //   but additionally keep track of the span constraints for each PK column at
  1052  //   each node in the already build expression tree. To illustrate, consider
  1053  //   an example 1' akin to example 1 where @1 is an inverted column:
  1054  //   ((f(@1, 1) AND @3 = 5) OR (f(@1, 3) AND @3 = 10)) AND (@2 = 76)
  1055  //   and the functions f(@1, 1) and f(@1, 3) each give a single value for the
  1056  //   inverted column (this could be something like f @> '{"a":1}'::json).
  1057  //   Say we already have the expression tree built for:
  1058  //   ((f(@1, 1) AND @3 = 5) OR (f(@1, 3) AND @3 = 10))
  1059  //   When the constraint for (@2 = 76) is anded we traverse this built tree
  1060  //   and add this constraint to each node. Note that we are delaying building
  1061  //   something akin to a constraint.Key since we are encountering the constraints
  1062  //   in arbitrary column order. Then after the full expression tree is built,
  1063  //   one traverses and builds the inverted spans and primary key spans (latter
  1064  //   could reuse constraint.Span for each node).
  1065  // - The previous bullet is doable but complicated, and especially increases the
  1066  //   complexity of factoring spans when unioning and intersecting while building
  1067  //   up sub-expressions. One needs to either factor taking into account the
  1068  //   current per-column PK constraints or delay it until the end (I gave up
  1069  //   half-way through writing the code, as it doesn't seem worth the complexity).
  1070  //
  1071  // In the following we adopt a much simpler approach. The caller generates the
  1072  // the inverted index expression and the PK spans separately.
  1073  //
  1074  // - Generating the inverted index expression: The caller does a single
  1075  //   traversal and calls the methods in this package. For every
  1076  //   leaf-sub-expression on the non-inverted columns it uses a marker
  1077  //   NonInvertedColExpression. Anding a NonInvertedColExpression results in a
  1078  //   non-tight inverted expression and Oring a NonInvertedColExpression
  1079  //   results in discarding the inverted expression built so far. This package
  1080  //   does factoring for ands and ors involving inverted expressions
  1081  //   incrementally, and this factoring is straightforward since it involves a
  1082  //   single column.
  1083  // - Generating the PK spans (optional): The caller can use something like
  1084  //   idxconstraint, pretending that the PK columns of the inverted index
  1085  //   are the index columns. Every leaf inverted sub-expression is replaced
  1086  //   with true. This is because when not representing the inverted column
  1087  //   constraint we need the weakest possible constraint on the PK columns.
  1088  //   Using example 1' again,
  1089  //   ((f(@1, 1) AND @3 = 5) OR (f(@1, 3) AND @3 = 10)) AND (@2 = 76)
  1090  //   when generating the PK constraints we would use
  1091  //   (@3 = 5 OR @3 = 10) AND (@2 = 76)
  1092  //   So the PK spans will be:
  1093  //   [/76/5, /76/5], [/76/10, /76/10]
  1094  // - The spans in the inverted index expression can be composed with the
  1095  //   spans of the PK columns to narrow wherever possible.
  1096  //   Continuing with example 1', the inverted index expression will be
  1097  //   v11 \union v13, corresponding to f(@1, 1) and f(@1, 3), where each
  1098  //   of v11 and v13 are single value spans. And this expression is not tight
  1099  //   (because of the anding with NonInvertedColExpression).
  1100  //   The PK spans, [/76/5, /76/5], [/76/10, /76/10], are also single key spans.
  1101  //   This is a favorable example in that we can compose all these singleton
  1102  //   spans to get single inverted index rows:
  1103  //   /v11/76/5, /v11/76/10, /v13/76/5, /v13/76/10
  1104  //   (this is also a contrived example since with such narrow constraints
  1105  //   on the PK, we would possibly not use the inverted index).
  1106  //
  1107  //   If one constructs example 2' (derived from example 2 in the same way
  1108  //   we derived example 1'), we would have
  1109  //   ((f(@1, 1) AND @2 = 5) OR (f(@1, 3) AND @2 = 10)) AND (@3 = 76)
  1110  //   and the inverted index expression would be:
  1111  //   v11 \union v13
  1112  //   and the PK spans:
  1113  //   [/5/76, /5/76], [/10/76, /10/76]
  1114  //   And so the inverted index rows would be:
  1115  //   /v11/5/76, /v11/10/76, /v13/5/76, /v13/10/76
  1116  //   This is worse than example 2 (and resembles example 1 and 1') since
  1117  //   we are taking the cross-product.
  1118  //
  1119  //   TODO(sumeer): write this composition code.